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    File : 1295673056.jpg-(68 KB, 500x375, 2145237891_fd891e5b66.jpg)
    68 KB ask a transgendered girl anything Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)00:10 No.602945  
    Not a "trap thread", not a camwhoring thread. Just an ask thread~

    inb4hate etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:18 No.603260
    How old were you when you started transition? Do you have a manly voice?
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)00:22 No.603444
    I started hormones at 16, Im almost 21 now.
    no man-voice, sound like most girls my age.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:26 No.603604
    you are a faggot and god hates and condemns you. you were made a man for a reason cocksucker.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:27 No.603659
    I'm so jealous you started so young because you turned out so pretty.

    Is there any pics of you and your boyfriend/fianceé? (I forget which one it is)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:28 No.603700
    What was the reason that made you decide to go through with this sort of thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:28 No.603707
    ACtually nevermind, i didn't read the "Just an ask thread"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:32 No.603889
    Do you refer to your penis is a large clit??
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)00:34 No.603994
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    maybe :3
    pic related lol.

    I never really 'decided' to. I've always identified as female, since pretty much as long as I can remember, and according to my parents, even when I was very little I insisted on it. anyway, they kind of ignored it for a while, they thought I would either grow out of it, or that maybe I was just gay or something. Fast forward to when I was 16 and it still hadn't gone away, I hadn't grown out of it, and I was dealing with really bad depression as a result of it, and I basically told my parents I had to do something about it, or I wouldnt make it another few years.
    I was unable to get a prescription until I turned 18, but I started DIYing hormones not long after I turned 16 with the help and support of my parents. I also took a year off from public school and was homeschooled by my mom in that time, which was about the time I started posting regularly on 4chan lol.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)00:38 No.604157
    Lol, no I usually just don't refer to it at all or talk about it. usually if I refer to it its just my 'thingy' or something.
    or just 'penis' when Im talking to my doctor, since she's like...60.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)00:49 No.604642
    also haters gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)00:53 No.604789
    make sure you thank your parents.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)00:58 No.605003
    All the time. I have probably the greatest parents ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:07 No.605401
    what is your name?
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)01:12 No.605604
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:13 No.605665
    How would you rate yourself in relation to Kim Petras?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:17 No.605828
    Were you completely DIY'ing hormones back in the day or keeping a doctor informed?
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)01:18 No.605851
    not sure what you mean by that?
    like in terms of what? only thing we really seem to have in common is the T-word lol, and family support I guess.
    She's cute but we have pretty different styles. I'm kinda a hipster.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)01:20 No.605937
    completely DIY for the first year, my GP (who is a family friend through my mom) helped me with getting bloodwork done after that.

    my mother is a nurse for what its worth.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:20 No.605941
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    You are not a girl. You will always be a man, that is reality. Simply saying you're a girl, or you "feel" like you're a girl no more actually makes you a girl than me saying I'm the king of Zimbabwe and I "feel" like the king of Zimbabwe inside.

    Hormones cannot give you ovaries. You will never have a period. You cannot give birth. If you die in a fire, and they use your bones to determine gender, they will point out that you are in fact a man. You will never be able to truly enjoy sex again after completing the surgery. You will only find weirdos who even further lower your self esteem because of your lifestyle.

    What you have is factually classified as a mental illness. They give you the surgery for the same reason they've started cutting the limbs off of the people who think they'll get better if they chop off their limbs: Because they figure if they don't go along with it, you'll do it yourself unsafely.

    Every time you call yourself a girl you sound like this guy, who thinks the thousands of dollars he's spent on surgery make him a cat.
    >> anonamush 01/22/11(Sat)01:26 No.606165
    I just want to say I admire your courage for standing up and being the person you are.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)01:28 No.606253
    A human fetus can develop to be male or female, its a normal path for it. a human fetus turning into a cat or a political position doesnt happen.

    Also they don't cut the limbs off of people with that disorder.

    I already have someone that I 'enjoy' sex with, and I'll enjoy sex with him after surgery too. Also, the guy you posted a picture of doesn't genuinely think he's a cat, so you screwed your own analogy anyway.

    As for the bones thing...actually, if DNA were used to 'identify' me, they'd probably take note of the fact that I'm intersexed, that I'm XXY rather than XY or XX.

    nice try though hun :)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:30 No.606317
    do you have a tattoo, or is that a shirt or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:31 No.606368

    >Gender is reproductive status.

    Kinda right. Biologically:
    Sperm giver = Male
    Egg carrier = Female

    Everything else is social and mental.
    >> anonamush 01/22/11(Sat)01:33 No.606420
    agreed, try to define any sort of human traits today. all can be impersonated improved upon or changed...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:36 No.606565
    ah. thats good to hear. Your mother would have helped ward off any obvious trouble then? (assuming she's not a woo based nurse :P)

    I just know of a couple of people who are rather blase about hormone use. I don't feel like I'm very good at explaining that it's potentially dangerous for the wrong person, while still expressing that I'm happy for them if thats what they want.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)01:36 No.606574
    Gender isn't reproductive status, and neither is biological sex really. *POTENTIAL CAPACITY* for reproductive status maybe is a better way to word that.

