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  • File : 1313616526.jpg-(295 KB, 1493x1269, deepspace.jpg)
    295 KB Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:28 No.3581996  
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:30 No.3582002
         File1313616604.jpg-(79 KB, 463x462, mybodyisready.jpg)
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    I've always wanted to be a bird.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:30 No.3582007
         File1313616648.gif-(476 KB, 270x203, 1312941039494.gif)
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    my gif when
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:31 No.3582010
    hello /v/ refugees
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:31 No.3582011
    There's an XKCD like that I think
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:32 No.3582016
    Did we ever send that probe with a heat lamp to io? Theres like a mile of ice, then a lot of liquid water and it has a molten w/e core like Earth. People thought stuff could be alive down there...
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:32 No.3582017

    It was posted in the /v/ thread most of us are from. Someone started to sagebomb it so we moved here.

    Fun was had
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:32 No.3582022
    bumping for my bros, and don't worry, you'll give up.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:33 No.3582026
         File1313616790.jpg-(216 KB, 639x703, 1311931107549.jpg)
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    We had a second quasi-moon and we didn't even know it
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:33 No.3582027

    If he's doing it on /sci/ I hope he's banned. Permanently.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:33 No.3582029
    why you mad bro

    bumping your sage
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:33 No.3582031
    starting off with one of my favorite feels:
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:34 No.3582036
    Yeah, everyone needs to just report him. There are mods on /sci/
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:34 No.3582038
    allow me to bump those sages

    we at /sci/ don't hate everything, unlike you /v/irgins
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:35 No.3582046
    he stopped saging the /v/ thread. I dont understand, does he want us to go back?

    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:35 No.3582047
         File1313616927.jpg-(252 KB, 900x900, 1264297290037.jpg)
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    >that feel when mars has a huge scar on it from an ancient mass effect weapon
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:35 No.3582051
    >implying sage does anything
    Just filter him you faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:36 No.3582052
    Someone's mad today
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:36 No.3582055
    Taking the time to sage a thread on two boards, and reset router after getting banned, you sir sound mad.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:37 No.3582060
    grow up kid
    go back to /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:37 No.3582061
         File1313617078.png-(14 KB, 566x564, me-gusta.jpg[1].png)
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    It reminds me of something...
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:38 No.3582069
         File1313617121.jpg-(888 KB, 916x776, Jupiter_from_Voyager_1.jpg)
    888 KB
    >Reposting from the /v/ thread

    Here's a (colored-in) photograph of the Great Red Spot. I will remind you that the Great Red Spot is a hurricane three times larger than the Earth which has been going on for over 400 years.
    Seeing that Jupiter has depth really helps with the "oh my god how can there be things this massive" terror, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:38 No.3582070
    Mods can ban faster than you can reset.

    What's the matter? Did you fail science class at school?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:39 No.3582072
    I was just thinking about deep space exploration. I had been reading w­iki articles all morning.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:39 No.3582076
    so how do you think we'll be able to get to another habitable planet light-years away from us? Or are we as a race doomed to perish once the sun supernovas on us?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:40 No.3582081
    All you're doing is bumping the thread. Every time you post, multiple people bump the thread for you. Really, you're helping to keep this alive. Ironic, really.

    It's alright, we, as the more intelligent board, are willing to take you in and teach you the error of your summer ways.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:41 No.3582089
         File1313617264.png-(210 KB, 718x560, floweersasassd.png)
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    >Galaxy with 8 times the stars as ours
    >Shouldn't exist but does anyway, mocking our pathetic science

    Also an interesting fact about that picture, many of the similar colour galaxies are in fact doubles, the light has bent and produced phantom galaxies who's light originates from the same source
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:42 No.3582099
         File1313617343.jpg-(173 KB, 1024x890, 1311137336173.jpg)
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    no u
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:42 No.3582105

