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  • File : 1315232310.jpg-(142 KB, 608x386, 01.jpg)
    142 KB Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:18 No.3689358  
    What do you think of the muslim people who try to implement the shariah law in europe? And those who say that every last infidel should be killed? Is There some kind of brain desorder with those people? As much as people say that islam is a peaceful religion, it says that every non believer should be killed and the world ruled by sharah law. Thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:24 No.3689374
    At least Sharia law kills promiscuous women.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:25 No.3689380
    Surely you jest
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:26 No.3689382
    The same as every other extremist group.
    The majority should just shout them down.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:28 No.3689385
    The problem is that as you can see in the video thay are clearly becoming less of a minority because of the tabu that is to confront the muslims in europe. They are essencialy starting to take over now
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:29 No.3689393
    Observational bias. In other words, you're making mountains out of molehills.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:34 No.3689406
    Do you agrre with the Law though?
    Death to infidels, and the imidiate implementation of sharia law in europe? It's already starting in France and the netherlands. And i urge everyone to try to learn a bit about sharia law and see for yourselfs what these people are trying to do. And its not me making a big deal out of it, just whatch the video and see how french people feel about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:37 No.3689416

    My thoughts are that you're an overreacting Mark Steyn-reading faggot

    Before 9/11, you never even heard of Muslims. 10 years later they're apparently the greatest threat ever to befall mankind. Grow the fuck up, there are far worse things in life than a religious group who you never interact with except maybe online or at a cash register
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:37 No.3689417
    If they want it to apply to themselves, ok.
    If they want it to become a problem for others, it won't be one for any long term.

    You are overreacting.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:43 No.3689442
    They shouldn't have the police allowing this. Tha's public property - people should be able to walk through those streets.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:44 No.3689447
    >Having anything to do with Europe

    What? Immigration from fundamentalist Muslims is a problem in Europe because they do not assimilate to the culture.

    If people in this thread cannot see a problem with a culture that does not assimilate with an establish culture and the people gaining a majority in the country through fucking like the fist of the north star, then you are just ignoring the problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:46 No.3689457
    Oh yes i did bro i live in belgium, believe me they have been here for a long time dont think im an american who after 9/11 started hating all muslims. I dont even know who that Mark Steyn faggot is.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:46 No.3689459
    Sure is libtard and/or Muslim Internet Defense Force in here.

    IMHO Europe should block immigration of Muslim Arabs. Christian or atheist Arabs are okay, but Muslims are known to breed heavily and outnumber the natives of their host nation. Also b& burkas like France did; maybe that will scare them off..
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:49 No.3689468
    What do you think of the christian people who try to implement the biblical law in america? And those who say that every last nonbeliever should be killed? Is There some kind of brain desorder with those people? As much as people say that christianity is a peaceful religion, it says that every non believer should be killed and the world ruled by biblical law. Thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:50 No.3689471
    I'm about as left wing as you can get and I think banning muslims or at least controlling their population is a good thing for your country because if you want to establish a progressive society you don't introduce a bunch of fundamentalist who will not assimilate to your culture.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:52 No.3689478
    Except Christians, even fundamentalist would never stop business in the middle of a street once a week just as a general fuck you to praise Jesus because they assimilated into American culture because they are a core part of American culture.

    I don't even like most Christians, but your logic is flawed and you are avoiding the problems at hand by using shitty ad homeniems.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:54 No.3689482
    Completly agree with you, maybe people haven't noticed but im not realigious in any way, im an atheist.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:56 No.3689490

    >Immigration from fundamentalist Muslims is a problem in Europe because they do not assimilate to the culture.

    That's because certain Europeans are stuck-up assholes who are just as vulnerable as Americans are to boogeymen-of-the-month. Perhaps even worse, because these kinds of people freak the fuck out even when their population is 1% Muslim. After the second- and third-generation, they do assimilate. People said the exact same things about the Irish and Italians in America and Canada, and about the Indians in Britain. Yet they haven't collapsed into anarchy because of their horrible Ukrainian/Nigerian/Polish/whateverthefuck immigrants.


