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05/02/11(Mon)01:56 No.3889892 File1304315771.jpg-(257 KB, 600x840, 1275105756664.jpg)
 >male, occasionally female >either, depending on my mood >def. prefer established continuity, but happy to do original >switch, most often I end up being the top because the people I talk to never get an opportunity to be bottom >soft
spot for short hair/tomboy x10000000, obsessed with genderswaps and
friendships-turned-romance, fetishes include S&M, torture/smut,
tickling, though I'm def. ok with lovey-dovey vanilla stuffs >Evangelion,
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, FLCL, The ________ of Haruhi Suzumiya,
Persona 4 (though I've never played it because my computer can't emulate
it), recently obsessed with Soul Eater (don't judge me) >spot
the pattern: Shinji/Asuka, Kyon/Haruhi, Kyon/male-Haruhi, Itsuki/Kyon,
Suzaku/Lelouch, Seta/Yosuke from P4, Toma/Mikoto from Toaru Majutsu no
Index, Laharl/Flonne from Disgaea, Lili/Asuka from Tekken, Toma/Makoto
from Minami-ke, most of the main cast from Soul Eater >I'm a male doppelganger for Naoto from Persona 4, my dream date is Franziska von Karma |