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  • File : 1303699283.png-(188 KB, 714x504, ohyeahthatshowshitisgoingdownbitches.png)
    188 KB One of these Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)22:41 No.3720525  
    Oh yes Lets begin
    you know the drill :)
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:43 No.3720581
         File1303699425.jpg-(66 KB, 714x499, 13036dsds09578347drawn.jpg)
    66 KB
    me: 19, male, 5'6" (ish), light brown/red hair, i sometimes wear glasses, i wear tight jeans, band tee's/skate company/retro style shirts, toms/vans/and vox are on my feet, i play guitar/harmonica/synth/and sing, i ride bmx bikes and skateboards, i have a passion for music/movies/pretty much any form of art, im a bit of a computer nerd, i love video games but i dont own any console so im not much of a video game nerd, graffiti, just started a tumblr so thats fun, smoking bud, coffee and mountain dew, pineapple on anything and everything.

    ideal mate: female, 18-20, shorter than me, dark hair, green eyes, skinny, small hands/feet, "hipster" kind of fashion i use hipster loosely though i like my girls to wear tight pants and grandma sweaters, must like yoni wolf, must have an open mind to music movies and all art in general, does not smoke weed but is ok with me smoking, can play guitar or sing, will spend the night with me all the time, must like bright eyes too, and must be willing to spend a day drinking coffee watching movies and naping.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:48 No.3720685
    oh shit, I fit a bit of those.
    I mean, not all of them, but i'd learn to like them.
    >> harley quinn 04/24/11(Sun)22:49 No.3720733
         File1303699799.png-(23 KB, 714x499, 1303431939514.png)
    23 KB
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)22:50 No.3720753
    orly which ones do you fit?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:54 No.3720840
         File1303700069.png-(36 KB, 714x499, mate.png)
    36 KB
    let's exchange pictures via email if we match. :)
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:55 No.3720859
    elfin lied, star wars, zombies, cats, DnD, Thundercats, Vidja gaems, and wear cargo pants on a regular basis.
    I also like to imagine myself as a classy motherfucker.
    btw, what's with the mc donalds? a love for fast food?
    no need to explain star treck or dr. who, just not a big fan.
    i've seen a few episodes of buffy. what's that dragon?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:56 No.3720884
    ... yeah... fuckin cool...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:57 No.3720902
         File1303700231.png-(61 KB, 714x499, Ideal.png)
    61 KB
    I'm 19, bout 6'2" or 6'3" I'm in the US Army. I like mountain biking, rappelling, off roading, back packing, video games, chilling and watching movies. I love cooking, traveling, seeing new places and trying new things.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:57 No.3720917
         File1303700266.png-(49 KB, 714x499, MATCH.png)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:58 No.3720924
         File1303700282.jpg-(108 KB, 714x499, 1303478337503.jpg)
    108 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:59 No.3720966

    got aim?

    i match some of your stuff and you match some of mine
    >> Notsosamefag 04/24/11(Sun)23:01 No.3721012
         File1303700514.png-(43 KB, 714x639, me=idlemate2.png)
    43 KB
    I suck with paint, i need to redownload photo shop
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:02 No.3721030
    Again OP, I match this perfectly outside of the shorts. I hate shorts. Well, I'm not too into Buffy, McD's, or D&D but I'm at least familiar.

    Also why the hell are you using Jango Fett instead of Boba.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:02 No.3721035
    Hmm whats your age and location op?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:02 No.3721041
    can we get a template up in this bitch?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:03 No.3721061
    >>3720924 this is me, seems like a partial match. but I'm 15. damn.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:03 No.3721062
    tit pickle
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:04 No.3721078

    N Martin?
    >> Etrigan 04/24/11(Sun)23:05 No.3721097
         File1303700705.jpg-(56 KB, 714x499, ideal_jpg.jpg)
    56 KB
    Sure, I've got one:

    25/m/gay masc nerd seeks younger/m/gay fem nerd
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:05 No.3721101
         File1303700719.jpg-(76 KB, 714x499, myfetish.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Bumpicus Maximus 04/24/11(Sun)23:05 No.3721103
    anyone have the template for that?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:05 No.3721109
    what now? XD
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:05 No.3721113
         File1303700741.png-(119 KB, 714x499, untitled.png)
    119 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:06 No.3721122
    your ideal mate looks cool
    but im not...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:06 No.3721126

    Your description is identical to a guy I know lol
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:06 No.3721127
         File1303700778.jpg-(51 KB, 714x499, IDEALLY SHE ISNT FAT EITHER.jpg)
    51 KB
    The breasts and mute part are pretty important.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:06 No.3721141
         File1303700816.png-(105 KB, 714x499, ideal-mate-msn.png)
    105 KB
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:07 No.3721159
    Epic you just made my day
    yes i love fast food
    talk to me and ill tell you the whole story
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:09 No.3721207
    Oo location? Please tell me you live in the us...
    >> Etrigan 04/24/11(Sun)23:10 No.3721214

    >>ideal mate looks cool

    Apparently, I get to keep my status as Frankengolem :p
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:11 No.3721235
    You are young, and you'll probably go to war if you haven't already, good luck finding a girl to accept that.
    Sorry kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:13 No.3721262
    I'm mute. And a woman.

    You better know sign language.
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:13 No.3721263
    Yeah i am in USA
    >> King McJack 04/24/11(Sun)23:14 No.3721284
         File1303701295.jpg-(103 KB, 714x499, luuuulz2.0.jpg)
    103 KB
    Man, these things are popular as fuck lately.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:15 No.3721287
    My mom was deaf, I know sign language. You have yet to answer the breasts part.
    >> Fel 04/24/11(Sun)23:16 No.3721320
    Right then, clockwise from the Tardis..
    Love Dr. Who, was sad to see Tennant go. Haven't watched any of the new stuff yet if it's been aired.
    Not sure what the dragon means honestly.
    Star Trek... I enjoy it though I'm more a Star Wars fan.
    Buffy, while I don't watch it religiously it was a good series.
    Elfen Lied is the only anime I've actually purchased.
    I love the vidya. Own a PC/360/modded360/PS3/Wii/flashcartedDS/hackedPSP.
    Have my own zombie kit. Single person, sorry love. If shit hits the fan you best have your own stuff.
    I have two kittens.
    I've roleplayed a bit, not D&D itself but not too separate from it. No one to do it with where I am now.
    Boba is better.
    Fast food is bad for you, yo. But shit's cheap and delicious.