    Gender isn't based on that though. Normally gender and biological sex are congruent, but they aren't always, which is the case with people like me.

    If you include the capacity to reproduce as something for determining biological sex even (not going to say gender here because I already established the difference there) then you still run into issues...a lot of people, including myself, completely lack the ability to reproduce. I was sterile long before I started taking hormones lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:38 No.606632
    Have you read the Neaderthal series by Robert J. Sawyer ?
    tl;dr Everyone is bi and stays w/ same sex partner until once a month for fun with opposite sex partner.

    Am wondering if they would have gender dysmorphia.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)01:40 No.606738
    Yeah my mom was very strict about making sure I kept my dosages up, that I gradually upped my dosage, and that I had a regular schedule on when I took them.
    She also made me let her check my legs for signs of deep vein thrombosis which she still sometimes does even though I have a doctor to check for it now lol.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)01:43 No.606859
    based on what youve said, yeah they would.
    gender dysphoria doesnt have anything to do with sexual orientation, its identity.
    I personally am bi but lean pretty heavily towards guys, and despite being attracted to some women, I find I can be in a relationship with a guy much more easily.
    >> Imakefunofyoubecauseiwanttorapeyou !!V2w4xspYJPL 01/22/11(Sat)01:53 No.607297
    Not to sound like every other guy with a hard on for traps/trans women, I really do want one for a girlfriend, how do I go about this?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:57 No.607422
    same way you'd go about getting a 'normal' girlfriend
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)01:57 No.607470
    unless you know someone who is trans or youre using like an online dating site or something, idk to be honest. some transpeople are very open about their status, some arent.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)01:58 No.607517
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    >>A human fetus can develop to be male or female, its a normal path for it. a human fetus turning into a cat or a political position doesnt happen.

    But once a human fetus develops male or female, it doesn't change, that's not how intersex works.

    Further you can be born any race, but someone born white can't say they "feel" black.

    I'm saying you won't enjoy sex "vaginally". I've read interviews with various TG's including one guy who actually had one sex change, and then a second back. He described "vaginal" sex as extremely painful and not at all pleasurable.

    I note you didn't dispute that the only guys who will go near you are weirdos.

    The analogy with the catman fits, even if he didn't actually think he was a cat, the idea is the same, and if you've actually seen interviews with him, he does believe he's a cat. He's native American, and he says it's his spirit animal, and that it's a tradition of their people to try to become their animal.

    Again, if they examine your bones, what will they say is your gender?

    You cannot reproduce, that is of vital importance. Were your parts functioning properly, you could cause pregnancies, but not carry children, and you never will be able to.

    When science progresses to a point that you don't require hormone pills, and actually have a monthly period and can give birth, then you could claim to be a woman. Until then, you're just a guy who dresses femininely and has a small, soon to be mutilated pecker.

    Does your boyfriend ever suck your dick, man?
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)02:11 No.608038
    I heard anecdotal experience should be taken as fact!
    those interviews are usually people who transitioned very late in their lives, and who didn't meld well socially btw.

    Again, if they examine my bones, they'd come to the conclusion that I'm intersexed. a) I'm friggen intersexed, by definition. I'm XXY. b) my bone proportions, due to being XXY, are pretty androgynous in shape. my pelvis and hips are more shaped like a womans than a mans.
    My 'parts' never 'functioned properly', so I guess by your definition my biological sex just didn't exist? lol.

    Post-menopausal women take the same hormones I take. They must no longer be women, rite?!
    Its kind of cute how you say I ignored part of what you said, when I didn't, while completely ignoring a large part of what I said.

    Fun fact about my boyfriend for you: he didn't know I was trans when we first started going out, and he's straight. He's kinda a 'bro', except not annoying and dumb. Such a 'weirdo' omgzzz.

    Armchair scientists are so funny. :3
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:14 No.608214
    someones in denial of their own feelings.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)02:40 No.609191
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    totally missed this question, sorry if youre still here!
    yeah its a tat, I got it when I was 18. they're hawaiianish looking flowers. you can see it better in this pic
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)02:45 No.609407
    You're awesome (and Melia from the other trap thread) and all. But don't you get sick of answering the same questions/ battling the same trolls?
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)02:50 No.609570
    kinda. when that happens, I just stop posting lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:00 No.609957
    >>I heard anecdotal experience should be taken as fact!

    In other words all the shit you're saying?

    And no, you're a dude, your boyfriend's a dude, you're both faggots, period. You are factually mentally ill, you hear me? YOU'RE SICK IN THE FUCKING HEAD. You can't dispute that.

