>Using /sp/ memes on Facebook
>putting your aspergers in the fridge
>Mark Gjurashaj
>exposing yourself as a /sp/artan on /fb/
>reposting this thread 100 times today
>Having a Facebook
>>11410858>being on /sp/ for the whole day
>>11410876>not having friends
yeah, I saw this earlier and I have to say that I'm pretty ashamed to be a /sp/artan if that fucking guy with the confederate flag face paint goes here or is in any way representative of the /sp/ population
>>11411066He actually looks exactly like my mental image of a typical /sp/ browser.
>>11410905>having internet friends you never meet
>>11411129Yeah I always picture the average /sp/ browser being a slightly overweight fat racist white guy
>>11411187Just because you have the confederate flag on you doesn't mean you're a racist.
>mfw my friends on FB use memes every so often and I have stayed perfectly quiet and nobody suspects I go on 4chan
>not being a fan of this page
>>11411204But it doesn't mean you're NOT racist
A startling new development.Let's get this shit started:>Will Barr
>memes show up on tumblr>tumblr fags all over my news feed posting coolface, rageface, etc.>mfw
>>11411222>sucking dick>mind blowing gay sex
>average /sp/ poster
>Will Barr
>>11411187Slightly overweight? I imagine the average /sp/ user as some fat, balding, 30 something, high school has been.pic related
>mfw I leave the meme spouting to my Tony Kornheiser account
>>11411314>missed the FF thread
>>11411268>Lives in NC>Likes the Clippers
>mfw "not putting your" and "putting your" will soon be an auto ban on /sp/ and people will start using >npy
if someone was really bored, they could have fun with the faggots that posted on OP's pic
>>11411391>sage hill>sage>implying
>>11411391>implying that's not a troll account
>>11411406>Went to Sage Hill School>Sagetake the hint
>>11411406Yeah i'd stick my penis inside her
>>11411434>>11411433>>11411407So now girls can't post on /sp/ ??
>>11411473American females on /sp/ have shit taste in teams.
>>11411406>sage hill highschool>likes artscowIt's a fake account that was used to obtain the free mousepad from the ArtsCow offer ages ago.
>>11411581>he said he was a white guy>he said>believing what people say on /sp/if I were black I would probably troll as a white racist
>>11411489sister looks pretty decent. more pics of your sister akeem.
if people greentext on fb for long enough, the regulars from facebook will pick up on it and then everyone on facebook will use it regardless of them not knowing where it came from.
>>11411489>Akeemwasn't this the same guy who was on here yesterday posting pics with all those girls and anons backtraced him? Or was this someone else?
>>11411602I am black and I do troll as a white racist
>implying is not a trap
I just imagined what /sp/ would be like in a facebook format. Commenting whenever you want..liking comments...not sure if want
>>11411712id love it. to have my own profile on here, comment with ease. but hey, i guess im an attention whore
>>11411836You kinda deserved it, bro. Posting /sp/ memes outside of /sp/ is aspie as fuck.
>not twitter searching "USA WON FIFA, Kobr, etc... "
New trip
>>11411836>liking "Travellin' Man"Creepy, I was just listening to that. Thumbs up.
>>11411927Looks like the "fame" has got to him. You'll fit right in as a tripfag.
>>11411927>mfw people are using my name as a trip on 4chan
>American facebook drama
All these anons...
>>11412065>Implying whities don't get raped by blackieAkeem probably has a 10 inch dick you guys jelly?
>>11412097>praising someones dick on 4chanhate to break it to you, but you're a faggot
akeem how old are you?you look 14 or so
>2 tripfags see this thread>2 tripfags now like George Costanza on FBWHY
What has 4chan become...
The faces of faggots.
>>11412155I turn 16 in may
>liking George Costanza page on facebook
>>1141215520, just check my profile. http://www.facebook.com/#!/AJHamilton18 Everyone thinks i'm younger than i actually am.
Like flies round shit.
>>11412224Brittfar detected
>>11412237>using my name as a trip
Thank you based SLYhttp://www.facebook.com/SLY9D
>say "nigger nigger nigger nigger 1000 times a day on here>suddenly find out a black guy goes on here(not surprising)>crave his cock and ask him 21 questions>white people
>sending me mfw messagescome on guys
>>11412260LOL he's a dodgerbro leave him alone
>mfw UZWorm posted on the page
Mods if you dont like black people on /sp/ you just need to say it, no need to ban me 3 days for "racism"
>my face when Merkans now have their own drama opposite of Yuros Mouse, Hansa, Baba, Heisenberg, Mou faggotry
/sp/artans, /sp/artans every where
>>11412395I'm sorry are we tripping and circle jerking each other making /sp/ look like fucking /soc/?No, go get your ration before you go even more insane.
>>11412374I got a 3 day racism ban for calling someone from Europe poor yesterday, what is it with this mod?
I got banned yesterday for posting a "cry more, bitch nigga" picture, 3 days for racism. I got lifted today thou.
>>11412441He's never been to /sp/ before and the only reason he's here is because moot is making him leave /a/ once a day to check on other boards. Also his mom is making him leave the basement once a day to get the cheeto crumbs out of his neckbeard.
>not being anonymous on facebookCool shit, namefag attention whores
>>11412470>mfw I got banned for saying nigga but I am blacky mod?
>>11412487>being anonymous on Facebook
Well this entire ordeal just solidified Costanza.jpg past forced meme territory.
>implying there aren't girls on /sp/
>>11412539I have the biggest hardon right now.
>actually using facebookjust use a fucking phone if you want to talk to someone.
>>11412539>Senior Game Advisor at GameStop
More females on /sp/All these women are probably stoners. Not worth my time.
>>11412566>Complain that people are using Facebook>lurk 4chan all day instead
>>11412575>In a relationshipOh Matt, it's fucking on.
>Monica TheFreezer Cooley
>>11412566>being a weeaboo with no friends
>>11412597>mfw im already friends with her.
>>11412575>senior game advisor at Gamestop
>>11412612>friends with people on /sp/
>Not calling it ess pee
>>11412640>realizing she's a Packer fan and "TheFreezer" is a BJ Raji reference>>11412631u jelly?
>>11412612Look what I did, and I'm not friends with her.
>>11412649Only if it had been Hansa
>>11412575Goddamn bigfoot stealing my name fucking whore.
>Monica The Freezer Cooley
>this thread
>>11412631>not being friends with people from /sp/
>>11412703damn bro you so cool being friends with an attention whore from /sp/
>>11412713>not keeping your private and /sp/-life separate
>Having friends you met on 4chan on your facebook. >Having friends you met on 4chan>Having friends you met>Having friends.
>>11412715>be buttmad over basically nothing
Dough Mitchell is Brittfar.
>>11412740>giving a shit either way
So many /sp/artans on that page.
>>11412758>mfw a co-worker reports you for being on pedo-websites
>>11412740>scared of people on the internet
>>11412758>using yourself to make a reaction image
>>11412758>posting a picture of yourself on 4chan. >Brittfar
>using a reaction images as your profile pictureMan, /sp/ are an ugly bunch.
>another girl on 4chan
>>11412777so you watch bangbus too, mouse?
>>11412777>>11412826That's from bangbus? Do share sauce.
>>11412813not everyone.
>>11412758the lead singer of yellowcard browses /sp/?
>>11412819>mfw it's a ladyboy trap
>>11412849Hopefully it's the one on the right...
>>11412849>implying they aren't both solid 7's
>>11412819troll account
>james hermsky>not sure if troll
>>11412703>girl that works at gamestop
>Leo Edin >Bandwagoning the Canucksidonthinkso.jpg
>>11412968Bandwagoning from an early age
I feel sorry for the real George Costanza fans who have had their page taken over by a bunch of weird strangers
>>11411368>>11411368>>11411368No one noticed, but fucking agreed.>mfw >npy becomes the new norm
>>11412983hurr u mad>>11413005>implying i look anything like J Biebs
>>11413022I did notice, it made me wonder how much time I could have saved to do more important things.
>Monica TheFreezer Cooley>from Wisconsin>works at gamestopif that doesn't scream tub of lard, I don't know what does
if I posted, it would painfully obvious what super popular trip I amI wouldn't want taht
>>11413022Why haven't I thought of that?
>mfw people don't remember Mrs.Rodgers
>Akeem>likes Yu Yu Hakushogb2 /a/ faggot
>>11413112>spilling the beans
>>11413112goes to show how much shit can change in a year
>>11413112I do, and I still have that pic she posted <3
>>11413115lol u mad cause you never grew up with toonami?
>>11413115>not liking Yu Yu Hakusho
>>11412566>actually using a phonejust use a fucking facebook if you want to talk to someone.
>naming your kid Leo
>not fapping to facebook pictures
>>11413058solid 7
anyone who actually uses facebook is either in high school or a needy randumb faggot.seriously why is this shit even on /sp/?
>>11413254>he doesn't realize FB was originally for college students
>>11413254enjoy your angst
>>11413254someone's mad they have no friends