    That said, I'm 21, male, 5'10 and 150 ottermode and a solid 8-9 as per /soc/'s rating. Cargo pants all day erry day, no band tees though.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:17 No.3721326
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:17 No.3721347
    5'9, 160lbs, D's

    Name four good movies and TV shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:18 No.3721351
    but euronymous was cool and true
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:18 No.3721362
    where do you live OP
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:19 No.3721388
    post pic NAO!
    oh and i don't like tennant's character.. sucked.. but anyways
    and jengo was to see if people could tell the difference...
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:21 No.3721412
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:21 No.3721421
    but mcdonald is the worst fast food
    just so popular
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:21 No.3721434
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:22 No.3721442
    I've seen you before, told you your eyebrow piercings were dope as fuck. I didn't say it, but the talon is a piercing I fucking want, shitty I let my fucking labret close over 9000 years ago.
    Also, I am like, the opposite of what you listed as your ideal mate lololol.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:22 No.3721451
    Breaking Bad, Arrested Development, Stargate Universe, Kung-Fu

    Shawskank Redemption (the porno, the movie was alright too), Seven Samurai, Groundhog Day, The Razor's Edge
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:22 No.3721456
    fuck you I think it is delicious as fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:23 No.3721479
         File1303701817.jpg-(7 KB, 219x138, jenniferanistonofficespace.jpg)
    7 KB

    email me? :3
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:23 No.3721484
    East coast , north
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:24 No.3721501
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:24 No.3721507
         File1303701872.png-(60 KB, 714x499, ideal.png)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:25 No.3721535
         File1303701932.png-(123 KB, 711x479, mate.png)
    123 KB

    i could really go for a girl to give my affection to right now xD
    >> laugh 04/24/11(Sun)23:26 No.3721544
    Jesus, you and my brother are like a perfect match.
    >> Fluffy ­ 04/24/11(Sun)23:27 No.3721571
    Hit me up, I'm all of that, except not texas, Louisiana.

    Skype: PainKillerJake
    AIM: PkillerJake
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:28 No.3721597
    i don't have siblings around my age....
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:29 No.3721642
    oh i just read that wrong
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:29 No.3721643
    >> Trilobyte 04/24/11(Sun)23:29 No.3721647
         File1303702198.jpg-(16 KB, 300x301, eye081.jpg)
    16 KB

    I used to eat it a lot. Then I went on a choir trip a few years back. We ate a ton of the shit. I gained 5 pounds in one week and had to work for a month to get it off of me.

    I still eat it, but I try to avoid it as best I can.

    Not the OP of the McDonald's comment. Just rolled in.
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:31 No.3721680
    I just like it because its cheep and i eat a shit ton... and never gain weight :)
    >> laugh 04/24/11(Sun)23:31 No.3721695
    He's an identical twin of mine. Just different interests.
    >> Fel 04/24/11(Sun)23:31 No.3721700
         File1303702318.jpg-(227 KB, 952x1030, IMAG0007b.jpg)
    227 KB
    Old pic, pardon the quality. Hair was a tad long too.

    I loved Tennant ;_;
    Even if he was a little lofty.
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:40 No.3721785
    okay but the character was a pussy
    btw if you are sword guy from yesterday you called me a crazy bitch...
    get him online and posting :)
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:40 No.3721797
    Different girl than the one you are talking to but please get naked?
    >> Trilobyte 04/24/11(Sun)23:41 No.3721824
         File1303702912.jpg-(9 KB, 182x195, unit114.jpg)
    9 KB
    I gained weight because I ate it twice a day for a few days. Half way through, I just started getting salads.

    Ughh... Just thinking about it makes my stomach churn.

    Still it really is cheap. I do occasionally get a delicious McGangbang for 2 bucks. You can't beat it.
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:41 No.3721827
    wow, shallow much....
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:42 No.3721839
         File1303702936.png-(56 KB, 714x499, you_your_ideal_mate.png)
    56 KB
    Let's try this a third time. First time I think I accidentally started a thread, second time internet went wonky. Third's a charm, I hope?
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:43 No.3721870
    lol epic! i love those meaty whores and their different toppings :)
    >> Fel 04/24/11(Sun)23:43 No.3721876
         File1303703004.jpg-(375 KB, 1460x1095, DSCN1319.jpg)
    375 KB
    While I do collect swords I can assure that that was not me.

    Have a kitty-flail.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:43 No.3721892
    bumping so i have enough time to make one
    >> Fel 04/24/11(Sun)23:45 No.3721921
    I do not believe you are a female, enjoy your penis.

    (there are a few of me floating around though)
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:46 No.3721960
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:46 No.3721968
         File1303703204.jpg-(32 KB, 640x480, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.jpg)
    32 KB
    cool i love swords i have 2 rapiers, 1 longsword and a machete
    but i also like crossbows...
    >> Trilobyte 04/24/11(Sun)23:51 No.3722120
         File1303703496.jpg-(10 KB, 170x197, late576.jpg)
    10 KB

    Yep. Totally a guilty pleasure of mine.

    Also, just throwing this out there, I approve of the ADnD. Just play straight 3.5 with my old buddies, but they are basically the same thing.

    Pic related. It's someone approving.

    Do you play other tabletops?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:51 No.3722126
    Ugh, I'll never find a match in these things...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:52 No.3722143
         File1303703537.png-(272 KB, 714x499, new.png)
    272 KB
    k done :)
    >> Spidermonkey 04/24/11(Sun)23:54 No.3722196
    not really :)
    unless munchkin counts :P
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:56 No.3722254
    With or without the drug addiction?
    >> Bumpicus Maximus 04/24/11(Sun)23:58 No.3722324
         File1303703930.png-(37 KB, 714x499, Ideal Mate.png)
    37 KB
    inb4 underageb&
    >> Trilobyte 04/24/11(Sun)23:59 No.3722336
         File1303703959.jpg-(28 KB, 375x500, blue645.jpg)
    28 KB

    It does. My friend Steve said it is garbage though. I tend not to trust him, since prefers Kirk over Picard.

    Principally speaking, he is a terrible critic.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:59 No.3722341
    if interested, shoot me an email with your info.
    >> mfw 04/24/11(Sun)23:59 No.3722347
         File1303703982.jpg-(127 KB, 714x499, 1303700719032.jpg)
    127 KB
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:02 No.3722430
    i like it....
    do you have skype :)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:03 No.3722440
         File1303704198.png-(68 KB, 724x494, Untitled.png)
    68 KB
    stole someone elses and used it to make mine btw.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:03 No.3722444
    what is your aim?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:03 No.3722448
         File1303704217.jpg-(19 KB, 286x261, charlie-sheen-ferris-bueller-e(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    good question.
    im going to say with.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:04 No.3722482
         File1303704282.jpg-(121 KB, 714x499, 5197984621698.jpg)
    121 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:05 No.3722493
    can someone post the template
    >> TintenFisch 04/25/11(Mon)00:05 No.3722498
         File1303704318.jpg-(91 KB, 714x499, wow.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Trilobyte 04/25/11(Mon)00:05 No.3722502

    Meh. I may try it sometime. Anyway, nice talking to you. I need to get sleep. See you around? :)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:05 No.3722507
    actually, I think so.
    I deleted it cause I never used it, but I think I may still have an account.
    and if not, I can always get one.
    >> Bumpicus Maximus 04/25/11(Mon)00:06 No.3722524
    i fucking love you
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:06 No.3722553
    oh boy i like your music tastes too :)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:08 No.3722591
         File1303704483.png-(58 KB, 299x215, fran.png)
    58 KB
    >mfw OP likes elfin lied
    are you still in this thread?
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:08 No.3722604
    get one tell me your sn and yah woot ill add you
    >> Hawk 04/25/11(Mon)00:08 No.3722608
    I'm about 90% on yours
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:08 No.3722612
    fuckin' neato.
    got any favorite songs, or other bands you like?
    forgot to throw in modest mouse and panic at the disco as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:08 No.3722616
    I fucking love..stuff!
    Oh, and :D
    >> TintenFisch 04/25/11(Mon)00:09 No.3722643
    I know you are, darlin, but you live in the south, dont you?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:10 No.3722653
    Sometimes, as a 5'0" female, I feel bad for dating tall guys because I know ultimately they are best with tall girls. :/

    Anyways, just felt like saying that, I hope you find someone.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:10 No.3722654
         File1303704613.jpg-(268 KB, 876x1073, 1289865216239.jpg)
    268 KB
    Guy whose you stole here.

