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    48 KB Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:21 No.446973  
    If you have a disease or virus that is communicable it is irresponsable to remain in communal society.

    If we remove the sick there will be no more sick.
    In isolated instance, certainly. But not as a societal whole.

    Do you know what the cure for the black plauge is?
    But there is no more black plague.
    Every carrier dead. Posibility of further contamination: <.001%

    Aids... Herpes... Hepatitus...
    We breed these poxes by maintaining their hosts.
    We take small 'doses' of death and inject them into our young for vaccine.

    In this way these plagues will always be around.
    If hypothetically, 'something' were to be done... would you be onboard or oppose it?

    SPOILER: It would result in some... unpleasentness.
    >> 3rdyearChemfag !Zm8pCdtzww 03/05/10(Fri)09:23 No.446979
    sage for angsty edgy underage b&
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:28 No.447004
    so you support a republican stance on health care reform, or none at all, then?

    don't get sick. if you get sick, die quickly. that it, eh?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:29 No.447007
    sage does very little tripfag. Thats 1st year chem.

    Also, as you are not of a bio background you are of no help to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:31 No.447015
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:31 No.447018
    The black plague is still around in some backward parts of the world, we have a vaccine for it now. And vaccines don't generally cause you to spread disease, in fact they stop the spread.

    If you were talking about genetic disease you might be on to something.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:32 No.447019
    Not to mention viruses that use animals as their hose like rabies, ebola, west nile...
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:32 No.447021
    There is a big difference between thte common cold (or even pnumonia) and 'if i get your blood on me i'm fucked'

    All I'm saying is that all of our options are never considered.
    The most "horendous" are immediately thrown out... and it continues in that order until the only options left involve letting sick people help decide what happens to sick people.

    It can't end well.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:35 No.447032
    >>447021'if i get your blood on me i'm fucked'

    We don't really have diseases like that in the developed world any more. A little hepatitis and a little AIDS, but it's not really an issue unless you're sharing needles or having unprotected homosexual anal sex with them.
    >> 3rdyearChemfag !Zm8pCdtzww 03/05/10(Fri)09:37 No.447039
    lolwut, so you think a mathmatician knows nothing but maths?

    bio is for casuals.

    ill just say this, there's two ways to solve world hunger; feed the hungry people, or kill the hungry people.

    one way is more meaningful than the other.

    nuff said
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:37 No.447040
    Allowing the sick to cohabitate with the well results in more sick. period.
    With animals in zoos the sick are isolated or put down. If you suggested leaving them in with the general population the zoo keepers and vets call you an idiot. The only difference between this scenerio and us? People's rights... votes.... feelings.

    From a biologic standpoint the solution hasn't changed. Its clear. Only our reluctance to execute the best available option.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:38 No.447047
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:41 No.447058
    I feel in order to approach a utopian society risk of disease through ANY social interaction, anal sex included can not be an issue. Not if we have a definitive means of eliminating it as a problem.
    >> 3rdyearChemfag !Zm8pCdtzww 03/05/10(Fri)09:47 No.447087
    you do know what quarantine is right?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)09:48 No.447092
    the actual best way to cure all communicable disease is to realize that a disease is a disease and a person has no control over whether or not they catch it. if we had a choice then we'd all be healthy, beautiful, intelligent people. unfortunately, we don't. trying to place the blame for being sick solely on the ill is inhumane and willfully ignorant. while it's true that certain behaviors may place an individual at a higher risk contracting a range of illnesses, we should also look at what external conditions lead to that behavior. fixing society will greatly help public health in general.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:33 No.447285
    Thats bullshit.

    You got raped because you were wearing a low-cut blouse. End of story.
    If you have Aids, there are various ways you could have contracted it, but most (95%) point to behavior on your part. Sure there is the 5% chance you were born with it... but Needles, Sex, hanging out with Magic Johnson. These were decisions on your part.

    You put yourself at risk then voice that you should be allowed to put others at risk?
    Where will it stop?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:38 No.447309
    i'm not saying that you have the right to put others at risk. that was you attempting to put words into my mouth.

    what i said was that disease is more chance than behavior.
    what would you say to the hemophiliac that contracted aids through a blood transfusion? "should have been more careful"?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:44 No.447333
    You have failed on so many levels, so just please go and study medicine, and fucking die! Also doubles get!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:45 No.447343
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:55 No.447391
    This is what I mean. You settle for doubles with tripples in grasp...
    No one has the mind to see what is there.
    It is taboo so it is dismissed readily as a far-fetched notion... a fools errand.

    There will always be anamoly. The person in full protective gear struck down by meteor.
    Some things can not be accounted for, I concede. BUT this is why I feel it that much more imperative that we cease control over what can be controlled.

    With the entire aids epidemic 'culled' to a point of non-issue, an incedence of a hemophiliac interacting with any blood is a moot point.
    It is not the hemophiliacs fault, no. By no means.
    It is societies for allowing the infected blood to exist when we have the means to incinerate it from the face of the earth.

    Humanity could be so much more.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:56 No.447395
    >black plague
    >Every carrier dead
    Are you implying that the black plague had a 100% mortality rate? Because that simply isn't true.
    wikipedia'd: The black death consisted of the bubonic, septicemic and pneumonic plagues, and only septicemic plague, which was the least common of the three, had a mortality rate close (emphasis on close) to a hundred percent. The other two had mortality rates of 30-75% and 90%.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:58 No.447412
    but under your reasoning we would strip away a persons civil rights under the guise of the public good and subject them to all sorts of horrible treatment.
    seig heil!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)11:07 No.447448
    A person's individual rights are important, granted.
    A person's rights are not so important as to endanger multiple persons on large scale or jepordize community, society, or humanity; as with transmitable incurable disease.

    That is my belief, anyway.

    You have rights as a person because you consume/produce to work toward the betterment of personS (people). Once that ceases or skews in favvor of inividual to a potentially damaging ratio in opposition of the good of the people you are no longer for the people. i.e. you are no longer a person.

    Harsh, yes. But straight naturalistic logic.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)11:11 No.447464
    you're a fucking idiot.

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