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  • File : 1312360372.jpg-(37 KB, 462x391, 9832593257230.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)04:32 No.3500317  
    stories of when you were right and your prof. was wrong.

    >prof. was too stubborn of a senile old prick to understand modern trends in IT industry for an exam
    >does not consider my argument and evidence from all the prescribed textbooks
    >he just said, "No, you're wrong! Go sit back down"
    fucking humiliating, i'm talking to the director of studies which will order a remarking of the entire exam. that ought to humiliate him. how dare he fucking embarrass me like that and undermine me when I am in fact right.

    what about your stories /sci/?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)04:48 No.3500351
    Shut up. This was a fucking stupid topic the first time you posted it. You are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)04:50 No.3500355
    you deleted your own comment retard, i didnt repost it
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:01 No.3500370
    >Professor talking about how the Mongol Empire was the largest, and therefor most impressive empire of all time.
    >Point out riding horses over Siberia isn't really an impressive feat, so much as it is taking up space.
    >Asks me if I have a doctorate in East Asian studies
    >Ask him how much he had to read on horse riding to get that

    I think Mongols are cool too, but moving west with nothing in your way until you hit Kiev really isn't that amazing.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:03 No.3500371
    Persia. China.

    ring a bell?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:05 No.3500382

    Reset your router, grab an new IP address. Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:08 No.3500387
         File1312362535.jpg-(7 KB, 184x184, e7ea4f656585df5c6022dc765aa25f(...).jpg)
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    >Evolution did not happen

    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:09 No.3500389
    I had a European History teacher who kept getting "Proletariat" and "Bourgeoisie" confused. It didn't help that he pronounced them as "Pro-lay-tat" and "Bore-gee-oise"
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:12 No.3500396
    >implying Kiev is anywhere near China or Samarkand

    The argument is about how they rode west into Russia, not that what they did do was less than amazing.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:24 No.3500408
    >how dare he fucking embarrass me like that and undermine me when I am in fact right
    You sound like the life of the party, OP.
    I understand getting pissed off, but embarrassed? Seriously?
    What are you, the nerd everyone occasionally asks for help and you don't want your image tarnished by the professor?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:25 No.3500411

    >Professor talking about how the Mongol Empire was the largest, and therefor most impressive empire of all time.
    >Point out riding horses over Siberia isn't really an impressive feat, so much as it is taking up space.
    >Asks me if I have a doctorate in East Asian studies
    >Ask him how much he had to read on horse riding to get that

    Do you even realize how much you were idiotic in that instance?
    Allow me to explain it to you:

    >Professor talking about how the Mongol Empire was the largest, and therefor most impressive empire of all time.

    Your professors argument was that the Empire was most impressive because its was the largest.

    Now read your contention to it:

    >Point out riding horses over Siberia isn't really an impressive feat, so much as it is taking up space.

    How the heck is riding horses in Siberia, Assyria, Mars or wherever you want even relevant to the large size of the Empire that qualified it as most impressive?

    >so much as it is taking up space.

    In contrast to what?

    The remainder of your talk is just a derp contest between you and your professor.

    >but moving west with nothing in your way until you hit Kiev really isn't that amazing.

    Have you heard of China?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:27 No.3500412
    >What are you, the nerd everyone occasionally asks for help and you don't want your image tarnished by the professor?
    >is browsing /sci/
    what were you expecting exactly?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:32 No.3500420

    >how dare he fucking embarrass me like that and undermine me when I am in fact right

    Are you 12?
    Im mean mentally, Im certain you are physically mature so no need to be offended.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:33 No.3500421
    it was one of those "you had to be there" moments for you to understand. yeah it sounds shit in writing but that's just me ranting
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:37 No.3500424
         File1312364249.jpg-(336 KB, 1226x830, mongol_empire.jpg)
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    Well the Mongols didn't walk over Siberia, if that's what you're suggesting. Regardless, the Mongols had little to no difficulty going west while in Russia, with the exception of the Khwarazm empire.

