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    File : 1313706739.jpg-(54 KB, 400x258, Crowd.jpg)
    54 KB Overpopulation Axel the Possum 08/18/11(Thu)18:32 No.3588104  
    Six billion is too many, /sci/.

    We've hit a wall where the need for people and the amount of people are incredibly out of sync. I'm not saying that we are running out of resources or people are getting dumber or what-not, those are other stories.

    I'm talking about the fact that, as our society advances, the need for people decreases. One factory floor that used to employ a hundred people working to make a car now employs four; two mechanics, a programmer, and a superfluous manager. Farms can now grow food so cheaply that government subsidies are the only thing that keeps it worth doing at this pace (look how much money is spent on farming subsidies), at least in the developed world.

    As the number of people increases, the number of jobs doesn't increase commensurately. Eventually, the number of people who are burdens on society (not by choice but by simple accident of being unneeded or lacking increasingly fewer opportunities) will grow and grow until you have situations like the riots in the UK.

    Is there an ethical solution to this problem? How do we deal with a world where we're increasingly obsolete?
    >> JamesBond !!JAU/DZkp95n 08/18/11(Thu)18:33 No.3588110
    Now that Global warming has failed as an issue, the left is trying to make overpopulation a new one.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:33 No.3588114
    Yeah, tax every child. China does it, and it's pretty effective.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:35 No.3588122
    >implying it failed as an issue
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:40 No.3588135
    We are not over populated, we just need more service jobs.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:43 No.3588146

    As far as farming goes, its the fault of the farmers for investing in more land instead of building up and growing their vegetables hydroponically inside skyscrapers.

    that would fix the slow yield.

    As far as the global population goes, that has been a known issue for years, and happens to be a bigger issue among the right and not the left contrary to bonds post.

    Also, the amount of people alive today is 6,956,378,744

    We are almost at 7 Billion!

    I say we need to herp the derp up and build even more sea cities as weve seen mentioned before.

    We should also terraform the moon and mars. or something.

    Popular belief is that there willl be a intentional WWIII held. To kill off the majority of the no-hopers...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:45 No.3588154
    You realize that the point of having people is not to make stuff,obviously, you could not be so socially retarded and still speak a human language
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:46 No.3588160
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    Overpopulation? No problem.
    >> osthoro 08/18/11(Thu)18:46 No.3588161
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    What OP does not realize is that soevreign was only the first of the reapers. They will activate one day to cleanse the galaxy. Therefore, the need for more people is always infinite.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:48 No.3588172
    Dude... No WWIII needed, taxation on the children is the way to go.
    >> Axel the Possum 08/18/11(Thu)18:51 No.3588182

    I'm all for people living as happy a life as they can. However, if they're not producing SOMEHOW, they're a drain on society. Now, this is okay, to an extent; children, after all, are drains, as are the elderly and disabled (to varying degrees). I'm not about to say kill them all.

    I'm talking about what happens when you have millions of able-bodied people who have literally nothing to do. When competition is so fierce for even menial things, the ability for these people to support themselves is compromised.

    I want people to be able to support themselves; to be able to find gainful employment and produce for the society they live in. The problem is, when you have close to seven billion people... Well, what can you do?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:52 No.3588188
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    that would only encourage people to not reproduce...

    Doesnt solve the problem immdeiately. infact itll only make matters worse. Now you have a population of almost 7 billion that are pissed!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:53 No.3588193
    Nature will correct our mistake.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:56 No.3588203
    >However, if they're not producing SOMEHOW, they're a drain on society

    Why does that matter, if they're not needed to produce anything?

    >I'm talking about what happens when you have millions of able-bodied people who have literally nothing to do.

    There is always something to do. There is not always something that you need to do.

    >When competition is so fierce for even menial things, the ability for these people to support themselves is compromised.

    This is a problem with the economic model.

    >want people to be able to support themselves; to be able to find gainful employment and produce for the society they live in. The problem is, when you have close to seven billion people... Well, what can you do?

    Change the economic model.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:57 No.3588211
    No, it will just stop people to have a lot of children! Maybe don't tax the first two kids or something... Also when I say "tax the kids", I don't mean take money away from them (because they have none legally) but from parents that have too many kids.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:58 No.3588212

    >implying there is a finite amount jobs
    >implying innovation isn't as exponential or more exponential than the population growth
    >implying the rationing effect of prices will not cause people to decrease consumption or the amount of children
    >implying most of the growth isn't in the 3rd world

