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  • File : 1273855449.jpg-(346 KB, 1280x1024, space-shuttle-atlantis-sts-27-in-1972-xl.jpg)
    346 KB Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:44 No.939066  
    Space Shuttle Atlantis' final mission starts today.
    This is it gentlemen, the beginning of the end of the Space Age. And let us hope that a Glorious new dawn breaks.


    Launch Blog:

    NASA twitter

    NASA Kennedy Twitter

    Astronauts' Twitter
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)12:44 No.939071
    Atlantis' Crew Hatch is Closed
    Sat, 15 May 2010 01:23:55 AM GMT+0900

    Launch day continues to progress very smoothly at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where space shuttle Atlantis is poised to launch on its STS-132 mission at 2:20 p.m. EDT. The mission's six astronauts all are strapped into their seats in Atlantis' crew module, and the hatch has been closed. The Closeout Crew will verify the integrity of the hatch seal before breaking down the White Room and departing the launch pad.

    The launch team is not tracking any issues at this point that would prevent an on-time launch.

    Weather remains favorable, with STS-132 Weather Officer Todd McNamara predicting a 70 percent chance of good conditions at launch time.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:45 No.939076
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:48 No.939086
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    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)12:49 No.939090
    Flight here. I've been providing launch coverage on /g/ for 2 years now and I will give a quick update on what's going on.

    The weather briefing is under way with a T-38 still deployed in the air. We just completed the hatch closure and pressure checks checked out A-OK.

    We are up to the GLS Pre sequence coming online now which is a subsystem for the launch program itself.

    spacevidcast has the best stream but nasatv is always a nice back up.

    Since Kathy winters is not the weather officer, our confidence for launch is nice and high now.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:50 No.939094
    Thanks OP
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:51 No.939101
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:52 No.939107
    It's the end for you americans, but we europeans and the chinese are still pushing forwards with unmanned space programs. I quess it's I sign of the times. Give it 5 years when the worlds economy has righted it's self and things will tart to move again.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:53 No.939108
    failing? how so?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:53 No.939109
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)12:53 No.939111
    >pushing forwards with unmanned space programs

    Implying there won't be unmanned craft launches from the states anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:53 No.939115
    cannot windows media
    cannot quicktime
    what do?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:54 No.939120
    uninstall gentoo
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:55 No.939127
    Hey Flight, nice to see you're still covering these!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:56 No.939129
    vlc bro
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)12:57 No.939133
    STS-132 Overview

    Space shuttle Atlantis is embarking on its final planned mission. During the 12-day flight, Atlantis and six astronauts will fly to the International Space Station, leaving behind a Russian Mini Research Module, a set of batteries for the station's truss and dish antenna, along with other replacement parts.

    NASA astronaut Ken Ham will command an all-veteran flight crew: Pilot Tony Antonelli, and Mission Specialists Michael Good, Garrett Reisman, Piers Sellers and Steve Bowen.

    After the final STS-132 Flight Readiness Review, John Shannon, Space Shuttle Program manager, pointed out that Atlantis' last planned mission will be an exciting one.

    "Twelve days, three [spacewalks], tons of robotics... We're putting on spares that make us feel good about the long-term sustainability of the ISS, replacing batteries that have been up there for a while, and docking a Russian-built ISS module," Shannon said. "This flight has a little bit of everything, and it's been a great preparation for the team."

    I recommend spacevidcast for some good video of the launch.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:57 No.939138
    is it t minus 30 min?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:59 No.939141
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)12:59 No.939143
    The chinese will take over the space race soon enough. The joys of being able to piggy back on the back of american/russian/european know how with out having to spend money on or worry about the general population. Welcome to the new world order!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:01 No.939151

    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:01 No.939156
    Always do.
    They don't call me spaceman for nothing.
    3 minutes till the normal t minus 20 minute hold. no launch constraints.
    ascent checklist update now complete.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:02 No.939158
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:03 No.939162
    I cover launches.
    I MAY OR MAY NOT be sitting in the launch control center ATT.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:04 No.939168
    Protip: I'm not.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:05 No.939172
    Now into the T-minus 20 minute hold. we will be moving into the LOX drainback performance. Ascent variables have been updated though so we are a bit ahead of the checklist right now.

    communications verification check will be coming up here in a few.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:05 No.939175
    t minus 20 and holding for 10 minutes
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:06 No.939178
    You aren't me.

