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    File : 1268284375.jpg-(127 KB, 300x427, Illlearnye.jpg)
    127 KB Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:12 No.490035  
    Hey /sci/,
    are you manly enough to simplify

    this isn't homework, I'm just a mathfag.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:14 No.490045
         File1268284446.jpg-(76 KB, 704x527, MotherOfGod2.jpg)
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    Man, i don't even know where to begin.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:14 No.490046
    set b = 1, problem solved
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:14 No.490056
    my fellow anon, this is one of those situations where you bite the bullet and load up maple
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:16 No.490069
    I already know the answer, I was just seeing if anyone on /sci/ had the gusto to find the answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:16 No.490073
    I wouldn't have thought it was anyway. This goes beyond any reasonable homework (in that it is way too much repetition). I would do it if I gave a fuck, but it's just a stupid endeavor. Really, it's no different than when a 5th grader goes "What's 4*5*17*245*374*43?" Sure, it take a little while to do it, but it's easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:16 No.490076
         File1268284604.png-(218 KB, 426x349, 1268273883557.png)
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    If I may, just plug this bitch into mathematica, and it is done.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:17 No.490087
    wow that seems like a boring, mindless problem, op
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:17 No.490091
    Same here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:18 No.490092
    Nah, this is funnier, because the answer is actually zero.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:18 No.490097
    multiply everything by b^36 to get rid of those pesky denominators
    >> OP 03/11/10(Thu)00:20 No.490112
    Okay guys, the answer is zero:
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:20 No.490118
    The fractions with the b^2 denominator can be separated, i.e. 1/(b^18 * b^2) - 8/(b^16 * b^2) + ...
    Not hard at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:21 No.490127
    multiply both sides by zero

    bam, simplified
    >> OP 03/11/10(Thu)00:22 No.490133
    No, but seriously, 1b2010b18+36b1656b14+35b126b10b21b188b16+21b1420b12+5b10b21b146b12+10b104b8+b22(1b167b14+15b1210b10+1b8)==0 is true for any b
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:23 No.490138
    what about b=0
    >> OP 03/11/10(Thu)00:23 No.490142
    especially b=0
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:24 No.490153
    not for b = 0
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:24 No.490155
    It is pathetic that you called yourself a mathfag
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:26 No.490171
    Oh, so it is. So it's like a fifth grader going "I bet you don't know what 37*3574*4357*354365*345745*100586*5270*0*35832*3567*574357*2*34576*45768927 is." Then laughing and going "It's zero!"
    >> OP 03/11/10(Thu)00:26 No.490172
    lol, I'm well aware it's undefined, but the limit is well defined, and if you fully simplify the expression you get one which is well defined for all b, I just don't feel like nit-picking on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:39 No.490251
    Technically just because you simplified the division by zero away, you can't just pretend it doesn't exist.

    You're still supposed to say it's undefined for b = 0 even though it's not in the simplified form.

    I never liked it either, but the purpose is to preserve any conditions that may have been around in the original situation.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:41 No.490262
    b = 1 lol
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)00:44 No.490279
    b = anything but zero lol
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:28 No.492034
         File1268317700.png-(29 KB, 723x635, latex1.png)
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    Hey /sci/,
    are you manly enough to figure out the formula for f1(X)?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:31 No.492041
         File1268317909.png-(48 KB, 730x920, latex2.png)
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    are you manly enough to calculate more numbers in this sequence? B(n+1) is gotten by taking B(n) steps in the counterclockwise spiral pictured here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:34 No.492045
         File1268318088.png-(49 KB, 727x933, latex3.png)
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    have you got the balls to calculate more numbers in this sequence? R(n+1) is gotten by taking R(n) steps in the counterclockwise spiral pictured here.

