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  • File : 1308726519.png-(9 KB, 348x278, 1308257202144.png)
    9 KB Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:08 No.3265413  
    why is suicide so relatively common in human beings? a suprisingly high amount of people have very logical thoughts about it and may even come to the conclusion it's a good thing
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:10 No.3265421
    because life can suck really hard for a lot of people
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:10 No.3265428
    because human beings measure happiness on a relative scale and now more then ever the people who are more successful then you in every way are extremely apparent making feelings of worthlessness more and more widespread

    also the standards for attractiveness are being raised in both genders but this affects men more then women because women date up and men date down
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:17 No.3265449
    because animals are free of sin because they're not intelligent. However we are not free of sin, men kill themselves because their sins are too much burden and they havent accepted Jesus christ in their lives and so they must go to hell.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:18 No.3265455

    although a troll i do believe religion has artifically kept the suicide rate at about 1/10th of what it really would be at
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:19 No.3265462

    The best answer in this thread
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:21 No.3265471
    i could totally see the world rising to some sort of suicide peak

    like, if someone commits suicide everyone is suddenly on edge that people who know them don't commit suicide themseleves.

    well imagine this hits a critical mass and a ton of people realize life is terrible, meaningless, pointless and a complete pathetic joke (especialy compared to other human beings who are better then them)

    boom, literally 50 million suicides in the U.S. over the course of 3 days

    hell if 1-2 of my friends did it it would probably force the realization upon me
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:23 No.3265476
    >Does suicide make pain go away?

    >No. suicide compounds pain exponentially. All of the suicide survivors feel excruciating pain. And the person who died by suicide can no longer feel, and thus there is no relief from pain.

    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:31 No.3265517
    >men date down, woman date up

    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:34 No.3265539

    an animal doesn't have mental capability for abstraction to the level of imagining its own death

    the idea simply wouldn't occur (nor any machination for completing such an objective!)
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:36 No.3265548
    7/10 women can date 9/10 male (although he probably will be fucking around, but she will put up with it because it proves alpha male behavior and that's how women work evolutionary)

    while a 7/10 male can only date like a 5-6/10 female. if she's higher then that she will not date him or if she does will probably cheat on him
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:38 No.3265560
    Humans are too smart for their own good.
    Evolution will take care of that nicely.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:44 No.3265587
    >not believing in evolution and only determining human worth on physical apperance.
    >> alright stop, it's rambling time. Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:44 No.3265592
    Because we're a world of mixed up bullshit.
    We're pressed with financial worries, emotional attachments and personal security.
    Start adding pressure on any one of these things and it can be enough to drive a person insane.

    Take debt, for instance. This is a big killer of people.
    The problem is, we live in a world where you can live beyond your means and then some.
    Credit card bills to high? How about a 1084% short term loan?
    Hell, how about paying that off with another credit card?
    Sooner of later, it spirals out of control and you reach an emotional paradox.
    For some, the sense of failure is so high that an exit plan starts to look advantageous.

    Normal, secure humans will not contemplate taking their own lives. It's illogical, hence why you have to be irrational to suicide.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:47 No.3265609
    nobody that commited suicide ever was objectively attractive and had an attractive mate
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:50 No.3265621
    >woman still not making me a sandwich
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:51 No.3265631
    yeah, not a single married person ever commited suicide... there exist other problems beside sex or what /sci/ likes to refer as evolutional imperative.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:52 No.3265637

    check the news for me in 15 minutes
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:52 No.3265640
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:53 No.3265646
    I'm glad one of us could come up with some OC
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)03:59 No.3265681
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    > MFW people on /sci/ seriously believe (religiously) that all suicides are painful just because the suicide "survivors" (who are most likely somewhat mentally deficient, since it's not very difficult to die) on the mainstream media (propaganda mouthpiece) always tell the same story about how "painful" it was.

    > MFW you seriously believe that "pain" is the worst thing ever, as though you've never dealt with a shitty headache or stomach pains, and as though if you really want to die it matters that much if it hurts or not.

    Fuck, I bet some of them choose painful methods on purpose because they want to experience a great amount of physical pain just so they had done so before they died.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)05:46 No.3266086
    I contemplate suicide pretty often. Some days I don't know why I talk myself out of it. Perhaps it's survival instinct, but I think it's just logical to tough it out and hope for better days. To me there's an equal rational and irrational argument to committing suicide, so I really can't say how I feel on the matter.
    The thing about your questions, OP, is that you can't really answer them with anything definitive. There are too many reasons, and it's far too subjective.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)05:47 No.3266089
    OP just kill yourself and spare us this pessimistic nihilist bullshit
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)05:50 No.3266094
    If you're just getting into this discussion which it sounds like you are, then read Durkheim and spare us your incomplete conclusions.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)05:55 No.3266105
    I fully support suicide in ther humans. Less people around mean more oportunities for me.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)06:03 No.3266123
    >It's illogical, hence why you have to be irrational to suicide.

    Killing yourself is perfectly valid and logical option. if you can't reach the quality of life you strive for, why should you live a life of suboptimal quality?

