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    File : 1322171390.jpg-(210 KB, 960x1280, 1322169686939.jpg)
    210 KB Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:49 No.4063636  
    Why couldn't she get a job with a Bachelor's of Art in Biochemistry?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:52 No.4063645
    She clearly didn't understand that having a degree does not entitle one to a high paying job.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:56 No.4063655
    because a bachelor science degree aint shit. Do you have a link to her porn site?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:56 No.4063659
    I've seen polarizing views on the distinction between BA and BS. Some schools that offer both, there is a distinction in that the BA is less technical.

    Other schools use it arbitrarily.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:58 No.4063665
    Where is this internet porn of which she speaks? Pics or it didn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:59 No.4063666
    Well, that's life, eh?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:02 No.4063675
    But I'm entitled to a job! I have a BA in memorization from an expensive school! Dammit, I deserve a job!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:03 No.4063676
    because she's a women

    and also because biochemistry is a 'grey' area of the soft/hard sciences - it's just malleable, not hard like its chemistry cousin.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:03 No.4063677
    You sir are a gentleman.
    I, too, seek this pornography.
    The context would make it quite interesting.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:03 No.4063678
    >Will probably have a babby during the most important time of her career
    >gave up after just one interview
    >she probably copypasted the same message to all 90 employers
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:04 No.4063681
    Indeed. I've seen econ degrees classified as BSc, BA, and BEcon.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:05 No.4063684
         File1322172318.gif-(559 KB, 400x276, laugh.gif)
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    >only got BA
    >vet bills
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:05 No.4063686
    All I read was "I do Internet Porn'
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:06 No.4063690
    "Applied to over 90 jobs in my field, 1 interview"

    I'm not buying this.

    "I work 40 hours/week and make $1500/month"

    What kind of job pays that low? especially for biochemists?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:08 No.4063695

    BA Biochem is a euphemism for lab cleaning lady.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:08 No.4063696
    wtf are you supposed to do with a BA in biochem without and MD??
    >woman logic
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:10 No.4063709
         File1322172637.jpg-(39 KB, 604x402, wat.jpg)
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    Wait what? Is life on murrika THAT expensive?

    Third worlder here, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:12 No.4063717
         File1322172751.gif-(51 KB, 308x256, holyshit.gif)
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    this thread was just on /r9k/ I think last night.

    Look, those in their young 20's now were told as children by all their parents and elders that a good degree would guarantee us a good job and keep us from "flipping burgers" for a living. We were lied to. These lies left us vulnerable to a system which doesn't necessarily reward hard work. It is understandable that they are bitter; those that luck didn't smile on.

    In the case of this individual woman, maybe she didn't work as hard as she could, maybe she wasted opportunities that were offered to her, but then again maybe she didn't. You don't know for sure. She may have made some mistakes for sure:

    - B.A. instead of B.S.
    - GPA not great (not bad either)
    - has a pet when trying to work her way out of poverty

    Ok, big deal. Some of us make mistakes. I feel sorry for her in any case, even if she did make some mistakes.

    There are two opposing views likely to be expressed in this thread which are both incorrect:

    (i) it's all the system's fault.
    (ii) anyone under any circumstances can become financially successful through hard work

    If you set aside all delusions and understand the balance between individual responsibility and circumstances I think you'll find that the system is broken. In a society with such prosperity, one shouldn't have to sacrifice the health and vigour of their youth by working their asses off for years just to get a job that affords them an average lifestyle. The problem here is with the education system; all of its inefficiencies and lack of compassion for students. This social structure is diseased because it no longer rewards merit in an unbiased way. It's really that simple.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:13 No.4063718
    $10 an hour? I knew chemistry was bad, but jeez. She causes me worry for my future job prospects.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:14 No.4063722
    Third worlder here too. I'm guessing the average salary for biochemists in America is somewhere around $6000/month.

    Damn man, my shitty websites make more than $1500 a month.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:14 No.4063724
    I'm going to be a mathematician, what do the words 'job prospect' even mean?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:15 No.4063726
    I would very much like to rub one out to some pornstar with a biochem degree.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:15 No.4063727
    These are things for people who don't know how to save. Also, no CC? Could have saved a shit load of cash easy.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:15 No.4063731
    Crash the stock market, derivative starting.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:16 No.4063734
    Where the fuck are y'all from?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:16 No.4063736
         File1322173009.jpg-(25 KB, 200x200, fuckthat[1].jpg_130280.jpg)
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    1) Get internships
    2) Don't party your way through college. Get a decent GPA.

    And most importantly:

    3) Don't go to a private/elitist school because you think that will get you a job. The only reason these schools have good statistics is because the elite go there. They not only party, they network. They might have family in the business. There may be some talent in their families that gives them an advantage over you. Their families know people in the business. Know your place
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:17 No.4063738
         File1322173071.jpg-(18 KB, 385x383, babby.jpg)
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    Dude, I make $2000 here in lolcolombia and I buy whatever I want. I even paid my own apartment in less than 5 years.