    >West of Mongolia
    5/10 for making me go download an image of the Mongolian Empire
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:38 No.3500427
    Thought the black outline was a drawing of a bear in the thumbnail.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:38 No.3500429
    yeah same lol
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:40 No.3500431
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    Oh my shit, that's amazing.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:40 No.3500432
    What did you claim, that the professor denied?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:42 No.3500435
    he was not even considering my argument. he was too stubborn and kept saying "no no no".
    when i explicitly explained how i had the correct answer and showed him 2 of the 5 prescribed textbooks, he simply replied "no your wrong".
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:44 No.3500436

    But you were rong.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:44 No.3500437
    Can you answer my question? What did you claim?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:46 No.3500442
    i ultimately claimed that he was marking the exam with incorrect criteria (it was a multi-choice question). i claimed that it should've been D when he marked it C.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:47 No.3500443
    What was the question + answers?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:49 No.3500446
    unless you actually reasoned with the professor later, or the next day.
    prepare to be laughed at again.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:53 No.3500457
    i dont remember word for word, but question was asking about what data warehouses are and what they contain.

    two answers were fucking stupid
    what i answered was that they contain past data from one or more databases.
    he claims that they contain archived data.

    textbooks all say pretty much rephrase my definition + say they are constantly being updated with business' operational data. if they are constantly being updated, how could it possibly be considered archived data?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:55 No.3500461
    My moronic high school geography professor insisted Canada is larger than Russia. Her excuse was "I know russia was larger in the cold war, but I thought it broke up into a bunch of small states".
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)05:57 No.3500466
    Oh damn.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)06:01 No.3500477
    >geography professor
    >high school
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)06:26 No.3500507

    It happens. I had a maths professor at my school.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)06:33 No.3500516
    >IT class
    >thinking I'll learn something about IT

    >It's motherfucking Delphi
    >programming language is fucking Pascal

    >we have to write on motherfucking paper
    >get significantly downgraded because I mixed up some command-names, brackets and semicolons, something your debugger would immediately tell you and has nothing to do with the 4 page long well thought out structure of the actual program

    >douchebag hipster mac user gets better grade than me although he couldn't explain what a fucking browser is
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)06:39 No.3500525

    >we have to write on motherfucking paper
    >get significantly downgraded because I mixed up some command-names, brackets and semicolons, something your debugger would immediately tell you and has nothing to do with the 4 page long well thought out structure of the actual program

    You are a failure in life.
    Did you also rely on auto-correct when you wrote this post?

    >douchebag hipster mac user gets better grade than me although he couldn't explain what a fucking browser is

    Because he isnt a failure in life like you are.

    >he couldn't explain what a fucking browser is.

    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)06:43 No.3500528
    The quality of a program isn't determined by how many semicolons you forgot before your first debugging.

    It's about thinking about how to fucking solve this for 1.5 hours and then getting frustrated because you spend most of your fucking time with computers since you completely lack any kind of social life and get a shitty grade because the only fucking IT teacher the school can afford is one year before retirement and pretty much missed the last 20 years of technological development.

    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)06:51 No.3500543
         File1312368703.jpg-(27 KB, 299x440, Evolution_movie.jpg)
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    My high school chemistry teacher talked about intelligent design. He got fired from teaching in college because of this.

    His wife was the biology teacher. She told us about holes in evolution, but never talked about intelligent design. She made us watch the 2001 film Evolution.

    A lot of teachers knew what they were doing. I was to much of an introvert to call them out on their bullshit at the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)06:56 No.3500550

    I think I study at the same place.

    Also, lecturer was telling students that it is cheaper to buy a pre-made computer than the pieces individually.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)07:15 No.3500601
         File1312370106.jpg-(13 KB, 250x223, 1310801501690.jpg)
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    When I was a senior in high school I took a "crime in America" electives class because my parents insisted that having a period off would be nothing but trouble.