    You dispute every other fact, you weasel around every question, but the fact is you're male. You always will be. No matter what you do. Period. A psychologist patting you dumb ass on the head will never change that, stupid closet-case.

    Even better, you admitted you were dishonest with your boyfriend. Your entire relationship is founded on deception. You worthless fucking sack of shit.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)03:08 No.610268
    So I'm 'factually' mentally ill because some kid who found 4chan thinks so, even though multiple therapists and psychologists have disagreed? lol okay :)

    yet again youre ignoring what ive clearly stated several times about my biological sex. granted, not all people who are XXY (which is typically somewhere in the Klinefelters spectrum) exhibit the same signs, and definitely not all intersexed people are also trans, but there is an observed higher occurance.

    And no, I wasn't dishonest with him. I was quite honest with him when the time was right for him to know, when I knew that we both had feelings for each other and it wasn't a fling. If I outed myself every time I thought I *might* have a crush on someone, it would be pretty hard to stop it from becoming widely known fact. I personally don't like my medical history being the topic of discussion for people I barely know.
    Lack of disclosure on something is not the same as dishonesty, and I highly doubt you can point to any couple where they revealed everything about themselves on the first date. Why? Because no one would ever make it to the second date if they did that. Clearly you have never actually dated though seeing how freaking bitter you are!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:10 No.610310
    Is a trans-gender girl, a girl who wants to be a guy? or a guy who wants to be a girl?
    I always get confused :S
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)03:11 No.610376
    neither. I'm a girl with a complicated past.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:13 No.610442
    Ohh ooookay then.
    Yeah I just went on google images.. I now understand.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:24 No.610776
    i'm 19 and in the pretransitioning phase, just talking to therapists and such

    do you have any advice?
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)03:27 No.610887
    Be honest with them, but make sure you're talking to someone who is experienced with the topic.
    Idk what general advice to give, Im better with specific stuff lol. good luck though!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:31 No.611035
    >>So I'm 'factually' mentally ill because some kid who found 4chan thinks so, even though multiple therapists and psychologists have disagreed? lol okay :)

    No you delusional sack of shit, what you have is classified as a mental illness. It's not called "disorder" because it has a nice ring to it, you are factually mentally ill according to the psychiatric association of America, and none of your bitching will change that, do you understand? Do you understand that you will never be a woman, that no amount of squealing, lying to yourself, or hormones will ever make you one? Do you get it?

    Also, I'd like to point out how pathetically hilarious it is that as you have no actual counter to my arguments you resort to ad hominem that I must be a "kid" and "never date".

    Not disclosing that you're transgendered right at the start of a relationship is dishonest, dress it up any way you like it's extremely important. Important enough for your stupid ass to create an attention whore thread about it.

    Facts are facts. You're a man. You're mentally ill. Nothing will ever change that. Don't like it? Tough shit retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:33 No.611134
    how did you train your voice to be feminine?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:37 No.611250

    lol troll harder, you just sound butthurt when you're the only one getting riled up by your argument

    if you have such a problem with this thread, don't read it
    >> FoxKit !fRngSvdtxA 01/22/11(Sat)03:40 No.611371
    This is a good question, I want to know the answer to this. :3

    This is not a question at all. :c
    Can you make your own thread for this sort of discussion maybe? It's interesting to debate and all, but I see it so much on these kinds of threads that it's getting kind of distracting.
    Besides, I hear it's really tough for transgender people to find relationships because of their (generally speaking) honesty, so maybe try to be more supportive. :3 If you see an MtF, like Pause who comes out and says that they were a male once, shouldn't that (by your argument) be rewarded with praise instead of trolling?

    But, that's my two cents, and I doubt it's even worth that. x3
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:41 No.611427
    OP's doing to /soc/ what they'd been doing to /adv/, trying to turn it into a "I'm a lonely transgender, no one in my real life wants to hear about how much I like taking it in the ass, and they all think I'm ugly" hangout.

    If they're going to post on 4chan, they have to deal with reality thrown in their face.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)03:41 No.611448
    jokes on you, its actually not even called a disorder in the last revision. its been changed to gender incongruence. I dont particularly agree with the definition they use...but that part of your argument is already out the window.

    Lol at accusing me of the one resorting to ad hominem. You're the one using loaded language to try and make me feel 'bad' about who I am. You know who does that? pathetically disillusioned and depressed people.

    I'm beginning to think by your arguments that you don't even really understand half of what I'm talking about, but the whole Dunning-Kruger effect is kicking in, you know? here's a hint hun: the fact that I am XXY in and of itself completely fucks up half of your entire argument, because you are making a lot of assumptions about my body that aren't true. Like the fact that you assumed I was able to reproduce.

    my voice never really dropped, partly because I started puberty way later than most of my peers. I changed the way I speak a little, but part of that was just a result of growing up lol.
    But mostly, changing my inflection is all I've ever done. my pitch is naturally pretty high.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:44 No.611552
    Pause won't even admit he WAS a male, much less that he still IS one. It would be like commending the guy in the nuthouse for not wearing his paper Napoleon hat today, when really one of the orderlies had just confiscated it.