    He is pretty much the exact opposite of me. Also, at least use the font I opted for.
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:10 No.3722672
         File1303704640.jpg-(15 KB, 240x320, stupidtitlesandfilenamescanall(...).jpg)
    15 KB
    yes :O
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:10 No.3722673
    You have my attention now. I am very similar to House, I'm interested in how alike we are.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:11 No.3722683
    >> TintenFisch 04/25/11(Mon)00:11 No.3722695

    I wish with all my heart I could be 5'0. :\
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:12 No.3722717
    Wow.. I'm US Army, only 6'2" ish though
    Have tattoo( soon to be multiple), fit, blond hair blue eye, drug free, only smoke on occasion and I love Jack and Jim.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:12 No.3722733
    I think i love you
    >> Hawk 04/25/11(Mon)00:13 No.3722753
    ah thought I already knew you
    we really should stop meeting like this =P
    and yeah, for the moment
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:14 No.3722775
    What state do you live in?
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:15 No.3722802
         File1303704910.jpg-(41 KB, 254x230, 1303300308633.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:15 No.3722803
    Evan Grant Pellnitz
    sorry bro, only have mspaint and I don't know how to change the font.
    >> TintenFisch 04/25/11(Mon)00:15 No.3722817
    This is still very possible.
    Idealy, 6'5+ but, taller than me in general is nice.


    >> TintenFisch 04/25/11(Mon)00:16 No.3722841
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:21 No.3722849
    Hmm, what forms do you use?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:21 No.3722871
    Are you me?
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)00:21 No.3722885
    <Less emotionally distant version combo of Dr. Cox and House. Although I'm also no where near arrogant enough nor a big enough drug addict to claim myself on the level of Genius I am a witty intelligent entp asshole.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:23 No.3722924
    Where da template at yo
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:23 No.3722926
         File1303705398.png-(93 KB, 604x284, howtodoit.png)
    93 KB
    pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:23 No.3722938
    Not fussy about appearances - bearded-gingerdreads-man will probably only exist in my dreams.
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:23 No.3722945
         File1303705430.jpg-(19 KB, 240x320, dfgdfgdf.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:24 No.3722961
    I go to a few raves, what is your aim?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:24 No.3722975

    Where do you live? Contact info? Pic?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:24 No.3722976
         File1303705485.png-(77 KB, 714x504, matestuff.png)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:25 No.3722982
    Oh... You are quite far away... =/
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:25 No.3722997
    We should be friends. You have combined the two best characters I could imagine. I own all of the Scrubs original seasons and House.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:25 No.3723001
         File1303705526.png-(98 KB, 714x499, ideal.png)
    98 KB
    >no replies
    >> TintenFisch 04/25/11(Mon)00:25 No.3723003
    email or aim???

    is aim.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:25 No.3723004
         File1303705535.png-(334 KB, 1020x757, 1303655000419.png)
    334 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:26 No.3723022
         File1303705568.png-(77 KB, 714x499, ideal.png)
    77 KB
    >> TintenFisch 04/25/11(Mon)00:26 No.3723037
    >> Etrigan 04/25/11(Mon)00:26 No.3723055

    Bumping myself. Gay nerd for gay nerd.
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)00:27 No.3723065

    Do you have aim or skype?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:28 No.3723084
         File1303705682.png-(37 KB, 714x499, 1303431939514.png)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:28 No.3723085
    OP, a/s/l?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:28 No.3723093
    derp. didn't even see the font thing there.
    also, I'm high, so I didn't think of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:28 No.3723112
         File1303705735.png-(183 KB, 400x323, Arguecat.png)
    183 KB

    that's really awesome that you guys are just like me but i didnt ask for someone just like me, did i?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:30 No.3723153
    I have AIM: anonymous90b90
    >> Dozen 04/25/11(Mon)00:30 No.3723158
         File1303705831.jpg-(89 KB, 714x499, 1303609578346.jpg)
    89 KB
    Or something like a Young Audrey Hepburn. I really dig the idea of a cute girl with an accent.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:31 No.3723178
    I cant find you...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:32 No.3723222
    Nevermind Im retarded, Im on aim, I never use it, had to make new one haha
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:32 No.3723225
         File1303705975.jpg-(36 KB, 249x851, karen_gillan.jpg)
    36 KB
    I found your ideal!
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)00:33 No.3723264
    Not "Just" like you. "just" like you would mean I had a vagina and was an arrogant cunt who instantly thought that since they're ENTP they're like the people on tv. :)
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:34 No.3723271
         File1303706047.jpg-(81 KB, 405x540, ilooklikea12yearoldtimelordmuf(...).jpg)
    81 KB
    usa,17 pic related
    fuck off amy pond
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:37 No.3723377
    Amy Pond makes me question my sexuality. Redheaded babe with Scottish accent hnnnnnnng
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:39 No.3723422
    Maybe instead of jumping to conclusions, you might be interested in hearing that I have my own bike. But I have given up the addiction of WoW.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:39 No.3723424
    Straight girl here
    I'd bang her. I mean, vaginas are nasty and all
    but I'd totally bang her
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:39 No.3723426
    Actually, I noticed I was similar to House before I knew about MBTI. ALSO, I knew I was an ENTP BEFORE I found out Dr House was also an ENTP :)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:39 No.3723446
         File1303706398.jpg-(78 KB, 714x499, ideal.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:41 No.3723471

    I kinda fit this :P
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)00:42 No.3723501
    He honestly only slightly fits the build for it anyways. Hes far too irrational and selfish in a lot of his actions for it to specifically fit anyways. The manipulation? The intelligence? The thinking? Sure. But hes borderline ENTP if anything. Using it as a crutch to try and elevate yourself as being more superior than you are is a joke.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:42 No.3723505
    >>3723446 age and location?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:43 No.3723521
    This is exactly how I feel. I am so turned off by vaginas but I would do so many beautiful, wild things with hers. Also I would invite you if you'd be up for it, gotta share dat Pond.

    Brofist to you, anonymous friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:44 No.3723570

    22/canada =)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:46 No.3723622
    I'm not using it as a crutch. It's just what I've heard OTHER people describe me as. It's more universally known and it doesn't help that I also work in a hospital. It's just to give people a general idea, not a definite definition.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:47 No.3723644
    Awe, 19/Ky. haha, I love Canada though, hardly run into rude people in Canada
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:47 No.3723651
    Is this also a stab at House because of his gimp and possibly needing a "crutch"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:48 No.3723678
    OP, it's a shame you aren't in Canada.