    So I attend this class which is filled with stoners. As an example of how bad this class was, the teacher spent the first 6 weeks in the class trying to teach about the first 10 amendments. 6 weeks for 10 amendments that you should already know.

    After that we move on to drug laws, and she starts this out by giving a lecture on marijuana and its capabilities to kill brain cells, cause lung cancer, make you 'stupid.'

    I asked her, word for word, "do you have any studies that substantiate your claims?" and she sends me to the principals office for 'trying to make her look stupid.'

    Later on she says that "I think these troubles in the middle east could be solved with one well placed nuke," (this is texas) I again say word for word 'Aren't you being racist by advocating the extermination of a certain people because of the actions of a few extremists?' She took me out in the hall and yelled at me that accusing something of racism isn't something that you should just throw around.

    Later still she tried to make an example of me for not standing up during the pledge of allegiance. Not because I was trying to make some naive political statement, but because I was reading and didn't want to be bothered to stand just for the pledge. I said that participation in the pledge was optional, and that I didn't want to participate.

    She apparently thought otherwise, but the principal sided with me on this issue and I was able to sit, which all the stoners thought was hilarious and so by the end of the year, only like 5 people in the class of 50 were standing for the pledge.

    I hated that teacher, I have some more stories too, but these are the ones that immediately come to mind. I still got the highest grade in the class.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)07:16 No.3500607
    >IT class
    >"how dare he embarrass me"
    >"no no no"

    lol autism fight
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)07:28 No.3500636
    Until 20 years or so, 80% of IT Professors are going to be old fucktards who have no clue what they're talking about. Everyone who takes any course even remotely similar to IT has to deal with it.

    Take it to someone in hierarchy with your proof and stay assertive.
    If that fails, QQ and beg for forgiveness.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)07:38 No.3500649
    >ITT: professors are thought of as demigods who can never be wrong about anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)08:05 No.3500694
    >implying a professor should allow himself to be corrected by a freshman
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)09:40 No.3500934
    >Get 1.0 in a role play during the year

    >final exam, same role play but different teacher

    one of the teachers liked me and one did not like me, guess which one didn´t like me...
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)09:48 No.3500946
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    when i was 13, a teacher said that malaria was incurable.

    I told her it was curable because i remember as a kid, when i was in Africa, i got it multiple times, but she kept insisting otherwise.

    everyone thought i was stupid and i felt stupid too.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)09:49 No.3500948
    Op is a tremendous asspie. I hope you failed whatever class this was.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)09:52 No.3500964
    final year neuropharmacology exam, have passed all other exams.

    pick question on parkinsons.

    im a prick, have been doing own research... third time iv taken this exam.

    fail by a few marks..again, no compensation..again

    no masters degree.

    evolutionary dead end.
    >> a strong ai 08/03/11(Wed)09:58 No.3500980
    Similar experiences... I frequently understand more about the subject than my professors did... questions, responses, test responses frequently straw manned.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)09:58 No.3500982
    I took a philo 101 course.

    This was the worse mistake I could imagine. I thought I ended up with a fuck awesome professor. O I was fucking wrong.

    The first three weeks of class he went over ancient philo. Saying they weren't real philosophers. Then we get to class and he was all excited. I wondered wtf was going on. That is when he started in lecture.

    He claimed that St. Augustine was the FIRST REAL PHILOSOPHER and no one before him had any grasp on what philosophy actually was. After about 20 minutes I got up told him I would no longer be attending a class that is being taught by such a moron.