    What he needs is tough love. Mutilating himself and denying the penis dangling between his legs is unhealthy. Slicing it in half won't fix his problems.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)03:45 No.611607
    I've never posted in /adv/, lol. Nor is this a baww thread. But you are an angry virgin.

    Btw, are you mad that most people *don't* consider me ugly? Or are you projecting because people consider *you* ugly and rarely want to talk *to* or *about* you irl? Something to think about princess~
    >> FoxKit !fRngSvdtxA 01/22/11(Sat)03:48 No.611698
    I... Have no idea what you're talking about. n.n
    You want to condemn someone to an asylum because they want to be perceived the same way they imagine themselves? :3 That's silly.

    You're talking like transgendered people have personally wounded you in some way. They're not harming others, and seem to be improving their own disposition, so what's the problem? :3
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)03:51 No.611809
    I'll freely admit I was born 'male'. I'll also freely admit, as I've said at least a dozen times in this thread, that I'm intersexed. I'm XXY, not XX or XY. I have Klinefelter's Syndrome.

    The fact that I was born biologically male though doesn't mean I am a man. Apparently for someone as simple minded as you its hard to understand the difference between 'male' and 'man'.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:54 No.611962
    Do me a favor if you want any civility, drop the condescending bullshit when you haven't a clue what the fuck you're talking about, okay? Every TG GUY like yourself claims to be an authority on the topic, but you only read what agrees with you and ignore any information that contradicts your delusion.

    Second, drop all this childish, pathetic "That fucks up your argument." "That destroys your argument" premature declaration of victory garbage, you've refuted nothing. You dismiss it off hand, then pretend that's the end of the discussion.

    And yes, saying I'm "probably" something, then assigning an insulting baseless reasoning for my gripe with you is an ad hominem. I'm 25, at the moment I'm in a happy relationship. In fact I came here this evening because /b/ didn't have anything interesting, and we decided to have a laugh at some /soc/ threads.

    First off, provide your source. Show me where the word disorder has been removed from the definition. Also consider this: If you actually read up on it, doctors are removing perfectly healthy limbs to make the patient feel better. There's even a link to gender identity disorder in that these people often have sexual reasons for wanting to have their arms and legs removed, and doctors will do it simply because they ask.

    How is having your penis sliced in half like a banana any different? Be honest with yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:55 No.612000
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    And again, the cat man does claim he's becoming a cat. You don't see the paralel? Is he a cat just because he had his lips surgically altered? Then what the fuck makes you think you can decide your penis doesn't matter? I asked you about race, because you could be born any number of races. Why if we don't fee their delusions should we feed yours? Hm?

    This South Park episode was all about the absurdity of sexual reassignment. And like it or not, your entire relationship is founded on a lie, and your boyfriend enjoys fucking something with a cock. Why does it so bother you that your boyfriend is gay? Why can't you accept him for the homosexual he clearly is? Bigot.
    >> FoxKit !fRngSvdtxA 01/22/11(Sat)03:56 No.612021
    Oh, you were? Awh, I'm so sorry- I assumed you were MtF. o.o
    Shows what happens when I make assumptions. x.x
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)03:58 No.612091
    >>Apparently for someone as simple minded as you

    See? This isn't an argument, this is just a pathetic insult. I had a cat once, a male calico. If you know anything about cats, that means he had the xxy as it's the x that carries the pigment. He was sterile, but he never went into heat, and if there was a female cat about in heat, he was right on that trying to mount it. He never rolled around or lifted his tail. He was physically male.

    The extra chromosome doesn't determine behavior, your problem is entirely psychological.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:01 No.612208
    Actually, I refuted a lot of what you said, and I brought up very important counterpoints to a lot of it.
    and then you got mad. Why? because you're a retard on the internet, and you're offended at the idea of you not knowing everything. you're a neckbeard.

    Also read your own link. It said that many of them *want to* remove a limb, and *seek out* surgeons to do it, not that surgeons actively do it. Great reading comprehension here hun!

    How is it any different? Because the fact that I have a penis isn't the basis for my feelings. If srs were impossible, I'd still have transitioned. I don't like the fact that I have a penis, but it's not the most important thing to me. Being myself is.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:02 No.612244
    pause i'm really surprised, aren't people with klinefelter's usually kinda fat?
    >> sage 01/22/11(Sat)04:03 No.612278
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:04 No.612281
    I have a mancrush on you right now. Please continue. <3
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:04 No.612308
    I am MtF, you've got nothing to apologize for lol.
    I like how you just compared me to a cat. that shows a lot about what you know about biology (which apparently isnt a lot)
    the reason me being xxy is relevant is because you brought up my reproductive capacity.