    Get your shit together murrka, we signed a free trade agreement with you so you should get our cheap shit, including fruits, flowers, and of course, coffee and cocaine.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:18 No.4063742
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    >mfw I pay 1500 bucks a semester at CC and my gf pays 18k a semester at uni
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:20 No.4063749
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    >I didn't ask for this
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:21 No.4063756
    Yep, I transferred to a private school and it's nice and all, but I'm not getting anything more out of it than I did at community college. I'd be more willing to transfer out if I didn't have a year left to get a degree. GG huge fucking debt for nothing.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:22 No.4063757
    I pay 200 fucking dollars a semester in the best university of my country.

    Thank god for public universities and their socioeconomic studies.

    (okay, it's like 400th in the world ranking but you faggots pay too much for a private university)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:22 No.4063758
    Why does she have a car and pet? How much is 650 rent in america (say a suburb of a medium to large city)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:23 No.4063761
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    Soo where is the porn? Also I am going to get a degree in industrial engineering and I can a degree in psychology to go with it.
    >mfw I become what the 99% hates.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:25 No.4063764
         File1322173556.jpg-(61 KB, 300x300, 1321820729893.jpg)
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    >Under 100 globally
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:26 No.4063766
    "$25,000 student loans costed my parents $140,000"

    What the flying fuck does that mean?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:26 No.4063768
    A small one or two bedroom apartment depending on various factors.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:27 No.4063769
    It seems that this problem is almost non-existent here in the UK (Scotland). My cousin graduated with a biochem BA from a middle-tier university 2 years ago and is now on £30000/year.

    Oh also, we don't have to pay university tuition fees here.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:27 No.4063771
    BRB, Scotland
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:28 No.4063772
    I'm pretty sure this is bullshit, all the numbers, the degree, the additional courses being taken, and the situation in general makes no fucking sense.

    Except for the tuition costs
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:30 No.4063778
    No joke. Maybe I should do my masters in another country.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:30 No.4063779

    I'm working on my PhD right now. I make ~1400 a month (can't complain, though, because I work 12 hours a week).

    Aside from teaching, I study, attend meetings, do my research, write grants (shittiest part).

    Where I live a two bedroom townhouse is 650 a month. After utilities, groceries, etc. I have about 200 dollars left a month to play with.

    I can't do porn for money, she is lucky. My dick is above average, sure, but I doubt I'd make it in the porn world.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:30 No.4063781
    inb4 scandinavian arseholes post about their free education.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:30 No.4063782
    In the Netherlands we only pay 1700 per year and we get 265 for expenses (monthly). All you have to do is graduate within 10 years.
    Murka, land of free to not give a fuck about your fellow countrymen.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:31 No.4063783
    There are different fees for international students, you will likely pay more than if you stayed in the country.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:31 No.4063786
    She did get a biochem job, she just needed to stand in line for a few years because the economy sucked. It's a growing field after all.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:32 No.4063787
    >mfw their education is shitty anyway so it doesn't matter
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:33 No.4063795
    12 hours a week? How the fuck does this work?

    I just accepted a job for 1650€ per month (after tax), full 40h/week of course ..
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:33 No.4063796
         File1322174025.jpg-(129 KB, 478x572, 1309326479587.jpg)
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    It means the bitch was too stupid to pay off her loans early. Instead she waited until the interest build up and eventually got to be $140,000. Instead of trying to pay off her loans she probably first got a car, a apartment, furniture, and a fucking dog. Then she thought that she could get a job and pay it all off. The bitch dun goof and is now whining about not being able to pay off her car loans, her rent, dog food, and other shit. She could have taken a economics class and understand how loans work before doing stupid shit.
    >mfw this is what happens to all of the 99% and they are butthurt since they don't even understand how money, education, or even finding a job works.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:34 No.4063798
    Anyone who does anything useful at non retard level can make cash. Please tell me why not. Its pretty easy just think about what people need, and get good at an aspect of it. I cannot comprehend why she thinks she should get a job.

    Lets shut down discussion at this point until the porn surfaces.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:34 No.4063799
    >In the Netherlands we only pay 1700 per year and we get 265 for expenses (monthly). All you have to do is graduate within 10 years.
    No wonder Europe is broke.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:34 No.4063800

    If you are an international student in western europe you pay a lot more.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:35 No.4063802

    I teach three three hour sections of lab, do one hour of office hours and attend a two hour meeting for the week.

    I'm a grad student; my work load is pretty typical (maybe slightly lower).

    That's what I am paid to do, teach. When I do everything else I need to do, I probably put it 50 hours a week or so.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:36 No.4063803

    Except The Netherlands isn't, we're getting big returns on Iceland's default a while back. We can do the same for Italy.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:36 No.4063804
    i wonder if she does interracial
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:37 No.4063807
    What do you teach? I've yet to see a grad student teach any science lectures.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:37 No.4063808
    Not true.
    The tuition fees for international students in the UK are only marginally higher, and still massively lower than in the US. I can't speak for other countries, but most of the good colleges are in the US and UK.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:38 No.4063809
    Sucking your fellow Europeans dry, eh?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:39 No.4063811
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    I feel like I should know her.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:39 No.4063812

    My research is in quantitative genetics but I teach human anatomy labs.