    Not to sound creepy but you sound like a wonderful girl and I might think of making tender love to you tonight. You hit quite a few of my weak spots.
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)00:48 No.3723687
    You don't seem much like him at all. It's cool, I totally lie on the internet too. My dick is 2 feet long and cums gold.
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:49 No.3723715
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:50 No.3723734
         File1303707033.jpg-(115 KB, 714x499, ideal.jpg)
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    I like reading comics, watching cartoons, doing art stuff, and the internet. Also cats, bikes, and gsl.
    I don't care what kind of stuff he likes as long as he's not a shit, isn't gross, has adult responsibilities, and shares my sense of humor.
    If you want me to get with you there's only one thing you gotta do: get it up in them guts~
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:51 No.3723770
    ITT: ugly people
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)00:51 No.3723774
    Unintentional/subconscious wit on my part apparently.
    >> stardust 04/25/11(Mon)00:52 No.3723796
    Just stopped by to tell OP I hella approve of the buffy, trekkie, and dr. who love.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:52 No.3723799

    >>3723678 here, I'm in Ottawa. You're kinda far...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:52 No.3723800
         File1303707165.jpg-(64 KB, 603x437, 1297308068043.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:53 No.3723811

    yeah canada usually a pretty tame place. I've always wanted to roam around that area (Kentucky, Tennessee). Seems like genuine nice people (ex. boys) would live there. I just think it would be different. I'm jealous of you!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:53 No.3723829
    You hang around these threads way too much. I think we all do.
    >> Spidermonkey 04/25/11(Mon)00:54 No.3723849
         File1303707278.jpg-(137 KB, 773x580, theonlyphotoihavethathasntbeen(...).jpg)
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    night everyone
    aim is : mangagirlpink
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)00:54 No.3723853
    You sound bitter. Oh! You have something in common finally!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:55 No.3723875
    They are the only threads I go to because they involve drawing shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:57 No.3723914
    Hah, Ky's cool, can't say I don't like it, but it's one of those places that you have to travel out from to keep interest in it. I usually leave state/country two or three times a year, but I do love it here. Haha, I'm jealous of you.. I love Canada, I've always kinda wanted to live up there for a few months
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:57 No.3723918

    I like you :)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:57 No.3723920
    Well, drawing shit once, mostly. Then an endless cycling of reposts and small edits.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:58 No.3723963
    i say we take this fight over to AIM and deal with it there. post it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:59 No.3723996
         File1303707581.png-(39 KB, 714x499, if only.png)
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    It's fun to dream.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:00 No.3724012
         File1303707618.png-(206 KB, 714x504, Untitled.png)
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    Somebody read this and match please
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)01:00 No.3724018
    You post it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:00 No.3724031

    well just make sure to pick the right place and the right months. where i am it was about 70 today, but in others i know they got snow. Also I know in some northern parts it will snow till May, then start up again in September May I suggest as south as possible? lol
    >> Marius 04/25/11(Mon)01:01 No.3724053
         File1303707702.jpg-(1.08 MB, 700x987, mcdonalds.jpg)
    1.08 MB

    Hahaha, OP I work at McDonalds. (I'm 18 years old, not sad a 37 year old)

    All dat free stolen food.
    All dose hamboigahs.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:02 No.3724087

    meh forget it
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:03 No.3724101
    I don't make the threads, I just post in them.
    You're obviously just as active if you've noticed and went out of your way to bring it up, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:04 No.3724131
    I'll take any advice haha, I try to avoid overly touristy places when I move for a few months, get a "real" experience rather than a tv/brochure experience. What interests you in the Ky/Tn areas?
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)01:04 No.3724139
    As if this was even a fight to begin with. I might as well of been picking on a mentally challenged midget wrestler.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:06 No.3724169

    Second time I've seen this pic. Seriously, who the hell is that in the "ideal mate" box?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:06 No.3724176
    Oh I realize the irony in pointing out how much time people spend on 4chan. I was commenting on the futility of it all, and how like in the "My Life" threads it eventually boils down to the same 20-30 people.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:07 No.3724229
    all of you sound awesome if you're real
    skype- sanbojac
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:09 No.3724262
         File1303708151.png-(40 KB, 714x499, Pic.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:09 No.3724266
    Doesn't matter, I've talked to someone new every time as a result of posting.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:09 No.3724268

    Fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:09 No.3724270
    Yeah, that's definitely me. Sadly, I'm not in Canada. Quite far, actually.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:10 No.3724309
    Oh, hell. Whereabouts are you then?
    Don't tell me you match everything, that would be unfortunate.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:11 No.3724327
    You're so amazing but you're also half way across the planet from me... :/
    >> King McJack 04/25/11(Mon)01:11 No.3724335

    Hey, don't know if you are still there, but thank oufor the compliment!

    Don't let my mate thing throw you off, I am hardly as picky as I made it out to be. I wasn't exactly taking this seriously. Should you be an AIM fag or something, hit me up sometime. aim = Alchemillusion
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:11 No.3724339
    You are a girl and the creative type, instant attention grabber. But good for you. That wasn't even sarcasm.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:12 No.3724345
    Well I've always that country places were nice. Not necessarily "Western" type but just open land. Things just seem more..simple (not simple minded, dont take it the wrong time). It's just the idea of it all I have in my head, things would be easier.

    Also I come from a very big culturally diverse city and I think there would be more white people there. Not that I'm racist, but being my preference for men I feel it would give me a bigger selection.

    I wanted to plan a trip to Nashville in the summer, but I've been told it's a pretty rough place and to reconsider. Do you have any advice? I don't want to go south south like Louisiana or Mississippi, I'm unsure really.
    >> King McJack 04/25/11(Mon)01:13 No.3724380

    Hey it's Venture Girl! How you be?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:15 No.3724445

    LISTEN YOU! dont sass me and dont question my authoritay. i already have to deal with bullshit at work, i dont wanna have to deal with your enchiladas
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:15 No.3724457
    try florida, that's where I'm at.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:16 No.3724463
    youre describing me. except im 24, 6'3"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:17 No.3724509
    Okay cool~
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:18 No.3724538
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:18 No.3724547
    Good luck with today's catch.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:18 No.3724549
    I'm Batman as always King McJack, thanks for asking!
    How was your Easter Holiday?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:19 No.3724566
    Nashville is cool, I wouldn't consider it rough, there's a ton to do there, (most) people will be pretty nice (mainly cause most will be other tourists) just watch your pockets, I have a buddy that got pick pocketed twice during the same trip there. Also, Ky and Tn are mountainous terrain so if you're looking for truly open land then you're lookin in the wrong place, if you just want to get outta the city/ away from civilization and you like backpacking and camping I recommend the Red River Gorge. But, back to Nashville it's a cool place to visit. Also things aren't necessarily easier, just different.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:19 No.3724585
    Do you have an email? Even if you live far away, it's still interesting to talk to new people.
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)01:20 No.3724606
    Seriously? This is your attempt at "Stepping your game up"? Is this even the same person anymore? How the fuck do you get off comparing yourself to Dr. House? And I'm guessing you're a nurse? Or do you volunteer cleaning bed pans?
    >> Thorgrey 04/25/11(Mon)01:21 No.3724640
         File1303708892.jpg-(44 KB, 714x504, im.jpg)
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    it's a rock hammer because I like geology, not a regular hammer because I like carpentry.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:22 No.3724660