    I always keep seeing economics in meh tier or shit tier in Major threads, yet we always have to explain why it won't be a problem. Instead, you guys derping about it, suggesting things like sterilization or genocide. This is why I can't let you run Congress. They may be corrupt idiots sometimes, but they don't pull this crap.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:59 No.3588216
    how exactly?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:01 No.3588221
    Services will need to increase then op. This is partly why fields like IT are booming.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:02 No.3588229
    What are the parameters for your definition of 'ethical' behaviour? For example, if you take the most pessimistic view of human nature, even a war may be not completely unethical. Just a bunch of hedonistic greedy fucks killing other hedonistic greedy fucks. No one would have the moral high ground there.
    Inb4: Some people don't have the means so they are innocent... Just because 'some' people don't have as many guns or fancy war machines doesn't necessarily mean they wouldn't fuck others over if they had the opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:03 No.3588234
    That's a stupid thing to say. We are the nature, everything is natural.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:03 No.3588238
    You're talking about capitalism and its view of workers as an enemy of profit because they are expected to be paid for their work.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:05 No.3588244
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    Hi Sade!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:06 No.3588247
    If you think people are only born to fill cubicles you're kind of a dumbass and not likely a part of society, rather you're a parasite upon it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:14 No.3588307
    >(you guys are genocidal maniacs) This is why I can't let you run Congress. They may be corrupt idiots sometimes, but they don't pull this crap.

    actually, they do.
    all the time.

    remember the south american children syphilis infections?

    those who run the governments of the world, especially those who run the US, are the sickest fucks ever to walk the earth.

    you think /sci/ is a bunch of eugennacists, "you aint seen nothin yet"
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:15 No.3588314
    That Sade guys seems interesting. Reading about him now.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:15 No.3588317
    We need more pointless jobs. Getting people doing stuff, even it's it's little more than community improvement for minimum wage, is better than nothing. As long as the money the government spends on wages ends up going into the pockets of it's citizens, it's not lost money.

    I can almost understand how the people who rioted feel. I've spent the past year looking for a job. The job papers are depressingly slim and only contain offers for people who have 5+ years of experience in the industry. Unemployment here's just getting worse as well, so it's only going to get harder and harder to find a job.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:17 No.3588329
    The only reason farms are subsidized is to keep prices in the store unrealistically low. Also to mention that non-GM farms are not subsidized.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:20 No.3588348

    This is true. Although it would be interesting to see who could do it better if /sci/ got the chance. Interesting, not good.


    Same here. His books are meh, but his life and philosophy is interesting.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:21 No.3588356
    Let me fix this... 7 Billion.

    And NO. 7 billion isn't too many, but it's also not too few. We have the ability to feed, clothe, and supply every single human being with all of their necessities and raise their standard of living above any rich person of today.. Of course society doesn't work this way.

    Even without the changes necessary for what i mentioned, we can still feed, clothe and support 7 billion.

    <3 Technology.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:23 No.3588384
    ITT: Malthusians who haven't read any economic science published after the marginal revolution.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:36 No.3588456
    Set up smaller businesses that are less productive than large ones, but more efficient and capable of producing higher quality products on a pore personal basis. The increased productivity of automation makes productivity via mass production redundant, allowing the reemergence of the artisan. Efforts such as the Open Source Ecology project are working towards allowing micro-economies to exist alongside the global economy.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:41 No.3588484
    It is a myth and was created by a christian no less.

    This has never been proven scientifically. All you have is pop science and poleticians trying to convince you to be pro abortion or have less childeren so that they, the elites, can keep control of everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:43 No.3588498
    >>3588317As long as the money the government spends on wages ends up going into the pockets of it's citizens, it's not lost money.

    Too bad government jobs are being cut into oblivion like all the rest, even though we need things like drivers licenses I guess we're not going to get them.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:19 No.3589008
    God damn, that video doesn't even do exponential growth right. Listen, populations grow exponentially. You can't possibly expect growth indefinitely. Eventually every available spot on the earth would be taken up.

    If you're going to post youtube videos, watch this one.

    This uses very simple math and very real world cases to show that overpopulation is a great problem. Not grasping ideas of of thin air or making them up, disguising a lack of facts with admittedly good animation.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:22 No.3589020
    Don't worry OP, we need 32 billion people to start colonizing, that's when you have to start worrying.
    But no problem, because there will be other planets where we can transport all the population.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:25 No.3589035
    To any of the teenage Malthusians ITT:

    Total fertility rate is declining worldwide as countries modernize. Some countries are already in population decline. With current projections we're set to peak at a population of 9-10 billion and go into decline shortly after 2050, no wars or starvation required.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:27 No.3589043
    >Listen, populations grow exponentially. You can't possibly expect growth indefinitely. Eventually every available spot on the earth would be taken up.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:28 No.3589048
    Backup on the total fertility rate:

    You can see where the remaining growth will be. (Protip: Not in the first-world countries).
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:29 No.3589050
    stop paying people to have babies ftw
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:29 No.3589052
    Predictions of dropping fertility rates assumes continued industrialization of third world countries. Hopefully this happens and hopefully the population will start to shrink after that. However, if a global economic crisis occurs, exponential growth will kick back in and we'll have a LOT more than just 9 billion.

    Most of the world's problems can be traced to lack of resources. While technology may help with this problem, it still remains a problem. Slightly outpacing what the current world can carry with current technology is not a bad thing. However, it quickly becomes bad when resource scarcity causes war, famine, conflict, etc. This is already occurring in many parts of the world.