    Sucks bad, man.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:41 No.4063817

    That's not how banking works. And you don't know it, and neither does Joe Sixpack in America. Because if you did, you would have sorted out your own financial crises.
    Call me when EURUSD hits 1.0 again :)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:42 No.4063819
    Get rid of the fucking pet if you're complaining about the cost
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:42 No.4063820
    But there's a fundamental difference between the two systems. Most UK and European universities are public and have lower tuition, the famous universities in the US are private and have higher tuition. Also, factoring in the costs of residence, international travel, differences in food prices, etc. you're looking at higher overall costs for international students.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:42 No.4063821
    Then how else would you get a jobi n science without studying science for 5-6 years
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:43 No.4063824
    >people talk as if going to school for 4 years and spending all that money, time and effort is ONLY
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:43 No.4063825
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:44 No.4063828
    Get a hookup or an associates.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:44 No.4063829
    Um, if you have no car? How do you get around. Very few american cities have public transp
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:45 No.4063831
    >Implying buses aren't public transportation
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:46 No.4063835
    >implying buses don't take two hours to travel a few miles
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:47 No.4063837
    Walk, bike
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:47 No.4063839
    Then take an earlier bus or move closer to work
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:48 No.4063841
    >Implying that in some cases buses aren't faster than cars because asshole bus drivers cut to the front of the line
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:48 No.4063843
    1. Interships, like scholarhips, are few and far between. There will always been that large group that didn't get them
    2. You cannot assume someone partied 24/7 in college. And there is no way someone passed with a good GPA in college in a math and science degree and got a 3.4.
    3. This could easily be a state college.

    I live in one of the CHEAPEST costs of living states at 650 rent is non-existant here.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:49 No.4063846
    In the snow? Have you been to the midwest
    I said not all american cities have them.

    The only busses in my state are SCHOOL busses for elementary school kids. Not high school or college kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:49 No.4063849
    Read: "graduated top private college GPA 3.4"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:50 No.4063853
         File1322175013.jpg-(36 KB, 656x411, costanzabiology4.jpg)
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    Pic says it all.

    Biology is a useless degree, because you can go to med school with ANY degree.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:50 No.4063854
    >Implying there's any biochemistry jobs in the midwest
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:50 No.4063856
    >2.4 GPA, $50,000 debt, BA Biology, no internships, no work experience
    This is me in two years. I am not the 99%.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:51 No.4063858
    >art is a usless degree, you shoulda took science
    >music is a uselss degre, you shoulda took science
    >biology isn't hard enough
    >chemestry isn't hard enough
    >if you aren't taking SUPER NASA SPACE GENIOUS HAWKING major, then don't bitch about not having a job

    Do you NOT see the problem with the only people being able to get jobs right now are the super SUPER smart?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:51 No.4063859

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:52 No.4063861
    If there is no demand for a certain field, don't study it. You could've picked an engineering degree. You could've gone for a vocational degree or simply become a bakers apprentice.
    People like the girl in OP's picture are people who are in excess and have no economical value except that some might pay to see them naked.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:52 No.4063863
    >Do you NOT see the problem with the only people being able to get jobs right now are the super SUPER smart?
    I see jobs in real science and trades. Don't make the cut for science? Become a welder.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:54 No.4063866
    Move to a college/uni city, everything is walking distance
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:54 No.4063868
    Yep because the middle class can be sustained by welders and electrians. Fuck the office jobs we don't need em anymore. Fuck services. All we need are electricians, welders, and Lightsaber makers.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:55 No.4063869
    Bio is oversaturated with college graduates.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:55 No.4063871
    >If there is no demand for a certain field, don't study it.

    But what if it's in demand, you're almost done with it, then the field crashes?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:55 No.4063872
    I don't live in a cheap state and I can easily find $400-$500 rent.
    >3. This could easily be a state college.
    But then she wouldn't have gained all that debt. That was the main point. I have no sympathy for people who complain about their debt when it was their chose. If I buy a house I can't afford then complain about losing my house, does that make sense?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:55 No.4063873
    Um yes, if you move to it sure.
    Say that you are able to get a job right now. Gotta get to it. Expecially when you can't get a job 2ft away from the college.

    How are you going to get your stuff to and fro from college?

    How are you going to go ANYWHERE during the winter when there is 5+ ft of snow on the ground
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:56 No.4063876
    Thats only true in inner city where you'd be better off on the subway or walking anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:56 No.4063877
    You don't have to be a genius to do engineering. Pretty much any male is capable of the level of thought involved in babby DEQs.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:57 No.4063878
    The middle class is composed of welders and electricians faggot.

    Oh, and a big part of why so many people are unemployed is because they had previously provided services of no real value.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:57 No.4063881
    haha I know a kid who is seriously retarded

    graduating this year: engineering
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:57 No.4063882
    I said that it could easily be a state college. I live in a state that has low cost of college comapred to the the US but college is 14k a year.