    Finished arguing with you though, thats not what the threads for. Enjoy being so angry and having to lie about your purposes for pursuing the argument though. I genuinely hope one day you get some help. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:05 No.612323
    >Why? Because you're a retard!

    Sure is subjectivity in here and making false assumptions.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:09 No.612456
    Yeah actually. It's kind of weird, to be honest. Results from the karotyping I had done did confirm I was XXY, but I only exhibit some of the signs of it. I did have some breast growth before hormones, and I do have kind of long arms, but I didn't have any developmental disorders that are often present, and I'm not as oddly proportioned as most people with Klinefelters. like for example, my height. everything Ive read always points to Klinefelters people generally being taller than their peers, but I'm not really. I'm taller than most girls at 5'9, but shorter than a lot of guys, and a lot shorter than the guys in my family (my dad is 6'4, my brother is 6'2)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:11 No.612524
    It goes both ways, and you're the one who started with it. Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Pawz, I wanna tfm with you<333
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:12 No.612530
    >>Actually, I refuted a lot of what you said, and I brought up very important counterpoints to a lot of it.

    No, you didn't. You simply dismissed it all offhand. You claimed you refuted the cat man situation when it turned out as with everything, you hadn't clue fucking one what you were talking about and he DID claim he was trying to become a cat. Own up to your failure there fucktard. And as I pointed out -and you glossed over- even if he hadn't, the analogy sticks, and you didn't in any way refute the analogy. Getting a bunch of surgery to look like something else doesn't make you that something else. Michael Jackson wasn't white, for instance.

    >>Why? because you're a retard on the internet, and you're offended at the idea of you not knowing everything. you're a neckbeard.

    Oh look, more butthurt insults with no foundation that only show the overall weakness of your counterargument. You know it takes less effort to just say you're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:13 No.612576
    >>Also read your own link. It said that many of them *want to* remove a limb, and *seek out* surgeons to do it, not that surgeons actively do it. Great reading comprehension here hun!

    Guess you missed this bit?

    >>Surgeons are placed in a difficult situation when apotemnophiles confront them about their situation. A surgeon or a medical professional will have to make the decision between amputating a perfectly normal limb or making his or her patients happy. Whether the medical professional performs this surgery has not been defined as "allowed" or "disallowed". Although many professionals will agree that a patient's happiness is primarily important, amputating a limb may be out of the question because there is nothing medically wrong with the limb itself.

    Guess you didn't actually read it, sweetcheeks? I can pull up specific articles with specific cases of doctors amputating limbs. The easiest one to find would be the doctor in Scotland who did it. He was the first I think, or at least got the most media attention.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:15 No.612621
    >angry virgin is still upset
    Oh 4chons~

    name the room :3 unless r9k
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:18 No.612707
    >>I like how you just compared me to a cat. that shows a lot about what you know about biology (which apparently isnt a lot)
    the reason me being xxy is relevant is because you brought up my reproductive capacity.

    OH NO, I COMPARED SOMEONE TO A CAT! We know how hated cats are on 4chan, right?

    The principle is the same, if your scenario were true, that cat should have at least some of the time wanted to take it up the ass, I mean homosexuality in the animal kingdom isn't non-existent, that stuff happens with reasonable frequency.

    For a more human example, I can't say as every I know how many chromosomes every person I've met has, but I met my ex-girlfriend's mother's fiance. He was XXY, he made no claim to be intersexed, he considered himself all man, he was only interested in women.

    If your argument held any water that your extra chromosome justified your desire to be a woman, he should have wanted to as well. Indeed there should be no XXY men who don't consider themselves transgendered.

    Finished arguing with you though, thats not what the threads for. Enjoy being so angry and having to lie about your purposes for pursuing the argument though. I genuinely hope one day you get some help. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:19 No.612742
    >>I don't have any actual reply to your argument, and I'm frustrated that you keep raising valid points and destroying my delusion, so I'm just going to call you a child, stupid, and a virgin and various other unrelated insults out of bewildered frustration that I can't counter your evidence that I was born a man!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:20 No.612768
    >he thinks cats and humans develop the same way
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:21 No.612794
    >>He doesn't know how analogies work.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:22 No.612844
    Red herring argument. I never said I wasn't born male, considering thats kind of the friggen definition of being a transgendered woman.