    Overpopulation doesn't become a problem at a specific global population. It's a local, time-varying value which right now we've WAY overstepped.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:31 No.3589058
    I fully agree. However, the problem would be contained in those countries which fail to modernize. There won't be any starvation in current first-world countries.

    >Overpopulation doesn't become a problem at a specific global population. It's a local, time-varying value which right now we've WAY overstepped.
    It will go back down naturally if we don't fuck it up. This is the best way to achieve a stable optimum.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:32 No.3589061
    Also, watch that Hans Rosling video. The rate and universality of the world's modernization is astonishing. People in the "first world" generally have a view of the "third world" that is 50 years out of date.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:35 No.3589069
    Did you know that Singapore has an infant mortality rate that is a THIRD of the rate in the US?
    >> Anonivixen 08/18/11(Thu)21:35 No.3589073
    Don't like overpopulation?

    Don't rape women, give them an education instead.

    I was watching a documentary on PBS, and apparently the more education women get, the less kids they have, statistically speaking.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:37 No.3589077
    >I was watching a documentary on PBS, and apparently the more education women get, the less kids they have, statistically speaking.
    It's one of the very strong factors.

    Check out the Hans Rosling video, it's relevant.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:40 No.3589094
    A good ol' war will thin us out.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:44 No.3589106
    OP obviously trolling

    US Farmers haven't seen subsidies for years due to high and increasing demand on crops. And, guess why such increase in demand? ... That's right, high population.

    Having 4 people build a car means car are cheaper in price. Has OP ever calculated how much first Model T ford cost with respect to average US income? Oh, that's right, he's a faggot troll.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:44 No.3589110
    I very much agree.
    Just because we can use technology to keep ourselves from dying out doesn't mean that we should be stop there.
    On the whole, supporting more people by means of technology means that those people will be less ahppy - more cramped, less work (because of automation and a lack of corresponding welfare), less resources to go around.
    if technology can make things great for 7 billion, it can make things even better for 2 billion.
    Much, much better infact.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:46 No.3589120
    Our planet can't support 6 billion people because there are 300million Americans living like kings while the rest of the world gets shit
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:47 No.3589125
    >Our planet can't support 6 billion people because there are 300million Americans living like kings while the rest of the world gets shit
    That's changing.

    But I agree that the US standard of living will probably go down a little as peak oil hits.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:49 No.3589146
    Wtf, does /sci/ read anything other than foxnews?

    The logic behind fertility decrease in more modernized countries is just fail. Just look at Russia, they're in negative population growth area, and by that logic, they must be fucking super humans by now.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:02 No.3589222
    You make robots do the work, and the rest of us can just relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:05 No.3589241
    According to jewpedia, first Ford Model T was selling for $850 while it's competition $2000-3000

    This lists 2 sources where they identify average wage in 1900 around 0.22$/hr = $2 a day or $40/mo.

    Current average salary in US - 3,000/mo

    So, Model T would have a price tag of 63k which is the price of a fucking BMW right now, not some cheap-ass Pinto.

    And that's given the 1900's price of steel/petroleum/etc that was way bellow what it currently is due to all the technological demand.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:11 No.3589273
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    Reverse "baby bonus" payments. Tax breaks for the childless rather than paying women to pump out spawn.

    Free state education and healthcare only for firstborns (or first two maybe).

    Legalise abortion and have world class facilities to perform them in (not back alleys with coat hangers)

    Bring contraception back into the limelight

    Remove demonisation of homosexual men and women so less are inclined to marry and have children in opposite-sex marriages

    Reduced cost (stamp duty, etc) of living in rural areas to combat urban sprawl and overly dense cities.

    Greater incentives for primary producers.

    I'm sure there are more
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:11 No.3589277
    This is what they said when farming first started becoming efficient and all the people had to move I to the cities because they couldn't make any money

    >this triggered the industrial revolution

    Luddites gonna ludd

    Look, service sector is already 70% in lots of developed countries. People like dealing with other people so all buisness are obliged to have a human deal with their customers. There will always be uses for people, but yea, less demand will cause the price of labor to go down which will piss off all of the rich haters. Worst case scenario is a socialist revolution. But as long as science is still able to progress a little socialism won't kill us. It will just make our society less efficient/livable.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:13 No.3589284
    Much more daunting is the fact that the Flynn affect had run it's course in first world countries, and the average iq is dropping by 1.38 points every year. This truly spells disaster
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:16 No.3589298
    >Much more daunting is the fact that the Flynn affect had run it's course in first world countries, and the average iq is dropping by 1.38 points every year. This truly spells disaster
    You read that wrong. I've seen the source.

