Join us for drinks and vidya at Barcade in Brooklyn, tonight January 14 @ 9:00PM. Note: Barcade is 21+ only.
Success! Thanks to everyone who showed up - it was a fun time.Feel free to post pics and connect ITT.
need picks
Pics, please.
unlocked is unlocked
looks like a place out of tronHOW WAS IT!?
>4chan meetup
Wish i could have been there!!!
Need I say moar?
That was sweet, glad I could meet moot and get to know 4chan better.
Also, Gingermod.Moar like Gingergod, amirite?
>>296621why does moot base his fashion off of kohls brands and old navy?poor moot is pooridk
>>296446If it was a success.... Why the combination of trollolol, L.A. MACHINEGUN and "let's all point at ourselves and laugh"?Something I would have had to been there to understand?
>>296639>>296621die in a fire.
Fuck you guys. Went to see Anamanaguchi anyway.
>>296694oh hai
>>296657>L.A. MACHINEGUN
>>296694go to sleep sir.
>>296694oh shit
>>296694SUP BRA
So did anyone punch that ginger fuck in the mouth for banning Zyzz?
>>296694moot when you gonna call us again?
>>296694What is the meaning of heavy machine gun?D:
>>296743banning tripfags, i approve.
>>296709>have meetup a couple months ago>pete from anamanaguchi shows up>nobody else shows>have meetup tonight>pete from anamanaguchi shows up>yfw
so was errybody trolled again or what
>>296743>Some dude named Gingermod>Banned ZyzzWHAT ALL HAVE I MISSED IN THE LAST WEEK?
moot did you finally lose your virginity? be honest bro
how many ppl actually showed up?
>>296773GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. lolThey're doing another show on Feburary 5th in Ridgewood. Make another meet then and make sure it's at least 20+ (because I'll be 20 by then :D )
ffffffff wish I went to this
inb4 sticky and check the doubles.
there were probably 150 people at barcade. I'm guessing like 40 were there for moot.
Moar pics pls
>>296866inb4 shitstorm.
mod when are you starting your cut
>>296694I bet you wont reply to this post moot. I dare you
Moot, you should've gone to Anime evolution. Maddeth told me you would;_;lol jk, you have a busy entrepreneurial life now. PARTY ON
what about dubs
hi max inb4 shitstorm
>>296933Are you kidding? When was the last time moot did anything anime related?
>>296894Very soon.. feelin fat brah.
>>296947yes, what was that about dubs?????????
ok so did anybody fly solo into this? i was kinda too pussy to
Hey Ginger. Unban me from /fit/.I spend all my time on /r9k/ now. I can't handle another 10 days of /r9k/ man. You've got to let me back.
>>296694When's the next one, moot?
This is now a doubled thread. Please, check them but not this time.
posting in a moot thread
>>296958lol yeh, he doesn't anymore. Don't know if i should lament that or not
>>296968you look fine bro but that cut will unlock sexy man modemoot when the fuck are you gonna bulk
postin in a moot thread.moot, do you ever feel bad for the shitty stuff that comes out of this forum?do you ever save the porn posted?I can cough up tonsil stones at will!
Fucking hipsters.
>>297005meafter a few drinks it wasn't so bad...figured a lot of the people there were just as socially awkward as me.
Moot arn't you afraid someone followed you home? pic related
>>297026your the motherfucker who stole my cat
hey moot, if you had to delete a board which would it be/tv/ or /v/?
>>297048Meh, I do.
>>297019Nothing, I'm joshing ya. :3c
fuck you Moot your a faggot
Any chance of a Massachusetts /soc/ meet up?
Come to LA you manwhore.
that was fun, doods. nice to meet you all.
who was the girl with red hair that shook my hand and immediately ran away? D:
>>297018I have the best plan for Feb 5th.>Have meet up BEFORE Anamanguchi show with band members.>GO to Anamanaguchi show>Have meet up follow up AFTER show with members again.= One of your best nights evar.I put in the name to make sure no one steals my plan.
Just curious moot, what board do you spend most of your time on?
>>297208D'aw, does mootles have a crush?
>>297208i didn't see any girls with red hair! whaaat
>>297132looks like a photo you see on 'ok cupid'
Gonna invite /b/ to this thread.
>>297208moot's in love
>>296773>>296773FUCK THAT SHIT!!!i cant beleive people who live in new york didnt show up and pete turned up and then obviously moot and ginger mod.fucking idiots!Jealous limey here
>>296694you bastard! I don't turn 21 til march. Any future meetups?
