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  • File : 1271814489.png-(108 KB, 407x405, tumblr_l0dw5uY0BO1qa1id2o1_500.png)
    108 KB Asians Smart but not Creative Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:48 No.769326  
    Asians pretty much have discipline which make them great academics. but history shows that they aren't all that creative( talking past 1800)

    while white people are very creative, but don't get beat if they get below a 90 on an exam
    So I propose that Science/Engineer teams should consist of 90% smart people and 10% creative people with at least a limited knowledge on the subject.

    Stereotypes are limited of course but the idea is there.

    thoughts ?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:50 No.769346
    A good percentage of the best jazz musicians I play with are of Asian descent. I don't think they're naturally disciplined or uncreative.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:52 No.769360

    I'm talking more in the academics. we have all seen Asians playing music way out of there age group ( playing fire through flames when 12)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:53 No.769365
    hm.... Japan?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:53 No.769367
    >history shows that they aren't all that creative
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:55 No.769382
    Asians don't have creativity in academics? The hell does that entail?

    "Look at me I wrote an A upside down in my essay haha look how wacky I am"
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:56 No.769395
    someone's afraid of Asians taking their jobs
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:56 No.769398
    So...we have creativity in academics?

    I hate to say it, buster, but your awesome science fair project about battery life doesn't really hold a candle to anything, really.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:56 No.769399
    rationalizing for being a dumbass
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)21:59 No.769418
    Asians (I am one myself) usually absorb information instead of trying to innovate......Just saying
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:01 No.769431
    >"Look at me I wrote an A upside down in my essay haha look how wacky I am"
    how are you enjoying high school?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:02 No.769439

    >Asians not creative
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:02 No.769442
    Can't tell if your feeding the troll, helping the op or trolling

    truly is a art
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:05 No.769476
    I think its got to be a cultural thing. You can see it in how they play games: take proven strategies as high as possible with extreme technical skill.

    Might have to do with respecting authority. Why try to innovate or create a new strategy when it has already been decided that the existing one is the best.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:06 No.769486
    discipline != creativity
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:07 No.769496
    I take it back, Japan makes the best and most innovative fucking games. I guess its just like every other culture, you will always have desk drones.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:08 No.769501
    I think the reason is motivation
    White people do science because they find it interesting
    Asian people do science because they're afraid their parents are going to kill them if they don't
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:11 No.769526

    >Asians pretty much have discipline which make them great academics.
    do you have any, like, actual evidence for this?

    realize that, as an american (i assume), the international students you are competing against in college/uni are like the absolute best that those countries have to offer. rest assured there are plenty of stupid asian people in asia.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:14 No.769552
    well yes but those fail asians go into accounting and browse /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:16 No.769561
    They have in avarage more cerebral activity in both hemispheres than both westerners and africans..

    Not sure what you are talking about OP..
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:27 No.769644
    The one asian I know that has a strict family cheats like crazy. He is also condescending and a douche, but because he acts innocent he gets away with it. He is also always competing with other peoples grades even though he cheats.

    The other asians I know are laid back and chill. Love those guys
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:27 No.769645
    >japanese not creative

    varios games (mario series, some rpgs, that makes the american counterparts look bland, etc)
    Wii's motion controller

    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:28 No.769658
    This is how most things are already done. The guy in charge is the "white dude" or the decision maker and creative force, while it is carried out by the technical experts.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:30 No.769669
    OP has a point. And it basically comes down to how they are educated. In asian countries they spend a lot more time in school going over each way a problem can be presented, every possible example. While in the west we are given one problem and taught how to apply it to other cases.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:34 No.769702
         File1271817245.jpg-(53 KB, 637x482, 1271725834619.jpg)
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    Video Games aren't creative.

    Art is Creative

    Video Games aren't Art, and they never will be.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:40 No.769765
    There's a ton of Asian art
    Heck even their architecture is an art
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:46 No.769823

    Sorry, I guess poor trolling on my part.

    Video Games, if created correctly, could be considered art.

    That and you have to think about what defines art. I consider Video Games art if they're well-made, tell a story, and all the elements are spot on. (Soundtrack included)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:55 No.769920
    ITT: people actually believing all Asians get beat for getting bad grades
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:57 No.769932
    They do
    Is the way of warrior
    They must honror famiry
    >> ­­ 04/20/10(Tue)22:58 No.769936
    yes, and literature isnt creative...