    GLOBALLY the average trends down in YOUNG people as the vast majority of them are now coming from undeveloped countries.
    >Demographic trends in today's world are dominated by large fertility differentials between nations, with ‘less developed’ nations having higher fertility than the more advanced nations. The present study investigates whether these fertility differences are related primarily to indicators of economic development, the intellectual level of the population, or political modernity in the form of liberal democracy. Results obtained with multiple regression, path models and latent variable models are compared. Both log-transformed GDP and measures of intelligence independently reduce fertility across all methods, whereas the effects of liberal democracy are weak and inconsistent. At present rates of fertility and mortality and in the absence of changes within countries, the average IQ of the young world population would decline by 1.34 points per decade and the average per capita income would decline by 0.79% per year.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:16 No.3589301

    1) IQ test is a very controversial way to test intelligence.
    2) It is logical that as population increases, the specific knowledge to have high ranking IQ score get diluted as more people become experts in their domain and not IQ testing.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:17 No.3589304
    I wish I understood economics enough to know why technology that can reduce the amount people need to work is a *bad* thing for the economy so we make bullshit middle management jobs for everyone, and why we should just accept that rather than doing something.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:21 No.3589322
    As technology advances we need less people.

    Now these people don't have jobs.

    Now they find they can only rely on themselves.

    Now they begin the work of breeding more family to rely on and support them, a technique all the richest families on earth have used for ages to amass wealth.

    If we could connect all current human family wealth together there may be no need for extreme amounts of humans.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:25 No.3589348
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    >still believing in overpopulation
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:26 No.3589354

    Iq is not something you study for or specialize in. The test is made to measure general intelligence. If it actually does that is immaterial. We know for a fact that there is a strong correlation with iq test score and being a successful person in any field that requires the use of cognitive ability.

    Most of the people that find IQ to be controversial received a medicre score.
    >> Anonivixen 08/18/11(Thu)22:28 No.3589368
    That's not entirely fair, because our budget distribution is completely different from what it was, so it's not really apples to apples. Think about the money we spend that we didn't before on taxes and entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:33 No.3589393
    >Most of the people that find IQ to be controversial received a medicre score.
    And people who score well believe it's a great measure of personal worth.

    This has nothing to do with validity.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:36 No.3589410

    Yes that is just my personal experience. The important part was in the first bit. Whatever IQ measures, if not general intelligence, is highly relevant and very important.
    >> Anonivixen 08/18/11(Thu)22:36 No.3589413
    In b4 Brave New World test tube bred class system...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:36 No.3589415

    Taxation was brutal back then for people rich enough to buy cars while now they pay much less than the poor or middle class.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:37 No.3589425

    The real problem is that people believe IQ is innate (all genetics, no environment).

    We don't have any way to directly measure genetic potential for intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:41 No.3589457

    Wtf are you talking about nigga. Government spending as a percentage of GDP was around 10% before WW2. Nobody had a big tax burden compared to today.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:45 No.3589482

    It is mostly genetic. This has been heavily researched and we know for a fact that intelligence is between 50-90 percent heritable. So yes it is mostly genetic. The other two factors are developmental stimulation and nutrition. (not education)
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:48 No.3589500
    There's a problem. You didn't even tell me what environmental differences you're comparing against.

    You can't say "50-90% heritable" without assuming a spread of environmental factors as well. It's all about the comparing the impact of the variation in genetics and the variation in environment.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:58 No.3589568

    Yea I mean that's what all of the studies aim to do and these are the numbers we get.

    When twins are raised apart in different socioeconomic, and cultural regions/families they almost always have about the same score.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:00 No.3589589
    >When twins are raised apart in different socioeconomic, and cultural regions/families they almost always have about the same score.
    I doubt they were really different.

    You see, the difference in their environment didn't span the type of difference between here and Pakistan.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:11 No.3589678
    Don't worry, they'll all be in Africa.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:18 No.3589721
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    Solution: Kill all the non-whites, people on welfare, retarded, criminals, obese, degenerate etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:26 No.3589770
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    I prefer this youtube video.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:29 No.3589800
    Yeah, this just ignore the real trends though. Total fertility rate really is decreasing, and is already below replacement in some places. He denies that we're heading toward population contraction because "fucking won't go out of style". Really?

    He's got a point about the environmental impact of just having more people, but I wish he weren't making counterfactual claims as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:30 No.3589804
    monkey slaves
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:43 No.3589882
    we're not overpopulated! if we all just chip in and stop all our wasteful consumption we all be... ah fuck it, we're not going to do that. yes, we are fucking overpopulated

    however I don't get OPs argument about overpopulation due to obsoletion. Isn't that a proportions thing? If we 50% of people aren't needed, then if you get rid of that 50% only 50% of the remaining are needed because now they don't have to sustain the other 50% and so on.

    WW3 it is then.
    >> SomeStupidFag !!jgMdkqLZWtJ 08/18/11(Thu)23:56 No.3589964
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:59 No.3589976
    i was thinking about a service in parts of africa that would offer a substantial amount of money to anyone willing to castrate themselves, chemically of course. something irreversible.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:15 No.3590037

    If we kill all criminals, bums, etc. You would be in prison instead.

