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    File : 1322110718.jpg-(37 KB, 555x448, 1283833787169..jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:58 No.4061612  
    College thread.

    What got you in (sat scores count):
    Reason for attending:
    Favorite course:
    Misc fact:
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:12 No.4061650
    School: Georgia tech
    What got you in (sat scores count) changed to redneck school senior year
    Reason for attending Cheap.
    Major Faggots (engy)
    Favorite course: none
    Enjoying? No
    Misc fact: tons of kids get mugged outside my dorm.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:18 No.4061660
    School:University of South Alabama
    What got you in (sat scores count):Was old enough to not need SAT/ACT, and was eligible for financial aid.
    Reason for attending: I already live here, so it's convenient.
    Major: Geology
    Favorite course: Differential Equations (so far)
    Enjoying?: Meh
    Misc fact: This school apparently used to have standards, back in the 70's.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:19 No.4061666
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    high gre physics score + a shitload of actually meaningful undergrad research
    >Reason for attending:
    decent graduate program
    >Favorite course:
    advanced solid-state theory
    graduate-level research
    >Misc fact:
    there isn't a single women in any of my classes
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:23 No.4061671
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    School: Indiana University
    What got you in (sat scores count): top 10% in H.S.... state school
    Reason for attending: Biology program? scholarships
    Major: Biology B.S.
    Favorite course: Molecular Genetics
    Enjoying?: Kind of
    Misc fact: I want to be an Aerospace Engineer.. but I'm a Junior already. fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:24 No.4061672
    School: Saint Louis University
    What got you in (sat scores count): 3.01 community college GPA
    Reason for attending: Biomedical Engineering, low GPA requirements (2.7), urban school
    Major: undecided life/health sciences
    Favorite course: Spanish (no joke)
    Enjoying?: It's okay. Nothing amazing has really happened for me yet.
    Misc fact: It's like 65% female. So far, the only male dominated class that I've been in has been differential equations.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:30 No.4061685
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    >Accidentally registered for woman studies class
    >Attend first session to sort things out with prog
    >Class is 60% male
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:31 No.4061687
    school:University of Delaware
    what got you in: high grades and okay SAT
    reason for attending: scholarship and best/only school in my state
    major:neuroscience thinking about either switching to computer science
    favorite course:none yet, first semester
    enjoying: indifferent; i know it would be the same as any other school i would have gone to
    misc. fact: the chemistry department of my school is based around the desires of IFF(the company that produces flavoring for everything from McDonald's french fries to the scent of SpeedStick)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:33 No.4061689
    School: University of Toronto
    What got you in (sat scores count): 94% average
    Reason for attending: Best school in town, name carries a lot of weight
    Major: Math
    Favorite course: Calculus I
    Enjoying?: Yes
    Misc fact: Dorm is made up of a bunch of asocial asians who are all aspies and do nothing but study
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:35 No.4061696
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    California Community College
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    >Reason for attending:
    Complete lower division coursework to transfer to UC
    Learn cool shit
    Engineering. Toss-up between Biomedical and Electrical
    >Favorite course:
    Yeah, classes are neat, teachers are usually fun, but I wish I could get the fuck out to a University already.
    >Misc fact:
    I play Magic and Yugioh in the cafeteria in between study sessions.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:37 No.4061700
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:38 No.4061702
    University of Virginia
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    grades from last school (transfered)
    >Reason for attending:
    in state, know people there, top 25 school
    political science
    >Favorite course:
    nothing so far, just boring bullshit
    yes quite a bit
    >Misc fact:
    no, sorry
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:39 No.4061703
    School: UBC
    What got you in: 4.0 from a local university
    Reason for attending: I thought it was a good school
    Major: EE
    Favourite Course: Signal Processing
    Enjoying: Kinda, one more assignment then I'm for HW this semester
    Misc Fact: My perception of university is completely different than reality
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:40 No.4061710
    School: Cambridge
    What got you in (sat scores count): severe amounts of luck and fairly decent grades
    Reason for attending: make money, hopefully enjoy it
    Major: Maths
    Favourite course: Differential Equations
    Enjoying?: no, too much work
    Misc fact: I've been up for almost 24 hours and have to have some work on Groups handed in fairly soon, it's going to be shit
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:41 No.4061711
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    >political science
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:42 No.4061716
    >My perception of university is completely different than reality
    How so?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:42 No.4061717
    you gonna make me leave, tough guy?
    go back to your equations and maybe i'll consider not cutting your funding
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:44 No.4061723
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    get a load of this guy
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:45 No.4061726
    Simon Fraser University (BC)
    >What got you in:
    3.8 GPA from a college
    >Reason for attending:
    Seemed like a quaint campus/ lots of family in the area
    >Favorite course:
    Calc 3 i guess
    Yeah, thoroughly
    >Misc fact:
    There are almost no asians in my honours physics class XD
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:48 No.4061735
    so what? last time i checked this board was for people interested in science and math, not for "people currently studying science or math". people can have multiple interests bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:48 No.4061736
    lol sfu
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:48 No.4061738