    Well sometime I feel that anything different would be easier. Mountainous is okay, by open I mean just less industrialized than here. I was also considering Colorado because it seems easy going, but KY is a hell of a lot closer than CO. Have you ever researched places you'd like to visit in Canada?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:22 No.3724679
         File1303708973.jpg-(27 KB, 400x273, coolasice1.jpg)
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    Don't need luck when you're cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:23 No.3724683
    I do. It's , I also have several IMing programs if you'd like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:23 No.3724685
    I stopped caring after you didn't post your sn.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:23 No.3724707
         File1303709029.png-(9 KB, 404x445, 1295741652680.png)
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    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)01:24 No.3724740
    Why do you want my sn so bad? Do you not enjoy being publicly humiliated? :( Or is this your feeble attempt at flirting with me? How house like of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:25 No.3724769
    No, your email is quite alright for now.
    Hopefully hear from you soon!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:26 No.3724782
         File1303709170.png-(150 KB, 714x499, sup.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:27 No.3724818
    Ah, gotcha. Well, Nashville probably won't give you what you want.. still worth visiting though.
    Not really, usually I wait till I'm actually in a country and talk to locals to find out whats worth visiting and whats just built by tourism. I like seeing what the locals like and love.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:28 No.3724840
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:28 No.3724852
    Can we haz original pic?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:28 No.3724873
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:31 No.3724951

    thats cute of you to do. i like that. im sad about nashville but i've already kind of abandoned it in my head i suppose :(

    are you in school?
    >> Dozen 04/25/11(Mon)01:32 No.3725013
    Well its not like I was being furtive.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:33 No.3725034
    huh. i'm in florida and not a bad guy. see >>3722440
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:33 No.3725041
    Hah, thanks :)
    No, I was last year but I just joined the Army on friday. I take it you are?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:34 No.3725080
    Shameless self-bump in the search for a gingerbeard
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:35 No.3725110
    Can someone post the one that has nothing done to it yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:36 No.3725121
    yes it was, actually. you seemed like a clever guy, i thought you would have caught onto that. either way, im gonna go play wow since you're not interested.
    >> Anomnom 04/25/11(Mon)01:36 No.3725129

    I'm offline now though. I'll be on tomorrow if you want another verbal bashing. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:36 No.3725133
    >A guy who watches Buffy

    They're called bulldykes.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:39 No.3725200

    i was and then i graduated and took a year off, now im going back for a masters in september. wow, the army, i could never do that....thats commitment right there.
    >> mouse 04/25/11(Mon)01:41 No.3725241

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:42 No.3725269
    Oh, cool cool, whats your major?
    Someones got to do it hah. Really, I've always wanted to fly helicopters in the Army, so I'm going after my dream, it'll take a few years but I'll get there.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:46 No.3725379

    Well i had majored in Kinesiology and now I'm kind of specializing and doing lifespan development which I hope I can be successful in. Helicopters seem fun, except for the crashes. I have a bizarre fear of being crushed by helicopters/planes/etc
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:47 No.3725423
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:49 No.3725456
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    >implying mine exists
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:49 No.3725467

    Also, MBTI type is ENTP
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:49 No.3725468

    Fellow Latino/Hispanic here. I fit all those except I'm 24 and live in cali
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:51 No.3725522
    That's really cool, now that's something I could never do =P
    Yeah, the idea of crashing is pretty scary but I try not to let fear hold me back. I've actually already flown a few times I just don't have a license.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:51 No.3725525

    >implying that metalhead/goth chicks aren't at every single concert ever
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:52 No.3725554
    >implying they are't all fat and old
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:53 No.3725561
         File1303710782.jpg-(253 KB, 800x600, match.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:56 No.3725642

    well thats good. it's just like driving i guess lol. do you have AIM or something? I feel like we keep reviving the dead thread
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:56 No.3725644
    well yeah, but still hard to find sometimes :)

    um, no, they're not.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:58 No.3725707
    Yeah I have aim,
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:00 No.3725781
         File1303711249.png-(33 KB, 714x499, idealmate.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:03 No.3725837
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    Im pretty pleased with this.

    Its a combo of what the actor looks like and the characters they play.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:05 No.3725903

    execpt for my typo! video*
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:06 No.3725912
    Lol, you're the first girl I've heard of who's into the guy who plays Liu Kang.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:06 No.3725932
    >baseless expectations
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:07 No.3725966

    Was one of my 1st actor crushes!!!
    Also love the ninja assassin guy. hooooottttt.....
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:09 No.3726003
    Could I get a template?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:11 No.3726065

    How so?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:12 No.3726082
    I know your pain, bro. All we want is a nice goth chick to love, but they're hard to come by.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:13 No.3726120

    Theres one in this thread.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:13 No.3726127
    Because you're a fat average looking woman with no real prospect as a mate and you want someone who looks like a movie star.

    Did I mention that that's shallow? Because it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:18 No.3726229

    Yes I am average, but Im not fat.

    I didn't want to write out a bunch of things, so I found characters of men that are what I look for in a mate.

    Zachary Levi doesnt look like a movie star. But I love his character Chuck. The kind of guy Id like to date.

    Rick O"connel, good looking, and the bad boy/good guy combo and brave also the type of guy I'm interested in.

    Personality means a lot to me. And those pictures show the characters of men I like. Not my fault if you don't understand their characters and didnt get catch my draft.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:19 No.3726262
    catching your draft would be difficult
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:19 No.3726267
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:21 No.3726300
    what I meant.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:21 No.3726321
    bu bu bump.
    >> King McJack 04/25/11(Mon)02:22 No.3726342

    sorry for the delay, at work and shit, makin dat bank.

