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    File : 1264527691.jpg-(20 KB, 404x290, microwave.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:41 No.37769  
    Help guys, i'm trying to figure out how microwaves work.

    My current idea is, that it has something to do with the rotating plate. Because, if i run in circles, i'll get warm too.
    Another observation seems to prove this, if i stand still, i'll become cold.
    So, because the food doesn't move inside a refrigerator it gets cold?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:49 No.37921
    Yes, that's exactly it. Congratulations, you've discovered the secret.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:51 No.37944
    The little men under the plate run really really fast and the food gets hot.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:53 No.37986
    Why can't I put metal in the microwave-oven when the whole machine is made of metal? It makes no sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:54 No.38002
    The little men are allergic.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:55 No.38012
    I chuckled.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:55 No.38018
         File1264528527.jpg-(31 KB, 600x450, 1263831670941.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:56 No.38028
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    I lol'd hard at this thread.

    Congrats OP
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:56 No.38036
    microwaves cause the water molecules in the food to vibrate. It's for that same reason that a plate doesn't get hot since it contains no water molecules.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:57 No.38049

    reported. This is a SCIENCE board. Gb2/b/
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:57 No.38062
    Microwaves with a frequency equal to the the natural frequency of water are fired at the food. The water resonates and generates heat, thus cooking the food. Try putting dry toast or something else dry in there, it won't work. The rotation is just to ensure an even cooking process.

    The reason you can't put metal in is because the microwaves begin to diffract off the surface and cause dangerous plasma discharges in the air around it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:57 No.38066
    it's got a special prayer inscribed on it. Every time the plate rotates, the prayer for hot food is repeated and eventually it works if you do it long enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:58 No.38080
    Dammit i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:58 No.38084
    What about foil, faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:00 No.38103
    Microwaves make the water in microwaveable food vibrate, this creates heat and evaporates the water. This is why not all food is microwaveable because it needs to have a high percentage of water in it :D
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:01 No.38147
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    Similar to the way a record player works the plate has a needle on it's underside. Usually encased in a white plastic.
    You can get an adult helper to find it for you!
    When the plate spins - powered by the plug in the wall - The plate creates a singing noise (it's too loud for us humans) this is so high pitched that it actually heats up the food. I'm sure you've heard of opera singers breaking glasses, and that's just their voice.

    Sometimes, if you have a dog or cat they can pick up the frequencies and start howling. That's because they have better hearing than us. But don't worry. It won't cook them!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:03 No.38183
    This reminded me of how people used to think the hearts purpose was to warm the blood.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:03 No.38186

    >implying dry bread has water in it.

    Why can I heat that up then?

    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:04 No.38200
    Not sure if troll, but...
    "Dry" bread is still about 30% water.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:04 No.38203

    Dude, saltines are like 30 percent water.

    Besides, when you microwave bread it becomes soft and soggy, everyone knows that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:05 No.38229

    You're saying to me that a dry almost stale French stick is soggy? I can heat it up and no "water" comes gushing out of it. Keep trolling
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:06 No.38242
    Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:07 No.38260
    >The reason you can't put metal in is because the microwaves begin to diffract off the surface and cause dangerous plasma discharges in the air around it.

    I don't understand this.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/26/10(Tue)13:08 No.38267
    There are some microwaves that did not need to have the rotating plate to get the food warm.

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