>> |
04/25/11(Mon)09:23 No.2947953>>2945075 >>2945059 There's
no easy way to increase the drop rate. We tried killing Mephisto for
many years at LEP until the expansion came out, then we upgraded to
farming Baal at the LHC. Even then, protons aren't strictly "better" to
collide than leptons. They're easier to crank a lot of energy into in a
synchrotron because they're heavier (doesn't lose as much energy to
synchrotron radiation). But because they're composite particles, unlike
leptons which are elementary, the interactions are more complicated to
simulate and there's a lot of hadronic background.
I don't know
too much about collider physics, but I believe the reason they can't
just crank more protons into the beam is just that protons are charged
particles, and the protons in a bunch will repel each other. You can
keep them together with focusing magnetic fields, but only up to a
What the LHC is doing to get more rare drops is to
increase the luminosity, which is a number proportional to the
interaction rate. It depends on the beam revolution frequency (which
sadly is a set number), the number of protons per bunch and the bunch
collision rate. In the present running, the collision rate is still more
than an order of magnitude from what the machine is capable of, so
that's where the gain is to be had. |