    14k x 4 =56k. Thats not counting masters or graduates.
    >factory workers
    >no value
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:57 No.4063884
    No it isn't. For example it took about that long to go to college when I lived in San Antonio.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:58 No.4063885
    > Pretty much any male is capable of the level of thought involved in babby DEQs
    >any male

    Well, forever sausage parties.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:58 No.4063886
    er...forgot to mention that I wasn't located in the inner city and neither was the college.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:59 No.4063887
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    Another one bites the dust.
    The middle class is at major risk of being replaced by technical solutions or people from developing nations who are competing more and more with the Western world. People with good to exceptional degrees are getting more and more leverage on the common folk.

    The middle class is in excess, and they will know it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:59 No.4063888
         File1322175554.png-(201 KB, 552x414, not-sure-if-serious.png)
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    >5+ feet of snow on the ground
    >Driving to work
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)17:59 No.4063889
    Dumb woman. Why the hell would you go to private school if you're not rich or swimming in scholarships? Go to CC the first two years then public after that. We have some great public schools that are in top universities of the world. UC Berkely, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UCLA, Michigan, etc
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:00 No.4063892
    No, you have to be able to do math.

    Personally my math limit is somwhere in between precalc and trig. No amount of professors of book reading will increase that. So therefore I am unfit of becoming an engineer. Which is a TON of people.

    1.The streets are plowed by the publicly owned street plows
    2. The sidewalks are requried by law to be shoveled but not usually till like late in the day

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:00 No.4063893
    The manufacturing industry was destroyed before the recession.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:01 No.4063899
    8k NZD debt, first year engineer. Working 55 hours a week during summer break. Earning $12 after tax, ~9USD. Wellington city.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:02 No.4063900
    The labour pool is shrinking though, 1/3 will have to support 2/3 of the population. Therefore, we will have increased labour demands.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:02 No.4063901
    >Personally my math limit is somwhere in between precalc and trig.

    Seriously? I don't mean to make you feel bad, but you probably just need more practice.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:03 No.4063904
    But you are able to get a job. Most aren't. Hence the 9% unemployment rate nation wide, the and the 14% unemployment between 16-25
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:03 No.4063906
    As I said. I could read every book on it. Doesn't mean you get better from it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:04 No.4063908

    Pell grants paid CC, grants from FAFSA paid for one year of uni

    Right now, no debt either for me or parents
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:04 No.4063909

    Quite simple, she's an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:04 No.4063912
    You're still retarded. 5ft of snow shuts down any city, nobody goes anywhere, and if that's the case (Which it never will be), create a carpool with your employees at work. She said she had a friend who worked there and got her the job. There's really no excuse. You can always find alternates to owning a car.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:05 No.4063913
    What kind of CC did you go to? My CC is WAY more than my pell counts. I only get about 600 in pell...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:05 No.4063916
    She may be able to have friends, but htat does not mean everyone can. Therefore those who cannot, cannot carpool
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:06 No.4063919

    There is (save for a few medical anomalies) no such thing as a "math-person". Why do you think it's the nerdy people who score good in these fields? Because they have lots of time to study. They don't party, they don't often go out, they don't have many friends to distract them from coursework. You don't have the discipline to put all these things aside.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:07 No.4063921
    $26 per unit, now $36

    But in California, Pell Grants paid for everything, at least for CCs.

    In comparison, I got $5,000 for CSU school
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:07 No.4063923
    What? That doesn't make any sense. If you had actually read a book on it and stoped thinking "I can't learn this" then you could have. I can guarantee you haven't read any books on any maths. The hardest part about trig and precalc is the algebra. A 10 year old could learn calculus if they knew the algebra. There is no limit to your math ability.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:07 No.4063924
    Then ask for rides and pay for gas. Make connections. If you don't you won't be successful in your career regardless.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:10 No.4063935
    >There is (save for a few medical anomalies) no such thing as a "math-person".

    AHAHAHAHA WHAT FAGGOT? I haven't studied hard in my life and have a 4.0GPA in Math & CS at a top 50 globally ranked school. You're just mad because some people have larger inferior-parietal lobules than you.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:10 No.4063938
    The average nerd is a math person. I don't have friends, I don't get invited to parties, but I DO know expecially from personal experience that no amount of studying will make me better at it. You are either naturally talented or not. Plus I don't even like math.

    As in, I read the books on my own time, did the assignments, asked proffessors to give me persona tests on them

    D's and F's errywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:11 No.4063942
    If those big pretty eyes are any indication of her overall appearance, she should never be without work if you get my drift. I'm dying for the link here!!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:13 No.4063946

    Jakes on you broheim, I have a double BSC in Maths and CS and I did the honours programme in the exact sciences department.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:13 No.4063948
    guys, guys....guys
    no seriously
    what's up with the porn now?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:16 No.4063957
    Because everyone knows the letter S is more important the letter A
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:16 No.4063958
    Life advice for anyone who will listen:

    you do NOT save money by carefully clipping coupons, watching your daily budget, not going out to eat etc.

    These make up a small portion of your actual cost of living.

    The real place to save money is on your large expenditures and commitments-- rent, car payments, student loans etc.

    It is EXTREMELY difficult to finish school 50k in the hole. Don't fucking do it.