    On top of that death propel economy more than birth, so commiting suicide is very moral option as it increases the quality of life of other people.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)06:04 No.3266127

    >captcha: kJ/mol esiancla
    made me giggle
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)07:31 No.3266307
    First of all, my theory is, that suicide cannot be chosen. You either simply cross the line where you are gonna do it, or you don't. You can NOT do it, unless you are extremely sad. No amount of the following "lulz" and absurdity would be enough, to make you kill yourself. Perhaps there were some people who were actually happy in their life, and one day they decided "'m gonna kill myself right now!" and did it. I find it very unlikely though.

    Whether it's a good thing or not doesn't matter, as it's not something you can choose. Only thing you can choose about suicide, is whether you want to avoid getting into a situation where you will possibly kill yourself, or not.

    Now the reason people kill themselves so often, is because of this huge effort to be happy. For some reason, people think that being happy is the natural scale by which you SHOULD choose, whether your life is worth living or not. This is not true. Life is not about happiness. Life is about your own natural will to live. This obsession with being "happy" is retarded. I bet that poor African people who are born HIV positive and struggle with living from day to day, would NEVER think of suicide. Not because of faith and religion either. They simply don't have the time to think about their life, and whether they are happy. They simply live, and ironically, this makes them happy.

    I think judging whether it's a good thing is pointless. And it's so common, because people over analyze their life. You're not happy enough and are willing to kill yourself? Go ahead. It's not really a bad choice. Me, I doubt I'd ever be able to do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)07:46 No.3266341
    If you're comparing with animals, then I think mostly because humans are so dependant on resources. It's possible for humans to be completely ruined for life and know it, whilst animals generally aren't that dependant and can just make use of whatever they have.

    Also, when animals suicide they don't do it as dramatically, i.e. they don't shoot themselves or overdose or something. But what's to say that some animals don't lose the will to live (especially when losing close family), curl up and just die of hunger and thirst?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)07:51 No.3266347
    When beast fucks up it gets eaten. When you fuck your shit up you generaly live to see full consequances.

    I've seen people with promising careers being send into lifetime of unemployment by single tiny mistake. Life is really and unforgiving unfair bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)07:56 No.3266358
    The burden of intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)08:02 No.3266366
    Interesting idea, makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)08:04 No.3266370
    Both of you have nailed it as far as I can see.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)08:04 No.3266371
    >a suprisingly high amount of people have very logical thoughts about it and may even come to the conclusion it's a good thing

    Didn't read the thread but I hope someone challenged this.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)08:21 No.3266421
    If you want to conduct a meaningful suicide, do mad experiments with your own body. Or get a lobotomy and write down the results, something like this.

    Not just kill yourself while crying how sensless and void your fucking hedonist 1st-world life is.

    >a suprisingly high amount of people have very logical thoughts about it and may even come to the conclusion it's a good thing
    So we hit the stage where commiting suicide is considered logical? I don't even know where to begin.

    On a sidenote, (at least in my country) there are more people deaths from suicide than from car accidents.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)08:25 No.3266431
    >(at least in my country)
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)08:45 No.3266477
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    if we have to be strictly rational it's not a bad thing
    just imagine that you lacked the curiosity and the fear of dying then it makes perfect sense
    or that you have some serious problems that you can't solve (like being paralyzed) it would really be better for you and for everyone around you

    but think about it this way you're already here and you're gonna die anyway
    why not have some fun in the meantime
    it's just like a game where you don't have the restart option and the plot is really dull
    just give the game a try like Rei did :3
    you can always die later
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)08:49 No.3266485
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    And I think it's very possible it's similar for most if not all first-world countries as well.

    Of course, it depends on what is handled as suicide etc... and that's not even counting attempted suicide.

    I'll make a wild guess and say that the actual numbers are way higher than those we can look up.

    But yeah, I'm just conjecturing.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)08:59 No.3266522
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    Your a dumbass if you think there are NO situations in which suicide can be a logical decision.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:01 No.3266530
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:05 No.3266546
    Enlighten me then.

    There might be 1 in a million cases where it does make sense, "for the greater good" etc.

    But I am talking about OP's
    > a suprisingly high amount of people have very logical thoughts about it and may even come to the conclusion it's a good thing
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:10 No.3266574
    On the one hand, irrationality is the logical evolutionary path.

    On the other, some individuals may simply discover one day that the complex mechanical forces controlling their lives are simply too difficult to bear, to strange or indifferent. Rapid increases in technology have positioned humankind in a situation that is far-removed from anything we have adapted to, and this has to cause some amount of psychological tension.

    Is human sadness a relic of our evolutionary past? Are we merely reliving the life of some primeval human; alone, on a cold dark night, with only the shrieks of predators to warm him.

    Just my 2c.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:12 No.3266582
    everybody's playing the game. no one is listening to the music.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:16 No.3266592
    Are you saying life is a symphony and we're all in the orchestra so we can't leave early, at least not until the end of the movement.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:23 No.3266622
    Or that videogame music is overrated.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:24 No.3266628
    Because there's another life waiting for you and they're ready to level up. Level 17 here.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:45 No.3266682
    no im saying that people think about success and reputation are happiness aka playing the game. instead of just living life "carpe diem" aka listening to the music
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:48 No.3266688
    Well that metaphors was so vague, 'game' and 'music' could have stood for a lot of things.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:50 No.3266691
    Yeah. I always wonder how people equate success and money with happiness.