    >implying you're going anywhere with that degree
    >implying you're fraternity isn't lying to you about your future job opportunities
    >implying you won't be a visiting /r9k/ following your graduation
    >implying politicians majoring in political science isn't like authors majoring in English
    >implying your best job won't be answering phones for your local school board
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:49 No.4061739
    tech guy here as well. what year
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:50 No.4061740
    Someone's never been to /pol/

    Seriously though, it's just a soft science.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:51 No.4061744
    haters gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:51 No.4061746
    forgot to mention. as proof: i know about the rape and the car crash
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:52 No.4061748
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    >implying i don't use Kantian ideology in separating humans from rational beings
    >implying all humans are rational beings
    >implying a rational being would go to school for a degree in
    >political science
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:52 No.4061749
    lol i aint hating. i truly dont even care about baby tier universities
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:53 No.4061751
    Sophomore. I seriously hate the guts of everyone here. cheaters, cheaters everywhere and no one makes any actual innovations. Im seriously considering transfering to emory for a liberal artsier experience... But what the hell, might as well just stick with the pain.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:53 No.4061753
    why do you care so much about what he majors in, where he gets a job etc? worry about your own shit instead of anonymous people on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:54 No.4061754
    University of Florida
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    Above average SAT (1440) and 4.3 weighted GPA. Also 4s and 5s on a lot of APs. UF isn't really a tough school to get into though.
    >Reason for attending:
    In state and cheap, far enough away from home that I can use distance as an excuse to not visit often.
    Physics and Psychology
    >Favorite course:
    It's alright I guess
    >Misc fact:
    I go to classes I'm not enrolled in because I'm not very social and love learning.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:54 No.4061755