    I later find out he got his philosophy degree from a fucking catholic college in Tennessee.

    you have no idea how fucking pissed I was. I went off on him. It was stupid of me. But I couldn't stand it.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)10:12 No.3501032
    >first grade
    >english teacher verbally pronouncing sweater as "sweeter"
    >I tell her that she's wrong
    >Suddenly an argument that she has a English studies diploma
    >I was right all along
    >Mon visage quand since then I was ironically called professor since then
    >Mon visage i have no visage
    >It was in first grade.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)10:14 No.3501040
    You should've at least stayed until Descartes to see how lulzy that bit would be.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)10:16 No.3501046

    Dude I couldn't stand it. It would have been a raping. The worst part is there were kids in there who took everything he said as truth. It was sad.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:00 No.3501126
    Yeah, it isn't very interesting to hear from people who're supposed to be well educated bitch at other people (or in your professor's case, at ancient philosophers).
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:03 No.3501134

    first thing I thought was your prof is super religious

    it's absurd the he doesn't consider plato a "first" philosopher since most of christianity is built on his metaphysics

    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:11 No.3501153
    This is what you get, America. This is what you get for paying football coaches more than teachers.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:12 No.3501156
         File1312384352.jpg-(40 KB, 313x425, tebowlaughing.jpg)
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    >mfw we got Tebow
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:15 No.3501166
    that's why you gotta take online classes. it's way less draining, even though the workload is higher.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:16 No.3501169
    The only thing I can think of is this one time in middle school where my teacher told us that the reason there was trees was because we made furniture. Also later he asserted that blimps had never been used in war.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:17 No.3501173
    damn right!
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:33 No.3501220

    except that a successful team makes money for the university that more than pays for the coach and HOLYFUCKSHIT also helps fund other departments. your brain is so fucking isolated from reality it's unbelievable.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:34 No.3501225
    I'm not mad that football coaches are paid, really.

    Just that teachers aren't. There is a REASON that people who actually know what they're talking about don't tend to become teachers.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:38 No.3501238
    i think everyone knows about the $. doesn't make it right that it happens.
    and fuck organized sports.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:39 No.3501246
    Yep. In Finland teachers are very well paid and a respectable occupation, and they have somewhere around the 2nd highest scientific literacy. Maybe if America would just take a bit off of their military budget and put it on education, it would be great.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:40 No.3501249
    Not uni prof. ,High School physics but still:
    >*showing slides* this is a photograph of our galaxy, >the Milky Way
    >*I put up hand* how can we have a picture of our >own galaxy if we've never left it?
    >of course, we've left it! we've sent satelites!
    >remind him that galaxy is billions of lightyears >accross so the sun would have had time to burn up >and collaps into a neutron star a couple of times over >before the pictures even reached us.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:42 No.3501260
    United States of America **
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:44 No.3501271
         File1312386275.jpg-(32 KB, 500x377, hahahaohwow.jpg)
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    >argues semantics of "photograph" vs. "artist's rendering"
    >he thinks he's accomplished something by outwitting a highschool physics teacher
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:46 No.3501278
    high school story, sorry

    >get into an argument with my chemistry teacher over whether or not covalent bonds were strong.
    >I said they were.
    >she pulls the "hurr durr i have the degree" bullshit on me
    >I was right but didnt assert myself due to autism

    It's actually pathetic how much people base their self esteem on some shitty ass education. Be them students or professors. I think these people never knew what the purpose of educated or science was in the first place and simply think that they have "succeeded" at life because they earned a degree.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:47 No.3501289
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:47 No.3501292
    Excuse my typos. I can't really think straight at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:48 No.3501294
    stories of when you were right and your prof. was wrong.
    >mfw i read stories of when you were right and your proof was wrong
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:49 No.3501301
    No, It was a photograph of another galaxy (the Andromeda Cluster if I remember right)
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)11:53 No.3501317
    Defense Spending might be a bit excessive here in America, but throwing money at something doesn't automagically fix it.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:00 No.3501349
         File1312387214.jpg-(196 KB, 507x776, Education.jpg)
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    In the US, the bottom scored graduates make up for most of the teachers. In Finland the highest educated ones make up for most of the teachers.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:04 No.3501366
    not like it really matters too much, the people not interested in math/science are still going to forget everything they learned a year after they took the class anyways
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:04 No.3501368
    But having shit-tier pay will sure as hell break it.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:05 No.3501371
    >teaching doesn't matter, the students will forget it all anyway
    Oh yeah, this attitude will help us out tremendously.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:08 No.3501382
    But the ones that are genuinely interested benefit a lot more with these kinds of dedicated teachers and quality education. Even the ones that aren't interested do.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:10 No.3501391
    very related
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:13 No.3501400
    I think we should make our mathematics and science education even worse than they already are