    >file size: 5600x40000
    holy fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:44 No.3582117

    we have about five billion years before the sun, Sol, begins to expand and collapse. and it would probably Nova, not Supernova. around the same time, despite the expansion of the universe, our galaxy, the milky way, and a neighboring one, the Andromeda galaxy, or slated to collide with one another.

    im sharing this, though, because i think faster than lightspeed travel, let along entry level practical interstellar travel (ie, subluminous), will be doable within hundreds of years, let alone BILLIONS.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:44 No.3582120
         File1313617498.gif-(166 KB, 160x160, 1285790802599.gif)
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    >Download full rez image
    >48.23 MB, 12203x4731px
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:45 No.3582126
    Why is he sagebombing a science thread on /sci/-Science ?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:45 No.3582127
         File1313617543.jpg-(67 KB, 400x463, troll sama.jpg)
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    S-s-sage u-umad-d?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:45 No.3582131
    Because he was in the /v/ thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:46 No.3582139
    I don't believe in black holes or spacetime.

    Nor an expanding universe, multiple universes, god, magic, alchemy or bigfoot.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:47 No.3582145

    Download High Resolution Images

    * JPEG ( 4.42 MB, 840x6000px )

    Download Full Resolution Images

    * JPEG ( 239.23 MB, 5600x40000px )
    * TIFF ( 666.37 MB, 5600x40000px )
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:47 No.3582148
    He came here from /v/

    This thread originated on /v/, and he started saging it because /v/ is /b/'s little brother
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:47 No.3582151

    But when and how will it develop to the point where we can reach other habitable planets? Light seems to be the fastest thing out there, but yet even if we can travel at that speed it will take a long time to even reach another galaxy.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:48 No.3582155
    that one is 5600x40k

    heres some more that I liked

    I dont know what the fuck is going on in them, but holy shit its cool
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:48 No.3582156

    black holes, relativistic time dilation, the expansion of the universe [spoiler]and alchemy[/spoiler] have all been PROVEN.

    you're an idiot, not a martyr.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:48 No.3582157
    You forgot to mention singularity, entropy and supernovas.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:48 No.3582162
    You want me to continue? I don't particularly mind doing it for another 30 minutes or so. Also, I like how you're not discussing the thread topic, but are discussing how mad I made you. :3
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:49 No.3582168

    Awesome free and open source program where you can see the sky as it is at any point in time and any place on the planet. Includes moons, planets, galaxies, NGC, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:49 No.3582171
    No one's mad. You're just being a pest.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:50 No.3582176
    I am just wondering why you are saging a thread on the correct board. You stopped posting on the /v/ one that is still going on.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:50 No.3582178
    /sci/, I have a question.

    How exactly would we "mine" He3 on the moon?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:50 No.3582180
    Galaxies haven't even been "proven". Quit throwing that word around
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:50 No.3582181

    Nobody cares about you. No women. No man. Not even your own mother.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:51 No.3582189
         File1313617885.jpg-(22 KB, 360x303, 1299722252203.jpg)
    22 KB
    >your computer may have trouble viewing this image

    Challenge accepted
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:51 No.3582192
    >You want me to continue?

    Yes, please. It's not me who's wasting time.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:52 No.3582197

    okay. not that i mentioned galaxies, but, "the existence of those things is confirmed". are you making the argument that proven is a math word so is incorrect the way i was using it?

    ps: galaxies exist, deal with it
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:53 No.3582202
    fuck this shit space is scary, it freaks me out we're just a speck of dust compared to that
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:53 No.3582204
    >not entering "sage" and other derivatives of the word in the email field of your filter.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:53 No.3582207
    so /sci/ bros, if space is constantly expanding what's it expanding toward?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:54 No.3582213

    russia, that place is huge.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:54 No.3582216
    Download Full Resolution Images
    JPEG ( 200.06 MB, 29566x14321px )
    TIFF ( 479.08 MB, 29566x14321px )
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:54 No.3582220
         File1313618094.png-(61 KB, 177x151, Untitled.png)
    61 KB
    Quick update, it's been a minute or two now and it hasn't even finished transferring all of the information over from the site

    This thing is fucking huge
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:55 No.3582224
         File1313618134.jpg-(30 KB, 500x401, 1311645267020.jpg)
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    >72 posts
    >bump limit
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:55 No.3582229
    1. We don't need to go outside of our galaxy to find a habitable planet.
    2. If we can't find a habitable planet, WE'LL MAKE ONE

    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:56 No.3582230
    if god forbid this does reach the bump limit, I'll make a new one. He won't be smart enough to find it.