    I don't stay on campus, so I wouldn't know much.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:54 No.4061757
    Harvey Mudd
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    not sure exactly what but high sat scores, high gpa, two research internships, chemistry olympiad
    >Reason for attending:
    amazing engineering program
    >Favorite course:
    compressible flow. shit's off the chain.
    oh yes. absurd amounts of work, but very enjoyable.
    >Misc fact:
    a group of drunken, overworked, engineering students can design some crazy stuff
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:55 No.4061761
    What got you in (sat scores count):
    >2350 sat, not a fucktard
    Reason for attending:
    >Fuck bitches --> get money
    Favorite course:
    >Ya, the administration totally isnt fucking the school up at all
    Misc fact:
    >I like black penises, but there arent many here :(
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:55 No.4061764
    Oregon State University
    In state, good engineering school
    Mechanical engineering
    Advanced fluid mechanics
    Hell yes
    I'm going to grad school for aerospace engineering in a year
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:58 No.4061769
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    >implying I'm worrying about what he's majoring in
    >implying I don't already take care of myself and put in the extra effort to get the best out of my education
    >implying I'm the one majoring in political science
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:58 No.4061772
    >2400, Physics Bowl, Robotics, Physics Olympiad, Science olympiad
    >Free ride
    >Physics and CS
    >Linear Algebra
    >Environment is amazing
    >crappy campus, amazing pranks
    >> Akhenaten the Frustrated 11/24/11(Thu)01:00 No.4061775
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    >Implying you don't care when you've posted several times already
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:00 No.4061777
    Georgia Southern University, will transfer to Georgia Tech in Fall 2013
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    Decent grades (4.0 weighted :/), 1980 SAT, 31 or 32 ACT, strong essays
    >Reason for attending:
    RETP program allows me to transfer to Georgia Tech
    Aerospace Engineering
    >Favorite course:
    Just a freshman, so I haven't taken any classes related to my major yet. Anyways, my Calc teacher is hilarious, so Calc I through Diff Eq, probably
    Misc fact:
    Uhm... Don't know any trivia off the top of my head. :/
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:00 No.4061778
    School: UQ
    What got you in (sat scores count): 5.5 gpa at small local uni.
    Reason for attending: Biomedical Science course with range of classes
    Major: No specific major but focusing on Neuroscience.
    Favorite course: So far, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
    Enjoying?: Yes
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:01 No.4061779
    its bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:03 No.4061784
    Georgia Southern? What the fuck is wrong with you. With scores like that, you deserve better.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:03 No.4061785
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    >implying my implications haven't just been derailed
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:05 No.4061788
    That's what everyone tells me. GT lead me on for the longest time. >_< RETP requirements are easy enough to meet, school is fairly cheap, and the campus/dorms are nice, so I figured I might as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:06 No.4061790
    Since when are the campus and dorms nice?
    Are you fucking stupid? What kind of place did you live before?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:08 No.4061792
    I have no idea what you think makes it bad...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:10 No.4061793
    the constant muggings.bad streets. the rapes. the surrounding area. ugly buildings. sirens of police. it is pretty fucking bad. I used to go there for distance learning when I was a senior in high school. Glad I go to Caltech now.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:15 No.4061799
    Fair enough. I haven't really had an issue with any of that since I rarely go off campus and I'm usually in my room (Centennial Place, it's a pretty nice set of buildings, IMO) before dark, but I wouldn't be surprised by any of that.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:18 No.4061805
    I'm not implying you care, I'm stating it outright. You probably lash out on people that major in subjects that you feel are below what you major in, to make yourself feel better since something in your own life is probably not going all that great. Nothing to feel bad about bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:23 No.4061814
    School: University of Wisconsin - Madison
    What got you in (sat scores count): Decent high school grades, took a couple years off, backpacked, wrote a great (but bullshit) personal statement.
    Reason for attending: Great veterinary school, wanted to retain WI residency because it gives you a bump in admissions.
    Major: Biochemistry
    Favorite course: Organic chemistry, ornithology (due to awesome prof.)
    Enjoying?: Working with macaques and marmosets in a primatology lab, drinking.
    Misc fact: Madison could drink your school under the damn table.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:25 No.4061819
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    School:Rutgers Newark
    Sat score: I shit you not 1330 high school GPA 3.8
    Reason for attending: Poor as fuck so I picked the best college within a reasonable distance
    Major: bio
    Favorite Course: psychology b/c it's three tests with questions from the book
    Enjoying it: eh it's ok
    Misc fact: I spend all my time watching breaking bad and think back to a high school physics teacher, who has a PH.D. in some type of physics. I wonder if he is like Walter Walter white
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:29 No.4061832
    I want to go to Madison. What was your GPA/SAT? What do you think contributed most to you getting in?
    >> Blackman !medz1J/1Ok 11/24/11(Thu)01:33 No.4061839
    NB master race reporting in. What's it like over at Newark?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:35 No.4061845
    believe it or not it's not awful as long as you remain on campus. Leave campus and Niggers, Niggers everywhere.

    But I mean it's nice and for some degrees, I believe, it's better to go to Newark if I'm not mistaken. Like law, pre-med b/c UMDNJ, and business.
    >> Josef crossed out the Atlantic !!nUf2NflSAyw 11/24/11(Thu)01:37 No.4061850
    And I always thought "master race" was used in a positive context ;-)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:37 No.4061851
    Haha, piss poor: 26 & 1680. 3.9(ish) highschool gpa. Honestly I bullshitted my way in. Took two years off, backpacked, did a shit ton of hallucinogens and partied hard as fuck. Then rewrote it as a journey of redemption and self discovery - leaving out all the bad/illegal stuff, obv - in my statement. Awesome school though, are you a WI resident?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:41 No.4061862
    Yeah, man, I live up in Door County. So far Madison has been on the top of my list, and if I can't get in with grades or GPA, I think my background (I'm white/grew up in China/speak the language) can get me in. At least, that's what I tell myself.
    >> Blackman !medz1J/1Ok 11/24/11(Thu)01:45 No.4061865
    I figured as much. Are you going to stay there or transfer?
    Lol, oh you!
    >> Josef crossed out the Atlantic !!nUf2NflSAyw 11/24/11(Thu)01:46 No.4061869
    (Just for the record, I like how you stopped being a complete dick. And yes, I'm serious.)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:47 No.4061872
    Word. I think my case was pretty extreme, you probably want significantly better test scores than mine, haha. But you're a resident and if you can spin a good yarn as far as your background/personal statements goes you'll probably get in. Be warned though, fucking obnoxious bros and coasties everywhere. It'll take you a while to figure out where the good bars/hangs are at.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:47 No.4061874
    I would love to transfer, but seeing as I can't dorm and the commute would A. be too expensive and B. be too long, I'm probably just gonna stay at newark.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:51 No.4061884
    Hmmm, thanks for the tips. I'm sure it'll all work out.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)02:44 No.4061890
    School: UC San Diego
    What got you in (sat scores count): not needed
    Reason for attending: rejected by UCLA and CAL
    Major: Structural Engineering
    Favorite course: Fluid Mechanics
    Enjoying?: Hated UCSD
    Misc fact: UCSD is filled with people that could not get into UCLA/CAL. But they like to pretend they are better than say UC Irvine or Cal State Northridge students.