    >Muslim immigrants

    >becoming the majority

    How do I shot demography

    If this is really a problem for you, outlaw women's right to vote, their right to have abortions, and remove all sex education from the elementary curriculum. Then force them to bear 10 kids and you will surely outnumber those Muslim rats.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:58 No.3689496
    My comment isn't an argument but a reply to the OP with his own words.

    The OP asked for thoughts. My thought was that his thought was kind of trivial and meaningless. Yes, extremists are pretty extremist, alright. Do they have mental disorders? Maybe. Are they scary? Sure.

    Anything meaningful to say, OP?

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:58 No.3689497
    I think we should ignore or mock them as far as they just want to implement Shariah officially. We don't need to make special rules regarding whether we should change the law to include stupid laws.

    And in so far as they break the law of the land in attempting to enforce Shariah law we should prosecute them normally. We don't need to over-react to these cases, but we certainly shouldn't ignore them.

    It's simple. If you want to make it the law for women to cover themselves up, then you'd better have arguments that we all agree with or you can fuck off. And if you want to force your women to cover up here on pain on shunning or beatings, well, then you'd better comply to the restraining order she gets, and you'll be done for assault if it goes too far.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:01 No.3689507

    >they are a core part of American culture.

    Fundamentalist Christianity is a core part of American culture?

    I guess it's okay if the FLDS Church rapes kids and forces 10 of them to marry an old pedophile because that's a core part of American culture.

    I suppose it's also alright for them to deny basic facts in science like evolution and build entire colleges devoted to "Biblical truth" instead of actual truth, them groom them for a life in politics.

    Christian dominionists plotting high treason and violently overthrowing the US government? Well hey, who can blame them, they're a core part of every American's culture!
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:02 No.3689509
    >After the second- and third-generation, they do assimilate.
    nope. I know a tons of third/fourth generations who have not assimilated.

    >How do I shot demography
    western people have an average of 2 children
    muslims have an average of 6 children
    do we need to explain it further?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:04 No.3689514
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:08 No.3689530

    >I know a tons of third/fourth generations who have not assimilated.

    Sure you do

    >do we need to explain it further?

    You need to explain where you got those figures, and the projected trends in TFR for both groups. In other words,

    >[citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:11 No.3689543
    >It's illegal to study it in most of the countries.

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:20 No.3689564
    >You need to explain where you got those figures,
    Ok, you got me there. Source hunt proved to counter my arguments
    >Sure you do
    Yes. I do. The problem is not that society is unwelcoming or hostile. It's about muslim immigrants all flocking together and seeing the western population as antagonists to their way of life. So they become xenophobic (ironic, really) and shut themselves in.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:31 No.3689602

    This particular person is retarded.

    I agree with


    And anyone with a shred of knowledge about society should as well. When you outgrow your teenage angst and hatred for all things different you'll realise Muslims are just people who want to get on with their oh so important little lives.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:38 No.3689622
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    Funny thing is, your posts suggest I'm going to group you in with the fundie muslims.

    Extremist piece of trash, your ilk should all be deported.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:41 No.3689632
    >butthurt Muslim detected

    It's not extremist to not want fucking radical Muslims into your country. I have no problem with Arabs as long as they are atheist or belong to some more mellow religion. Going off pure statistics, it's not a wise idea to have Muslims in your country.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:42 No.3689635
    I'll just leave this here
    >> 1/4 Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:43 No.3689638
    ...and here's why:

    When Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone: United States -- Muslim 1.0% Australia -- Muslim 1.5% Canada -- Muslim 1.9% China -- Muslim 1%-2% Italy -- Muslim 1.5% Norway -- Muslim 1.8%
    At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs: Denmark -- Muslim 2% Germany -- Muslim 3.7% United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7% Spain -- Muslim 4% Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%
    >> 2/4 Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:43 No.3689641
    From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. France -- Muslim 8% Philippines -- Muslim 5% Sweden -- Muslim 5% Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3% The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5% Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%
    When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris -- car-burnings) . Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam - Mohammad cartoons). Guyana -- Muslim 10% India -- Muslim 13.4% Israel -- Muslim 16% Kenya -- Muslim 10% Russia -- Muslim 10-15%
    >> 3/4 Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:44 No.3689644
    After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning: Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%
    At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare: Bosnia -- Muslim 40% Chad -- Muslim 53.1% Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%
    >> 4/4 Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:44 No.3689645
    From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels: Albania -- Muslim 70% Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4% Qatar -- Muslim 77.5% Sudan -- Muslim 70%
    After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide: Bangladesh -- Muslim 83% Egypt -- Muslim 90% Gaza -- Muslim 98.7% Iran -- Muslim 98% Iraq -- Muslim 97% Jordan -- Muslim 92% Morocco -- Muslim 98.7% Pakistan -- Muslim 97% Palestine -- Muslim 99% Syria -- Muslim 90% Tajikistan -- Muslim 90% Turkey -- Muslim 99.8% 100% will usher in the peace of "Dar-es-Salaam" -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim: Afghanistan -- Muslim 100% Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100% Somalia -- Muslim 100% Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:45 No.3689646
    sure is jidf on /sci/
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:48 No.3689658
    "There are lies, big fucking lies, and statistics."