    Also, live within your fucking means (No, you cannot have a new car). I'm always amazed when smart people fail to manage their money in any sensible way.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:16 No.4063962
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:17 No.4063964
    The image and story is fake as fuck, there is no porn.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:18 No.4063968
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:20 No.4063971
    >Live in central Europe
    >College is free
    >Student loans have 3% interest rate
    >Healthcare is cheap
    >Only loan you have is mortgage after you buy house

    u jelly, capitalistfags ?

    Also I want that porn video
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:20 No.4063972
    why "jake"? I don't get where it comes from is it an accent thing? or just a stupid unfunny thing?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:22 No.4063976
         File1322176926.jpg-(35 KB, 600x799, 2e31mhl[1].jpg)
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    The jake was on him.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:22 No.4063977
    >Don't like math
    >Force a false bias on yourself saying you can't do it
    >Confused when you do poorly at it
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:23 No.4063981
    >people who need to sell their labour to earn a living
    >call them the middle class

    See this is what's wrong with America. The working class think they've just temporarily fallen on hard times.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:27 No.4063987

    That was my post, and I partially agree with you. The middle class in America thought they were bourgeosie with their luck down. Doesn't everyone deserve an iPad and top-tier education? At least the lower class knows they're poor and they have to work hard to keep their head above the water.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:27 No.4063988
    Thank god I have a rich family
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:30 No.4063994
    Okay good point. :P
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:30 No.4063995
    >Still thinking that a degree in anything than math will get you good job opportunities
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:32 No.4063997
    Fuck it, I'm marrying a chick with money.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:33 No.4064002
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    Well, do I have some depressing news for you...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:34 No.4064003
    no internships. no research. no extra curricular. a lowly BA in a field of science. no grad school.

    well i'm not a fucking rocket scientist but...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:34 No.4064004
    If I graduate medical school in Canada I'll be able to get a well paying job... right?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:36 No.4064010
    >not getting better
    >"hurr durr im a lazy fuck and i make excuses"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:36 No.4064011
    I guess, especially with the death of the boomers
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:36 No.4064012
    damn, I wish I could do porn to make money
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:36 No.4064014
    pretty much these
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:38 No.4064020
    the rich make money, they don't earn it

    if you want to work for someone else (make them money) to earn money, you will never truly get ahead in life
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:39 No.4064024
         File1322177970.jpg-(33 KB, 400x450, CK-Images-SmugObama.jpg)
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    >Mfw I'm engaged to a med school student who will end up making 150k+/yr
    >Mfw I'll be able to always find work at my dad's company, guaranteeing making 80k+ as an engineer
    >Mfw neither of this even matters because my parents are rich
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:43 No.4064031
         File1322178191.jpg-(28 KB, 428x391, tumblr_lj70nxi3fl1qioyj3o1_500.jpg)
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    > mfw chemistry isn't 96% memorization with the exeption of a few simple formulas
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:48 No.4064044
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:48 No.4064047
    >96% with the exeption of a few simple formulas

    other than that is't a valid point bro, i studied chemistry for two yrs before i started biology, basicly the same shit. but biologists are more funn to hang with.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:52 No.4064061
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:57 No.4064072
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:00 No.4064079
    >I can write things on paper therefore they happened

    A biochem job does not pay 1500
    >> Piracy !!VZNx34SOr5M 11/24/11(Thu)19:02 No.4064082
    So how many other people immediately wanted to see what porn she has done after reading?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:02 No.4064083
    >woman scientist
    >BA biochem
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:03 No.4064088
    >Job in Biochem
    >Minimum wage salary
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:08 No.4064100
    Fuck this whole thread, she got a degree that doesn't make sense, who the fuck hires a biochem major without a doctorate?

    What company goes, "Hmm, I need someone with no experience and a BS in something with the complexity to require a doctorate, internship, and some residensy work"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:09 No.4064102

    BA actually. A motherfucking BA
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:13 No.4064109
    This would mean something if universities actually had more standardization in naming. I've seen near identical programs get different bachelors simply because that uni chose to.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:14 No.4064111
    Hey you wanna link to some of that porn?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:17 No.4064118
    Someone, take this to /b/ and find the porn, this is their only purpose
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:27 No.4064137
    >I never asked for this

    >Megan if she went into bio chem
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:29 No.4064139
    There are plenty of lab tech positions out there.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:30 No.4064142
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:33 No.4064147
    Apperently not
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:38 No.4064155
    Oh sounds like she got a tech position, making 1500/month. Not terrible, it would be time to start impressing.

    My guess is she won't. How the fuck do you spend 15,000 dollars relocating? Why the fuck would you do that for a job that pays 1500/mo?

