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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268586316.jpg-(43 KB, 330x333, pie.jpg)
    43 KB Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:05 No.511457  
    happy pi day /sci/
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:07 No.511469
    And a happy Pi Day to you too, good sir!
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:08 No.511476
    dammit, /sci/ is awfully slow and boring today. Where the hell is everybody?!

    oh well, happy 3/14!
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:10 No.511482
    e was here. You're all small time.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:10 No.511484
    What type of pie should I eat today? I'm not a big fan of fruit-filled pies, so any suggestions?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:10 No.511486
    that picture makes me happy
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:10 No.511488
    What, 14/03/2010 is not
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:11 No.511491
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:12 No.511500

    chocolate pie is pretty fucking delicious
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:12 No.511501
    american date format bitch!
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:13 No.511506
         File1268586800.jpg-(1.27 MB, 2560x1600, Nadeko_Sengoku_by_Noein_Disgae(...).jpg)
    1.27 MB
    Pi with Nadeko
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:13 No.511509
    You should stop doing the pie routines, it is pronounced pee.

    Aw chucks... Happy Pi Day to you all! *sniffle*
    I...I love you all. *sob*
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:14 No.511511
         File1268586843.jpg-(38 KB, 350x383, tuna-pie.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:14 No.511517
    >MIT decisions today
    >shit pants
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:16 No.511529
         File1268587003.jpg-(8 KB, 251x250, wtf.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Terry !ECCSkbNjwI 03/14/10(Sun)13:17 No.511536
    The real Pi day is July 22.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:18 No.511541
    God yes, the american date notation system is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:20 No.511545
    As an American, I can say that this is a lot more logical, at least from a non-American standpoint.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:21 No.511552
    22/7 is 3.14285, not 3.14159.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:21 No.511555
         File1268587315.gif-(20 KB, 600x225, Pi Day.gif)
    20 KB
    I've been waiting an entire year for this moment.

    Also, happy Steak and a Blowjob day.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:24 No.511570
         File1268587484.jpg-(35 KB, 275x350, shame.jpg)
    35 KB
    I... I lolled like a motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:25 No.511576
         File1268587546.jpg-(25 KB, 283x420, yguy.jpg)
    25 KB
    LOL I GET IT r2
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:25 No.511578
    The American system is pretty screwed up, the US military doesn't even use that date format.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:28 No.511585

    yes the american system is screwed up but ISO 8601 also means the date is 2010.3.14
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:38 No.511617
         File1268588295.jpg-(39 KB, 340x339, 340x_pi_pie2.jpg)
    39 KB
    Happy Pi Day!!! And Einstein, RIP... Happy B-day, homes... I would wait for 1:59, know...The guinea pig squeaks for parsley... ;)
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)13:43 No.511629
         File1268588626.jpg-(11 KB, 250x250, 1267832117200.jpg)
    11 KB
    omg... Einstein born on pi day
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)14:00 No.511687
         File1268589601.jpg-(1.6 MB, 3840x2400, 1267586095022.jpg)
    1.6 MB
    Happy Pi-Day, gents!

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