    1/10 cause i responded
    >> μαθμαν !!91T1MdNS3iA 04/20/10(Tue)23:00 No.769951
    math, at very high levels, is an art.
    your work can be tested, shown to be correct, and copied. But coming up with an original proof is artistic. I don't feel that my peers(undergrads) have the same artistic capability as I do in this regard.
    Since many of them are asian, I would initally support OP's idea. However, I realize that because a majority are asian, that means that they are the ones who are more competent in the artistry of math.
    So, you're wrong OP. Get with the program, or get left behind.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:02 No.769972
    Here: Most people are of moderate intelligence
    Asia: Half of people are highly intelligent, half of them are flipping retarded
    Another anon described it in another thread in terms of "filters" (It was actually a smart idea, you niggers could write a book if you could get your damn thoughts together). The only Asians that come to America got here because the had some work ethic or intelligence that stood out about the rest. They instilled this work ethic to their children who are of a similar intelligence. This process is repeated for millions of people. What we forget is all of the dumbasses/lazy people back in the home country because we never deal with them. That's why our opinion of their work ethic and intelligence is so inflated, we only see the best of the best.
    tl;dr Asians get filters other groups don't
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:08 No.770024
    is there more of OP's pic?
    asian here.

    but also, OP, you're a fucking idiot.
    it's parental pressure, not anything else.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:12 No.770071
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    I am half Chinese and half Norwegian, ethnically. However, I was born and raised in Calgary, Canada. Like a lot of metropolitan Canada, Calgary has a large ethnically Chinese population, and there are private schools which teach in traditional Chinese ways, stylistic and linguistic. I went primarily to the public schools here for everything, except for Cantonese which I studied at one of these schools on Saturdays (my dad, from Hong Kong, pretty much considered Mandarin to be for peasants).

    I can definitely attest to the Chinese-style schools being heavily rote-based, regimented, and inflexible in structure. Grammar (something I've been told I've very lenient and atypical with in English) was literally taught by writing out the same sentence a hundred times, and then moving on to another one to be written a hundred times.

    However, I can also say similar things to the Canadian style of teaching. While in the Chinese style, it was rote by design, in the Canadian style rote-learning was pervasive through the actions of students themselves while the system itself was intended to foster creativity. Through high school, my best friend and I went back and forth for the highest average; he would eventually be valedictorian beating me by a solid 1.5% for final cumulative average. And to this day, still friends, I bug him about it: because he didn't know half of what he did. I tutored him the whole way through. He learned near-strictly by memorization.

    But as for creativity here now, both in Mechanical Engineering at the U of C, we've both won design competitions. And to risk sounding arrogant, both with ideas I would consider quite novel. I think it's fair to say: how we learned (and learned to learn) in primary school has had little impact on creativity in either of us. And if you look at the OECD, their statistics tend to agree. Japan and South Korea are among the most innovative economies on earth, but so too are Sweden and Finland.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:13 No.770096
    They just get disowned and their father commits suicide.
    >> GayEmoBetch !.pCLIFaWNg 04/20/10(Tue)23:13 No.770100
         File1271819621.jpg-(51 KB, 450x428, justin-bieber-dead.jpg)
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    So... if you're a retard you're creative?
    So... if you don't understand the concept of [your/you're] your creative?
    So... if you vote Republican you're creative?
    So... if you have no grasp on finance you're creative?

    America: Where being a "creative" is another word for nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:13 No.770101
    Creativity is useful to science and engineering. Next topic.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:14 No.770113
    Quit posting shit like this. It's very hard to figure out if things like this are due to 'nature or nurture'. Plus, it makes dumbshits want to start talking about genetics and race when they don't know much about it, start more threads like this, and post in other threads they don't know anything about. Plus, it drives away pcfags that are knowledgable about science.

    There are already many forums to talk about shit like this, but not as many to talk about hard science and mathematics.

    (the biodiversityforum is okay when it comes to genetics, anthropology, and history; but fairly retarded when it comes to everything else)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:16 No.770134
    We forget that only the smartest asians are allowed to live here. The peasants remain in China, completely uneducated.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:19 No.770172
    Creativity= Fame

    It is better to be famous than just rich or smart.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:21 No.770195
    White people are smarter than Asians.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:25 No.770228
    So many asians on /sci/

    It pisses me off you're allowed to be racist in minorities favor.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:25 No.770232
    who else hates race-traitors like this guy's mom?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:29 No.770276

    what's BERD or OECD?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:32 No.770298
    OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; an international forum for highly developed economies.

    BERD: Business expenditure on research and development; found to be of very high correlation to innovation (while government expenditure is not).
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:33 No.770317

    I can understand where OP is coming from, but I can't say that I am quite sure of its underpinnings. For instance, I go to a school that actually has a lot of immigrant or international asians attending and nearly all of them are socially inept rote-learners that don't go much beyond the subject. However, at the same time, I've met a few americanized asians and nearly all of them are almost the total opposite to their native counterparts, although not so sure academically. Ultimately, I have not been able to figure out just how much effect does culture, individual intelligence and personal motivation has to do with any of this. I would tend to believe however that whites are more likely to conceptualize ideas beyond their immediate subject matter more than Asians though.
    >> SkiddieKript !!Vhv0R15E3US 04/20/10(Tue)23:34 No.770325
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    Me me me. They wouldn't be such a problem though if they didn't attempt to force their degeneracy on the rest of us.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:35 No.770330


    why did you capitalise the first letters of the corresponding letters of the acronym on OECD, but not for BERD?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:35 No.770340
    sure smells like /int/ in here
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:36 No.770345
    the asian culture obsessed with test scores is stifling creativity.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)23:36 No.770348
    Because the acronym OECD represents a name, while BERD represents a statistic.

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