    Anywho, weather looks good. there is some clouds from a weather system off to the west but they will hold off till after launch. some high cirrus down by miami but otherwise nice and clear.
    >> !!walw6pK4Alo 05/14/10(Fri)13:06 No.939180
    Shame I'm not at school still, great location for seeing the launches.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:06 No.939181
    We won't need no fucking shuttles once we build our Space Elevator, guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:07 No.939184

    How do you know all that shit, are you a wizard ?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:07 No.939186
    we have to wait for the singularity so there is an intelligence smart enough to design it for us tho
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:08 No.939193
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    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:08 No.939195
    we have about 12 more minutes in this built in hold. At the end of this hold there will be a briefing about the current situation, then we will be resuming and will run up for 11 minutes before going back into hold we will come out at T-minus 9 minutes
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:09 No.939199
    Yes, I am a wizard.

    No I have the prelaunch checklist in front of me.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:10 No.939201
    We have all the materials already, we could build the fucking thing RIGHT NOW for 12 billion.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:10 No.939205

    This is what NASA people do all day long, smoke weed everyday, browse on 4chan and watch an iron cock fly into space.
    >> !!walw6pK4Alo 05/14/10(Fri)13:10 No.939206

    That's chump change. Las Vegas gets that in what, a week?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:10 No.939207
    Anyone know of a good (HD prefereably) stream I could play directly in mplayer?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:12 No.939214
    More like Las Vegas LOSES that in a week, shit's broke bro
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:12 No.939216
    Direct stream for mplayer
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:13 No.939218
    spacevidcasts player.
    If you can get into the AMC-2 satellite downlink you can get mpeg-2 video.
    Slight change to APU to OTC instead of OPD

    Manual hold at t-minus 5 minutes then will run to t-minus 30 seconds and will run. if a hold is needed the countdown will clock will recycle back to 20 minutes and we are 1 minute 30 seconds till we resume the countdown
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:14 No.939221
    I wish they would build a sea Dragon. Totally, totally doable in the 1970-1980s. and guess what?

    550 tonne to low earth orbit
    yes you read that right, the whole of ISS in 2 launches.
    cocksuckers, give them the money to build this sort of stuff.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:14 No.939223
    how long untill launch?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:14 No.939225
    Is there like a handy wiki page explaining what that is?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:15 No.939227
    yup, spacevidcast works
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:15 No.939230
    1 hour 4 minutes
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:16 No.939234
    Get in here /sci/

    we have a chat room
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:18 No.939240
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:18 No.939241
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:18 No.939244
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:19 No.939248

    low cost, no nonsense, "I want a load of stuff up there for cheapo ".
    Nasa reply? "not interesting" - really, thats their reply.

    "But this came just as Apollo was being cut back and the Viet Nam war was eating an ever greater amount of the US budget. NASA dissolved their Future Projects Branch (dropping almost all the manned Mars landing work). Prospects for Sea Dragon essentially disappeared, and Aerojet could no longer fund it on IR&D."

    motherfuckers. Also:
    Costs to low earth orbit were estimated to be between $60/kg and $600/kg - eg one fourth that of the Saturn V or less.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:21 No.939252
    Theres the last call.

    Smoke em now.
    We have 59 minutes till launch.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:28 No.939272
    get in here faggot
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:34 No.939293
    G1 launch polynomial has been updated now moving intoBFS G1 launch target uplink followed by a quick clear of the caution and warning systems
    >> Colonel Coffee Mug !phJ7yIcs.Q 05/14/10(Fri)13:36 No.939299

    >Nasa reply? "not interesting" - really, thats their reply.

    They wanted to do it, but Nixon cut the funding and ended NASA Future Projects.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:38 No.939305
    VHF WX Circuit has been deactivated as
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:40 No.939311
    latefag here, has it launched yet?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:41 No.939315
    not totally true -
    Nasa has, by design, had lower succes with this sort of stuff. Its baked in the political support for it, by being job programs and the like.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:45 No.939324
    What's the issue they're working on right now?
    I heard some techs talking about a ball bearing a while ago...
    Is that it?
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:47 No.939326
    Ok a minor launch constraint. it falls within tolerances, but answers are not forthcoming.
    Weather update occurring now.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:48 No.939327
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    >talking about emergency landing sites
    >guy says "if we make it that far"
    >my face
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:48 No.939331
    Just a bearing that appears off nominal. It is not expected to delay launch however.
    More information to come. NTR-45 issue.