>>297221To add on, you'd guys would also be supporting the band. :D
fuck i love barcade :(
early in the meetup, when it was just us and a table and a trollface beacon
>>297087i'd have no idea how to strike up conversation. like SOO HOW ABOUT BOXXY'S RETURN HEH?? idk forever socially awk.
I met moot and introduced him to some hot friends of mine! He's cool!
>>297208The strawberry-blonde with the blue-haired girl, or the one with the glasses in this: >>296639
>>297318that was everyonealthough thank god i didn't hear anything about boxxy. it was kinda too loud for serious conversation anyway.
>>297080Sage in a sticky, waste of effort dumbfuck.
>>297318i would like to know how people feel too
>>296621I saw you taking that lol
>>297314god thats the whole meetup?did you guys have intelligent conversation and everything?was it what you hoped?
Jesus christ, hipsters.Also, all these people look like me.Jesus christ I am a hipster.Also, If I had gone I probably would have just been an annoyance and tried to shake moots hand and ask him to make me a mod, so I didn't go.Feels pretty lame.
So no one assassinated moot when his guard was down? You fucking idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>297390Doesn't matter if you're socially awkward, just go and don't give a fuck about anyone or anything.Just stand there and deal with it. Feels good.
Tell us a story moot!
>>296773Damn mod you are one sexy mod! ;)
>>297354strawberry blonde i guess, with the blue haired one.
Moot why did you call this meetup? Are you lonely?;_;
It was a total awesome time! everyone was so chill!
>>297402some of the conversation was intelligent. i like the mods.a lot of the conversation was "HAY WHAT'S UP. NOT MUCH, WHERE DO YOU WORK, IT SURE IS LOUD IN HERE, YOU GUYS ARE SURPRISINGLY NORMAL"one guy asked me where i keep my cp, and i made a joke about cheese pizza, and he was like "huh" and i walked away...
>>297478She said I was cute, and instead of asking for her number, I said, "Thanks."Beta as fuck. ;__;
>>297478get the dick out of yer hand.
Aww yeah I had lots of fun tonight!Thanks moot and company for setting this up!Hope everyone got home safe and sound, and I can't wait until next time <3.
>>297506that is pretty beta broat least she ran away from me like i had the plague or something>alpha as fuck
>>297495You fucking lame wad
moot you will be the coolest old guy on the planet in 30 years, pic proves it
>>297548inb4 shitstorm
>>297512>adblock -> blockable objects>search for .swf>block the only flash script.... ye thats so hard.
yo moot I totally tried to hook you up with my two gorgeous friends! although they didn't know about the site =)
>>297548did you get any numbers? guys don't count
moot are you in love with boxxy?
hey moot, there was a guy in /b/ about an hour or two ago who claimed to be in a super mario bros 3 shirt at the bar and told (or made up, i dunno) us a bunch of different stuff about the meet upsounded semi-socially awkward, but mostly awesome
>>297557i think the correct term is "you fucking lame faggot". ending an insult on "wad" is pretty weak.
>>297582go to bed ricky.
>>297589It wasn't awkward at all. Everyone was cool and we all bro'd out.
>>297582what? when was this>>297589didn't see him. place was packed though, so possible.
>>297478>>297478the blue haired one was Jessica Familo, and the strawberry babe i think her name was Kirsty something...
damn sounds like it sucked glad i didnt go
>>297548Response was inversely proportionate.I was merely cute, so she could approach for about 20 seconds and speak.You were moot; She was stricken dumb.
>>297566>>296773Zomg..I have fallin' in love with this ginger <3
there was a whole thread here with elaborate rumors of a stabbing. i couldn't tell if some people were taking it seriously. lols
all hail gingermod
>>297495dude thats jawesome!I feel like only the cool normal people went to the meet up. no IRL trolls.remember the show andy richter controls the universe?I imagine that.
>>297612 Oh dear lord its you!!!! HEYYYYYYHey moot >>297627 Those two girls who I pushed to the front and introduced to you. One was darker indian and the other was white. They asked if it was a porn site LOL!
>>297654Moot is dead, son.The illuminati (jews) have already subverted this site.Notice >>>/soc/ This is now a social network.Hold on to your butts (and your wallets).INB4 I get banned for throwing the whole thing open.
Ginger mod, please check /fit/ for a sec and delete these Fagotti threads (and preferably ban a few people), they're annoying
>>297548moot were you wearing axe?
>>297698oh, right
>>297731I WISH
>>297612CRAPHAZZARD, pat sorry awful with names
moot,are you as surprised as me that you weren't kidnapped and brutally raped by a gang of anons with guy fawkes masks?
I think Moot's a pretty cool guy. eh meets Anons irl and doesn't afraid of anything.
What time did you arrive moot?