    The prisons and charity will still exist for the low 10% of the population. Society morals will go up on average which will result classifying you, a bloodthirsty savage who just wants to kill people, as someone who should be locked up for life.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:17 No.3590045
    God, Waterson is such a great artisit.

    look at the HNNNGGGGGGGNNNGGGG face in panel 4
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:21 No.3590062
    >implying there is a finite number of jobs
    Sure is luddite argument against Industrial Revolution.

    >Implying the new technology won't result in us consuming less resources per unit.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:23 No.3590065
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    I'm just laying this card on the table.

    Not saying whether I'm opening up the possibility or making comparisons, it's there, come to peace with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:24 No.3590069
    The problem is not population the problem is what is expected of people. There are many ways to solve too few jobs for too many people.

    For instance if you have 100 people who work 8 hours a day (800 manhours) and then you find you only need 600 manhours you should shorten the work day to 6 hours.

    However instead we've taken the path of just kicking people out to the streets so that no one's quality of life improves as direct result of the cause of needing less labor. (75 workers working just as hard as ever, and 25 people who are quickly going into poverty if they don't find another job)
    >> Liberty !!nQrIRh+JHbs 08/19/11(Fri)00:31 No.3590093

    > if everyone is poor, then the world is perfect

    Democrats actually believe this.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:32 No.3590099

    define being rich for an individual, then define being rich for a culture.
    >> Liberty !!nQrIRh+JHbs 08/19/11(Fri)00:36 No.3590109

    Working eight hours consensually while other get laid off because of a lack of demand.

    Working consensually.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:38 No.3590118
    >I'm not saying that we are running out of resources
    >Is there an ethical solution to this problem?

    Yes, there is, house and feed them all, and give them some money.

    Of course that's impossible to be accepted unconditionally because there are jobs out there people do that drain them, so seeing someone else get shit for free while they 'have to work' to feed someone pisses them off.

    Which should be addressed by either giving them raises, but even then they'd complain.

    But hey, money is debt and most work is slavery, and employers try to pay as little as possible for as much return as possible.

    So people who had a nice job once, and lost it for some reason are forced to talk any other job if they want to keep their old lifestyle.
    This makes people bitter, especially if the former job was something they liked.
    Now in this situation they have to do something they maybe do not like as much ,but have to do it, or else they suffer life degradation.

    But still, just house and feed the unneeded, it's the best solution, and I don't think many of those unneeded people care if people who work have giant riches, as long as the jobless are able to live normal lives.

    I know I would. If you work and (in a society where work is prestigious and only done when needed.) and the government grants would include golden bathtubs and jewel encrusted flying cars.

    I wouldn't mind as long as I am healthy, well fed and have a roof over my head.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:38 No.3590122
    talk = take
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:41 No.3590133
    >Believe in libertarianism

    I hope you guys...I HOPE
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:43 No.3590142
    global warming, lack of food, disease...homeostasis shall come
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:45 No.3590156
    amerifag here.
    aren't farm subsidies almost non-existant? thought that was mostly in the 60's and phased out. i do intend on finding out about this.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:46 No.3590161
    >People like dealing with other people
    That generation will be dieing off in the near future. In the future you will place your order on your cellphone before you ever get to a restaurant and it'll be ready when you get there.

    Here's another, answering systems will be indistinguishable from your average phone monkey in a decade or two with the advances of natural language software.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:49 No.3590176
    I really don't think overpopulation is a big deal. But any excuse to sterilize the inferior among us is good enough for me. Fucking dumbasses submitting to your instincts to reproduce. We need eugenics NOW before we revert back to homo erectus
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:52 No.3590183
    i would support this.
    however we would have to kill a fucking lot of white privileged ass hats who would fight for the minority.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:53 No.3590190

    Bro. Farmers are like Americas sweethearts. They get all kinds of special treatment and subsidies.
    >> SomeStupidFag !!jgMdkqLZWtJ 08/19/11(Fri)00:55 No.3590200
         File1313729736.gif-(21 KB, 600x192, calvin hobbes, nature 01.gif)
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    >> SomeStupidFag !!jgMdkqLZWtJ 08/19/11(Fri)00:56 No.3590206
         File1313729785.gif-(19 KB, 600x192, calvin hobbes, nature 02.gif)
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    >> SomeStupidFag !!jgMdkqLZWtJ 08/19/11(Fri)00:57 No.3590208
         File1313729833.gif-(19 KB, 600x189, calvin hobbes, nature 03.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:57 No.3590212

    is that what you're saying?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:59 No.3590221
    So how should we handle this situation? Introduce population control measures or just roll some dice, the number you get is the number of people who you have to kill.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:00 No.3590229

    Still in effect according to wikipedia
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:03 No.3590241
    hrmm..well farm subsidies do appear rather out there. just according to the first site that seems to have data (i def do not know if its any good)
    over past 15 years, about 260billion total. not really all that much compared to other dumb things we do. but i do not see why it would be needed..
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:05 No.3590243

    i was asking about it, doing little bit of reading.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:11 No.3590261
    >but i do not see why it would be needed..

