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  • File : 1308219211.jpg-(60 KB, 720x540, canucks.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:13 No.12943028  
    some girl getting raped during the rioting

    stay classy furpuck fans
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:14 No.12943033
    i think she's giving birth
    >> Mustard Buzzard !vZ/9RyJUGE!!NX52BnSbD9T 06/16/11(Thu)06:16 No.12943046
         File1308219371.jpg-(50 KB, 600x400, deucelaughing.jpg)
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    Looks like an ex of mine.

    >Mfw she was asking for and probably enjoyed it
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:17 No.12943056
    why were you taking pictures of it from your roof instead of running downstairs to help?

    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:18 No.12943061
    u jelly?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:18 No.12943068
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:19 No.12943072
    Is it the same as
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:20 No.12943081
    That's that alpha canadian dude who is scoring the only way canadians know how.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:23 No.12943099
         File1308219800.jpg-(112 KB, 660x482, 1285568086485.jpg)
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    fucking furpuck fags are disgusting
    >> JoeHawks !!6SD0R629UW7 06/16/11(Thu)06:25 No.12943125
         File1308219949.jpg-(78 KB, 300x434, 1304656106711.jpg)
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    holy shit. It is.

    Though, for all we know, they were probably on molly.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:28 No.12943140
    facebook dot com/pages/Vancouver-Riot-Pics-Post-Your-Photos/121837081234162

    THIS PAGE IS GOLD! People live updating on faceboook!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:28 No.12943142
    she looks fatter from this angle.

    fantasy RUINED
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:28 No.12943144
    >your team loses
    >rape one of your own women

    Stay classy, Canada
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:28 No.12943145
    the girl was probably Luongo's sister
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:29 No.12943148
         File1308220153.jpg-(24 KB, 205x205, 1306035086991.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:29 No.12943154
         File1308220196.jpg-(48 KB, 604x425, 248202_1685432589073_163539008(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:30 No.12943157
    O Canada...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:31 No.12943160
    How is this rape
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:34 No.12943171
    do you honestly expect some of these introverts to know what rape is?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:34 No.12943173
    Knees together
    Crowd of guys
    Guy in white shirt wants to stop it but is to beta
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:37 No.12943186
    >implying it's rape

    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:39 No.12943191
    Dumbasses, its a photo shop

    Someone just shooped the picture of the couple making out into this to make hockey fans look terrible

    Must have taken you all night OP
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:40 No.12943195
         File1308220804.jpg-(38 KB, 294x475, 43242342.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)06:41 No.12943204
    >in the middle of a busy street with police everywhere
    >in the other picture she has her arm around him kissing him
    try harder

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