1. /lit/ - English major = McDonald's2. /x/ - GHOSTS ARE NOT REAL3. /co/ - Preston threads4. /g/ - Browser Wars5. /v/ - PS3 NO GAEMS (Retro edition)6. /co/ - Anime is better7. /gif/ - Fake porn screamers8. /tv/ - The Big Bang Theory9001. /b/ -Anything9002. /sp/ - Soccer
>yellow card
>9002. yellow card
/sci/ - I'm stuck on my homework guys. pls help. btw I'm a girl teehee ~
>1. /sp/ - Anything
You forgot /a/ - Naruto thread.Create a naruto thread and there's garaunteed replies.
/ck/ - MSG
/mu/ 2 years ago - Neutral Milk Hotel thread/mu/ now - Dubstep thread
/fit/ - Spot reduction/Toning/ck/ - Vegan/weeaboo food, Say you like your steaks well done/sp/ - anything involving bandwagon soccer teams/v/ - Pokemon thread
/sp/ bringing up academics in an SEC Speed thread
>8. /tv/ - The Big Bang TheoryNo, no, making fun of Community on /tv/ = guaranteed butthurt.
>>11954682Last Night I ordered two sub. I arrived home, I and my friend ate Subs, half hours later, we pooped. In the morning we got pain head. That is MSG in Meat.
>implying /lit/ has english majors and not just fantasy faggots
>>11954682MSG is fucking delicious
/mu/ - anything
>>11954832This.I love that show and definitely suffer from massive anuspain when people on /tv/ troll about hating it.
/sci/ - telling them that an Engineering degree doesn't make them an Engineer not #1
/sci/ - bring up religion
>/sp/ - >yurop not #1
Every other board - Steal a get.
>>11954963>implying anyone from /sci/ is past their freshman year or even out of high school
>yellow card not no 1>yellow card
>/g/just start a thread saying "if you dont own a mac you're a forever alone fagoot with no friends"Also /o/ just some hondas/ricers/hipster shit gets the blood flowing
/int/ - Pretend to be a male of African descent who is engaging in sexual intercourse with ethnic European women with Germanic or Nordic heritage.
>/m/U.C. is shit
/a/ - cartoons are better/co/ - anime is bettermaximum trolling.jpg