>>297765moot why weren't you on top of that shit you know dem bitchs like the axe spray.
>>297777>Implying he didn't like it.
Moot can you post a pic of you smiling and making a heart shape with your hands (like pic) for this femanon on the other side of the country?:3
hi mootdo you think jim caldwell should be firedthank you moot
yeah how come there were NO guy fawkes masks on display? i am totally disappoint
>>297776heh i got all the names down now. after a million times of re-asking...
Moot, please send me a copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee. I know a guy like you probably keeps like 4 extra copies in a desk somewhere.
Is anyone in this thread actually not a quiet person in real life? I just picture a bunch of corner-standers in here for the most part
>>297828Be3cause only socially retarded fuck ups in life tend to wear them now.
I'm a little jealous of this, but being from the UK means I don't get in on this sort of thing. It's pretty unlikely there'll be a UK 4chan meat up but hey if there is I'll attend - glad people enjoyed this one though!
>>297829oh whoops looks like it is I who needs to go to bed.
moot probably got laid by 50 different girls after the meetup
I am actually impressed with the amount of normal people that showed up =)
>>297849Most people there were pretty talkative.
>>297814Fuck moot doing it, get the ginger mod to do that! :)>sorry moot..
>>297849nah, i am relentlessly talkative and social. i was super shy back in high school but then who knows what happened.
>>297877i'm actually sitting in a room with two mods and a brofriend (BADASS MANLY ANIME REVIEWER for those of you who used to lurk /a/). we all have pants far.
Bars seem so boring. Go go-kart riding next time or something. Oh that's right you guys live in New York all you have are bars and gay clubs out there, faggots.
>>297874no dude you are right it's Ricky, and your pat??
did you guys drink much?
>>297879>NormalNo one from 4chan is normal, regardless of the facade they put on display.
I almost went. But I made a rule a long time ago that I'd never go to fucking barcade. Also the thought of monstrous /b/tards scared me away.I'm glad you guys had a good time though.
>>297909>bars>boringmaybe if you're ugly and have no reason to start conversations
>>297924define normal sir
>>297906Sup dudes. why are your pants on.
>>297906>no homo
Red head here, I do apologize moot. I was just nervous! Maybe we can meet again, just you and me though.
So how many mods/janitors went to the meetup besides moot and gingermod? Also did Snacks make an appearance too?
this fucking background music is killing mehow do I turn it off? also posting in a mootle thread
>>297906>BADASS>MANLY>ANIME REVIEWERWhat the hell are you talking about?
meetup was awesomegot to ask moot all sorts of questions about 4chan and business and shit, and the replies were actually longer than 3 words.
>>297956>>297956>>297956OH SHIT MOOT HE WANTS TO RAEP YOU!
>>297966i didn't know he was badass manly anime reviewer when i met him, but it totally makes sense
Look forward to seeing you in a year or so when I move to Staten Island (no guido). That is if you still keep doing stuff like this
>>297992tell us some of it
Also, Gingermod, how do I shot IRC?I'm derping all over the place. I have the r9k channel running, can't get the other working.
this is me after a bar ,what do you drink moot? Manhattens maybe?? or beer?
moot's trying to get laid again
>>297984Awesome man, good call on naming my post!
The one time I went to Barcade it was full of ex-fratbros wearing pastel polos and J. Crew khakis, and shrill blonde bitches from the midwest that were totally excited that they got a job in MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY.Why couldn't you have done this that night? WHY?
>>298071wasn't too hard brah.
>>298022i admin a DC++ hub and we do meat ups every couple of months. We've been up for a couple of years and cultivating a strong social aspect is one of the reasons why we're doing so well. So in that vein i would imagine that moot and gang will attempt to change the focus of 4chan from what it used to be to a more social site. It's a good idea in my opinion as there needs to be less guy fawkes mask people in the world.
>>298085most of the non-4chan people there looked pretty inoffensive and normal with a nerdy semi-hipster slant.only problem was that it was pretty loud.
How much cocaine was snorted in the bathroom??
>>297956>Australian IP>>297902Which person were you?
>>298050figure it out with your brain dude.
>>298085thats why im surprised the meetup was there.
>>298092so tired dude, I had to drive those girls to some other bar bout to pass out
>>298136nooooooobody. with glasses.
moot who is going to win the Super Bowl?
moot why u so crazy?also, how soon do u think the government censors da interwebs cuz of wikigeeks
in b4 404
>>298152i had to drop a person off in bushwick and then drive all the way back to babylon with 4 other people and drop them off at their respective locations. lol I know how it all goes.
hey moot, could you go over to /sp/ and sticky a picture of a happy bear face, and the OP message reading>yfw da bears win da superb owl100000000 post guaranteed, and i'd love you even more(if at all possible bro)
With how well the Social Network did, how well do you feel after making Facebook?