    So that way there are better job prospects for those who are intelligent in them
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:20 No.3501438
         File1312388438.jpg-(44 KB, 640x480, 1290991546707.jpg)
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    more teachers like this!
    >> rec & play !!lz9pGsOAX6N 08/03/11(Wed)12:32 No.3501490
    Another angry poem about school by Taylor Mali
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:34 No.3501497
    Or you could, you know, just be a better scientist.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:39 No.3501531
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:53 No.3501627
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    oh shit
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)12:56 No.3501652
    >canada always top 10

    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)13:05 No.3501700
    the galaxy isn't billions of light years across its 100000 light years across.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)13:32 No.3501806
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    very nice
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)13:35 No.3501817

    >billions of lightyears

    I don't think so Tim. Try a few hundred thousand.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)13:48 No.3501857
    >>quartzite was too heavy for egyptians to lift
    >>made him watch the egyptian job
    >>many lulz had
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)13:49 No.3501861
    >Our sun
    >collaps [sic] into a neutron star
    nobody caught this?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)13:53 No.3501874
    quit talking about mongols. they pussied out bigtime when it came to lithuania


    "Algirdas took Kiev in 1362 after defeating the Mongols at the Battle of Blue Waters."

    its my understanding genghis khan never fucked with them again.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:04 No.3501903
    then they became friends...
    "ogaila, having secured his western front, allied himself with the Golden Horde against the Grand Duchy of Moscow for the upcoming Battle of Kulikovo.[3]"
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:15 No.3501938
    In my diffy-q class, professor has function y(x)=stuff involving x... anyway, he sets up a dif. eq. and it looks something like dylny and the stupid fuck starts trying to plug x into it (well, the function, you know what I mean) I don't say anything, just seeing how long it takes him to realize it... 30 minutes go by, and I finally have had enough and I'm just like "go back to the second step, keep it in terms of y, THEN integrate, now plug in f(x) for y"

    another fun part of the story is that this is practically a kindergarten class and he gives bonus points when people point out a mistake, when he started to record my bonus points, I said (loud enough for the entire class to hear) "I don't care about the points, I just want you to teach the damn class"

    most epic pwnage of a uni professor in my career (though I was absolutely ruthless in high school).
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:16 No.3501942
    ... except not ln(y), but just y (will become ln(y))
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:20 No.3501961
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    >taking a laser technology course during high-school
    >subject of spirits comes up when we were waiting for the bell
    >teacher states UFOs are angels watching us, and that he.believes that we are alp listed by devils
    >talks about how his dad talked to him spiritually shortly after his father died
    >asked if it could have been an auditory hallucination, since he obviously has experienced stress and possible sleep loss due to fathers death
    >insists it was his father, and how its proof god exists
    >I ask how he believes so strongly in the scientific method ( he thinks most alternative medicine is bull shit), yet takes this at face value
    >talks about importance of faith
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:27 No.3501985

    Local Cluster is on the outer edge of the milky way.
    We're a mere 1000 light years from the outermost fringe where there is absolutely NOTHING.

    This gives us a good position to "see" the milky way around us and make an educated guess about the size, shape, and prevalent colors of the milky way galaxy.

    It's like making a blueprint of your house from the inside of your house. While it is cluttered with junk.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:35 No.3502014

    douchebag, America as an accepted name for it.
    if you're gonna rant on that you should also make sure that you say the "Peoples' republic of China" when you want to talk about China, or the "Kingdom of Norway" for Norway, or even better "The most eloquent Arabic language" if you want to talk about Arabic.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:38 No.3502028
    So does American Football refer to the football played in the Americas?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:39 No.3502033
    Not the Americas, just America.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:49 No.3502081
    Our galaxy is approximately 100,000 ly across. Lots less than billions.