    It was...well...I worked XD. I don't really celebrate Easter, so there wasn't much planned in my book. I am however, planninga trip to The Adventure Science Museum here in Nashville this week! Who says you're to old for science and adventure??
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:22 No.3726347
    To lazy to make the pic but... Has similar taste in music to me (alt rock, indie, not really into a lot of mainstream) Enjoys to play video games, and isn't religious, loves to just talk, isn't against weed, doesn't have to smoke it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:22 No.3726348
         File1303712549.png-(59 KB, 714x499, Typical Neckbeard.png)
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    Previously posted this in a shit thread that went nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:26 No.3726440

    Pedo alert. jesus fuck dude go cut your dick off.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:27 No.3726473
         File1303712825.jpg-(48 KB, 364x469, visibly upset.jpg)
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    Welcome to 4chan, newfriend.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:28 No.3726527

    Remember what your parole officer said. Can't go anywhere near schools or playgrounds.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:30 No.3726563
         File1303713011.png-(39 KB, 799x558, YOU IDEAL MATE v17.png)
    39 KB
    - Canada, Vancouver area
    - 21
    - 6 foot 3 inches tall
    - Good looking, slim
    - Funny, well educated
    - Good job
    - University student
    - Social skills

    - Canada, no LDRs so local or within 1 hour travel time
    - Just need to be shorter than me
    - Not be flat chested
    - Not be fat
    > Cute/sexy is a bonus
    - Some form of post-secondary education
    - Enjoy laughing
    - Any race/ethnicity/religion
    - Any level of income

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:34 No.3726673
         File1303713284.jpg-(43 KB, 714x504, menvicroriashittymspaint.jpg)
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    Don't hate on my drawing skills :S
    >> candlerandle~ 04/25/11(Mon)02:39 No.3726796
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:50 No.3727077
    >dubstep fan and gamergrrrl

    Why do you even have a fetish for /v/ trolls?
    >> lurklurk 04/25/11(Mon)02:52 No.3727129
    would guys be okay too? also, location would help
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:02 No.3727270
         File1303714960.jpg-(214 KB, 560x443, easterbunny.jpg)
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    i really hope this relationship blossoms into something, i'm pulling for you kids
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:42 No.3728007
         File1303717341.png-(132 KB, 714x499, ideal.png)
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    I'm not picky.
    >> Fel 04/25/11(Mon)03:44 No.3728066
         File1303717498.png-(78 KB, 1071x749, bwe.png)
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    Well that took forever.. It's a work in progress so I'll add more later.

    ..not that anyone's concerned, but ah well.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:47 No.3728141
         File1303717675.png-(82 KB, 714x499, myidealmate.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:50 No.3728216

    I would be perfect for you in every way except I have a bit of scruff. I GUESS I COULD SHAVE FOR YOU GEEZ.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:52 No.3728273

    lols to be honest sometimes guys look better with a little scruff. i just dont like the scratchiness :<

    other than that, how are you perfect?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:54 No.3728336
    I'm guessing you're like, an F cup or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:56 No.3728374

    I'm almost a foot taller than you, shy irl but outgoing on internets, enjoys reading and parties (potentially even reading parties), hiking/rock climbing, no smokes (weed or cigarettes), do enjoy whiskey, yeeeeeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:58 No.3728427

    wow, that does sound damn good. what's up


    uh. what
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)03:59 No.3728448
         File1303718369.jpg-(134 KB, 714x499, idealmate.jpg)
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    Ta da!
    >> candlerandle~ 04/25/11(Mon)04:00 No.3728460
         File1303718413.png-(57 KB, 714x499, ideal mate template.png)
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    I'm going to sleep but feel free to add me anyway (noone adds me lul) <3

    5'7" kind of skinny
    Kind, loves to physically touch, clingy but not in a consuming way.
    >Favorite artists/bands/genres
    Rise Against, Rage against the machine, Ambient, trance, dubstep, electronica, classical, R&b, everything really but hard as fuck death metal or trash metal.
    >Favorite movies
    I watch mostly comedies. action adventure movies as well, I dont do horror so much.
    >Favorite books
    wats a book? I read sci-fi, fantasy, manga, pretty much what I want to or think is good.
    >Favorite food
    Italian, sushi, japanese, BBQ, I love everything.
    Vidya games, Anime, Bike riding, reading, being weird, sometimes hiking, dancing, prancing, psychology, & more.
    >Contact Info
    skype candlemaster91
    aim candlecooldude91

    not obese and not skin and bones. Face piercings are a turn off, IDC about height really as long as youre within a foot of me. Have to be able to like your face too. :3
    Be kind, above average intelligence, common interests are definitally a plus. If religious don't force it upon me. and umm thats about it really? Not clinically insane I guess.
    >anything else
    Have some set goal in life. No freeloaders! Also if youre not a perfect match, thats ok too, add me and lets talk anyway. :]
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:00 No.3728471

    I have a junky hotmail/MSN if you want to give me a shout and then I can add you on Skype/a real MSN/whatever. is my fake oooone
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:01 No.3728487
    You said huge disproportionate tits.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:02 No.3728520

    >only uses aim

    ffuu :c
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:03 No.3728549

    Just email me your AIM then and I'll go download it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:04 No.3728554

    haha. well yeah, i'm an F cup. really more of a G but i keep putting off buying new bras.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:06 No.3728611
    God you'd be so perfect if you didn't live an ocean away :(
    >> lurklurk 04/25/11(Mon)04:07 No.3728645

    okay, ill bite. my aim is aimandfirelol

    bring it
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:11 No.3728757

    I have AIM now but you didn't emaaail me.
    >> lurklurk 04/25/11(Mon)04:11 No.3728772

    and quoting the wrong post makes me look like a shallow asshole. wonderful
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:12 No.3728784

    : / australia?


    sent c:
    >> lurklurk 04/25/11(Mon)04:12 No.3728800
    I only date DD or bigger minimum.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:15 No.3728871
    England :c
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:16 No.3728901
         File1303719388.png-(220 KB, 725x713, ideamatejk.png)
    220 KB
    forever alone...... T_T
    >> アキバ君 04/25/11(Mon)04:17 No.3728939
         File1303719459.png-(26 KB, 714x499, 1303609578347.png)
    26 KB
    They see me rollin'...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:21 No.3729026
    A woman like that is obviously getting stuffed with alpha dick. Not longing for your whinny ass.
    >> autism 04/25/11(Mon)04:22 No.3729059
         File1303719765.jpg-(20 KB, 640x480, 1303597364527.jpg)
    20 KB
    i already talked 2 her she took this pic
    >> アキバ君 04/25/11(Mon)04:23 No.3729065

    They hatin'...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:33 No.3729285
         File1303720393.png-(267 KB, 714x499, lol.png)
    267 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:35 No.3729338
         File1303720529.png-(352 KB, 1071x749, idealpost.png)
    352 KB
    Totally stole someones goth girl.

    Anyway my skype is mewohkie

    if you wanna talk add me
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:43 No.3729522
    post more
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:50 No.3729684
         File1303721425.png-(22 KB, 730x496, matethread.png)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:55 No.3729813

    Your ideal mate is manbearpig?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:57 No.3729847

    i'm in.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:57 No.3729854
         File1303721858.png-(48 KB, 714x499, derpus.png)
    48 KB
    Why can't I hold all these responses?

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:01 No.3729940
         File1303722061.gif-(555 KB, 215x194, DEAL WITH IT DANCE.gif)
    555 KB
    Kill yourself massive faggot.
    >" Fuck the system "
    >" Likes Japan "
    Clearly you have no fucking clue weeaboo fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:01 No.3729945
         File1303722080.png-(48 KB, 714x499, derpus.png)
    48 KB
    And ginger edition.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:08 No.3730098

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:12 No.3730177
    Meh, what the heck, can't hurt.
    >> eXOh 04/25/11(Mon)05:14 No.3730210
    Hi, I fit about 2/3 of your things like you were specifically writing about me, the rest not at all.