    The more you have of everything, the less interesting it becomes if you ask me. You'll get used to all luxury. Excess and luxury in moderation are something that'll keep you happy, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:53 No.3266698
    I thought about, while I still hold that was vague, I do like it. Thanks I'll keep it in mind. At least it's not entirely unrelated to my 'symphony' analogy. I'm sure someone else said that. cant remember who. probably a lot of people.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:55 No.3266704
    Future suicide here

    The reason why i've built my life around the idea of committing suicide in my late 20s (currently mid 20s) is that I find death preferable to work.

    I've never been good at anything, be it maths, arts, sports or physical labor - no wait, that's an understatement. I've always been below average in all of these fields, and the life that awaits me if I do find work would be dismal to say the least, plus I've always been one for immediate gratification - I've never studied when there were weed, porn or vidya around if I could help it.

    What I find curious is why so many people who live in misery and poverty doesn't just end it - why doesn't 70% of Bangladesh's population just off itself?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:57 No.3266707
    Because despite what your eyes see, they are happy.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)09:58 No.3266710
    the problem with people asking for you to interpet your own metaphor is that they might not like the answer. feel free to interpet it as you like though. i wont mind.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:01 No.3266721
    >why doesn't 70% of Bangladesh's population just off itself?

    Because they know not everyone else feels the same way as them and those people who may want to live depend on the them to continue living.

    Seriously, read Durkheim before you comment on suicide.

    Also, it strikes me as odd that someone would find it odd that LIVING creatures don't want to die. Dying the opposite of living. Being dead is the opposite thing to being alive. The reason not everyone kills themselves when in a dire situation is the same reason why creations don't kill instinctively themselves immediately after birth.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:03 No.3266724
    > I've never studied when there were weed, porn or vidya around if I could help it

    Moderation, my friend. Moderation. I tend to go for full blown excesses (that's a strong word, maybe not that appropriate) too, but you'll have to take yourself by the horns sometimes.

    Seeing how you lurk on /sci/, I think there's at least one subject you find interest in. Build up on that.

    You'll be suprised at the statisfaction you get from understanding a topic that seemed unfathomable before. But it requires work. And you have to start somewhere.
    I think it's the same with working out, but I can't bring myself to do constructive things all day, hehe.

    Also, chances are you'll get tired of videogames and weed too. Problem is, you'll be either searching for the next kick or get depressed rather than work/study hard.

    just my 2 cents.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:04 No.3266725
    Just because I may not like the meaning, doesn't mean I should be able to insert my own meaning.

    I can come up with my own metaphor for that.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:06 No.3266726
    To all suicidefags in this thread:

    End your life; by moving the fuck to Africa and digging wells and building houses. You don't need to put up with the bullshit of daily life, there is an escape. And if you must, work yourself to death. Don't worry about making the world a better place, don't worry about making yourself happy, but everyone can appreciate that making one person, one family, one village better off is worth doing.
    And besides, regarding why humans suicide so much? Compared to what?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:08 No.3266732
    The poor in Bangladesh are not like homeless junkies over here, they are ordinary people.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:09 No.3266736
    If you don't value your own life, let someone else value.

    That is, don't kill yourself but put yourself into slavery. Live for others if not for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:13 No.3266743
    Why anything
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:14 No.3266745
    in english, please?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)10:18 No.3266761
    >Seriously, read Durkheim before you comment on suicide.

    I'm actually a sociology student, lol, but as I said, I'm no good at anything and haven't remembered a single word of Durkheim that I read.

    >Also, it strikes me as odd that someone would find it odd that LIVING creatures don't want to die. Dying the opposite of living. Being dead is the opposite thing to being alive.

    Dying, to me, realizes the highest value I have - not to think anymore, to escape consciousness altogether. Every day I spend getting high is a day I try to do away with my intellect, memory and everything that causes awareness of being alive, because being alive is suffering. I think Buddha said as much.

    >Seeing how you lurk on /sci/, I think there's at least one subject you find interest in.

    I came hear to find some troll threads on the topic of religion or politics.

    >You'll be suprised at the statisfaction you get from understanding a topic that seemed unfathomable before. But it requires work.

    You know what else it requires? INTELLIGENCE. Pattern recognition, good memory and probably other things too. I turned to reading because I've never been able to bounce a ball sustainedly with my reflexes or lift the bike I'm riding so as not to bump the curbe.

    It's hard for smart people like yourselves to imagine someone that has no capacity for logical thought OR physical action, since people tend to think in twos, but I'm it. And the blind survival instinct of my lower middle-class parents never made them doubt my normalcy, even though I should have attended special ed in truth. I blame myself for staying alive and not being able to suppress my instinct enough not to find myself a girlfriend who's just as deluded as them simply because I'm handsome and well spoken. But every passing year reveals the growing rift between my peers and myself.

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