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  • File : 1273849752.jpg-(23 KB, 304x304, integrate.jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:09 No.938677  
    Is /sci/ really as good as math as they claim to be?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:10 No.938686
    Nice attempt at provoking people to do your homework. The sad part is that people will probably answer to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:14 No.938708
    inb4 this happens
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:16 No.938721
    /sci/ claimed to be good at math? That's funny, since the vast majority of people here haven't seen anything beyond kiddie Calculus and Linear Algebra, which they took at a shit-place that doesn't teach real math.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:18 No.938728
    just did it and i'm not posting shit
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:20 No.938736
    that's mere calculus, I think people do that at school. You just break up the integral into two easier ones and solve them.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:21 No.938741
    this doesn't even require a trig/hyperbolic substitution.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:29 No.938767
    Here's a real one.
    Calculate the following integral: (that is, find a closed form expression for it)


    Go /sci/.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:30 No.938772
    >as good as math as they claim to be
    >as good as math

    We are better as math as you are in typing.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:36 No.938790
    > post a non-elementary-integrable function
    > claim it's a trivial problem

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:38 No.938797
    I hope that you aren't referring to OP's problem.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:40 No.938802
    If you're referring to the OP then you're wrong: the problem is trivial.
    If you're referring to this:
    then you're also wrong because there's no claim that this is a trivial problem, ANYWHERE.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:41 No.938804
    More problems like OP's plz.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:41 No.938805
    3/4 + 4 x²

    there OP. Solved it.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:43 No.938811
    sure is samefag in here.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)11:43 No.938812
    wat, plz b trol

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