    San Diego sucked balls, boring nothing to do. The entire place is infested with rube/hick/redneck military losers. Do not be a sheep and let USN&WR pick your school for you.
    >> Eponymous 11/24/11(Thu)02:47 No.4061898
    School: University of Auckland (NZ citizen)
    What got you in (sat scores count): 2100, ACT 33, SAT II English 790
    Reason for attending: Cheap, good school, don't like USA
    Major: Econ/International Business
    Favorite course: macroecon (forex focus)
    Enjoying?: The degree? Sort of, I suppose, but it's impossible to find a job/internship without a qualification
    Misc fact: I might apply for med school if I turn out not to be able to get a job. Basically free education if I get decent grades as I'll be applying as a post-grad
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)02:50 No.4061903
    can you go into detail in how the campus is like,people that go there ,women?i plan on applying there once im done with cc
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)03:02 No.4061916
    School: Louisiana State University

    What got you in (sat scores count): 3.5 GPA

    Reason for attending: Engineers need degrees to do engineering work.

    Major: Computer Engineer, but I might as well be EE since I've taken Solid State Devices.

    Favorite course: Microprocessor Based Courses

    Enjoying?: It's hard work, but it's all worth it. Quite gratifying to have an understanding of so much.

    Misc fact: Almost every other major besides engineering is a complete joke. People complain about how they're in debt and have degrees, but what they fail to mention is which degree they got. Baffles me how many retards are in college.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)03:06 No.4061920

    The campus is horrid, it seems more like a strip mall than a college. Also it is on a hill, so you cannot walk to go do thing , but they do have a nice shuttle system.

    Students are mostly ugly Asians, especially the girls. The FOB Asian girls are the worst, fucking ugly.

    It is kind of a commuter school, everyone from within 2.5 hours of here leaves on the weekend, so it feels like a ghost town. I went back to LA every weekend. Keep in mind that most people come here because they did not get into UCLA, CAL, or Stanford.

    If you just want an education then it is ok, but if you want the whole college experience then you will need to look elsewhere. I will never donate any money to this school.

    Here are some class photos of SE students:
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)03:39 No.4061954
    School: university of central Florida
    What got you in (sat scores count): highschool marching band leadership
    Reason for attending: rejected by UF
    Major: chemistry
    Favorite course: organic chemistry (only a sophomore)
    Enjoying?: hellz yeah
    Misc fact: I have trouble concentrating in general education classes. They just aren't stimulating enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)04:01 No.4061993
    What got you in (sat scores count): OP 4, don't know how to convert, takes a while. It's alright though.
    Reason for attending: Best university in Queensland, don't want to travel interstate, where there's none better for mech engineering anyway, or overseas
    Major: BE, Mech & Aero dual major
    Favorite course: Multivariate Calculus and ODE's (only just finished first year though)
    Enjoying?: Yeah, it's great
    Misc fact: Got new laptop, time that was once for studying is now for skyrim
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)04:03 No.4061995
    school was UQ also
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)04:20 No.4062013
    School: RIT
    What got you in: 1330 SAT, 3.2 GPA, 5 AP's senior year
    Reason for attending: I live 20 mins away and technology is my thing
    Major: New Media Interactive Development
    Favorite course: Intro to Programming for New Media
    Enjoying?: More than I could have imagined.
    Misc fact: I basically get to do everything involved in making video games, 3D modelling, image editing, video editing, programming, web design etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)04:24 No.4062018
    School: NJIT
    What got you in (sat scores count): 1240/1600
    Reason for attending: cheap
    Major: electrical eng
    Favorite course: physics of solid states and wave propagation
    Enjoying?: yes minus the shitty civil eng courses that are part of graduation requirement
    Misc fact: njit landed me a job at bell labs
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)06:19 No.4062180
    University of St Andrews (UK)