    I'm calling you those things because you're desperately arguing on the internet so that you feel as if you've accomplished something. Basically, you're cancerous.
    Enjoy having your argument ignored because it's not worth my time, and your general manner of...talking does the job on its own of convincing yourself that you're a raving, angry, nutjob. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:24 No.612894

    >go to gamestop
    >try to preorder Call of Duty: Black Ops
    >wait in line for multiple hours behind fat kids and weeaboo faggots
    >some thirty-odd-year-old is hassling the clerk about BlazBlue
    >finally leaves
    >drink my questionably motherfucking hot coffee
    >wonder if it's actually motherfucking cold
    >weeaboos are speaking broken Japanese
    >see a python in the corner
    >you don't see snake
    >start thinking with portals
    >eventually get to the front of the line
    >clerk is a GRRRRL gamer
    >she wants to fuck
    >she acts all "kawaii" and says "Uguu~" and "Desu~"
    >tells me that only low-life virgins play Call of Duty, and that Halo is the best FPS ever
    >I disagree
    >she says Halo invented FPS
    >I laugh and disprove her
    >she says that Halo was the first shooting game, and that it invented plasma rifles and planes with weapons
    >I call her an idiot
    >she calls me a noob
    >ask for Battletoads
    >she questions the girth of my penis
    >ask if she's got Belts and Zippers XIII
    >she calls me a garden gnome
    >I pay for the games
    >she calls me a loser
    >she still wants to fuck
    >realise that Ondore is lying
    >I take the game with my bear hands
    >suddenly, she screams
    >I scream
    >the fat weeaboos scream
    >I'm a bear
    >she's a bear
    >we're all bears
    >she opens the door
    >cops run in and yell 'get on the floor!'
    >everybody walk the dinosaur
    >realise I have to go back to potatos to get my fuking power wrist
    >burst into treats because of this
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:26 No.612949
    See, the hilarious thing is how deep under your skin my pointing out the truth has gotten to you. This is what, the third time you've tucked your tail between your legs, admitted you were wrong, and swore you were totally going to ignore my messages from now on?

    You have no response to all the FACTS I've pointed out. Simply insulting me over and over won't change that sweety, nor will any amount of smiley faces masking impotent internet fury.

    You made a thread on 4chan to talk about your mental illness, trying to pretend it was anything but, which is kind of like a guy who weights 400 pounds creating a thread titled "ask a skinny guy anything" and seriously expecting people not to point out that he's fucking obese.

    Now please, if you admit that you are a man and always will be one and no currently existing surgery can ever change that shriek some tired and worthless insult, some pathetic knock at my intelligence or sanity or sexual history, and add on the smiley face that so clearly evokes the feverish pace with with you were pounding the keys in frustration over what a total fucking tool you've made yourself look like.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:32 No.613059
    >angry virgin who takes 10 minutes to formulate his 'attacks' on me thinks I'm the one angrily pounding my keyboard

    MORE AT 11!

    so anyway, ignore the massive argument. its dildos. instead, come play transformice with me. or ask me questions. or open the door, get on the floor, everybody do the dinosaur.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:33 No.613069
    Masturbatory arguing sure is fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:35 No.613124
    Hey pause, do you get this much hate irl?
    Or do you even get clocked at all?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:35 No.613127
    You are not getting the point, if you were actually ignoring him, you'd stop giving him attention.

    Umad? Back to /v/, /b/. You're disturbing my silent /soc/lurking for camwhoars and dickgirls.

    Not so silent now, but oh well.
    ^_^ > moar mad foar you.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:35 No.613142
    >>Butthurt dude tries desperately to change the subject, while meeting the requirement and admitting he's still a dude by using the same tired insult.

    >>Also is hilariously timing posts in the thread, assuming the person isn't doing other things, like creating new threads:

    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:36 No.613150
    You both won't let it go. Pause, insulting this person is just fuel, because the insult overshadows any points you might make, and continuing to respond after saying "this is over" makes your insults backfire right back at you. And other anon, you're also continuing to press it.

    I don't remember Pause saying that the chromosome caused the desire, and I especially don't remember a claim that the chromosome -must- cause the desire to be female in any and all cases. And I remember you arguing that being a man means you don't give birth, but can seed it. If Pause couldn't do either... wouldn't the other XXY in your argument be in equal denial that they were ever -either- gender?

    Just trying to get a grasp on all this. Maybe you two ought to actually flat out list straight-up questions, sans insults and scathing remarks, in some organized fashion, and then respond directly to them, so everything doesn't get buried in the rage. Considering you both keep going, it's obvious that you actually want the other to concede something, or to find some kind of agreement, but if you're both locked in the angry mentality, that's not going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:37 No.613187
    Pause , can you provide us with a frontal "normal" face ??

    I must have !!! PLZ
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:38 No.613193
    I got some flak in highschool, since I kinda live like an hour from the mecca of Southern Baptists. Not as much as youd probably expect though, just teenagers being dicks. I've never been physically threatened or really confronted heavily.

    After highschool, I haven't ever really been clocked.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:39 No.613233
    your totally hot
    im bi man or woman id fuck you you beautiful woman
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:42 No.613292
    post a face pic
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:43 No.613298
    See: >>610376
    and what it was replying to.

