01/18/11(Tue)01:41 No. 426712 One
of the things that has made 4chan, and Anonymous, so successful in the
past has been, frankly, the blatant anonymity. We are free to be who we
want to be, here. We are free to drop all of our masks and LET THE SHIT
OUT. But zomg, the site got popular! We were the Wikipedia FATD a
couple of years ago! Holy shiznit! PEOPLE FROM EVERYWHERE HAVE FLOODED
THE SITE! Not such a bad thing. it happens now and again,
especially when Anon is successful elsewhere. Big deal, new meat for the
grinders! But then, what's this? A board for OC? A board that
draws the Western equivalent of hikikomori? Well. Interesting. This
could be fun. DISASTER! CANCER SPOTTER EVERYWHERE (yet again...)!!! Oh
my Gods! We've been flooded with people that JUST WANT TO SOCIALIZE!
And since that just annoys every other board, we'd better make a board
just for them! So that's why we're here. ZOMG! The OC/shut-in board disappeared! WTF, OMG, FTS, WTH, GTH, GTFO!! But hey, they were cancer, right? Certainly they weren't as annoying as fifty gazillion "HEY /SOC/ TELL ME I'M PRETTY!!!!!" ugh