    Sounds like she's got a bad case of the dumbs.
    >> Castrol !!St50KRF88Ua 11/24/11(Thu)19:42 No.4064175
    >BA in Biochemistry
    >Bachelor's of Arts

    >Not Art

    What the fuck guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:43 No.4064181
    Yeah it's weird. I don't get how it works, I've seen it around though, even BA physics.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:45 No.4064184
    i had a 2.7gpa in college and make 4k a month after taxes and live in a small college town

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:46 No.4064185
    before the division of the sciences all subjects were treated as one, if you get me, hence why most scientist were 'renaissance' men- like Da Vinci, an artist and scientist.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:47 No.4064189
    That explains why 21st century America mixes it up.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:47 No.4064190
    The US name their courses with full retardation.
    >LIBERAL arts
    50% of the US now subconsciously hates these
    while philosphy may not be a science, I am utterly insulted
    >> Castrol !!St50KRF88Ua 11/24/11(Thu)19:48 No.4064193
    God damned liberals and their pretentious hipster bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:48 No.4064195
    There's many schools which give BA's for the sciences. It typically indicates that the person is actually educated unlike those with a BS.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:51 No.4064199
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:57 No.4064217

    i know her... the "porn" she did was on mfc as a part time camwhore
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:58 No.4064221
    >i know her.

    Proob it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:01 No.4064225
    pics or links or didn't happen
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:01 No.4064226
    >Bachelor of arts
    >in biochemistry
    >"supposed to get a job"
    >her stupid piece of paper cost her $165,000
    >going to a private college
    >expecting it to be better than a state university
    >scored no scholarship money, has a shit gpa, yet scored 99th percentile on the GRE
    >actually expecting to get a job with a Bachelor of Arts in biochemistry

    Another example of an irresponsible woman-child. See, what she could have done was gone to a state university, got a BS degree in biochemistry, interned, got scholarships, and then graduate with no debt (her parents can afford $140,000 of tuition, the can afford to pay off her whole degree at a public university). Then she could have taken her GRE and gone to grad school.

    Enjoy practicing the "art" of chemistry while you get fucked in porno movies, you entitled dumb bitch. For being in the 99th percentile, she is still dumb as hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:04 No.4064231

    >Bachelor of Arts ­ Chemistry Option
    >This program allows the greatest number of free elective units and is for someone who desires to combine chemistry with another area such as business, law, or criminal justice.

    >Bachelor of Arts ­ Biochemistry Option
    >This program incorporates courses in biology while still leaving room for elective courses in other areas. It is particularly appropriate for students desiring to pursue a career in pharmacy or criminalisitcs.

    >Bachelor of Science ­ ACS Certified Option
    >This American Chemical Society approved program is designed for the student who plans a career in chemistry upon graduation or plans to go on to graduate school.

    >Bachelor of Science ­ Biochemistry Option
    >This program incorporates additional course work in biology and is particularly suited for the student desiring to go to medical school or to pursue a career in Biomedical Research.

    I'm guessing the ACS is the best route.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:04 No.4064235
    >Internet porn


    And she complains? a man in her situation couldn't do that
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:12 No.4064259
    >>4064235 a man in her situation couldn't do that

    A man in her position wouldn't get an Arts degree in a scientific field.

    What the fuck was she thinking. She is *maybe* a step above those people who get a BA in psych. Maybe.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:14 No.4064261
    >172 posts
    >no porn of that stupid whore yet
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:15 No.4064263

    Yeah that's actually absurdly low. That should be like your weekly pay at least.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:15 No.4064264
    I would and may get my bachelor's as a BA.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:19 No.4064270
    I'm from Serbia. I make less than 1500$ a month and yet have double the average national pay (triple the minimum pay). You sons of bitches should come down here, a beer is like less than a $ in stores and up to 3$ in bars.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:21 No.4064273
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    No thanks.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:25 No.4064278
    >vet bills
    >doctor bills
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:26 No.4064282
    She spent $165,000 on a BA?

    No seriously, that's fucking retarded. And a fucking lie.

    My BA costed me $30,000 spread out for four years.

    If you were homeless and barely surviving WHY WOULD YOU DO VOLUNTEER WORK WHILE ATTENDING SCHOOL?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:31 No.4064295
    It's entirely doable and completely retarded to get into that amount of debt. She went to a private school which undoubtedly cost many more times than a state school and probably paid all her living expenses with loans too.

    Another thing I find very common with these people is a lot of them dream of helping poor people/third world countries or working for other types of non-profits. They take out 50k in loans to get a BA and end up working for a non-profit then complain that it pays shit. If you want to make a lot of money you need to go into fields that a lot of money flows through.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:32 No.4064298
    My university undergrad cost of attendance is about $40,000 per year, so it's very possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:39 No.4064310
    >wants to get job in biochem
    >doesnt get a masters
    >gets a BA
    >fucking art
    >does volunteer work while cant pay for herself
    >complains about debt SHE made herself.
    >what the fuck is this shit

    also, I just looked it up, Biochem is one of the most employed jobs. I guess thats for people with masters though
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:40 No.4064311
    By the time I graduate, I will have only paid ~$25 for my degree.

    Then I will go to grad school and get a stipend.

    Plebs, plebs everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:41 No.4064315

    By the time I graduate, I will have paid $0 for my degree. Get on my level.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:46 No.4064321
    By the time I graduate they will have paid me 60,000 dollars. Get on my level faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:47 No.4064323
    >Go to state school so I don't have to pay that much
    >End up with full scholarship
    >Party 24/7
    >Get an internship after I graduate

    Well, still doing that internship but I'll be CEOing and making 100k a day before you know it
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:48 No.4064325
         File1322185688.jpg-(73 KB, 300x400, tumblr_l5yyb0SkqV1qc8bcqo1_400.jpg)
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    By the time I graduate I will own the university. Get on my level, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:54 No.4064329
    >going to uni for anything but academic interest, fun and women
    >not having a job while studdying
    >studying full time

    the list of no no's regarding the reasons to go to uni extends so low that it tickles satans delicate parts.