    Someone else asked him whether he was a man who wanted to be a woman, or a woman who wanted to be a man, and he said "neither, I'm a woman."
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:43 No.613303
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    this work? not really front on but you can see my whole face and it's well lit
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:46 No.613390
    A dude with make up. Boring.

    Also lol your hair is thinning.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:48 No.613431
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    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:48 No.613445

    5' 9" is like avg for guys in the US/Canada

    Of course youre taller than most girls
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:48 No.613446
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:49 No.613463
    Okies, that's why I missed it. Was focused more on Pause's and your posts than the rest of the thread. And Pause, from personal experience, the cultural norm is that saying "woman" directly implies "female gendered", so accusing a lack of comprehension of the difference between "man" and "male" is just admitting that you didn't clarify what you meant by "woman". Clarification between gender identity and gender biology is pretty important in a discussion about those very subjects, especially when you, yourself, are the subject matter.

    Also, who thought random outlined letters mingled with black ones was a good idea for Captcha? They're making it so -only- machines can decipher this shit.
    >> FoxKit !fRngSvdtxA 01/22/11(Sat)04:49 No.613470
    Ah! You're adorable! :3
    I love your nails. n.n I just stopped biting mine and I can't wait to get a manicure.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:50 No.613494
    uh that was kind of my point lol. most people with klinefelters syndrome are *taller* than most men. I'm on the shorter end of average, and extremely short compared to the guys in my family.

    for a girl, Im not freakishly tall, but I'm taller than average. the same height as most models actually.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:52 No.613541
    Pause confirmed for most beautiful girl on the interwebs <3

    sadly she is taken ;-;
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)04:53 No.613548
    I did clarify it, the neckbeard only reads what he wants to read though. He knows full well what I meant, he just needs to argue so he doesn't feel like he's completely useless.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)04:58 No.613678
    i'd do anything to pry you away from that bf :p i so jelly
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:01 No.613749
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    I would respectfully disagree. And courage wolf would disagree about being taken.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:03 No.613805
    i agree, though being far away aint going to help my cause at all, so there aint nothing i can do.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:09 No.613947
    You really have a good look. Very attractive in a classy way. Particularly impressive that you have no obvious signs of masculinity. Not to sound like a mr "I CAN SPOT TRANNIES EVERYWHERE." Its just that I've found that it's very easy to find masculine features on *anyone* even genetic females (also a lot of transwomen tend to point out this one feature "My left wrist is 3mm too thick" that I would never have noticed until they mentioned it.)

    One thing though. I've heard that a symptom of Klinefelters is the tendence to be "a bit slow", you seem perfectly intelligent though.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)05:13 No.614036
    touched on that here;

    I'm not slow :) I'm actually pretty intelligent and did pretty well in school. Almost failed a few classes my freshman year but...that wasn't due to being slow lol. I guess part of its that its important to note that Klinefelters is kind of a spectrum deal too, where the symptoms aren't universal.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:30 No.614328
    >has a dick and slutty tattoo
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)05:45 No.614573
    >Klinefelters is kind of a spectrum deal too
    Indeed, was just making fun ;P

    the last post made me sound like a bit of a dick. I do find it annoying some times that, like many others, a trap friend of mine, (who is *stunning*,) gets worried by anything slightly unfeminine, even though it's well within normal variation for a woman.

    I mean, my mother and sister are/were reasonably high level sportswomen and are built like brick shithouses in many ways and could crush a lot of 'oh i'm so manly' *chan traps with one hand. Yet they are still obviously women
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)05:50 No.614655
    oh yeah I know. Im kind of guilty of it sometimes too, can't help it but I try to be reasonable about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)06:26 No.615231
    what surgeon are you going to? I have a friend who is vagina shopping
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)06:49 No.615620
    toby meltzer
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)08:25 No.616920
    how do you have sex
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)08:40 No.617102
    uh anal
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)08:46 No.617176
    hey pause, im a transgender girl too, deeeeeep stealth, i transitioned in my early teens and i'm 21 now so our story has a lot in common. just wanna say its great that you're educating some of these idiots. i kinda wanna ask you about guy stuff though: whats your relationship like with your boyfriend, what's the sex like, etc. after you disclosed to him, did it change the dynamic? that's pretty much been my main issue since i'm still pre-op (my parents support me but they're poor and can't help me afford srs).. usually guys skate away soon after disclosure, except a few who seem to think me being trans means i'm desperate and will put up with anything.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)09:08 No.617430
    sorry didnt notice there was a new post :P

    we have a pretty good relationship. we see each other a lot without being too clingy like a lot of couples get, I like it. he's 3 years older than me, and we met through a mutual friend, who was one of my best friends in highschool. He's straight, but she's lesbian and they have a lot of mutual gay friends so I knew when we first met that he was at least openminded about sexuality, and thats kind of why I actually said yes when he asked me on a date, since normally I was reallllly cautious about dating, but my friend told me she thought we'd hit it off well. Anyway, we got along really well, went on 2 dates, and after that I was feeling like I really needed to go ahead and talk to him about that since I felt like he'd gotten to know me enough as a person. Started to tell him in person, chickened out, called him after I got home and finally blurted it out. He was shocked, kind of mad, but like...the acceptable kind of mad if that makes sense. He was more mad that I didnt trust him with it to begin with if that makes sense. Anyway, we stopped talking for a few hours while he processed it. He called me back the next day, said he was sorry for overreacting, and asked to see me again. and we've pretty much been together since then.