    A program to calculate these would be very handy but it seems it would be a fucker to code.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:37 No.492050
         File1268318231.png-(32 KB, 723x648, latex4.png)
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    I dare you to calculate more numbers in this sequence. The same way as before. I have yet to muster the energy to get up to 13, as it's pretty bothersome.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:45 No.492061
         File1268318756.jpg-(67 KB, 750x600, 1261341459115.jpg)
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    Hey /sci/, are you manly enough to make a function expressing the intensity of the smell of her vagina in relation to her level of hygiene?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:56 No.492072
         File1268319378.png-(32 KB, 727x673, latex5.png)
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    I bet you can't handle calculating twenty more numbers of this sequence and then calculating the sequence S(n)=B(n)A(n)R(n)L(n).

    Another interesting thing to look at would be the sequences PY(n)=m(f1(Y(n))) where Y=BRAL and f1(Y(n)) gives the coordinates for the nth number in sequence Y and, as it appeared above, m=max(nk) is the shell the coordinates (nk) are on. So, for example,
    PB(4)=2 (I now notice that there's an error in my code, it's supposed to be 1221 not 1211

    Also, if you notice any more mistakes, please tell me.
    >> look at me, I'm showing off! Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:07 No.492086
    Here's the code for the B-sequence, if someone's interested. You need \usepackage[all]{xy}.

    43_{-3,3}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[d]_{18} & 44_{-2,3}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_{17} & 45_{-1,3}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_{16} & 46_{0,3}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_{15} & 47_{1,3}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_{14} & 48_{2,3}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_{13} & 49_{3,3}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_{12} & \ldots\\
    42_{-3,2}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_{19} & 21_{-2,2}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[d]_8 & 22_{-1,2}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_7 & 23_{0,2}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_6 & 24_{1,2}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_5 & 25_{2,2}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_4 & 26_{3,2}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_{11}\\
    41_{-3,1}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_{20} & 20_{-2,1}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_9 & 7_{-1,1}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[d]_2 & \textcolor{red}{\mathbf{8}}_{0,1}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_1 & 9_{1,1}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[l]_4 & 10_{2,1}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_3 & 27_{3,1}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_{10}\\
    40_{-3,0}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_{21} & 19_{-2,0}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_{10} & 6_{-1,0}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_3 & \textcolor{red}{\mathbf{1}}_{0,0}\ar@{.}[r]\ar@/_/[d]_1 & 2_{1,0}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_3 & 11_{2,0}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_2 & 28_{3,0}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_9\\
    39_{-3,-1}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_{22} & 18_{-2,-1}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_{11} & 5_{-1,-1}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_4 & \textcolor{red}{\mathbf{4}}_{0,-1}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_1 & 3_{1,-1}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[u]_2 & \textcolor{red}{\mathbf{12}}_{2,-1}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_1 & 29_{3,-1}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_8\\
    38_{-3,-2}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_{23} & 17_{-2,-2}\ar@{.}[u]\ar@/_/[d]_{12} & 16_{-1,-2}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_5 & 15_{0,-2}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_6 & 14_{1,-2}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_7 & 13_{2,-2}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[u]_8 & 30_{3,-2}\ar@{.}[d]\ar@/_/[u]_7\\
    37_{-3,-3}\ar@{.}[u] & \textcolor{red}{\mathbf{36}}_{-2,-3}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_1 & 35_{-1,-3}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_2 & 34_{0,-3}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_3 & 33_{1,-3}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_4 & 32_{2,-3}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[r]_5 & 31_{3,-3}\ar@{.}[l]\ar@/_/[u]_6\\
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:08 No.492089
    Oh, and \usepackage{color} too.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:15 No.492103
         File1268320504.jpg-(19 KB, 400x500, imggeorge carlin1.jpg)
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    why does Darwin look like a balder and buff George Carlin?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:17 No.492109

    Size of beard is directly related to intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:55 No.492207
    This problem is pointless. If you're a mathfag try to go beyond number crunching. Learn some Linear Algebra or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)11:13 No.492258
    Then /v/ and /a/ would be full of intelligent people.
    >> marsmar 03/11/10(Thu)18:03 No.494250
         File1268348597.jpg-(20 KB, 401x271, carlin-looks-like-darwin.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)18:07 No.494274
    the names also resonate

    "djohrdje karlinn"
    "tsharls darwinn"

    George Carlin
    Charles Darwin


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