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  • File : 1314980024.png-(3 KB, 80x85, pylon.png)
    3 KB Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:13 No.3671639  
    When will we finally be able to construct additional pylons?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:15 No.3671650
    As soon as we collect additional vespene gas.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:16 No.3671657
    >implying pylons require vespene gas
    You vespene gas fanatics need to stop pretending that your pet cause is the center of everything.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:16 No.3671658
    When /sci/ starts having science and/or math threads.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:17 No.3671664
    Yeah, we don't have time for that. We must hurry, I tell you!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:17 No.3671665

    But we need to switch to alternative resources! If we just put any damn research into terrazine we wouldn't be having this problem now!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:18 No.3671670
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:18 No.3671675

    You got it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:21 No.3671683
    >implying the vespene is going to run out anytime soon
    Please. Besides, even when they do run out you still get vespene out of them at a steady low rate.

    Not to mention those inbred redneck Terrans will be all over us if we don't focus on defense.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:27 No.3671710
    /sci/ & /g/
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:27 No.3671712

    Hey, you racist Templar fuck, the Terrans are a proud, noble race of hics, without which the naming conventions for many things we've discovered (terrazine?) make suspiciously little sense. Without them none of us would have made it of Aiur, so if you don't like it you can GET OUT.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:30 No.3671727
    Protoss = Europeans
    Terrans = Americans
    Zergs = Asians
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:32 No.3671737
    We don't have enough energy, ever since they banned those khadarin amulets
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:33 No.3671740
    >Without them none of us would have made it of Aiur, so if you don't like it you can GET OUT.
    Please. Their fuckups are the reason the Zerg gained power anyway. If anything, it's THEIR fault that our homeworld was overrun.

    Fucking Terrans. We should have glassed MORE of their infected worlds. Maybe then we'd still have Aiur.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:37 No.3671756
    Protoss = USAUK
    Terrans = Fascists
    Zergs = USSR
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:43 No.3671774
    Protoss = Muslims
    >Allahu Ackbar! For Aiur!

    Terrans = US
    >We're gonna bomb us some brown people! I mean, Protoss! EARTH STRONG

    Zerg = Asians
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:43 No.3671776

    You can't hold the entire species responsible for the actions of a few powerful individuals. And besides, the Xel'Naga have been trying to combine us with the zerg for ages to make the new Xel'Naga. The attack was really more or less inevitable when the zerg are being propped up by such a powerful force.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:46 No.3671788
    >And besides, the Xel'Naga have been trying to combine us with the zerg for ages to make the new Xel'Naga.
    And that's another thing. Fuck the Xel'Naga bastards and their forced integration programs. They fucking CREATE the ZERG, and then just disappear to have us clean up the mess? And then, after our homeworld lies in ruins, they want us to BREED with those animals? To make us half-monster?

    No. Have some pride in your race for once in your life.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:47 No.3671793

    How dare you insult the Xel'Naga! They are our creators and we their humble children! What right have you to question the will of the gods!?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:49 No.3671803
    > the gods!?
    The GODS? The gods who created the Zerg, who propped them up, and who have the blood of our homeworld on their hands? FUCK YOUR GODS. And FUCK YOU for defending their GENOCIDE or OUR PEOPLE.

    If they had cocks, and you had a mouth, I bet you would suck their cocks.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:56 No.3671824
         File1314982582.jpg-(11 KB, 300x318, 1287673111192.jpg)
    11 KB
    >If they had cocks, and you had a mouth, I bet you would suck their cocks.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:56 No.3671827

    BLASPHEMER! You would no exist if not for the Xel'Naga! You should be so lucky as to be presented with the tentacle-like genitalia of the gods! Go back to the pathetic hole you came from, since you clearly are unworthy of the telepathic bonds we share thanks to our gods.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:57 No.3671834
    Enjoy sucking the cock of the "creators" who have long since abandoned us and sent the Zerg to destroy us. Traitor.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:58 No.3671843
    > the telepathic bonds we share thanks to our gods.
    Oh yeah? What were they saying when Aiur fell?

    In return for your worship, they will only give you death and perversion.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:59 No.3671844
    creators != owners
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:03 No.3671869
         File1314982987.jpg-(60 KB, 550x410, Hybrid_SC2_Cncpt1.jpg)
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    Hey guys, what's going on ITT?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:05 No.3671885
    >implying it was not the Dark Voice that corrupted the Zerg
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:06 No.3671893
    >implying the Dark Voice is not a Xel'Naga
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)13:10 No.3671905
    It's like it's /v/, only it's /sci/ ... hmm

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