    Also use the /v/ thread. He hasn't saged that in a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:57 No.3582234
    >spamming a thread on the correct board
    >not spamming the one currently on /v/ that people are still posting on

    is this guy retarded or what?

    also, has anyone loaded up the full giant pictures yet? I cheated and looked at the 6kx6k versions when nothing loaded after 5 minutes
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:57 No.3582235
    It's expanding towards nothing that's the beauty of it
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:57 No.3582236

    we don't really know. i've always liked to think that the universe has a wraparound effect, like in text editors or vertical mario levels.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:57 No.3582241
    How dare you ruin that song, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)17:58 No.3582246
         File1313618304.jpg-(120 KB, 1280x720, i've seen some shit.jpg)
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    Nothing. Nothing at all.
    There's nothing beyond the universe. No stars. No space. No time.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:00 No.3582259

    try using save link as, or target, or whatever, and save them. sometimes, SOMETIMES, you can save a 60 or 500 megabyte photo before it loads.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:00 No.3582263
    I remember when I seriously thought the universe was like how it was in men in black, just a bunch of marbles. And I thought one day Id find one...

    god damn I was retarded back then. Still would be extremely fucking cool if that was real though
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:00 No.3582264
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:05 No.3582292
    Sage child is back in /v/. Continue on, gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:05 No.3582294
    What is the maximum speed that current human-made ships/probes can achieve in space?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:05 No.3582296

    Not sure if UFO show or not but talks about meteor strike that obliterated Tunguska
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:07 No.3582302
    Voyager 1 travels 13 km/s

    Not sure if anything is faster
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:07 No.3582307
    Did anyone else notice the faggot is using emoticons?

    Jesus fucking christ where do these 12 year olds come from
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:07 No.3582308
    mini black hole theory?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:08 No.3582311

    I'm seeing more emoticons on 4chan ... it's quite worrying.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:08 No.3582312
    There is no maximum speed for anything, well technically you can't go faster than light but you can go an insignificant amount slower than light. Say, it takes one year and twelve seconds for light to reach some object. For a ship it could take one year, twelve seconds and one millionth of a second.

    Wait what am I even rambling about
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:09 No.3582317
    I think he meant was is the fastest thing humans have made
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:12 No.3582338
    Theoretical maximum limit doesn't exist, we could build a ramscoop ship that, once again theoretically, could reach speeds just below light speed.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:14 No.3582347
    this makes me wonder, what do they actually have to hide from us? any opinions? also 3:10
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:14 No.3582348
    I have a wall of text from Strugarsky brothers' "Monday Starts on Saturday" about this event... but you will hate me for it.
    Should I post it?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:15 No.3582351
    I never said anything about a maximum limit or light speed.

    I simply said that the guy you quoted was probably asking what was the fastest speed achieved by a manmade object thus far.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:15 No.3582354
    What if a large space ship was to reach just under light speed, then shot out a object, be it small ship, or projectile, with a set of magnets?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:17 No.3582367
    Some think it might have been.