    You're still an extremist piece of trash, you probably live in a trailer or a squat and the fundies are just trying to take over your diseased dwelling.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:50 No.3689663
    >ad hominem
    >denies well-known statistics documented by news agencies and universities
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:51 No.3689664

    >It's about muslim immigrants all flocking together and seeing the western population as antagonists to their way of life.

    Can you blame them? Here we are demanding that immigration of Muslims be curtailed (My own family can't live with me!), Burkhas banned (I can't even where the clothes I want to!), and restrictions on Islam (I can't practise my own religion!). On top of that, we accuse them of all being criminals and terrorists, and we equating them to animals by suggesting they breed too much.


    >I have no problem with Arabs as long as they are atheist or belong to some more mellow religion.

    You might as well ban every single religion since they all have their non-mellow elements

    Atheists though we might be here on /sci/, it is political and ethical insanity to say "this religion (with over a billion adherents) is filled with violent fucknuts, so we should ban that religion and deport their followers"
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:52 No.3689668
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:53 No.3689673
    >implying participatory contracts in any way erode existing law
    >implying you aren't a faggot
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:54 No.3689677

    As we all know, correlation = causation


    >implying Malaysia and Turkey are violent hellholes
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:56 No.3689682
    >You might as well ban every single religion since they all have their non-mellow elements

    Islam is responsible for the greatest deal of violence right now. This is a fact, and if you actually believe otherwise, I would like to hear some strong evidence.

    Christian/Buddhist/agnostic/atheist Arabs have not committed any known terrorist attacks upon the West since probably as long as the West has existed. These people are acceptable. Muslims are not. They are a threat.

    Stop being such a relativist wishy-washy pussy.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:56 No.3689683
    >implying human rights go out the window because of cultural assimilation
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:57 No.3689689
    >implying you're leftwing at all
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:58 No.3689694
    Irrelevant. The only way to defeat the antagonistic and violent elements of a religion are to make them irrelevant by giving them nothing to fight for.

    The first way is to undermine those who would be violent by ensuring there are opportunities for the people, cause then they can look at the ones preaching violence and go "you're fucking crazy, I've got it good right now."

    So you stop treating people like shit and give them something productive to do. The ones that get violent? Kill them.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:59 No.3689696
    >Islam is responsible for the greatest deal of violence right now.
    [citation missing]
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)11:59 No.3689697

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:00 No.3689700
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    samefags eve
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:01 No.3689705

    >Islam is responsible for the greatest deal of violence right now.


    If you would, please quantify it. How much violence exists in the world? How much of it is perpetuated by Muslims? Better yet, how much of that violence is directly the result of Islam, and not some other motivating factor?

    What if it was the 1600s and we were smack in the middle of the Thirty Years' War? Are we to conclude that Christians are violent extremist cannibals? If the internet existed during the Taiping Rebellion, would we say that it is indeed the Confucian religion that causes all the problems in the world?

    Stop being a simplistic faggot who thinks everything in the world can be explained by a single X-factor
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:02 No.3689708

    Statistically, terrorist attacks are not really a threat either.

    More importantly, though, persecuting a religion is not an effective way of dealing with radicalization - it just makes things worse, always. If you want them to liberalize and assimilate, reach out to them as much as you can. Show, don't tell, that your way is better.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:02 No.3689709
    Yes, ad hominem. But see, this hasn't been an argument since I called you out on your hypocritical douchebaggery.