    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    3.8GPA, 1950SAT, lived in asia for half of high school

    >Reason for attending:
    thought it would be badass and its a great Uni
    >Favorite course:
    Physics (we only take physics and maths + one elective but it must be a science)
    Best time of my life.
    >Misc fact:
    There are too many Americans here (and thats coming from an American)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:15 No.4063535

    Fellow UCLA reject from the 818. Also hated UCSD. I still smell like a fucking Gook.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:21 No.4063550
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    mfw i was an undergrad years ago and none of this matters to me
    >> EPL !ynKiSyG7Wc 11/24/11(Thu)16:37 No.4063594
    Riverside City College
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    Having a pulse.
    >Reason for attending:
    Cheap/free, very close, and is actually pretty good for a community college
    Music, will probably do a double major Music/CompSci when I transfer.
    >Favorite course:
    I'm taking this Law and Politics class right now that's really fun. It's all about the Supreme Court, constitutionality of laws, etc.
    >Misc fact:
    My cat ate a hole in my turkey when I wasn't looking.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:42 No.4063608
    School: Michigan Tech
    What got you in: decent high school GPA / ACT score, not that hard to get in anyway
    Reason for attending: Lots of things to do outdoors, wanted to stay in state, lower cost than U of M of MSU, not in the gheeto like Kettering
    Major: Mechanical Engineering
    Favorite course: Heat Transfer
    Enjoying?: Yes, for the most part; expect to spend lots of time studying
    Misc fact: 200 inches of snow each winter
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:47 No.4063626
    CU Boulder
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    4.5 weighted gpa, 33rd out of 849 highschool faggots,33 ACT, 2120 SAT, 56 credit hours coming in
    >Reason for attending:
    Better than Colorado School of Mines and still cheap for in-state
    Chemical Engineering and Applied Math (sophomore)
    >Favorite course:
    Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems
    >Misc fact:
    Bitches in the engineering honors program won't let me in. How many engineering honors students do I need to tutor before they realize how much better I am than them. Apparently my 4.0 college gpa at the time of applying a second time wasn't good enough. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)16:55 No.4063654
    MIT and Cambridge

    Do you really go there?
    How'd you get in?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:37 No.4064776
    Vanderbilt University
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    2330 SAT, 35 ACT, pretty good high school GPA, lots of BS extracurriculars.
    >Reason for attending:
    Seemed like a very good, really well-rounded school.
    Computer science, possible double major or minor in math or neuroscience.
    >Favorite course:
    Data structures or multivariable calculus
    It has its ups and downs, I suppose. It can be really suffocating at times (academically and socially speaking).
    >Misc fact:
    I live in the philosophy/stereotypically "artsy" dorm. By choice. And it's actually cooler than it sounds.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:52 No.4064819
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    San Jose State University
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    >Reason for attending:
    it's the closest college to my hometown where all of my friends live, and has a lot of cool professors.
    English with a Concentration in Career Writing
    >Favorite course:
    Intro to Career Writing
    >Misc fact:
    The surrounding restaurants and downtown area are pretty bitchin; they actually have a pretty large annual ice rink set up right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:53 No.4064821
    fuck, typed SAT too quick. 2000
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:57 No.4064830
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    >Houston Baptist University (I know, I know.)
    What got you in (sat scores count):
    >Being able to breathe?
    Reason for attending:
    >Scholarships, medical reasons
    >Journalism, Mass Communication
    Favorite course:
    >Math for Critical Thinking (I love to gamble), Abnormal Psychology, Physics of Sound
    >No. Honestly, I cannot say that my experience here, surrounded by confused prepubescent home-schoolers has been pleasant.
    Misc fact:
    >I've never seen so many black people in one place, being passed (even if not in athletics) and not giving a shit about learning anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:00 No.4064837
    >free passes
    Well shit, I'd love that so I can focus more on work and research.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:03 No.4064844
    you slack jawed engineering faggots are killing this school. killing it!
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:04 No.4064849
    University of Western Ontario
    94% avg in high school (no SAT's in Canada)
    Reason: was originally planning to go to med school, and this is one of the top choices.
    Major: Physics
    Fav course: Complex Analysis
    Enjoying? Definitely. Wish I did a double major in Physics and Math though. Math is really interesting.
    Misc fact: Physicists aren't stereotypical nerds (at least at this university). The math kids though are all sorts of crazy an socially awkward though...
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:06 No.4064852
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    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:07 No.4064853
    community college

    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    I had a school that decided that it wanted to "help" kids with ADD. They did this by putting us in special classes with the retards, and preventing us from taking any hard AP classes. So I spent most of my high school career depressed, and unmotivated, and I got pretty crappy grades. Which is why I didn't go to a regular college.
    I got good SAT scores though, math was 750, and I managed to get a 99%+ score in a physics class, which I managed to take by going behind my counselors back and changing my schedule.