>>298117I guess I must have been there on Interborough Cultural Exchange Night or something.
>>298157There were many people with glasses. Did we talk?
>>298223this would break spuh
was there niggers there?
hey pat, maybe I'll subscribe to ur myspace or something, later
Anymore pics from this awesome night that us dedicated 4channers have missed out on? >dedicated = 4am browsing.
>>298050Get an IRC client like MIRC, connect to, then go to #4chan.
>trying to keep things on topicwhat was everyone's favorite drink tonight?
Moot and mods are shitfaced lol
Still waiting for my copy of Melee.
>>298223or know whomever........we don't even have our own mod to make request to get rejected toofeelsbadman :(
I would go but I'm not 21 til march. I guarantee i would be the only brown person there lol, or one of a few only
>>298292don't use myspace anymore. try facebook or anything else for that matter.
>>298361really there wouldn't be much to see in pictures. bunch of blurry dudes.
>>298262>>298262>>298262>>298371>>298371>>298371>>298371HAHAHA SO NO!!!!!!!
>>298394you have to message nickserv in order to start.
>>298308I'm an idiot.The whole problem was with registering a nickname. Turns out I already had one registered. Derp.
BTW, can we get the real story behind this picture? Fake? Real?
>>298444Thanks. :)
moot are you circumcised?
>>298455super fake. wrong color hair and everything.
>>298455Obviously fake
>>298455>>298455>>298455>>298455>>298455Then moot liked his chest clean I took the pic >>298455>>298455>>298455
>>298049um, i doubt any of it would be news to anyone.just learned that the site took off on its own; there wasn't anything special involved other than being first.moot doesn't like programming.banner ads are 4chan's only source of office, no payroll, run by volunteers.probably some other stuff i can't remember.
i hope this thread is still here in the morning because i have to go to sleep now, but i want to read what people said.
>>298362Ah yes :)
So how many rape fantasies were fulfilled?
this thread sucks ass goodnight faggots
Have another meet up soon plox? I didnt realized anyone actually used this board.>Ill take the overnight up from Boston.
how does moot feel about going to vegas?i can get a pretty nice room
>>298625p.s. check out and read it in order; it gives a basic sense. this also works:
>>298640I'm going to go with zero and assume no one got anything tonight. Gonna split now.Night all, I had a great time :D
meet up for ausfag plix?
>>298712Will do - thanks! Nice hangin with ya
r u in love with that red-haired girl mootr u gone get married
dude i own the Palms i can hook u up!
Moot.>Friend and I meet up.>Decide to go see you at barcade.>Drive about 1/3 -1/2 way there.>Realize its 21+>FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUfeelsbadman.jpg
I want another meet up, please.18+
How many basement dwellers showed?
moot hates black people.
>Have trip on.>Just realize that mods can likely see same-fagging, anyway.>Feel foolish.>Time for bed.>>298781Chick-fil-A. Just saying.
M00t what are you doing this Saturday?
You should come to AKON 22 in Texas 0_0
toasting in epic bread!!!
I'm 19. D:Could not go. What do m00t?
Moot passed out from 2 fuzzy navels swet dreams faggot
Moot you should come to Tampa!!!I want to meet you.
> i think you mean
I don't see many pics being posted so out of curiosity how many people actually showed up?
>>299418looks like 4
I will never live in New York and party with moot.
>>297089I think I'll remember this for the next time moot bitches that no girls like him.
Was OSA there?:/
>>299418had to be a good 30 throughout the night at least
Had a good time, thanks everyone
4chan admin. Nice to see y'all hanging out with the community, or at least giving us a chance. If I was in NY, I would have gone. I aspire to be as software, programming, computer literate as you guys.
epic party d00dz!
Moot. LA. Soon.Plz?
can a mod please get in #4chan
Were no black people invited?
MOOT YOU FAT FAGGOTnobutserious your pretty skinning bro, eat a sandwichwe need a /rec/reation board for alphas who sky dive and surf and shit
>>299706So what's your drink of choice moot?You like hard?Or just sweeter, softer drinks
>>298312yeah, mad wasted from my coca-cola and two seltzers with lime, broski!!!!!!
>>299706Hey moot one of your mods permab& a bunch of people on /sp/ and lied about what they were b& for you need to fix that shit
>>299706Can we get this happening in LA next time?In return, imported pokémon.
hows it going now mootie?