    I stopped arguing with you and started insulting you instead.

    Why? Because you deserve nothing more.

    May the rats eat your eyes you degenerate hairless bastard of a street-prostitute.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:03 No.3689712

    >mfw I just came to sci and wanted to thumbs up one of the few good posts in this thread
    >mfw I have no face because I'm on a fucking iphone
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:05 No.3689720
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    >modern times
    >talking about the 1600s

    Sure is grasping for straws here. Muslims are the most violent group right now. There is a plethora of statistics to support my position. All you have is anecdotes from history which are not relevant to the current crises.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:05 No.3689721
         File1315238748.jpg-(28 KB, 640x360, norways-white-christian-terror(...).jpg)
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    Did we already for get the christ bomber?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:06 No.3689723
    >Breaking news!
    >using iPhones may cause losing one's face!
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:08 No.3689736
    >opinion poll
    >overwhelming majority answer 'never'
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:10 No.3689744

    Suicide bombing is one kind extremely rare type of violence. You said Islam is the most violent overall. Demonstrate this.

    >All you have is anecdotes from history which are not relevant to the current crises.

    You completely missed the point of what I was trying to say.

    Let me make it easier for you. What changed between the Thirty Years' War and today? What do we have that our Christian forebears in the 17th century didn't have, that makes us less violent?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:10 No.3689747

    15% of British Muslims SUPPORT suicide bombing.

    16% of French Muslims SUPPORT SUICIDE BOMBING.

    16% of Spanish Muslims SUPPORT SUICIDE BOMBING.

    These are the people I'm talking about barring from Western countries. Holy shit--you actually *want* them to enter? They have children by the dozen, all of which are groomed by the local Mosque to hate infidels and white people.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:11 No.3689748
    >Muslims have high birthrates
    That's because in many cases they've recently emigrated from poorer countries where economics encourages large families. It takes time to get rid of ingrained habits; first or second generation immigrants might have large families, but their children will have far fewer offspring as they adapt to the reality of life in a developed country.

    It's also nothing exclusive to Muslims; Irish and Italian immigrants also had large families in the US.

    That's one batshit scholar. I could post a video of David Icke and claim that as representative of Western secularism.

    I hate sharia law, but there's no chance that it would ever be implemented on the entire population of Western countries. There are a few coutries which have introduced sharia law for small-time cases involving Muslim defendants and claimants, and then only as a kind of "keep it in the community" measure (incidentally, similar allowances have been made for Jewish law - no-one seems as bothered by that, oddly). It's a heavily misguided attempt at tolerance and there are many good reasons for opposing it (not least that it means one law for one man, another law for the other); however, it's not something that will ever directly affect you.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:11 No.3689749
    He was a christian, but at least he was not a religious man or driven by religious reasons.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:12 No.3689759
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    He looks too nice, white and christian to ever harm anyone.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:13 No.3689765
    I wish I were a mod so I can b& all these fucking Muslim apologist scum.
    >> not that guy 09/05/11(Mon)12:14 No.3689771
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    >0.0000001% of lottery players win the main prize
    >therefore all lottery players win

    A bit exaggerated, yes, but I don't think it would otherwise get through your amazingly thick skull.

    Looks like I'll be the first one to suggest you crawl back to stormfront where you belong.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:14 No.3689772

    Islamophobes confirmed for wanting to shut down free speech
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:17 No.3689791

    >name calling
    >not commenting the actual content of any post

    sure is retard here. or troll
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:18 No.3689793
    >doesn't get opinions
    I support stabbing you in the face. Doesn't change anything. Opinions. Liberty to have them. Deal with it.
    >Concept of liberal democracy still not sinking it.
    >Let's ban them all for minority opinions that aren't even illegal.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:19 No.3689800
    >wanting to blow up civilians

    Holy shit you're fucking retarded. I hope you are sterilized along with the rest of your kin.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:22 No.3689818
    >doesn't get difference between opinion and fact
    >wishes to trample principles our society stands for to soothe his sensationally alarmist viewpoint
    retard confirmed
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:23 No.3689827
    yet you appear to have no problem when we support stabbing you in the face, which is a direct threat to you
    You can't explain that!
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)12:24 No.3689832
    also the turks that are flocking into germany.

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