    Reason for attending:
    Stated above I guess.

    Still not sure. Either physics or computer science.

    Favorite course:

    It's ok.

    Misc fact:
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:09 No.4064860
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    >in after everyone posts, no one reads

    School: Uni of western australia
    What got you in (sat scores count): 97.85 TER
    Reason for attending: All my friends were
    Major: Civil engineering + Finance
    Favorite course: Random processes & diffusions in finance
    Enjoying?: eh, as much as you can enjoy study
    Misc fact: turtles can't swim backwards
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:14 No.4064868
    School: Purdue
    What got you in: Not sure. gpa 3.6 with an act of 31. really its meh
    Reason for Attending: Parents pay 100%, they want me to do it, need degree + college gpa for first job, want to kill time
    Major: Computer Science
    Favorite Course: Going next year
    Enjoying?: Going next year
    Misc Fact: I'm a lazy fuck and need to get my ass in gear or i'll be screwed
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:20 No.4064881
    School: University of Saskatchewan

    What got you in (sat scores count): After taking a year off, I applied and my 90's in maths got me an acceptance.

    Reason for attending: Music career wasn't working out and I had grown up over my year off enough to realize that no one is gonna hire someone who is unskilled. That and they have a pretty sweet business program that I was debating on, so I signed up once I heard that there's a entrepreneurship option in engineering.

    Major: Electrical Engineering

    Favorite course: Microelectronic circuits, I'd be enjoying my magnetics class a lot better if I didn't suck shit at half the stuff.
    Enjoying?: Hell yes, though it's a lot of work, but I enjoy the work. Except for math. I FUCKING HATE MATH.

    Misc fact: I had a 60 is grade ten math.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:30 No.4064899
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    2060--610 math, 710 writing, 740 reading
    Hydrogeologist mom recommended it, wanted an engineering school
    Aeronautical as of right now
    Its a hard school. food could be more interesting. male:female ratio sucks. costs a lot.
    I fap to beast porn.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:30 No.4064901
    >electrical engineering
    >hate math

    oh shit son what are you doing
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:31 No.4064902
    School: university of florida

    What got you in (sat scores count): 720 math 700 reading. also had good extracurriculars, won a state medal in track.

    Reason for attending: cheap and decently ranked

    Major:chemical engineering

    Favorite course:chemistry i guess

    Enjoying?:ya pretty decent

    Misc fact:got 5s on ap chem and calc and just retaking to boost my grades lol. have a perfect grade in both right now. but actually realized my hs didnt teach me a lot of stuff anyways and it probably wouldnt have been a good idea to jump into chem and calc 2 anyways.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:40 No.4064920
    Can't help but begin to develop a dislike for a class where it seems they try to purposefully flunk everybody. The first midterm this semester had a 50% average, and the second will probably be lower.

    I actually enjoy the subject, just hate how it is presented.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:48 No.4064934
    University of Chicago
    I dunno, lol
    Seemed different from most other big unis... but now that I'm here I realize it really isn't
    Analysis in Rn
    Yes but sometimes the workload and the fact that I have almost no meaningful friendships makes me want to kill myself (I've tried once already, lol)
    The Reg is the coolest college library ever. fact.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:56 No.4064957
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    School: James Madison University
    What got you in (sat scores count): Probably over-qualification. This was my safety school.
    Reason for attending: Safety school, also very cheap (state college)
    Major: Computer Science and History dual major
    Favorite course: None, really (Freshman, so taking all GenEd classes). Maybe SPAN 232.
    Enjoying?: it's alright
    Misc fact: 40:60 Male-Female ratio
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)00:58 No.4064960
    School: UGA
    What got you in (sat scores count): ACT scores mostly (got a 35/36), SAT scores also kind of. AP classes, maybe. GPA.
    Reason for attending: Cheap as shit, easy, fun, lots of women.
    Major: Economics with a focus in international business; political science.
    Favorite course: Intro to Symbolic Logic
    Enjoying?: I really don't like class very much, but outside of class I love it. Do lots of drugs, drink way too much. Good life.
    Misc fact:
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)01:06 No.4064989
    >Ya, the administration totally isnt fucking the school up at all

