>> |
01/22/11(Sat)04:35 No.613125>>612276
just...kind of frustrating and disheartening. I don't know where to go
anymore. I scroll up to the top to click to my board, and...it's not
there anymore. I turn on the news in the car and hear some crazy story
and think "Aha, I wonder what those lovable bastards at /new/ will say
about this" and then I remember. I never talked about jews and am not an
antisemite, racist, or anything really, and never had anything to do
with those threads, as plenty of other newsonians. I've simply just
always read newspapers and scrolled through google news when I was bored
and stuff, and I finally had people to talk about it with. Blogs and
shitty news website comment sections are nothing compared to 4chan.
Absolutely nothing. I've learned more about national and global politics
and economics than I have in years, free from PC bullshit. Oh god, the
economics, it's like my eyes have been opened. I would kill for an
economics/politics board without the JOOS., but I don't know if that's
And there was passionate, in depth arguments every day,
and the board was always moving, something was always going on.
Following a breaking news story and it taking the board by storm
sparking all kinds of discussion, OC, and yes a fair bit of conspiracy
theories, was simply exciting to be part of that bustling community.
guess I'll have to find a new communitative hobby other than "current
events" now to take solace in. But I can't camwhore, can't do science,
don't play the vidya anymore, don't really read books anymore, don't
watch anime anymore, don't listen to indie or metal, don't like disney
lolis (/tv/ = pedophilia), and can only fap like once a day. So that
cuts like 80% of the boards. I always had r9k to take shelter in and
read some old giant thread full of interesting stuff, but yeah.
It's really quite pathetic I'm so dependent on 4chan, I know...but I have nothing else to do this time of night. |