>implying people on 4chan lead active and healthy lifestyles
m00t I would have sucked your dick tonight. How do you feel about this?
sleep what is sleep
>>299744I had wanted to go, but herpderp20withoutafake.I'm sorta upset.
>>299795Another questionYou ever by chance opening up mod rosters and applications in the future?Or is it just people you know real life?I asked a mod on /v/ a few weeks earlier and he said he got moderator before /v/ existed just because W.T. Snacks asked in IRC "lol who wants moderator first to pm me" or whatever.
come to ohio, then maybe
So Moot how'd it go?Who did you meet someone new?Was it a success?
>>299865untrue. you got trolled bro.
>>299055You should have gotten a fake ID bro. That's what I'll do if he ever shows up in florida. Btw, go to daytona moot. Don't think, just do it.
Please come to California moot. :3
>>299927to be honest moot, that's how i got modded on our DC server. I went out drinking with the mods and they modded me. However I was the last one to do so as things have changed and now we mod people for their contribution to the community.
>>299927AhaBut is there any future possibility for moderator applications / staff rosters?Or do you plan to keep 4chan as it isBeen lurking since 05
>>299927Moot can you see the IPs of every post and what country their from?
"white wine spritzer"This is moot right now
>>299981you're not going to get modded anon. This is one of those things where - if they want you, they'll find you.
lets have lunch
>>232220>>296446Is there any video of the event?
Sorry, should of added this to my last postBut >>299966How do you measure that? I mean 4chan gets so much traffic, how do you measure who contributes to the community the most and keep up with it all
moot will you play epic mafia with us?
>>296694Rest in peace sweet prince
>>300048i would imagine if it's anything like our server, people who help users and have a knowledge/expertise of the stuff already. All our mods have either previous forum modding experience/PHP/perl/bash/website/sysadmin experience. I don't know how moot picks mods here, but i would imagine they'd have to either be known to him or known to the community (through tripcodes or what not)
just out of curiosity,>>300000
>>300140i'd bet money that only moots irl friends can become mods
>>300140Aha, thanks for the answers.I was just curious, one of my internet buddies went a virginia college or something and had some connection with moot in real life
>>299865I think moot just finds an epic comment and then makes that person a mod.
>>300167Yeah i'm willing to say that's true because if people applied here they would get away with abuse, however if you know someone in real life theres much more trust that you can place
>>300176oh don't take things i say as gospel truth, I'm just speaking from what we do on our set up. The only people who'd know how people get modded would be moot and the mods. If they respond again in this thread maybe they'll answer your question :P
>>300260Thank you for the quick reply
>>300271pro-procrastinator :P
>>300285So what now?This thread is really slow, thought there would be somewhat more people posting in it
>>300176>connection with moot in real life
Moot, do you travel much?would love to hang out in britain. you into the club scene at all?
>>300308>they don't realise its unlocked>or they don't care
>>300334 I'm also from the UK. It'd be awesome if there was a UK 4chan meat up but I doubt moot gets over here much. I'm sure there'd be plenty of people who'd go though, I know a few awesome bars where we could go
>>300309I think I'd prefer to never meet moot. I'm sure he's a great guy and all, just... Do you ever want your heroes to be human?
>>30034199% of soc doesnt even know who mot is
OK I must know, how many people ended up with moots phone number? Did moot leave away with any digits too? Any successful hookups there too?
>>300381He's probably no different than the rest of us.
>>300371Where you from?im in Glasgow,
>>300308it's 5:30 am new york time, people.
>>300399But that's exactly my point. That'd be a little disheartening to know. As it is now, I just assume he's fuckawesome.
When is the next Meet up?We could do something totally gay like ice skating at Bryant park.
>>300418nottingham here>>300399highly likely
>>299996of course we can.>>300167not true>>300042no, thank god. it'd have been creepy to stand there at a bar with a video camera while people are *gasp* chatting and mingling like normal people!>>300334yes, for work/conferences. i was dragged to a club once in my life and hated it. i rarely drink and don't do drugs or party -- clubs ain't for me.
I will never meet moot :(
hey moot i put a sign on your back reading "I AM A FAGGOT PLEASE FUCK MY FACE"How long was it before you found it? It was gone the next time i saw you, which was about an hour later
>>300500oh you australians sure are hilarious~
>>300465Another question for youDo you sometimes get tired of posting with your trip and people making a shitstormDo you ever post as anon in other boards, just to mess with people and see how people respond to other anons, not mentioning having a casual conversation?
Moot needs a warm place to put it.Let's pray.
>>300465oh fantastic, would a meat up for UK be on the cards during a visit the next time you're over here?I too am not massively into the club scene but know some awesome pubs/bars that would be a pretty good place to socialise/meet up etc.
