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!.pCLIFaWNg 04/10/10(Sat)04:05 No.690715The
Sun, the Moon and Mars To quote They Might Be Giants, "The sun is a
mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace, where hydrogen is
built into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees." Impressive,
but not a miracle. The moon, while large (the biggest in the solar
system!) is nothing more than a bunch of space matter formed when a
large object impacted into the proto-Earth nearly five billion years
ago. And Mars is just a geographically inactive planet. Big deal.
Milky Way, a F--king Shooting Star The Milky Way is a barred spiral
galaxy, just one of billions in the observable universe. Oh, and the
candy bar it inspired is far from miraculous. A shooting star is fairly
common astrological occurrence, little more than the visible path of a
meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere. It doesn't appear as though a
"f---ing" shooting star is any different.
Niagara Falls. The
Pyramids Niagara Falls was formed some 100,000 years ago, when
continental glaciers drove through the region and carved out the Great
Lakes and the Niagara River. Everything after that was just erosion. The
first pyramids were actually created by the Mesopotamians, though they
can also be seen in Egypt, Sudan, Greece, China and South America. While
certainly a massive undertaking — the famous Giza Pyramids took roughly
20 years and 20-30,000 laborers to create — they're not, you know,
actual miracles. |