    Your teacher still obviously wrong, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:55 No.3502112

    >Learnin histories with Coach Z!
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)14:56 No.3502118
    >autistic brother is in school
    >pronunciation test
    >teacher pronounces "whale" like "wahl"
    >marks his answer wrong
    >entire family ready to backhand teacher
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)15:38 No.3502292
    It's way-ell, retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)16:24 No.3502488
    One among others

    > Be in HS biology class (Grade 11)
    > Teacher calls a leg muscle the gametomycetes
    > I tell him he's wrong in front of the whole class
    > It's the gastrocnemius, divided in both its median and lateral counterpart
    > Dead silence in the class, getting weird looks from everyone
    > Teacher tells me I'm wrong
    > I maintain my point
    > Have to stay after class
    > He states that even if he's wrong, I have no right to correct him in front of the class
    > Next day I bring him a paper stating the facts
    > Recycle bin gets visited
    > At the exam, question regarding the muscle pops up
    > I write down an entire paragraph about the high level of narcissism the teacher employs
    > Got 98% on the test, missed that single question
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)16:36 No.3502538

    so if Finland is employing all best graduates for teaching, there must not be much research and development done?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)16:39 No.3502546
    But the output of graduates is greater than the demand for teachers.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)17:01 No.3502625

    There are 2 types of University level science degress in Finland:

    1) Master of Science. This not a very popular degree since it won't land you job in the industry. 40% become school / high school teachers, 10% do research, 5% get hired to industry, rest eventually switch to 2 or another degree program.

    2. Diploma-Engineer (Master of Science in Engineering. 95% get a job in the industry, 5% stay to do a PhD.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)17:03 No.3502630
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)17:36 No.3502757

    That pisses me off. If that guy teaches high school or below, then he's essentially glorifying his role as a tyrant.

    "I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could! I make them sit through 40 minutes of study hall in absolute silence!"

    Sounds like you enjoy making other people miserable, you fucking jerk.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)17:40 No.3502778
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    >professor asking what is the tiniest force we (scientists) can measure
    >I say 10^-24 as per an article I had read
    >he says "heh, that's a little small, no, 10^-15"
    >I later hand him the article

    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)17:42 No.3502785
    >magnitude with no units
    Cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)17:45 No.3502802
    Newton or bust, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:20 No.3502933
    >enforcing actual studying
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:29 No.3502964
    >Give exam on trends in the IT industry
    >Some pretentious faggot doesn't listen throughout the semester and gets a question wrong
    >babbys first B
    >faggot trying to get everyone to re-do the test because he's a insufferable know-it-all
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:37 No.3502992
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    >A level physics class, the teacher is ill and subsequently substituted with an A level math teacher so we can still work on new shit
    >Question given in giga prefixed units
    >He doesn't bother to convert them down saying there's no need
    >Say "but then the answer would be given in giga-meters"
    >"Giga-meters don't exist"
    >mfw he is a maths teacher
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:42 No.3503020

    A Level Math?

    Where the hell are you from?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:48 No.3503045
    The UK...
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:53 No.3503068


    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:54 No.3503073
    I am ann and I knew that the UK takes math in alphanumerical units, besides specialties.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:56 No.3503082
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)18:58 No.3503086


    He said he was doing 'A level math', which a Brit wouldn't say.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:01 No.3503095
    Oh, I thought you were implying the UK could not into maths
    I think being here so often is what causes me to say "math" rather than maths or mathematics.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:07 No.3503111
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:08 No.3503118
    I was the one that said the answer would be given in giga meters
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:16 No.3503149
    >don't know about dialects
    Fuck, you are such a dipshit it's unbearable.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:28 No.3503198
    I'm British and I often type 'math' instead of 'maths' on here. Only because I know that buttmad American's like yourself get so annoyed when you're reminded that you don't know how to properly abbreviate a word. How's the 'mathematic' going across the pond? We're doing fine with our mathematics over here.


