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    79 KB Is it possible to get a 4.0 GPA in college? Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:00 No.659154  
    If it helps, a catholic domination college (st. blah blah blah etc etc)


    Is it possible for someone in a chem major, 2nd year to apply for pharmacy school to get accepted

    Assuming that the PCAT was perfect or near perfect?
    and all pre-reqs were met?

    No extra curriculars though
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:01 No.659161
    anything is possible, especially if you're black or somethin
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:04 No.659177

    Why? (I'm not)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:10 No.659212
    >4.0 GPA in college
    if you go to community college maybe.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:10 No.659213

    Minority Quotas.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:14 No.659235
    Educational institutions love diversity.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:43 No.659416
    Depends on how hard you try.

    You can get close enough that it doesn't really matter. I had a 3.8. Some professors told me they just don't hand out 4.0 because they don't believe in "perfection", even though I got everything right on everything ever and handed everything in on time and was never late or absent.

    IMO, Liberal Douches.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)21:45 No.659434

    fuck yeah even though im at a cc with a 3.5

    feels bad man.

    but w/e at least im a freshman taking the science courses that are equivalent to uni underclassmen courses.... so when i transfer my junior year in, I'll be in upperlevel courses.
    >> notMordecai !oZBvtVgNQ6 04/05/10(Mon)22:10 No.659589
    It's possible as much as it is to get a 2.0

    It depends on the person and the profs (and their grading procedures).

    I am about to start my senior year (going for a BS in Comp Sci) with a 3.14.

    Feels bad man, but hey- you shouldn't be too fucked as long as you are over 3.0. 3.0 is usually the golden number for college GPAs.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)23:21 No.660193
    3.93 here. I don't go to a community college. It is possible, you just have to put in some effort.

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