    The 44 completed though.
    The 45 item is the technical constraint.
    >> Coon !GYrTrollUs 05/14/10(Fri)13:52 No.939341
    Gay eginiggers.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:54 No.939353
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    fuck this shit the stream is slow as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:55 No.939358
    You curse like poetry
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:56 No.939365
    Ok suspected issue is a ball bearing which might be from a closeout camera, the engineers are going around to verify that it is that and not something else from another module or even the payload itself.

    We should still be go if the consensus is what I think I am hearing.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)13:57 No.939374
    Countdown Clock Reaches Final Built-In Hold
    Sat, 15 May 2010 02:26:27 AM GMT+0900

    T-9 minutes and holding. This is a 45-minute built-in hold, and the last planned pause in today's countdown to liftoff of space shuttle Atlantis on its STS-132 mission. Launch remains scheduled for 2:20 p.m. EDT from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

    The mission's six astronauts all are strapped into their seats in Atlantis' crew module, the external tank is fully loaded with liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. Weather still looks great for launch time. Weather Officer Todd McNamara predicts a 70 percent chance of good conditions at liftoff.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)13:59 No.939381
    beginning of the end was Columbia dude
    the government is pretty bad at space travel
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:01 No.939389
    And we are now green again.
    So we are good to pick back up the count here in a few.
    Short and sweet, bearing came from payload camera.

    We are go for launch go go go
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:02 No.939395
    We shall debate that after the launch in 18 minutes,
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:03 No.939402
    Gahh none of the live stream are working for me!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:04 No.939406

    scrap that. got one
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:05 No.939407

    Don't bother installing software, not needed
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:05 No.939409
    flight recorder is now online.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:06 No.939412
    Status check being performed.

    Final status:
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:08 No.939417
    -Guy speaks a bunch of Russian
    'Cool story bro'
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:09 No.939422
    Atlantis is a Go for Launch

    11 minutes to Liftoff
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:10 No.939425
    >Don't bother installing software, not needed
    >Site contains flash
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:10 No.939426
    ok coming out of the hold and we are now deactivating the VHF WX circuit.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:11 No.939431
    firing computer now in control at the launch room is now in control of the sequence,
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:13 No.939438
    access arm is being retracted. Bus to Fuel cells and launch commands are being uploaded to the shuttle.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:14 No.939442
    t minus 5 min!!!
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:14 No.939445
    APUs starting up.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:14 No.939447
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:15 No.939455
    In before
    USA cannot into space
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:15 No.939457
    4 Minutes...
    >> eurofag 05/14/10(Fri)14:16 No.939459
    i have a feeling something bad will happen
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:16 No.939461
    LOX replinish has been stopped.
    SRB Armed
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:16 No.939462
    4 minutes
    go and check this launch man. The last one for this shuttle.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:16 No.939466
    4 minutes!
    >> Coon !GYrTrollUs 05/14/10(Fri)14:17 No.939470
    Preemptive "OH THE HUMANITY"
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:17 No.939471
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:17 No.939472
    t-3 minutes

    engines in start position

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:18 No.939474
    3 minutes.

    Oh man, this event is monumental.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:18 No.939476
    visors closed. caution warning memory clear now.

    BRB shuttle launch.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:18 No.939482
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:18 No.939486
    Does anyone else watch these just incase something goes wrong?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:19 No.939490
    t-2 minutes and counting

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:19 No.939493
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:19 No.939494
    1 minute!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:19 No.939497
    amazing, if you look at the close-up images it looks like some neanderthal tech. and yet it works..
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:19 No.939498
    Just came in here. Nice timing!

    Here we go, GL Atlantis!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:20 No.939501
    40 seconds fuck man
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:20 No.939503
    Launch occured at 2:20pm and rolled 15 after
    Looking good now
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:21 No.939508
    Didn't blow up yet!
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:22 No.939512
    2 engines TAL
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:23 No.939518
    104% of rated thrust LOLWAT

    I call shenanigans
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:23 No.939519
    104% of rated thrust?

    the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:24 No.939521
    Holy shit, did you guys see that explosion?!
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:24 No.939524
    Liftoff! Atlantis' 32nd Mission Begins
    Sat, 15 May 2010 03:20:39 AM GMT+0900