    >last year in HS
    >chem class
    >small chubby teacher who's bitter that she's teaching a class of people in which 90% will go on to be doctors, a feat she failed to achieve
    >talking about complex metal ions and how their ligands determine which wavelengths they absorb in the EMS
    >she says that colour is 100% down to the ligands present
    >she explicitly says, it's ONLY the ligands
    >sounds like BS to me
    >I politely ask if the central metal ion plays any role
    >she gets flustered and starts spouting 'only the ligands' over and over like a broken record
    >So I explicitly ask "would the colour of X compound be the same as Y compound, where X and Y have identical ligands but different central metal ions?'
    >at this point she concedes defeat and admits that it's not just the ligands

    What get's me though is how reluctant teachers are to stray away from the curriculum. If there's anything anyone asks which is slightly above the level you're learning at, then it's a no-go area.

    Still there were some pretty amusing moments in her class. In another incident she took five minutes on a calculator to work out log(100).
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:31 No.3503205

    I'm British myself, hence why I picked up on it.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:32 No.3503211

    >Implying I'm American.

    I say 'maths', I prefer 'maths' and I was picking up on the fact that it looked like the guy claiming to be British wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)19:43 No.3503276
    When I was in high school I took a "computer technology" class which was pretty stupid but I didn't particularly mind except for one thing. As part of "teaching binary," he decided to teach how characters are encoded into binary. The method he taught us wasn't ASCII. It was EBCDIC, a method which was invented for IBM mainframes and has been pretty much obsolete ever since those days. I told him several times that this was wrong, but he didn't really listen.

    Also, my biology teacher explicitly refused to teach evolution, although he told us to read the section of the book on it since we'd be tested on it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)00:09 No.3504737
    7th grade science class.

    I was trying to sleep at my desk, as usual.

    Teacher asks class what the closest planet to the sun was.


    Get frustrated that no-one knows about mercury.

    Raise head, say "Mercury"

    "Good" teacher writes it on board, I figure I just had to get the ball rolling.

    "Next planet?" teacher asks.


    I raise head again, "Venus"

    "Good" Teacher writes it on the board.

    "Next planet?"


    Utterly frustrated that no-one in the entire class but me knows the name of the rock they live on, I raise my head....


    "Good" teacher write....


    Teacher continues to.....


    Look around, Faces of utter shock and horror gaze upon my apparent Magical Powers....

    Head-Desk in disgust, sleep for the rest of the period.

    Only A in the Entire School on the Science Exam.
    >> Blackman 08/04/11(Thu)00:11 No.3504749
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)00:15 No.3504768
    atleast your high school had computer classes
    our computer programming class used alice 3d, completely serious
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)00:45 No.3504910
    Why are they comparing a single city to whole countries?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:05 No.3504988

    >implying Pluto is a planet.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:13 No.3505012
    Implying it wasn't when he was in 7th grade
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:16 No.3505023
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    >arguing about the classification of celestial bodies

    You guys need to stop thinking like biologists and accept that there are such a wide range of bodies orbiting stars that you will never come up with a classification system that fits them all. It's even more fruitless than biological classification because there are no genetics to trace; it's just random physical phenomena causing matter to clump together.

    Just catalog the known bodies' physical characteristics and then you can list them any way you want, by temperature or composition or musical taste or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:24 No.3505046
    >1st grade
    >Lesson on basic addition and subtraction.
    >"Okay class, what's two take-away one?"
    >[chorus of children]"One"
    >"Very good, now, what is one take-away two?"
    >Confused looks, someone guesses three, I shout negative one, ignored
    >"Well there is no answer to that one because two is bigger than one, and you cant take a bigger number away from a smaller number"
    >Get sent outside for yelling
    >For the rest of the year go to a special class to talk about my feelings while everyone else does math
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:28 No.3505063
    So is it now that you realize you were using an axiom which was not a part of the curriculum? It's like saying the square root of negative 1 is i.