    Namely, I'm a Ginger/Chris Nolan fan/Gamer... are you still here by chance?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:14 No.3730214
         File1303722866.png-(47 KB, 739x600, whattheheck.png)
    47 KB

    forgot image
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:15 No.3730240
    Post pic
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:16 No.3730244
         File1303722967.png-(39 KB, 723x500, IDEALMAte.png)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:17 No.3730268
    any pic?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:18 No.3730297
    >> eXOh 04/25/11(Mon)05:20 No.3730332
    oh nevermind, that was 5 hours ago...
    oh well.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:24 No.3730395
    I might kinda maybe fit. lol
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:24 No.3730396
         File1303723444.png-(17 KB, 714x499, 1303609578347.png)
    17 KB
    If wanna know more, skype == pantagruels.nativity
    >> HaunterMcBadBoyshortz☺ 04/25/11(Mon)05:25 No.3730421
         File1303723506.jpg-(42 KB, 714x594, 1303700719032.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> lurklurk 04/25/11(Mon)05:25 No.3730435

    location please? why isnt location a requirement? =/
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:25 No.3730439
         File1303723557.jpg-(169 KB, 714x499, k2ytb1xb copy copy.jpg)
    169 KB
    Posted this one last night as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:25 No.3730440
    Interesting... post picture.
    >> eXOh 04/25/11(Mon)05:27 No.3730471
         File1303723661.jpg-(21 KB, 496x496, feelsbadman.jpg)
    21 KB
    >measures self in Metric system
    >not Amerifag

    I'd still like to talk to you though, I fit a lot of those things you listed. AIM?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:27 No.3730472

    Aaaaand of course, we probably live nowhere close to one another.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:28 No.3730486
    I'll refer you to mine >>3730396
    I believe a meet your requirements:
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:29 No.3730503
         File1303723785.jpg-(29 KB, 368x385, 1303716557897.jpg)
    29 KB
    >mfw "ideal mate" is always a white dude in every thread like this
    >> アキバ君 04/25/11(Mon)05:31 No.3730534

    Just because someone uses the metric system doesn't mean they don't live in America. I use metric for the most part myself, but I was homeschooled, so I learned both. I prefer metric because every other country in the world uses it except for Burma and Liberia.
    >> HaunterMcBadBoyshortz☺ 04/25/11(Mon)05:32 No.3730545
    of wat
    my face
    or my face
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:32 No.3730552
    Them's the breaks my non-white amigo.
    >> eXOh 04/25/11(Mon)05:33 No.3730559
    certainly, but this is 4chan, it's plenty acceptable and generally accurate to make such assumptions. Plus, why would I get my hopes up? lol. Better to be pleasantly surprised or right.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:33 No.3730568

    i am asian & nerdy & am requesting that you post a picture of yourself. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:34 No.3730590
    6' dead on
    18 / m / uk
    little skinnier than average, slightly toned
    loving the vidya, both playing it and making it
    music is most important part of my life (for now at least)
    film fanatic, will watch ANYTHING
    open to most concepts, including wiccan and other weird shit (would be fucking neat if it worked right?)

    ideal mate:
    shorter than me or same height
    17 - 19 / f / UK
    into games / music / films (preferably all)
    able to hold a decent conversation (i talk for hours given the right topics)
    spontaneous / interesting, i change my tastes in everything all the time, need someone who is like minded

    if you can name the 2 films these are from then you're on the ball ;)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:34 No.3730592
    Metric system eh? where do you live?
    >> アキバ君 04/25/11(Mon)05:34 No.3730594

    As a pessimist, I sympathize. Still, it seems like it would only be common sense to use the more frequently used measurement system.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:35 No.3730611

    >> King McJack 04/25/11(Mon)05:36 No.3730634
         File1303724212.jpg-(569 KB, 960x1280, sadfljkg.jpg)
    569 KB

    My bad, didn't see you there. Been a long night.
    >> eXOh 04/25/11(Mon)05:37 No.3730643
    True I suppose, but when does the average American use much common sense?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:37 No.3730654
         File1303724266.jpg-(38 KB, 640x480, Picture0001.jpg)
    38 KB
    ive had my hair cut recently, but this was about 4 weeks ago
    >> アキバ君 04/25/11(Mon)05:39 No.3730675

    Good point. They're not very good at analyzing situations, or reading the atmosphere. And they can't spell Colour or Theatre right.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:39 No.3730676
         File1303724351.jpg-(56 KB, 1024x768, 100_2077.jpg)
    56 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:40 No.3730707
    Yeah, I'm not American. Maybe it's going to sound like I'm lying, but I don't have AIM - it's not really popular around here and I don't like instant messaging too much.

    I'm from Europe.

    In this case, eXOh was right. I could have used the American units because more people on 4chan understand them, but I'm not really good with those.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:41 No.3730729
    you have got to be one of the biggest faggots in this thread
    >> eXOh 04/25/11(Mon)05:41 No.3730733
    General contact info? Email?
    I'm actually headed to bed but my email goes to my phone, so I can talk for a bit if you'd be down.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:42 No.3730745

    I thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:46 No.3730806
    I request you post a picture of yourself as well. =P
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:49 No.3730850
    I wonder if there exists a person with passion that is stronger than the desire to breed. I want to meet that kind of person.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:49 No.3730853
         File1303724962.jpg-(12 KB, 202x206, 1302954190922.jpg)
    12 KB
    >You will never be someone's ideal mspaint mate
    >> tripster 04/25/11(Mon)05:50 No.3730868
         File1303725013.png-(418 KB, 640x480, kirby.png)
    418 KB
    Ideal mate: anyone I can totally inhale and then use to fuck up bad guys or get nifty powers.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:53 No.3730931
         File1303725208.png-(198 KB, 714x789, meh.png)
    198 KB
    I enjoyed putting this together.
    >> アキバ君 04/25/11(Mon)05:54 No.3730942
         File1303725248.jpg-(145 KB, 1024x768, kanji-file-name-3049.jpg)
    145 KB

    Eh, I based my ms paint design of this anime character anyway.

    Oono is my dream girl.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:56 No.3730976
         File1303725374.jpg-(200 KB, 712x1110, oc2.jpg)
    200 KB
    >> Hm. Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:57 No.3730997
         File1303725439.png-(237 KB, 714x499, sfdgsdfg.png)
    237 KB
    >> mouse 04/25/11(Mon)05:58 No.3731012
         File1303725484.png-(108 KB, 714x499, ideal.png)
    108 KB
    kinda lenient on some parts
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:59 No.3731028
    6'4" looking for 5' ~

    do you have any idea how hard itll be to do anything with someone whos head will barely reach your shoulders

    i went out with a girl 5'8 and im 6'1, even that was a pain...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)05:59 No.3731030
    Hmmm, the yes album you say... asl?
    >> ThatDrunkDude 04/25/11(Mon)06:00 No.3731040
         File1303725603.png-(361 KB, 728x473, Ideal Girl.png)
    361 KB
    im most, if not all, of those things, and you sounds like someone id like to be with

    i already know id like you
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:00 No.3731052
    >Implying you even looked at other guys posts, and made an attempt at approaching someone
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:00 No.3731053
         File1303725657.gif-(38 KB, 714x499, ideal.gif)
    38 KB

    I'm 23, btw.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:01 No.3731058
    >doesn't know how good she is
    That's pure faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:01 No.3731066
    Oh well excuuuuuuuse me for not being picky.
    >> eXOh 04/25/11(Mon)06:02 No.3731078
    I need to go to bed but I really liked yours and kinda wanna talk to you lol...
    Contact info by chance...?