    (cont next)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)09:11 No.617463
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    Transgendered girl, what is the saddest thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)09:11 No.617465

    There's a girl I work with that I want to ask out on a date. I am scared shitless because she's pre-op transgendered and it is public knowledge. I am afraid I will be made fun of for going on a date with her. Wat do?
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)09:17 No.617521
    as for our sex life, kind of complicated lol. not long after I had told him, like a month or so iirc, it just kind of happened. normally I kind of avoided the topic of sex but we had been drinking, and what started off as kissing ended up with us both half-naked. we were pretty sexually active from that point but I was still shy about it for a while. I wouldnt take my underwear off usually because I didnt want him to see,it and ruin what I thought his mental image of me was,

    as far as our dynamic, I came out to him not *that* long after we started dating considering how long we've been together now (2 1/2 years) but it definitely changed some, I think for the better. I think telling him that pretty much assured him that I trusted him more than anyone and I guess kind of left me vulnerable in a good way, if that makes sense.

    just keep trying love, theres good guys out there :) don't settle for one of those guys like you described!
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)09:18 No.617532
    fuck what people think! if anybody judges you for that they're shallow and not worth your time anyway.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)09:22 No.617561
    hayguys not going to prom is the saddest thing everrrr
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)09:34 No.617755
    I appreciate you OP
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)09:42 No.617863
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    just wondering, since you have a penis isnt it gay marriage? or do you just not tell the person who is doing the ceremony? how the fuck does that work?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)09:44 No.617894
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    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)09:45 No.617904
    please answer this
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)09:50 No.617981
    yeah marriage is a *really* confusing topic because its so different in so many states, and depending on that states laws on gay marriage, on birth certificates, on lots of things. In some states its treated as a regular marriage (as it should be, and as gay marriage should be too...), but its less fortunate in some states.
    That's one part where I unfortunately have really bad luck for being from where I am from. Tennessee is one of two states that won't ammend birth certificates at all, regardless of transition or surgery or anything. not just trans-related, they simply wont ammend them ever. so for that reason in my state until laws change I can't marry for legal purposes, which is dumb but...nothing i can do about it except vote :/

    but tbh, its not the end of the world. we still can (and still plan) on getting married, ceremony and all, but we're just going to not get the legal benefits of marriage because of that discrimination. To be honest Im not 100% sure about how marriage works though, and how recognized an out-of-state marriage would be, or if we'll stay in Tennessee anyway.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)09:54 No.618026

    wiki article about the marriage issues we face, since its a little easier to link that than go really in depth with explaining it.
    basically, I'm stuck in the greyest area to ever grey. it sucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)10:06 No.618189

    Started reading down the thread. Kudos on a successful life. Well, kudos on properly identifying yourself as a human being.

    Can we see another photo of you and your boyfriend? Assuming the fellow you're kissing is your boyfriend. Photo showing both of you full-figured, if possible.


    And have you ever had any sexual experience with a girl, either before or after you began your trans?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)10:12 No.618270
    thanks for the response! yeah, i'm really weird about sex. just thinking of a guy seeing me fully nudes makes me want to die, so it never really progresses beyond oral sex (on him), and i'm fine with that right now.

    i'm currently casually dating a guy i work with and im terrified of telling him about my medical history. i really want this one to stick around but i've fallen on my face every other time i've tried to keep the magic going after disclosure.
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)10:25 No.618425
         File1295709942.jpg-(41 KB, 604x403, dcim081510008.jpg)
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    pretty old (and unflattering for me) pic but you wanted mostly full figure so lol.
    I've never had sex with a girl, and Im not really sure how it would work out anyway, but I've had a couple of silly crushes. mostly straight but Ive been known to make out with a girl when really drunk lol. No sexual experiences at all pre-transition, way too insecure back then.

    yeah I know how that goes :(
    best of luck to you though lady! :) you sound like you deserve a good guy. maybe he's the one :3
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)10:41 No.618611
    he's handsome
    >> Pause !UtC/N/epyE 01/22/11(Sat)11:13 No.619033
    I agree wholeheartedly <3
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)11:30 No.619318
    how is anal sex even enjoyable?

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