>> |
08/17/11(Wed)11:16 No.3580442>>3580400 Randi
Altschul, Mary Anderson, Virginia Apgar, Barbara Askins, Patricia Bath,
Miriam E. Benjamin, Patricia Billings, Katherine Blodgett, Bessie
Blount, Sarah Boone, Rachel Fuller Brown, Josephine Garis Cochran,
Martha. J Coston, Dianne Croteau, Marie Curie, Marion Donovan, Gertrude
Belle Elion, Edith Flanigen, Helen Free, Sally Fox, Frances Gabe,
Lillian Gilbreth, Sarah E. Goode, Bette Nesmith Graham, Temple Grandin,
KK Gregory, Ruth Handler, Elizabeth Lee Hazen, Beulah Henry, Dorothy
Crowfoot Hodgkin, Krisztina Holly, Erna Schneider Hoover, Grace Hopper,
Mary Phelps Jacob, Amanda Theodosia Jones, Marjorie Stewart Joyner, Anna
Keichline, Mary Kies, Gabriele Knecht, Margaret Knight, Stephanie
Louise Kwolek, Hedy Lamarr, Ada Lovelace, Subilla Masters, Ann Moore,
Krysta Morlan, Ellen Ochoa, and Alice Parker would like to have a word
with you. |