    (would you consider a thing for Norwegian alt-rock & a recent obsession with folk music odd enough taste in music?)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:03 No.3731099
    thats not it... how exactly will you cope with someone thats nearly impossible to hug or kiss without stopping down or bringing a stool, smaller than you is fine, but you'd be a giant to someone only 5'
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:04 No.3731121

    Contact info?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:04 No.3731125

    sup? ;]
    chubby short girl reporting in
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:05 No.3731143
         File1303725953.png-(166 KB, 1071x749, bwe.png)
    166 KB
    Still a work in progress, but I'm done with my side.
    >> Hm. Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:06 No.3731150
    Woo! Msn? aha.
    I lurk, I don't really make an attempt to talk to people that often bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:09 No.3731184

    Thank you

    Check the e-mail field. Just be warned that I come online like once a month.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:09 No.3731190

    I assume you are no longer in this thread?
    >> mouse 04/25/11(Mon)06:10 No.3731192
    post pic/ideal.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:10 No.3731193
    where is the mother fucking template i would like to make one.
    >> ThatDrunkDude 04/25/11(Mon)06:10 No.3731198
         File1303726237.jpg-(46 KB, 525x360, Drawing (Ash).jpg)
    46 KB
    where are you situated?

    ill assume you were asking me for my msn because i already know youre super bad at keeping quotes in order
    its hobotoo@live(blah blah)

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:12 No.3731219
         File1303726322.png-(10 KB, 714x499, 1303609578347.png)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:12 No.3731228
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:13 No.3731240
         File1303726425.jpg-(17 KB, 316x500, m3.jpg)
    17 KB

    Figured I'd post a pic
    >> Hm. Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:16 No.3731279
    I'm a newb, so yeah. And added. aha.
    >> ThatDrunkDude 04/25/11(Mon)06:25 No.3731418
    i accepted
    y u no online tho?
    >> Hm. Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:28 No.3731458
    I AM online. ._____.
    I don't see you on though. LOL.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:43 No.3731675
         File1303728225.png-(48 KB, 714x499, fidudbkasdgb.png)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:45 No.3731704
         File1303728345.png-(31 KB, 252x284, 1303459945283.png)
    31 KB
    Do women not like blond guys?

    >> Shemurah 04/25/11(Mon)06:47 No.3731732
         File1303728476.png-(81 KB, 718x643, idealmate2.png)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:50 No.3731758
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:51 No.3731776
    I love The Cure, cats and David Bowie.
    I would love to just hang out with you and do nothing.
    More than one people have pointed out that i resemble Robert Smith.
    Aim and Skype: strangerintherye
    Also have MSN if you ask.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:51 No.3731779
    he said the other way around
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:51 No.3731783

    Seems like it.
    Blond longhairfag reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:51 No.3731787
    Hey! You're back!

    captcha: find erepostr
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:52 No.3731803
    Oh, sorry. My bad.
    >> Wolf Shirt 04/25/11(Mon)06:53 No.3731809
         File1303728784.png-(11 KB, 714x499, i am so fly.png)
    11 KB
    >> Shemurah 04/25/11(Mon)06:53 No.3731820
         File1303728823.png-(17 KB, 241x230, 1276048754815.png)
    17 KB
    Mfw you used my hair in your drawing haha
    From where?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:56 No.3731854
    If I weren't so submissive I'd ask for contact info
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:56 No.3731859
    I'll take your msn.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:57 No.3731874
         File1303729049.gif-(11 KB, 210x230, 1303278707448.gif)
    11 KB
    Very astute, I did, I'm not so good at paint. (I also used OP's shorts and boobs haha).
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)06:58 No.3731889
    >> Shemurah 04/25/11(Mon)06:59 No.3731909
         File1303729146.png-(17 KB, 199x199, 1275439833207.png)
    17 KB
    It's all good
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:01 No.3731959
    btw you never did accept my msn invite
    >> Shemurah 04/25/11(Mon)07:02 No.3731972
    What's your msn?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:02 No.3731976
    I added you. D:
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:04 No.3731997
         File1303729441.png-(57 KB, 714x793, moi.png)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:05 No.3732020
    Do you come with a fairy? If so, you sound spectacular.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:07 No.3732049
    Well, ordinarily I wouldn't even bother posting in threads like these, let alone asking for contact info. No problem adding people from other threads however, just the nature of 'mate' ones I suppose, tis a something about myself I could probably gain from moving beyond. Still, I always feel its potentially awkward as fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:08 No.3732066
    No invite recieved..
    Give me yours?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:09 No.3732073
    >> Shemurah 04/25/11(Mon)07:09 No.3732074
    Yes, but only I can see her.
    Just post your msn? :)
    >> 卐DAVY卐 04/25/11(Mon)07:10 No.3732094
         File1303729822.jpg-(65 KB, 714x499, Idealmate.jpg)
    65 KB
    Reposting, since the AIM session did not go well... No hard feelings.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:11 No.3732107
    whats your msn?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:11 No.3732118
         File1303729903.png-(44 KB, 714x499, template02.png)
    44 KB
    >> Shemurah 04/25/11(Mon)07:11 No.3732120
    If I don't accept, send me an e-mail and I'll add you. I haven't been receiving adds for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:15 No.3732185
    Will probably only be on sporadically today though
    >> Fel 04/25/11(Mon)07:16 No.3732203
         File1303730172.png-(218 KB, 1071x749, bwe.png)
    218 KB
    Just finished this.
    >> Riceatron 04/25/11(Mon)07:16 No.3732213
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:18 No.3732231
    So being submissive to said fairy isn't a requirement then?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:19 No.3732243
    Radioactive shake-weight?
    >> Shemurah 04/25/11(Mon)07:19 No.3732256
         File1303730392.jpg-(37 KB, 357x357, navi.jpg)
    37 KB
    Only when she wants you to listen.
    >> 卐DAVY卐 04/25/11(Mon)07:21 No.3732271

    HA! Good one!

    No. It's a glow stick.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:22 No.3732285
         File1303730542.png-(134 KB, 714x700, lol.png)
    134 KB
    >> Wolf Shirt 04/25/11(Mon)07:24 No.3732316

    I've fistfought robots before, do I qualify?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:26 No.3732345

    Oh look, someone loves German guys. :3
    >> anomynous 04/25/11(Mon)07:27 No.3732356

    this is me
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:27 No.3732357
    I was having that problem too, had to log into their site and accept invites.

    Added you though.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:27 No.3732362
    Fuck yeah, I love German guys. Even old guys are hot in Germany, I genuinely don't know how you do it.

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