    Liftoff of space shuttle Atlantis! Mission STS-132 is officially under way as the shuttle and its all-veteran crew of astronauts rise up and away from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida following an on-time launch at 2:20 p.m. EDT. In approximately two minutes, Atlantis' twin white solid rocket boosters will burn out and separate, eventually falling back to the Atlantic Ocean. The shuttle's trio of main engines will propel the vehicle on the rest of its eight-and-a-half-minute climb to orbit, assisted by the two orbital maneuvering system engines.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:25 No.939525
    you guys know we never made it to the moon right?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:26 No.939530
    Holy shit it just exploded!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:26 No.939532
    You do know we left corner reflectors on the moon, proving we have in fact been there, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:26 No.939537
    not enough fuel to explode at this point bro
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:26 No.939538
    Oh man. This thread was fun while it lasted.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:27 No.939540
    Go for the bitch?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:27 No.939541

    Holy shit it just imploded!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:27 No.939544
    unmanned vehicles
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:27 No.939545
    Go for the bitch? What?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:27 No.939546
    Pretty sure that's what he said.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:27 No.939548
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    what piece of land is that?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:29 No.939556

    cloud city. Bespin.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:29 No.939559
    Nominal MECO.

    OMS procedure will come up to put it into a circular orbit.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:29 No.939561
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.939564
    North carolina
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.939566
    For the amazing pictures of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.939567
    wtf is that in the left wing?
    looks like plasma
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.939568
    so we may know how it feels to exploid
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.939572
    To catch foam incidents like the one that took out Columbia.
    >> kousaka !86Txs0yg96 05/14/10(Fri)14:31 No.939575
    >:( Fucking fuel tank camera!
    >> kousaka !86Txs0yg96 05/14/10(Fri)14:31 No.939581

    Oh, I am fucking retarded.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:32 No.939583
    Basically it is. Plasmatic trailoofs from the exhaust and ionosphere.

    That is it for me. I have to get back to work,. I hope everyone enjoyed the launch and the coverage of it.
    >> Flight 05/14/10(Fri)14:32 No.939587
    Atlantis in Orbit!
    Sat, 15 May 2010 03:29:50 AM GMT+0900

    Main engine cutoff is confirmed -- space shuttle Atlantis is officially in orbit, kicking off its STS-132 mission and the pursuit of its target, the International Space Station. Atlantis lifted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center right on time at 2:20 p.m. EDT, rising into a picture-perfect Florida sky and capping a relatively problem-free countdown.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:33 No.939588
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:34 No.939594
    That was pretty awesome
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:39 No.939622
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    >> Skunkworks !e1337Hykks 05/14/10(Fri)14:39 No.939630
    Goodnight, sweet prince.

    25 years of flight, over because Obama doesn't give two shits about space.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:42 No.939653
    please be trolling
    >> Skunkworks !e1337Hykks 05/14/10(Fri)14:49 No.939691
    I wish Obama were trolling.
    >> Colonel Coffee Mug !phJ7yIcs.Q 05/14/10(Fri)14:51 No.939702

    Actually he increased NASA's budget, Constellation was cancelled because it was bloated & shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:51 No.939706
    Manned space flight is expensive and unneccessary when robots can do the job just as well. Most scientists seem to agree with this sentiment (one of them being Hawking).

    Even if he did renew the program, conservatives would bitch about government spending anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:03 No.939772
    >foam incidents
    tooth fairy?

    February 2, 2003

    Q: One of the first questions we want to ask tonight is about the event of the Space Shuttle that was lost. First, was it an explosion, or was it just disintegration, or breaking up?
    A: It was a "direct hit."

    Q: A direct hit by what?
    A: EM pulse.

    Q: (S) What was the source of the EM pulse?
    A: 3/4th density Consortium.

    Q: Well, I thought Bush was a puppet of the Consortium? (A) Well, we know that the military are scrambling planes to go after UFOs...there are even reports of firing on them and there have been reports of military jets being disintegrated by UFOs. The UFOs are, somehow, in cahoots with the consortium. It seems that Bush and the gang are not in control of the Consortium and maybe they needed to be "reminded?"
    A: It is not so much that he needs to be reminded, as he needs to be stimulated to react.

    Q: (L) You once before said that Bush knows very little anyway - or that the "White House" level is pretty much in the dark about the plans of the Consortium - even if they are carrying them out. So, you are suggesting that they are being driven by forces of which they are unaware and do not understand?

    A: Exactly. Bush is a "reaction machine."

    Okay, you say that an EM pulse brought down the shuttle. (A) Where did the EM pulse come from?
    A: From space based satellite.

    Q: (A) Does NASA know about the cause?
    A: There are some who suspect.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:46 No.940049
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)16:33 No.940296
    archive this shit

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