    If you want money get a trade.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)21:28 No.4064386
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    >not majoring in engineering

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)21:34 No.4064397
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    >Not majoring in Engineering at a private school
    >Not racking up $100,000+ in debt like I did
    >Not winning enough money on a reality/game show to pay it off like I did.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)21:39 No.4064404
         File1322188764.jpg-(100 KB, 640x480, 1317846248085.jpg)
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    >November 2011
    >Not yet using >Nearly 2012

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)21:47 No.4064429

    >not being death from a mega apocalypse

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:04 No.4064484
    >being a gay enginigger
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:10 No.4064496
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    So since this thread is so active, what grades/test scores would I need to get most of a state school's tuition paid for? I'm in Texas, planning on going to UT.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:11 No.4064503
    >I never asked for this
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:20 No.4064525
    my roommate is employed by a pharmaceutical company and does research on the Huntington's virus. He doesn't even have his B.S. yet and is years away from completing his PHd.
    So you obviously don't know shit about the industry. It is more than just having a degree, it is impressing the right people and making yourself valuable. Any intern can excel at labwork, however very few shine at understanding the nature of their research and can imagine directions to take experimentation.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:22 No.4064530
    I need a hookup like that.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:23 No.4064532

    Huntington's virus? Did you mean Huntington's disease?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:24 No.4064536
    >GPA 3.4
    >165k in debt
    >private school
    >waited an entire year before starting her job search
    >Didn't do it during college
    >parents were nice enough to pay 140k for her education but not give her a home to live in for a year

    >complaining about 14hr days
    >volunteered when she clearly needed a real job
    >internet porn oh boy this will end well, next she have medical bills up the ass due to all the checkups needed to make sure she stays clean and god forbid she ends up with an STD then she's fucked

    >spent 15k to relocate
    well wtf did she do? take a private jet?

    welcome to real life after college we all do this much time or more
    should have looked into the career beforehand
    >Rent - $650
    seriously wtf did she spend with that 15k from before? where did it fucking go?
    >Vet bills
    why would you buy a pet when you have money problems
    >Doctor bills - still doing porn
    she must like stabbing herself
    >Credit debt
    >$1.5k (from move)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:28 No.4064553
    he did an internship through some program at my university. out of all of the people in the program, he was the only person they contracted afterwards. He knew wtf he was talking about enough that they wanted to keep him around. He's still got another year of courses on his bachelors and just nailed his GRE. So if you want a job in Biochem, get an intership, and study your ass enough to be able to maintain obnoxiously sciencey conversations with people who have done it for years.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:32 No.4064561
    Yeah I was wondering that too. How do you spend 15k on a move. Fucking U-Haul man. Even then, doesn't seem like she had many things.
    and yeah why wouldnt her parents let her live with them during the job search? what the fuck?
    this is all bullshit man
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:34 No.4064569
    Yea, I'm not a Biochem major. It isn't a virus but there is a protein associated with it. I know removing the gene associated with making the protein is fatal. What i meant was he works on the Huntington protein
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:34 No.4064570 wheres the porn
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:36 No.4064575
    Ah okay. Now I just need to look up internships...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:40 No.4064585

    Actually quite informative, despite being from Cracked.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:41 No.4064587
    My Mechanical Engineering career is lookin' bleak.

    Mexifag here.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:43 No.4064594
    Start up your own business? Become a masked crime fighter like Ironman (Ironmexican?) and do battle with the cartels.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:44 No.4064597
    You have ANY idea how competitive that field has gotten? There are superheroes all over the place now, definitely a lot in California.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:44 No.4064598
    That actually sounds good.

    But building shit for los Narcos sounds good.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:45 No.4064603
    Huntington's is caused by short trinucleotide repeats that extend themselves (CAGs). It's a tricky mechanism. Every time the polymerase copies the repeat region, it slips off, and reanneals in an incorrect location, but stays in the same reading frame (since it's a 3 nucleotide repeat). End result, the region is extended every time the DNA is copied so you get a huge stretch of glutamines that will aggregate in the cell and wreck the place when it gets translated.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)22:48 No.4064608
    >+ 212 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:10 No.4064673
    I want to see her porn. She has a pretty face.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:17 No.4064693
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:33 No.4064762

    Well no. The gene accumulates, over generations, extra CAG repeats which screws up the normal function of the gene which fucks up your basal ganglia and all that. Just sayin' for the sake of clarification. Protein's still there but it becomes dysfunctional.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:39 No.4064783
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:45 No.4064794
    The 'gave up' bit was probably an issue.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:49 No.4064809

    Can student loans really go from 25k to 140k in just 6 years?

    Because that shit is ridiculous on its own.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:49 No.4064810
    So she was lucky enough to finally land a job but still bitches afterward? Typical woman.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:53 No.4064822
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:09 No.4064858
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    > I didn't ask for this
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:10 No.4064863
    What a dumb bitch.