    I hope that is sarcasm. And no one here would get that sarcasm unless they actually attend caltech.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)01:08 No.4064994
    Sup Londonbro.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)01:15 No.4065006
    They can't be any worse than David Baltimore
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)01:28 No.4065039
    Iberoamerican University (Mexico City)
    >What got you in (sat scores count):
    high school GPA 96%
    >Reason for attending:
    Prestigious university
    Physics Engineering
    >Favorite course:
    Nuclear physics
    >Misc fact:
    I don't have a social life (more like I can't)
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)01:30 No.4065043
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)01:33 No.4065045
    Prestigious in Mexico
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)04:14 No.4065318
    Seattle University
    What got you in (sat scores count): SAT, ACT scores, 3.9 GPA in my last years of HS, Eagle Scout
    Reason for attending: Wanted to become a GP
    Major: Chemistry BS and a math degree, a BA, BSM or BSM with a specialization in Applied Math.
    Favorite course: OChem is awesome, but Linear Algebra is more awesome.
    Enjoying?: Oh fuck yes.
    Misc fact: I spent 45 hours in the library the other week. I stopped counting after that.

    Also I got my first paycheck yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)04:20 No.4065329
    School: Harvard
    What got you in (sat scores count): 35 on the ACT, decent high school grades, IDK what else
    Reason for attending: I want a job in academics
    Major: Math/Physics, Statistics Minor
    Favorite course: Classical Mechanics
    Enjoying?: Meh. I'm probably the dumbest person in my school, which doesn't help my enjoyment much.
    Misc fact: I'm doing a double major and one minor because I'm retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)04:36 No.4065356
    School: university of florida
    What got you in (sat scores count): good gpa, good sat, good extracurriculars, several jobs, letter of rec
    Reason for attending: had full instate scholarship, best school in state
    Major: computer engineering
    Favorite course: digital design
    Enjoying?: yeah its awesome, starting grad school next semester
    Misc fact: i am watching crocodile hunter right now
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)05:18 No.4065397
    School: Charles University, Prague
    What got you in (sat scores count): successful entrance exams (physics, chemistry, biology, critical thinking)
    Reason for attending: money
    Major: pharmacy
    Favorite course: imunology
    Enjoying?: Fuck no.
    Misc fact: 6:1 female:male ratio
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)05:57 No.4065424
    School: Don't wanna tell
    What got you in (sat scores count): No idea
    Reason for attending: money
    Major: EE
    Favorite course: computer class/math
    Enjoying?: nop, because shitty school
    Misc fact: gonna drop out and next year gonna do CS/Software engineering
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)08:38 No.4065703
    UC Davis
    Had good high school crap (4.0+ GPA, 2010 SAT)
    It was one of two options because I was too much of a dumbass to apply to more schools.
    Biomedical Engineering
    BIM 001, getting me pumped for nanotech
    Enjoying? It's okay, I fucking hate DC food and am not allowed to have asian rice cooker.
    Misc Fact: At night it smells like cow pie, radiating about 2 miles from the actual cows.
    >> ಠ_ಠ 11/25/11(Fri)08:47 No.4065730
    School: Unversity of Lincoln
    What got you in: Excellent A-Levels & Reccomendations
    Reason for attending: One of only 4 Universities accredited by the Forensic Science Service for my course.
    Major: Forensic Sciences BSc.
    Favorite course: Forensic Anthropology
    Enjoying?: Very much so.
    Misc fact: There are two other people from my high school on my course, and we all arrived without having any idea that the others would be here too.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)11:36 No.4066083

    University of Western Australia

    >What got you in?
    TER, General Exhibition etc. etc.

    >Reason for attending?
    Interesting goings-on in science

    Mechanical Engineering and Physics.
    Possibly going to do Electrical, but I'd only be in it for the computer electronics part and it'd cost me an extra year, and considering that our Engineering Department is going full retard at the moment (EE especially), I think I'll just stick with ME and do some EE electives.