    It's to prevent people from underbidding each other into oblivion such that they or retailers can't make a significant profit per sale.

    Moral of the story, food is very cheap with our level of technology. Too cheap for some...
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:13 No.3590268
    Well it makes a difference because it's easier for corporations to lobby government than it is for hard working individuals to vote in helpful electorates.

    So yes, there is a difference.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:15 No.3590281

    260 billion is huge. I'm pretty sure it could balance all of the states budgets easy
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:19 No.3590295

    Yea but lots of farmers means lots of votes to influence policy. It's corrupt bullshit either way.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:24 No.3590308
    We don't OP. We are slowly but surely moving towards a post-scarcity world. This is unavoidable, but if we make the transition carefully, it'll be incredible.

    Instead of hoping for all that transhumanist garbage, inserting your mind into internet and whatnot, THIS is what people should be hoping for.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:25 No.3590312
    But farmers don't all perceive a collective benefit, so some of them vote for ron paul.

    A corporation on the other hand will see, and so will their employees, so you've got 2 vs 1
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:29 No.3590329
    The two are not inherently unrelated, a trans-human with their mind uploaded to a data system or even a robotic body would use far less resources than a biological human
    >> tinycat !!qoWPGZQ4oQc 08/19/11(Fri)05:17 No.3591068
    Kill the global elite who are too greedy to let go of their money based power and move to a moneyless society where robots and nanotechnology support people and everyone is free to peruse whatever interests they have. All discoveries are openly shared, not locked away in some copyright and never developed because some committee doesn't think it will return enough money.

    Watch in amazement as all our problems get solved because people have nothing better to do than sit around all day and think about how to make things even better.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)05:26 No.3591091
    I say we start a cult, based on the Wild Hunt. We will become the predators, and we will kill as many non-members as we can. No rules for the kills, just kills. Poison, traps, mind-fucking til suicide, or outright shooting/stabbing. Then, if they kill us, they will have proved they deserve to live. And if we kill hundreds or thousands, we will have proven that the human race has allowed the weak to prosper.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)05:30 No.3591110
    ability to protect yourself from murder isn't what i would consider to be the most worthy trait of protection

    killing should be selective, perhaps only probabilitistically so, so as either to protect the good, or take down what makes us to destructive in the first place.

    however, a bunch of rogue killers won't have much effect, except perhaps in causing carnage from the retaliation
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)05:55 No.3591173
    As the human population expands exponentially, so too does our technology.
    People = cores
    More cores more ability to process information.

    One day we will face an extinction event, unless we build the population to a level where we can expand into space your way of life as you think it will end. People like Dr Who simply do not exist, to understand complex systems you need a massive workforce each specializing in their area of expertise.

    The Riots are a failure of government in fiscal policy, lend the money create the companies and make jobs.

    The failure of multiculturalism is poor leadership, you have many different races each indoctrinated by different government models. Each government model of indoctrination creates its own direction. Put multiple cultures together and each group goes in a different direction. You need very strong leadership to steer multiple cultures in one direction.

    Your leader is a man who wears a bra
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)06:02 No.3591185
    You idiots, the birth rate in industrialized nations is usually under 3, sometimes below the replacement level.

    The 'overpopulation crisis' is soley due to the lag time between the drop in the third worlds' death rate from improved medicine, and the drop in the birth rate through sex ed and the fact that children in advanced nations are more a cost than a source of income.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)06:11 No.3591202
    If we were to say....wipe Africa clean of people (lets face it, they suck). The developed nations could then build new cities, industries and all kinds of work for the millions of unemployed.

    Learning from our constant mistakes, a literal brand new city could be a utopia

    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)06:16 No.3591207
    except that's a wrong reasoning. the third world countries get the technology (from us) to lower the death rate, but they didn't earn it themselves (by changing their society to (post)industrial, and thereby lowering the number of births). and because we're supporting them, they won't change either way.

    on the plus side, once the economy finally goes down completely we won't have a penny to spare to them, and tens, if not hundreds of millions will starve as africa returns to the population size it can actually manage
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)06:23 No.3591218

    Thanks bro love that vid

    Captcha: dedywo growth
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)07:51 No.3591363
    most employers would lay off the 2 workers to avoid paying 8 wages as opposed to 6 ones though. doesn't that make sense? if they kept all 8, but reduced their hours, they'd have to reduce their salaries too, which is a bit harder. not a lot harder, but in the case of a small business, effort that's easily saved by taking the easy option.
    who'd inhabit these cities? take a look at this.
    even south america's birth rate is fairly low at this point. it would take centuries (assuming that birth rate continued to stay positive in the 1st world) to repopulate Africa.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)07:58 No.3591378
    >ethical solution to this problem?