    I won't read it. Someone else might
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:17 No.3582369
    Whoops, "Monday Begins on Saturday" is the correct translation, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:17 No.3582373
    The object would obviously go even faster than the ship, but it would still not reach light speed
    It's funny to think, really
    You can't go as fast as light according to current scientific theories, but there's also no maximum limit for speed you can achieve
    You can keep hugging closer and closer to the speed of light, arriving at a destination one millionth of a second later than a ray of light
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:18 No.3582379
    Welcome back, child. Enjoy your nachos?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:19 No.3582384
    >all sages and spam cleared
    Thank you mod.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:20 No.3582385
    Thanks mods for deleting that spammy shite.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:20 No.3582388
    If two objects each traveling at 99% the speed of light are traveling towards each other, they are approaching each other at less than the speed of light. Don't ask me for the math
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:20 No.3582389
         File1313619647.jpg-(19 KB, 359x307, 1260137842938.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:28 No.3582440
         File1313620127.png-(376 KB, 1123x628, satrun.png)
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    You will never fly a spaceship around Saturn.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:29 No.3582443
    And the discussion ends once the spammer is taken care of. You really are a bunch of hypocrites.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:29 No.3582445

    The /v/ thread 404'd. So we can continue here.

    Or make him really mad and remake the thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:32 No.3582460
         File1313620350.jpg-(118 KB, 1024x1024, hyperion3_cassini_1024.jpg)
    118 KB
    dat asteroid

    or comet?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:32 No.3582464
    Then let's keep this shit going.

    Anyone else excited by the fact they've finally found water on Mars? That means that, debatably, the most significant scientific discovery mankind will ever have the pleasure of experiencing is within our lifetimes: life outside of this world. Even if you think there are other rewarding discoveries to be made, you can't deny that this will change humanity forever; and it could happen before we die.

    On a similar note, there HAS to be some sort of life out there on Titan, with that kind of atmosphere. We need to go there and set up shop.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:34 No.3582472
    What was that moon with the frozen seas? There could also be life underneath the ice.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:34 No.3582475
         File1313620450.jpg-(1.7 MB, 1600x1200, 1272849148827.jpg)
    1.7 MB
    If some of you guys are afraid of looking at pictures you should really listen to this
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:34 No.3582478
    I have no idea what this guy is getting at, is it that they faked the moon landings and shot it in the desert or something else?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:34 No.3582479
    I just want that Europa mission.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:35 No.3582481
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:37 No.3582496
    Fuck I can't wait to go back to Uni next month :3
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:37 No.3582497
         File1313620639.png-(14 KB, 522x486, sodfrog.png)
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    >dat feel when you will never make first contact
    Learning about a completely alien culture is the only thing I really want to experience in this life, and I could die happy afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:38 No.3582502
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:39 No.3582514
    what exactly am I supposed to be listening to?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:40 No.3582515
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:40 No.3582518
    Oops, sorry, I mean Europa. Titan has stable surface water, whereas Europa's oceans are frozen.

    It says in the description
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:41 No.3582524
    Study japan
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:43 No.3582528
         File1313620980.jpg-(23 KB, 350x346, 1299008815126.jpg)
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    >Oh cool they have a Saturn sound as we-
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:49 No.3582554
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:49 No.3582556
    It's either that or that we mustn't know how space really looks like...
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:52 No.3582570
    Superior version:
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:02 No.3582622
         File1313622138.png-(181 KB, 452x323, 1249928878455.png)
    181 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582640
    >The image may not appear, it may cause your Web browser to lock up, or it may crash your computer. Some Web browsers will display a "broken image" icon in response to your attempt to view the picture.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582644
    Download High Resolution Images

    JPEG ( 4.42 MB, 840x6000px )

    Download Full Resolution Images

    JPEG ( 239.23 MB, 5600x40000px )
    TIFF ( 666.37 MB, 5600x40000px )
    >> Time to invade Chad !!yrsvUUPIY4s 08/17/11(Wed)19:05 No.3582645

    Holy fuck

    The idea that hubble is well over 10 years old, and it takes this good of pictures? Imagine what the new telescope will be like that is replacing it.

    Also, just filled my backgrounds folder. Thanks man.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:08 No.3582657
    I've got some bad news for you anon....
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)19:08 No.3582660

    >Imagine what the new telescope will be like that is replacing it.

    Republicans cancelled that.

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