    >Favorite Course
    Spectroscopy (chemistry option for science component)
    Quantum Physics

    Science (chemistry and physics) is really cool, especially seeing all of the stuff that's going on in WA (they like to advertise their radio observatories). Engineering is meh, a lot of the courses are shit and you get marks just for showing up to labs. I had one unit where you got FIFTEEN FUCKING PERCENT of the total course mark just for showing up to labs, with no reports or any work whatsoever. And the final average for the course was about low fifty. Makes me feel ashamed to be doing Eng, but then I remember that I got 92% for that unit so it's not my goddamn problem.

    >Misc fact:
    I don't really have any misc. facts.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)11:42 No.4066095
    NC State University
    Who knows. I was in the top 1% of my highschool class, but my SAT scores were lacking (as in I took it once and never really cared)
    I can commute to school, fuck dorms
    Mathematics, Minor is Physics
    Only a freshman, favorite class is Calc III
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)12:00 No.4066115
    School: Small college near PSU
    What got you in (sat scores count): Average scores
    Reason for attending: Close to home but far enough away
    Major: Computer Science, maybe a minor in math
    Favorite course: Nothing now, maybe next semester
    Enjoying?: Small-town atmosphere, lots of friends that are girls
    Misc fact: There's been a suicide approximately every two years here
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)12:21 No.4066158
    Senior this year, my sat score is a 1980 but I have literally not done any extracurriculars. My town is shit. Crossing my fingers for a good college

    Also, I'm white
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)12:25 No.4066169
    Graduated two years ago, but I'll play along.

    School: Rochester Institute of Technology
    What got you in: No idea. Probably 93 average throughout highschool and SAT scores.
    Reason for attending:
    Major: Economics, dual minor of Finance and Psychology
    Favorite course: Economic Forecasting (love statistics, professor was a total bro)
    Enjoying?: It was good while it lasted. No finance work in this city, though, so it hasn't done much good yet.
    Misc fact: Was in Comp Sci, but coding is far, far too boring.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)12:49 No.4066221

    How is RIT? Prospective engineering undergrad here. I'm wondering how large classes are, and also how liberal they are in awarding credit for AP classes.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)13:00 No.4066247
    Since this is a college thread, I'm gonna ask a college question:

    /sci/, what should I fucking major in?

    I have it narrowed down to CS/Math dual major, or just a straight up Math major.

    Background about me:
    Fucking love math. Love the shit out of it. Calc is great, very easy (currently in calc 3, miss all lectures and got 100 on the last exam, i learn from the book). Formal proofs throw me for a loop sometimes, since they're a bit counter-intuitive (have experience with limit definitions in two and three dimensions, not much else). Vector calculus is pretty damn awesome as well. Haven't taken linear algebra yet. Discrete math is a little tedious sometimes. Programming, from what I can gather, is pretty fun, but I don't know much about computers (yet).

    Now, based on the information above, should I just go with the math major, or should I get a dual major instead? The only reason I'm asking is that I'm afraid that adding a CS major on the math major will make the math major a little less...fleshed out.

    Help pl0z
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)13:07 No.4066262
    RIT is fucking awesome. You'll love it here.

    >What got me in
    SAT scores, independent projects, self-titled website to host said projects
    >Reason for attending:
    Great SE program, fun place to be, professional friends tell me it has a really good rep
    Software Engineering
    >Favorite Course
    Discrete Mathematics
    A whole fucking lot
    >Misc fact:
    ~8% of students are deaf or hard of hearing (NTID is one of RIT's college's), and deaf culture is pretty awesome. Everyone here learns sign language. Plus, at deaf parties they pump up the bass to ridiculous levels.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)13:09 No.4066270
    CS/Math dual major is very reasonable; you take a ton of math courses as a CS major anyway and the extra credits won't be hard to come by (especially if you get some early classes out of the way with AP credits or with summer courses at a community college). Pure math major isn't quite as reasonable if you're looking for a job after 4/5 years, you'd have to get at least a master's.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)13:10 No.4066271
    School: Harvard
    What got you in (sat scores count):2400 SAT, some national science competition wins, state debate wins
    Reason for attending: Free
    Major: Econ & Physics
    Favorite course: Experimental physics
    Enjoying?: Absolutely
    Misc fact: Harvard is cheaper for me then my local community college would have been.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)13:15 No.4066282
    Yeah, I'm not worried about the credits that much...Have 24 credits walkin in, so really I've got 4 years to get 100 credits (can't speed it up, prerequisites force 4 year duration). I'm just worried because the dual major at Purdue really strips down the degrees to the bare bones (CS loses the specialization at the end, math loses idk what). I probably need more information, but thx for the help.

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