    Start with yourself faggot

    And the "problem" is high unemployment, which is a problem that he had all the time throughout our history, form Roman times, all the way to modern times. New jobs are continually being created, actually now faster than any time in history.
    You could use your "superior" intellect to come up with a new, useful way people could use their abilities thats benefitial to society.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)10:47 No.3591732

    But the problem is that the only population group growing is African. They are intellectually so inferior that VERY few, I'm talking maybe one or two out of a billion, can help advance humanity. If we took the population of Africa and turned them into Jews, raising the average IQ more than two standard deviations, humanity would flourish in ways unimaginable.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:01 No.3591768

    Service jobs are shit, we need much large percentage of the global population capable of utilizing resources efficiently. We need to phase the Walmarts of the world out by being more capable on average. People should be building their own houses and farms and schools maintaining their own roads etc. Brand names need to go, we should break everything down into standardized components and let people create their own products, this will greatly increase innovation and equate quality of life with effort instead of wealth.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:11 No.3591787

    Wrong, our capacity to produce food far outstrips the actual need. Subsidies are frequently given to farmers to stop them from growing food. And its been like that for a while now. The apparent scarcity has more to do with with the fact that there is a commodities market, speculation, and regulation of production than the fact that anything is actually scarce. People starve more because they can't afford food, and Nations starve because the people are so poor no one thinks it would be profitable to setup reliable channels of food distribution within large sections of the country
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:13 No.3591790

    Not sure if trolling...

    If not, you're an idiot. The entire concept would completely fail if you attempted it today. Could you seriously imagine people in New York City all owning family operated farms? No, because they simply don't have the land for all those people. Then factor in how some areas (the south) are more fit for growing food than areas like the north.

    Then you get into the issue of things like breadbaskets where one or two countries factory farm the fuck out of one or two substances like wheat or corn thus providing the world with a ton of their product.

    On what? You have an entire nation of farmers. Anyone who doesn't live in an area like Florida is going to have to work their ass off not to starve to death during the winter.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:15 No.3591794
    Too bad it's simplistic bullshit. The growth constant is going down, and will switch over to global population contraction shortly after 2050. Some first-world countries are already at this stage.

    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:15 No.3591795
    I think with his comment about everyone being farmers, he was also implying there'd be a lower population.

    Farming is kind of shit, though. Everyone should have to forage and cannibalize.. that would get the population under control pretty quick.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:16 No.3591800

    Obviously I don't mean everyone owns farms, but every city should have considerable property designated for farming. You don't need land to grow a lot of crops anymore btw. We should have started growing vertically a long time ago. And I didn't just talk about farmers. We should be building our own computers and means of transportation. If everyone who owned a computer built the first one they got I can promise you we'd be a lot more intelligent population.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:18 No.3591803
    Resource based economy.

    Look up the 'Venus Project'

    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:19 No.3591805
    >We should be building our own computers and means of transportation. If everyone who owned a computer built the first one they got I can promise you we'd be a lot more intelligent population.
    Holy fucking shit. You're talking about wiping out specialization entirely.

    Well, at least I know your bullshit will never have an impact on the world, so I don't really care too much.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:19 No.3591807
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:20 No.3591812

    Did you even read the post

    >People should be building their own houses >and farms and schools maintaining their own >roads etc. Brand names need to go, we should >break everything down into standardized >components and let people create their own >products,
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:22 No.3591819
    >CTRL+F "space"
    >only 1 result

    /sci/, I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:24 No.3591831

    Then what is your issue with entire countries generating more food than they can consume and selling it to the rest?

    Factory farming is going to be superior in terms of production than localized farming any time of day.


    Yes, and my point was that the entire nation trying to feeding itself broken down by individuals or families would be such an issue that you'd have an entire states of nothing but farmers.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:25 No.3591833
    Wait, what, there's someone ITT arguing that everyone should be subsistence farmers? LOL

    That's the exact situation that produces population explosion. What a stupid suggestion.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:26 No.3591835
    At some point in your life you'll need to start making a distinction between genuine concerns and hypchondria induced brain seizures, aka your ideas.

    Pre-built computers and their manufacturing is not a specialization. It's a simplified, pick and stick operation making absurd amounts of money off ignorant people.

    And besides, how will specialization end when bogus businesses like this go bust? There's still the manufacturing and creation of computer parts and software, not to mention shipping, processing, administering, managing and dick-sucking (your specialty).
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:29 No.3591845
    You so mad.

    If everyone has to to everything themselves (you're talking about MAKING your own CARS and COMPUTERS for crying out loud), then there is no specialization.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:37 No.3591859
    Specialization isn't going anywhere bro, it would just prevent specialization from turning into stagnation.

    Preferred methods and components would be known and available, but they wouldn't be required. Your first computer would in all likely-hood be specialized with the exception that you built it, your second or third one would probably be built with a specific purpose in mind.

    Specialization is necessary, but it also has its setbacks. Companies that are not so much corporations anymore as they are institutions are a testament to this. We've watched all the innovation get sucked out of the biggest corporations because they are no longer interested in creating revolutionary products in order to capture market share they are interested in pumping a steady supply of mildly updated products out to their firmly established market share.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:38 No.3591861

    Yea this basically
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:39 No.3591865
    The most obvious samefag I've seen in a long, long time.