Moot, if you're ever in southwest michigan i would like to have coffee and conversation.
moot why won't you come to Australia?
>>300522WHATis your favorite FILMMMM
>>300465>yes, for work/conferences. i was dragged to a club once in my life and hated it. i rarely drink and don't do drugs or party -- clubs ain't for me.Fair enough, not into drugs personally but some friends are.Make one of these notifications if your going to UK any time and if you have time to meet a few britbros.
>>300522i'm proxying bro, i was thereyou guys aren't very bright, are you
so was artoo there because people on /soc/ want to know if she is a trap
>>300522moot, why the fuck did you b& verizon's cincinnati isp?
Moot=normal surrounded by freaksStern=normal surrounded by freaks>hmmm
>>300465Holy salmon tits.Moot is straight edge-ish.I love you more now.
>>300522No... we aren't really.On that note, if you ever ARE in Australia, give me a holla!
Hey moot, I have been sending you letters for more than a year now. I want to be a mod on /tv/. Do it, plz!I am objective, spend my time on the board and want to clean the place from all the pedo/off-topic/spam threads. We still have loads of spam.kevin.nicholson224@yahoo.comP.S. At least asnwer me why you won't make me a mod =(.
>>300591the reason he doesn't make you mod is probably because you keep asking...
>>300596>stonefaceEvery. Goddamn. Time.
We should've gone to Dorsia. I could've gotten us a table there!
>>300607But I have good intentions =(.
>>300591you will never be a mod.neither will i.neither will anyone who with it
>>300548>>300548THIS! Also, did moot have security with him and did everyone actually call him moot or did some call him by his real name???
>>297906 BADASS MANLY ANIME REVIEWERsweet, he lives. Probably isn't into anime anymore, is he?
>>300607>>300591I would love to be a mod too, I have experience on other forums and etc. Wouldn't mind cleaning out the non /v/idya threads on /v/ every now and then. Although moot doesn't care and he does as he pleases.
Moot your recent trolling on my 2 favorite boards /a/ and /v/ caused me to turn on adblock to block your dumb looping youtube videos.Now I block all 4chan ads and I feel like I'm not supporting the site anymore.Is there a way to support 4chan? Should I turn my adblock off now? I HATE your pranks.
>>300465mootcome to san diegoor any region of socal, reallyits cool i promise
>>300580talking about this, waht do you think about straight edge?
>>300522Moot what are you doing up at 5:30AM?What does your sleeping pattern look like?
>>300636Good intentions and smileys will get you nowhere on the internet.
>>300656moot does whatever he wants
/tv/ is dying. We need an oldfag with experience and knowledge of the board not the random mods/janitors that show up from time to time and know NOTHING of the board dynamics.C'mon moot, make me a mod. I am frakking
Oh and thanks for taking the trollolllololl music away from /r9k/
>>300641It would be weird calling him Chris.Chris Poole?If I remember correctly.brb google.
Moot when are you going to climb a mountain
>>300641most people called him mootmods and friends addressed him as chris, i think
>>300692It's kinda fitting though. TV itself is dying.
Woah man that sure sounds nice. What did you talk about?
>not really boy crazy>don't do drugs>don't really drink>hate clubs>likes things simple>looks like old navy addam I the female version of moot, or am I just a normalfag shut-in. Is moot a normalfag shut-in??!!
Moot, could you make countryballs on /int/ so we could see where we're from?thanks bru
>>300664Did someone say straight edge?
>>300692you are fucking annoying.Moot make me a mod so I can ban this guy. Pretty please.
>>300641I thought moot was his real name, like sting or stonecoldsteveaustin....>>300658although no one in san diego will know who you are, I agree
Moot come to New Zealand bro. its mean as!
sup moot. any explanation for /v/ RAWKIT LAWNCHAIR GEEEGEE MACHINEGUN
>>300664I agree with it.feelsgoodman.jpg
>>300465>not truewell out of curiosity, how does one become a mod?obviously not by repeatedly begging for it...
moot, why do you hate /r9k/?it's not like we don't think you're not a faggot or anything. You just keep hurting our feelings by not giving us our original banner back and making fun of us for living with my mum.
>>300755did someone say straight edge society?
Right on.I'd go to one in LA if it ever happens, Moot.
Sounds like it was a fun event. I would go to something like this except I'm shy until you get some alcohol in me.
Did you quit watching anime, moot?We kind of miss you over at /a/ ;_;
hey moot, /sp/ is going to hold a meet-up at a new york rangers hockey game in a few weekswould you show up?/sp/ wants to be your bro.