    >realizing one is actually wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:30 No.3505066
    >negative numbers
    >1st grade
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:32 No.3505078
    She should be fired.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:34 No.3505088
    >english prof. writes on board "Principals of Modern Literature"
    >try to hold in my laughter
    >raise hand
    >"Um, sir, should it not be PrinciPLES of modern literature?"
    >he just looks at me like the value of money just changed
    >follow up with "unless there really are principals in charge of modern literature, do they have to answer to some sort of Dean of books? Wouldn't that just be a librarian? Do all english professors really secretly work for librarians??"
    >he just stops me and tells me to kindly get the fuck out of his class
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:34 No.3505091
    It is, thank you for exposing my ignorance. Would you happen to have any additional information as to why I am wrong?
    I went outside the curriculum. In public education that is the ultimate heresy, punishable by being sent to go play with toy dinosaurs with some therapist lady.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:37 No.3505101
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:39 No.3505111
    >arguing that 1-2≠ -1

    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:41 No.3505119
    No just that. The class was being taught natural numbers and you decided, out of ingnorance, to talk about real numbers.

    Perhaps theres actually a rational reason that you got kicked out.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:43 No.3505124
    It doesn't when you're learning natural numbers.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:43 No.3505125
    >calc professor thinks he's funny
    >whenever nobody knows the answer to a question he says "anybody? euler? euler?"
    >his face when someone finally tells him it's pronounced "Oiler" and he no longer does that joke anymore
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:44 No.3505127

    Even if you're right, the teacher should have explained the difference instead of kicking him out of class
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:45 No.3505136

    There's always one of these guys....ALWAYS.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:46 No.3505141
    So they can avoid the lesson plan and confuse the point of the discussion?

    Should we also make them discuss jesus and other imaginary things during history time?

    Where does it stop when you let kids define the axioms?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:46 No.3505142
    It's first grade bro, they teacher was more concerned about my disruptive behavior than my discussion of things unrelated to the lesson at hand.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:47 No.3505143
    >implying the teacher wrote 1-2=[x]

    Get out, you don't do naturals in first grade.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:49 No.3505154
    It doesn't matter. Her statement that you can't subtract a larger number from a smaller one was false.

    When public education already does such a shitty job of teaching math and science, it'd be nice if they taught as few false things as possible.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:50 No.3505160
    eh? I think you're confused.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:52 No.3505173
    In defense of the smug bastard, I assumed we were talking about real numbers instead of naturals. The fault was mine due to my childish ignorance of these distinctions
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:54 No.3505186
    aww but it was funny and he was having a good time
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:55 No.3505191
    And as such, the lesson of the day, is one can learn more without bias than they can with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)01:58 No.3505207
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)03:41 No.3505663
    Mine too. I'd never done anything with computer science before and that was still the easiest A+ of my life. Using programs made for elementary students helps though.

    When I was a kid I memorized things to heart and hated being wrong. I often thought of things outside the curriculum and generally the response was a bald-faced lie. I would desperately try to understand why something wasn't the case and then when I couldn't I felt stupid and memorized things like that to absolute heart. Once I was proven right in the end in later grades I had a lot of difficulty reconciling the ideas, and rejected them on principle. It was like some idea that I had blocked out to avoid being wrong. Selfishly basing my opinion just on that, lying to kids doesn't seem to be the best approach.

    Whether or not it was in the curriculum doesn't mean she should just be lying. At worst she should have told him that was wrong in class and explained that he was right privately, but it wasn't going to be covered in class that year. Also your holding a one year old accountable for asking a question ignorant to the content of the lesson. You. Retard.

    tl;dr: public school system punishing a child for being right is retarded. you're similarly retarded if you don't believe that.

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