    There's nothing special about that post that merits additional approval. UNLESS...
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:42 No.3591869

    My problem with factory farming is that is creates the effect of apparent scarcity, because factory farmed food is very price oriented. You localize food production efficiently and people won't go hungry because we're burning rice to float the price in order to prevent a market collapse.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:46 No.3591872

    I was agreeing with this "Pre-built computers and their manufacturing is not a specialization. It's a simplified, pick and stick operation"

    because I wrote this
    "Specialization isn't going anywhere bro, it would just prevent specialization from turning into stagnation"

    We were essentially saying the same thing he was just more direct about it. What passes for specialization in established industries is actually not a desirable quality.

    Not same fag at all
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:51 No.3591878
    Ah, apologies then.

    But economies of scale are what has given the modern era such a high standard of living. Throwing that out in favor of something so very inefficient is incredibly misguided.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:52 No.3591881


    Walmart IS the most efficient. If you broke down walmart and allowed people to come into the market, they would eventually just "re-innovate" walmart all over again.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)11:53 No.3591890

    Growing shit is not difficult, using conventional outdated methods it is, but you can fill a 4 story building with a lot of food now a days for relatively little effort
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:12 No.3591960

    My point is that our current system doesn't make for efficient human beings, and in the long run innovation is more efficient than any given system.

    Also keep in mind current systems that we deem "efficient" are profit driven systems and efficiency for a company is paying as little as possible. Throw the cost of fuel and time to replenish forests, and the effect of plastics on the environment, and you start to see that just because something is cheap doesn't mean it is efficient.

    >Still measuring cost in terms of currency only
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:15 No.3591966
    Ah, this schpiel.

    The entirety of your crticism hinges on externalized costs. I fully agree that we can't allow externalized costs and simultaneously use internal cost as a measure of efficiency or benefit.

    But if you DO internalize all the costs? The cheapest way is the best, period. If it's super-cheap to grow rice in a huge farm in one place and ship it around, THAT IS WHAT WE SHOULD DO.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:16 No.3591968
    >mfw we're going to reach 7 billion in my birth month (october)
    feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:18 No.3591976
    We're slowing down. We're going to peak around 9-10 billion and go into decline shortly after 2050.

    And the remaining growth isn't in your country anyway. Really, check the total fertility rate in your country and compare it with places in Africa.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:18 No.3591978
    I mean I know that, but still
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:20 No.3591987
    What is this... No, no you have not understood or even watched the videos mankind is NOT NOT NOT NOT breeding exponentially.
    Also, we do not yet properly use our food growing regions, which lay in the developed world, and even the developing world is plagued by lack of proper managment.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:20 No.3591989
    Yeah, peak oil is going to make this a rough ride. Otherwise I wouldn't be worried.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:33 No.3592031

    Ok then what do you have to say about an economic system where the price of food is artificially inflated by practices of all world governments intentionally. Food should be a lot cheaper than it is, but we are purposely preventing that from occurring. The people who produce food could afford to sell it for significantly less, but all sorts of incentives, subsidiaries, practices are put in place to keep food prices as high as they are. We don't even stop short of destroying food.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:36 No.3592043
    I agree. We should drop all protectionist trade barriers about food, with any other country that is willing to do the same. (Not with countries that won't, or you're allowing yourself to be exploited).

    Subsidies and tariffs skew the costs of food production and make the global system inefficient.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:37 No.3592049

    Also its not cheap to do it that way, it just allows for the extraction of profit. Being able to pull millions of dollars out of an operation doesn't make it efficient or cheap.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:42 No.3592072
    This is NOTHING this video is literally NOTHING.

    I know how goddamn exponential growth works because i studied it in microbiology. However, has THIS man accounted for all the growth factors? No. This man knows nothing of biology.

    Allso, he has a very long way of reaching a simple point: he is wrong.

    He's actually fucking quoting presidents!? This man is not a biologist and nothing he says is right.

    Its just fearmongering.

    If the number of skilled workers increases with the 7% growth it is reasonable to assume that some of these will go on to be gallbladder surgions, meaining that the reason for the price increase: supply and demand, doesnt make sence. Also, why would you expect gallbladder surgery to become more expencive with the improvment of treatments? It should become less expencive and more common. What this man is acutally predicting is the recession of december 2007: interest rates and increasing national debt due to government borrowing, which is concealed by the dollar being the world reserve currency.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)12:45 No.3592087
    >Also its not cheap to do it that way, it just allows for the extraction of profit. Being able to pull millions of dollars out of an operation doesn't make it efficient or cheap.
    Bullshit, unless you're talking about monopolies. The whole point of competition is that the man with the most efficient method of meeting public needs can have the lowest prices, and thus increase market share while still making the same profits per sale.

    Why is Wal-Mart so cheap, and thus so dominant? Because it is efficient.

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