So I heard moot was herehory shet
>>300844I hope you are having false information, if not, i would totally fall in love with moot. But i dont think he is...Christopher Poole does not sound serbian, brate.
Hey moot, thanks for turning 4chan into just another social networking site. Go fuck yourself.
>>300805Since he said two mods and BADASS, that would imply no, but that doesn't rule out a janitor position. I heard that Geist is only badass and manly in 2d, anyway.
>>300859Sorry bro.
>>300877Not knowing if he's into sports at all, but doubt it, offer him as many free wings as he can eat. He's only human, after all.
>>300901well shit.Did you just get bored of it, or what?
>>300901Death Note is like the shittiest example you could possibly use.
>>300929I think he does not has the time to do it. I dont have the time either. I also have barely time to play some vidya... good old times... ;_;
>>300870how you doin? r you SE?
>>300673From the 4chan twitter:>If you see a black van parked in front of Barcade tonight, be sure to wave!What is this black van? Explain moot. Explain.
Moot, Why arent mods always this noticably active?
>>300963Because they're busy doing things that matter?
moot I have a crush on you :(
m00t when is the next bro meet up?
m00t I talked to you on Aim today. I was blushing the whole time.
>>300959It was a joke. The party van.>>300963Their purpose is to be an invisible hand, to not stick out or be seen.
>>301023any kind of troubles being SE?
>>300929He only watched about 5 series anyway.
>>301087As much as I would love to talk all day about sXe, this thread is to discuss the meetup so I think I'll take my leave now.If you truly want to know more, visit /v/ from time to time. I tend to show up there.
moot has no beard and never will
nothing more creepy than meeting a bunch of 4chan users IRL
Man, I wish I was there. ;w;Also, moot, the whole "OMG, MOOT GOT STABBED!!" thing, was that planned between the people there or was it just some troll? Also, thoughts on it?
>>301134seeya in vidya
>>301130I think he was a pretty hardcore otaku.Pic related
m00t arrange a meeting in the park tomorrow!Like Central or anywhere really.
>>297266>>297208Moot's in love... it's sooo sweet...
I-it's not like I want to get you drunk and steal your tripcode... baka!
>>301189Moot was 16 back then...
>>301257Steal moot's tripcode? It's just #faggot.
>>30126815-14 could be wrong tho
>>300445I also reside in Nottingham.
>>301285I'm pretty sure that doing this gets you autobanned
>>297208Moot much like Charlie Brown likes the little red-haired girl.
moot / others who know moot if moot is sleeping (what a nerd):as a nyc anon who worked this night and who smells good and isn't a fuckup, when or will there be another meet up with alcohol?that is all.
>>301285I may have been using a clever euphemism.(but probably wasn't)
Ever think you will do a European meet, moot?
>>301316Nah, you just get upload failed. Unless you include moot in it.
>>301308hello, i'm the original nottingham. Are you at the uni like 95% of other users?
>>301316Nah, it just says "Error:upload failed".
Tell BADASS MANLY ANIME REVIEW that /a/ says hiwe want him to come back and review some anime sometime
Moot should have a cross-country American tour. Charge people 20 bucks a pop, you'd totally earn enough money to get rid of some of the ads, not that they're a problem, but that's the most practical use i could think of..Or you could get robocop to be your spam blocker so the captcha could go away..
>>301458OR you couldve bought a train ticket or a flight ticket for the meet up if you want to meet him so bad.
>>301458I wish I could say with honesty that I wouldn't pay £20 for a hug from moot. But...
>>301458That wouldn't be people hanging, that would then be people paying to touch their waifu or some shit. Changes the whole dynamic from friendliness to prostitution.
>>301422This. /a/ needs him so badly.
So nobody axemurdered moot? WTF people?I'mdisapointedson.jpegalso sage this cancer, 4chan was meant to be a anonymouse thing
>>301575He probably is on /a/. probably hates Moeshit and everyone probably already have complained about him.
so is m00t from serbia or not ftw
>>301586laughingworld.jpg>>301604Why do you think this?
>>301604Он је. И он је фаггот.
>>296773I can't believe no one fucking showed up when the 3 of us went to that fuckin' bar in October.IF ONLY MOOT CAME THAT TIME ;_;
It's 6:30 AM eastern time... Did all the mods/moot leave this thread or are they still lurking for interesting posts to reply to?
>>301717>4chan>interesting posts
Does moot smell nice?
>>301672thats kinda odd yet sad seeing how wellyou're snacks what more can be said
moot, why aint you visiting us eurofags? Would be awesome someday I could travel to every country in the europe due to my job ;D So, would be fine if we do something like the barcade meeting for eurofags. cities I prefer are : Vienna, Madrid, London and sure I FUCKING LOVE OSLO. I could offer you guys some shelters because I am working for the Hilton company as right hand of the leader of the austrian regiongreets Austriafag
>>301759I bet he smells like babies and flowers.
