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  • File : 1313622245.jpg-(104 KB, 604x600)
    104 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:04 No.3582634   [Reply]
    How important are high school science and math courses in terms of preparing you for college? I'm starting Calculus in a week, although I don't have a very strong background in math. Picture unrelated.
    >> Zoology fag here 08/17/11(Wed)19:09 No.3582666
    Depends on what you're doing specifically. If you're getting an english degree it doesn't matter much.
    Most of my non-science gen-eds were taken care of by AP credits, and as for the few science AP credits I got, the ones I passed prepared me decently well. I mean, I stuggled with BC calc in HS, didn't pass the BC portion (because of uncontrollable BS, but that's another story) but I did pass the AB portion. So, I still had to take calc 2 in college, which I struggled with less because I'd already seen the material to an extent.
    I'm sure it depends on the teacher in HS and the prof. in college to some extent as well. I had a terrible AP chem teacher, but even with that background knowledge I passed gen. chem 1 with an A and gen chem 2 with a B+.
    Having some familiarity with the material probably helps.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:12 No.3582677
    Fuck if I know, I screwed around and partied in highschool. Calculus is easy though lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:14 No.3582686
    I'd say you're probably going to have about an average to worse time.

    Generally if you haven't learned math you're not that smart:

    Learning math by pure rote and rules trains basically the left part of your brain to access info, suppress stress, etc.

    Learning math by more visual-spatial or logical connections trains the right side of your brain, and is dependent on linking concepts and recalling information from experience more than rote, and using various strategies.

    If you don't understand math well either way, then yeah, you probably won't do exceptionally well in college, but it's more because of a general disparity in cognition. Don't be alarmed, most people aren't that smart and do just fine in the world.

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    3 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:28 No.3582438   [Reply]
    21/Genesee Community College
    Engineering shit, I'm not gay it's just I'm in a prison and Engineering is the only thing available
    2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:36 No.3582493
    Have you considered the possibility that he might be planning on doing more serious engineering after he gets his two year degree and moves on to a four year school?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:36 No.3582494
    >implying different kinds of physics or math
    Why don't your post your age and college?

    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:07 No.3582651
    Has to be more than one college person browsing /sci/
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:11 No.3582670
    In my state, having the job title of "engineer" is illegal if you do not have an engineering degree.

    Furthermore, to be called a "professional engineer" requires not only a bachelor's degree in engineering, but you must also take an "Engineer in training" exam (FE-EIT) after you graduate. After you work for (I believe) 4+ years (or you can get a masters, I think), you can take the professional engineering exam, and if you pass it, you are an engineer by profession.

    Your average engineering graduate from a university is not an engineer.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:13 No.3582685
    Wait a second,
    Since I'm thinking about computer engineering, my brother told me they don't have to take the FE exam? So I won't become a professional engineer?

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    476 KB Silicon Valley billionaire funds Libertarian seasteading project Mad Scientist !!Q11PG81nz2n 08/17/11(Wed)17:25 No.3581973   [Reply]\

    "Pay Pal founder and early Facebook investor Peter Thiel has given $1.25 million
    to an initiative to create floating libertarian countries in international
    waters, according to a profile of the billionaire in Details magazine.

    Thiel has been a big backer of the Seasteading Institute, which seeks to build
    sovereign nations on oil rig-like platforms to occupy waters beyond the reach of
    law-of-the-sea treaties. The idea is for these countries to start from
    scratch--free from the laws, regulations, and moral codes of any existing place.
    Details says the experiment would be "a kind of floating petri dish for
    implementing policies that libertarians, stymied by indifference at the voting
    booths, have been unable to advance: no welfare, looser building codes, no
    minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons."

    What say you, /sci/? I may not care for his politics and think sea platforms with loose building codes are a poor idea in an age of worsening hurricanes and tsunamis but it should at least be tremendously entertaining to watch.
    89 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:09 No.3582664
    Why so deep, what's wrong with 30 ft?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:11 No.3582674
    Hello, I have Asperger's Syndrome.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:12 No.3582679
    Equality is not moral its immoral, because you will always have to abuse the ones that are better to make them equal to the worse. Equality is impossible. How much empirical evidence do people need that redistribution doesn't work, how long will you continue the religious doctrine of equality under god and push economic creationism.
    >> Mad Scientist !!Q11PG81nz2n 08/17/11(Wed)19:13 No.3582683
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    >Why so deep, what's wrong with 30 ft?

    Wave action. The influence of a wave weakens with depth. In shallow water, when a wave passes overhead it's moving not just water on the surface (up and down, not horizontally for the most part) but an entire layer of the ocean that diminishes in strength the deeper you go.

    At 30 feet you have some insulation but not much, at 60 feet the insulation is good enough that a well ballasted structure can reliably weather storms but will still be subject to stresses from it (the Aquarius is at this depth and has weathered many hurricanes without incident) but to completely escape the influence of storms altogether you need to be below 200 feet.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:13 No.3582684
    why build a floating city when there is plenty of free space on earth? Or why not just buy a small, uninhabited island and build a city there?

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    51 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:46 No.3582539   [Reply]
    what's the difference between:

    a sea and an ocean?
    a lake, lagoon and pond?
    a river and a stream?
    12 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:09 No.3582662
    Meat is murder. It's immoral food.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:10 No.3582668
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    Not falling for it!
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:11 No.3582673
    If I recall correctly from elementary school, some of the differences may have to do with how they are formed.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:12 No.3582676
    A lagoon actually is different from a pond/lake. Lagoons are salty, at sea level, and directly adjacent to the ocean/sea/gulf/bay/harbor.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:12 No.3582682
    Women are smarter than men. It's scientific.

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    17 KB Get it through your thick skulls! Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)13:05 No.3580975   [Reply]
    Let me repeat it for the most dense of you: there's absolutely no proof of any correlation between any definition of genetic ancestry and any abstract concept of "intelligence". None.

    Genes coding for melanin production are in no way related to genes coding for brain development. The only genetic difference between different groups of homo sapiens that is large enough to make an expectation of any difference in mental capacity even somewhat reasonable on a predictive level would be the one between sexes (but again, there's no evidence).

    I guess this racist view stems from fallacious racial studies about IQ circulating on the internet. What people fail to see is that raw intelligence as we define it, is a highly mutable variable. A child with good upbringing will inevitably have a higher IQ than a child living in poverty focusing on it's utmost basic survival instinct. It is all about mental stimulus - the studies on gliacyte long have revealed that the brain be trained like a muscle. Children in third world countries and poor children in general just lack the possibilities to induce growth.
    160 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:08 No.3582661
    >Confuses emphasis with rage
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:09 No.3582665
    You could have just shortened up your post and said "I'm not the dumb one! You are! NO U!"

    Ok, so you want me to just guess at what you're trying to say.

    > differentiating race is no more invalid than species
    Ok, and differentiating species is invalid, right? Wasn't that the whole point of that ring species shit?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:10 No.3582669
    >where he went off topic
    Huh, in the post at the end it explains how it was on topic....
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:11 No.3582672
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    People often talk about how bad "racism" is, but then immediately turn around and start bashing white people. Many times they even do this in the same very sentence, completely obvious to the hypocrisy.

    In particular, the stereotyping of white people as arrogant, privileged, or (ironically) racists is completely unjustified. What's more, it dehumanizes white people and turns them into acceptable targets for more severe forms of racism. "He's a privileged white male born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he is probably a racist too. He deserves to be taken down a notch" is what goes through people's minds when they see a white person being victimized. Did you know that there are frequent (as in multiple times per week) "flash mob" style riots all over the world where white people are deliberately targeted for violent beatings? This "they deserve it" attitude permeates society, and so the mainstream media does not report these events, and the criminals who are caught usually go free. White people are people too, and most of them have it just as hard as anyone else.

    The super-rich elites comprise a very very tiny portion of the population, and they don't care about race so much as they care about the advancement of their own families. That they happen to be white and/or jewish reflects not on whites and/or jews as a whole, but instead on just how corrupt these elites are. If we focused on a country that was colonized by blacks and in which blacks comprised the majority of the wealthy elite, we'd be seeing the elite blacks doing exact same things that we see the elite whites doing in the West. Indeed, such behaviors are occurring right now in countries like South Africa, Japan, and Zimbabwe.

    So I say to you now, people who claim to be opposed to "racism": fuck off, you filthy scumbags. You aren't fooling anyone.

    Pic related, it's what OP really wanted to say.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:12 No.3582680
    No it wasn't. The point was differentiating between species isn't perfect, but it's obviously still fucking valid and useful.... Just like race!!!! Ohhh, now that it's spelled out for you, you can finally understand... Are you still going to try to argue all those insults about you aren't true and just ad homs?

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    25 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)06:03 No.3579511   [Reply]
    Why are jelly fish immortal?
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)07:52 No.3579749
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    Jellyfish are pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)07:54 No.3579753
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    oh and the cover to it.
    I'm done.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)08:02 No.3579767

    Nice read, thanks for uploading it.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582639
    So if we keep our knowledge after reverting, then would we still be considered children for working and sexual purposes until we "grew up" again?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:12 No.3582678
    What the fuck did I just read?

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    4 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582638   [Reply]
    find the most complicated way of writing the number '1' in 4chan's char limit....


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    236 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:47 No.3582543   [Reply]
    Why is community college so easy? I've been bored out of my mind due to it for the past year already. I had my first class of the new semester today and it was just sad

    For in-class quizzes we can use our notes/textbooks as well as ask other people the answers. Tests we take online at home, so we can use our notes/textbooks for them too. And we can retake them as many time as we want within 3 days after the test date.

    Does it ever get harder? I heard from Europeans that higher education in the USA was a joke but I didn't expect it to be true.

    Another year at this community college and then 2 years at a university after I've transfered and I'll have my mechanical engineering degree then without ever having had to study hard. Hehe.
    8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:03 No.3582628
    >higher education in the usa is a joke

    Its actually by far and away the best in the world. England is second best and no other country is even remotely close.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:03 No.3582632
    The difficulty of admission to an institution is directly proportional to the difficulty of its classes. The exams have to be suited to output a normal distribution of grades.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:04 No.3582637
    Canada would like to have a word with you, dicknigger.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:07 No.3582655
    really, best in the world?
    >For in-class quizzes we can use our notes/textbooks as well as ask other people the answers.
    >Tests we take online at home, so we can use our notes/textbooks for them too. And we can retake them as many time as we want within 3 days after the test date.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:11 No.3582671
    >community college
    >higher education

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    14 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:30 No.3582005   [Reply]

    My name is Andrew Ryan. And I'm here to ask you a question...
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:59 No.3582604
    did they actually start building, or is this all in the planning stages still?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:00 No.3582608
    Nope, not unless doctors forsake their oaths. If they adhere to their oath, somebody will have to pay, the doctor, the hospital, ultimately the cost is absorbed by the other patients...

    And if they dont follow their oaths, well then I suppose it might be a crapshoot no matter how much money you had.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:03 No.3582627
    In theory I believe this could work.
    However, someone would probably mess it up by using the loose laws on weapons and going batshit insane on the isolated island.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582641
    You clearly have no idea how many people become doctors for the money.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:09 No.3582667
    I have no problems with people who are legitimately infirm recieving disability...but it pisses me off when people collect it for mental disabilities...I have a brother with cerebral palsy who cant walk, has very limited dexterity and can not conceptualize the way you and I can...he has been employed for over a decade. Radio dj, chip runner in casinos, greeter, theatre, the guy is never without work, he finds things he can do and he does it. I know alot of severely handicapped people through various foundations and most of them all work. I have never met an adult with down syndrome who is not employed for instance.

    "social anxiety" is a fucking stupid excuse for not data entry or something. Hell deliver flyers if thats what you have to do. Staying curled up inside your home seems like a shitty way to live. And there are plenty of things you can do from home anyways, IT by voip for instance. I did that for a few months when I broke my legs. All you need is an internet connection. They actually PREFER if you live alone as that means no chance of interuptions or background chatter.

    I am fairly biased on this subject as I sold drugs when I was a teen and one of my biggest customer bases was a complex full of mostly schitzophrenics who all recieved disability and were all capable of working, and in fact most did, under the table so they would recieve disability. The start of every month was candyland to those people, free money. Drank like fishes too.

    I'd rather see that money go towards work programs then just handing them cash because they got commited 20 years ago for a month ect.

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    295 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:28 No.3581996   [Reply]
    111 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582640
    >The image may not appear, it may cause your Web browser to lock up, or it may crash your computer. Some Web browsers will display a "broken image" icon in response to your attempt to view the picture.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582644
    Download High Resolution Images

    JPEG ( 4.42 MB, 840x6000px )

    Download Full Resolution Images

    JPEG ( 239.23 MB, 5600x40000px )
    TIFF ( 666.37 MB, 5600x40000px )
    >> Time to invade Chad !!yrsvUUPIY4s 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582645

    Holy fuck

    The idea that hubble is well over 10 years old, and it takes this good of pictures? Imagine what the new telescope will be like that is replacing it.

    Also, just filled my backgrounds folder. Thanks man.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:08 No.3582657
    I've got some bad news for you anon....
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:08 No.3582660

    >Imagine what the new telescope will be like that is replacing it.

    Republicans cancelled that.

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