    Firstly she chose a BA degree designed only to further ones knowledge and not ones job opportunities instead of going for a BS which aims to set you up for a job.

    Secondly she had enough dignity/pride to not live with her parents and become homeless but not enough dignity/pride to stop her from stooping down and do porn lol.

    So basically it's some dumb whore who made poor life decisions and is now blaming her poor decisions on others.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:17 No.4064872
    Anyone from /v/ will tell you that's a troll.
    'I didn't ask for this' is a clear attempt at humor on the part of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the misphrasing was to be subtle.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:25 No.4064886
    >graduating with a BS in Biotechnology from arguable a Top 10 tech institute in the US
    >it's a fucking worthless degree by itself
    >GRE scores were 96% percentile across the board, 3.1 shit GPA, but tons of lab and research experience. Don't know what to think.
    >am now throwing myself on the mercy of the PhD admissions programs across the country

    Seriously, it's photographs like OP's that make me fucking nervous. At least I have a chance at a doctorate though, even if it's a shit one.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:27 No.4064890
    Eliteuniversityfag here: my school doesn't offer a B.S. in Chemistry (my major).

    Although, let's be honest: when you're discussing elite schools the difference between a BA and a BS is bullshit. I don't know which school she went to, but if it is as good as she says then this really isn't a problem for her that we should be harping on. Harvard doesn't offer a B.S. in Chemistry, for fuck's sake, and I bet they don't struggle to get hired.

    tl;dr, she probably went to an expensive private college which is "elite" but does no research and only costs a ton of money. Elon, Holy Cross, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:29 No.4064895
    Why would it be useless? I heard they have openings out in Cali for bachelors to do biotech stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:34 No.4064907
         File1322199264.jpg-(15 KB, 640x375, lesser of two evils.jpg)
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    >applied to over 90 jobs
    WTF? BA in Bio here, I applied to 1200 jobs across North America, got 6 interviews and nailed 2 of them. Spent almost nothing on a move. Three years later, I have a 31/hr job and have almost paid off my loan.

    Bitch is just lazy
    >started doing internet porn to make up
    And a whore apparently, do you have sauce of her nudes?

    Did she serve in the military? Don't get that part
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:35 No.4064909

    Worthless may be an exaggeration, but my institute is much more well renowned for engineering programs, the biology undergraduate program isn't nearly as prestigious. Anyways, I'm looking to do research, not suck off a PhD every morning when I walk into lab.


    As someone with close friends at Holy Cross, this is incredibly true. Paying $40k a year for a degree is History is common, but these people don't give a shit; they know that their family will be able support their horseshit regardless.

    That said, research opportunities ARE available, even at Holy Cross. One of said friends has her name on 3 papers, and she's pre-med, so they're not all retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:38 No.4064912
    I don't mean to call them all retarded, but if it's a small school that doesn't have a lot of research opportunities it's harder to find opportunities to research in areas which you want to do research in. I don't mean to call them all retarded; but if you're going to Holy Cross for sciences without any professional plans, you're sort of hampering your ability to succeed.

    I have (non-science) family at Holy Cross. It's a lovely school for a lot of things, but I wouldn't go there for a science degree.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:38 No.4064913
    Physics major in graduate school here.

    I'm fucking miserable at my university, and I think about dropping out and doing something else with my life, but shit like this scares me too much.

    I'm guessing my BS in physics is pretty useless.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:39 No.4064917
         File1322199562.jpg-(7 KB, 191x214, 1311685156408.jpg)
    7 KB
    >1200 applications, 6 interviews
    >mfw I'm leaning towards a BA in bio
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:43 No.4064925
    Its also not about the degree, It is about the classes.

    I finished my major in biology (30 bio credits, including the intro bio (6), orgo, gen chem, genetics(3), microbio(3), bio-informatics (3) requirements)

    ...and I finished it in junior year. Instead of proceeding to take classes in....pottery or some useless art I decided to take 21 more fucking credits.

    Why? Because...
    1. I can
    2. Its fun
    3. Its useful for lab jobs.

    Speak to ANY fucking professor. ANY ONE. They will tell you the following.

    1. It isn't about your GPA, it is about the classes you take.
    2. Also your recommendation letters matter, so don' an asshole.
    3. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE. Getting published or doing something noteworthy with your time proves that you are not some ROBOT, but a REAL SCIENTIST with COGNITIVE ABILITIES and REAL EXPERIENCE.

    If you check the porn website she is on, you would probably find out that she thought that "Lab" meant "Dog".
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:50 No.4064938
    She must have bought a pet like the retard she is. That's what I don't understand about people in these situations; why do they spend money on things they do not need, when they have no money for the things they do not.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:51 No.4064940
    the things they do need*
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)05:07 No.4065389
    >If you check the porn website she is on, you would probably find out that she thought that "Lab" meant "Dog".

    pics or it didn't happen
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)07:15 No.4065528
    You will never get to fap to bio-chan ;_;
    >> FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY !iILHznJ.V6 11/25/11(Fri)07:20 No.4065535
    i just want her internet porn.

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