We need a meetup in Texas. Preferably in Dallas.
>I'll never go to New York to visit moot or invisibro.
>imageboard created for images>social board created for social communication on an image board>mfw there are only about 5 images of the get together
>>301827>Both smell like shit.
hi moot. can i please be a mod so i can abuse my power and make myself feel like a big man? i just got dumped and i think pushing around those smaller than me would help boost my ego. thanks in advance.
Too bad I don't live in NY
You call this awkward social gatherings?I bet /lit/ could top this shit with painful gatherings.
>>301901also im australian if that influences your decision at all.
Hey Moot. I have a close friend who works at the Mana Bar in Brisbane. Any chance you would ever travel to Brisbane Australia (after the derp floods) and make a guest appearance sort of thing?It's not just a Gaming bar, but also for internet culture as a whole since they are vaguely linked.
>>301827I bet he smells like petrichor
>>301969Mana Bar? LOL shit.
>>301984I'd like it if he smelled like masturbation sweat. c:
>>301947Needs Tao Lin.Tbh, I think /adv/ would be the most awkward, considering the questions that get asked on there.
>>302010>Criticize something>Has never experienced anything like a bar because he never leaves his basementI see why /soc/ exists. So people with no social life have some sort of 'virtual' experience.
>>302032More Ayn Rand, also why isn't science fiction literature? EVERY FUCKING DAY.Meh, /adv/ isn't that bad depends what time of day you go on.
>>302042I've been to it with my boyfriend. Stop assuming things.
I'm kinda sad that i live in Holland.But i guess that the party's here are far more awesome than in New York.
>>302063friday nights late drunk/stoned/etc people shits always funny
Moot you look lonely in these pics :(
>>300522Does that mean I'll see you in Melbourne?
Is m00t really are socially awkward as we think?
>>302063I like /adv/, I can just imagine there'd be a lot of people who need to be told exactly what to do all the time.Thinking about it, I can imagine the pettiness of /lit/ too, so you're probably right. Just bring some Twilight and mention objective truth, get things going.
Gayest thread of the year award.Gratz, faggots
>>302071Oh? Tell me your name. You need to make reservations to enter the Mana bar so I will know if you're full of shit or not.
>>300764NZ php fag here. No, New Zealand is not 'mean as'.
>>302253Mana bar? You don't need reservations. You only queue outside because it's as big as my toilet and not as appealing. Sweaty overweight Creative Industries students waiting to catch a glimpse of Yahtzee (who's an arrogant no-fun cunt anyway) who would get kicked out of or beaten up in any other bar in the Valley. Fuck your Mana Bar. Fuck Yug and his posse of yes-men too. Yug's house parties were okay though. Until someone stole half his shit and he stopped having them.On topic: That place looks nice. Nice things are nice.
why arent there bitches dangling their titties over moots face?
>>297814>>297814>mfw moot refuses to fulfill my request
>>302427Based on the time Moot is probably finally asleep.Here is an alternative to your request <3
I agree with that Mootykins should do an Europe tour!
Yep, european tour plzkthx. Germany first.
>>302315Agreed although I think moot and everyone else left :\
>>302506I'll tip off KC. Moot will be surrounded by Bernds and their feels.
>4chan will never come to the UK>feels bad manI wish I was thereAltho a friend of mine said she was talking to mootles on AIMI assume she got to talk to him because she is a girl
>>297906>a brofriend (BADASS MANLY ANIME REVIEWER >a brofriend (BADASS MANLY ANIME REVIEWER Moot .. knows .. the badass manly anime reviewer?My god. The world really is a small place.
I thought it was an FBI trap.
>>302535We bernds will go grillieren with moot.
Moot basically made this board so he could arrange a meetup outside of /b/.
>>296621I must say, Dalerd, that is a fucking GREAT pic! Props go to the photographer, and to you and moot for looking snazzy.
from long island and wish i could have came out, gonna do it again soon? actually i think i was the first one that suggested barcade in that what should you do in nyc thread the other day...
Moot, if you're ever in Oklahoma, I'm sure some Okies would like to sit around and game up or something. You should let us know if you're ever gonna be here. I'm down to hang out. Say something ahead of time though, Must request off of work.
>>302692If the first two letters are ever the same, you drop them both then say the name:Moot Moot bo BootBanana-fana fo FootMi my mo 'Oot.Moot
MOOT come to michigan
>>302785>>302739Honestly, some people: