Your mom is so dumb that she tried to minimize a 12 variable function to a minimal sum of products expression using a karnaugh map instead of the Quine-McCluskey Algorithm. Pic related, it's your mom. Wassup.
Your Mom has a recursive mass function of M_n = (M_n-1)^M_n-2, M_1 = the mass of your grand mother.
Ur mom is an arts major.
Your mom is so fat she caused a stack overflow.
Your mom's muscle to fat ratio can only be explained in irration complex numbers.
Your mom is so fat, her gravity would create a rip in the fabric of space-time.
Your mom is so wide, the enhance-adjusted Euler manifold constant of 11th dimensional quantum tunneling through a 2 foot lead wall are less than 3.88 x 10^-596477745 per Planck
ur mther is so fat her ecapse velocity exceeds 9.8 g/ms
Your mom is so fat computing her weight is undecidable.
Your mom is a positive quadratic.
Your mom will assplode into a supernova when she runs out of helium.
U are mom bealivers in god
Your mom is so fat she has her own event horizon
Your Mom is such a ho even the noble gases are attracted to her.
Your mom's so fat Avogadro had to invent a new number to describe her mass
Yo momma's so ugly she convinces fundamentalists that there is no god.
A YIG oscillator can not vibrate near the frequency at which your mom has intercourse.
Your mom is what keeps the LHC from running.
your mom isn't that fat. I mean, we could condense all her mass down into the size of a bowling ball.
Your mom has such an unstable neutron to proton ratio, she undergoes Beta-Positive decay even when her Xenon concentration is in equilibrium
Al Gore is not pleased with anything he sees in this thread. And he has a good point.
Your mom is so stupid, she derived all three Erenfest theorems using the position space representation
Your mom is so fat Einstein used her to test his theory of relativity.
>>238335You mom is the world's single largest source of greenhouse gasses?
>>238349It would take infinite energy to move your mom, even at sublight speeds?
Your mom is so fat, she passes the Chandrasekhar limit.
>>238323I lol'd hard time.
Your mom is so stupid she'd use Perl for anything beyond a 3-line script.
Your mom is so stupid, you told her Pi * r^2 and she said no, they're round
>>238359Fuckin lold
The integral of your mom is fat plus a constant, where the constant is equal to more fat
>>238323What is this, I don't even...>Google searches textFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Your mom's so fat, her volume can be approximated through integration by revolving the function x^2 + y^2 = 3600 (units in inches) about the x axis -- with only 1% error.
Your mother is much akin to Karl Marx's Social Economic theory. Every worker gets a share.
>>238405Your mom is so fat, the equation expressing her mass can only be calculated using improper integrals.
>>238423Just did it out of curiosity, fukken lol.
Your mom is so fat they had to set a new mass limit for something to be considered a planet.
Your mom is so dense she has a specific gravity of 15.45
Your mom's so fat she has her own event horizon.
Your mom is so fat, she's heavier than a particle moving at the speed of light.
Your mom's ass is so big it has it's own gravitational pull.
Your mother is so fat, she appears on every Hertzsprung–Russell diagram.
Your mom is so fat, even Ackermann choked when he read the scale.
Your mom is so fat, Conway had to invent a new set of numbers to measure her.
Your mom is so fat her weight turned out to be a positive number greater than all reals. Yes. She was so fat her weight couldn't even fit into R.
your mom is so stupid, she punched your computer to try to bump this thread
You mom is so fat, she has to wear two watches, because universal expansion is moving her wrists apart at relativistic velocities.
>>238720Oh god I loled
Your mum is so old that the term 'weight' is derived from the Latin term 'weightus', which was used in reference to your mum
Your mom's so fat that up-arrow notation is necessary.To weigh her scale.
Your mom is sufficiently massive that all the objects in her house follow Kepler's laws.