mass can be crossed out in every formula
>>213730a men.
So is this the local meme.Well, i guess it's pretty decent.
Mass is just a bowling ball anyway. I don't even own a bowling ball.
lol bowling ballsDoes anyone have the original Youtube link?I need some rage.
If you collapsed all the mass down into the universe, so that there was no space between the mass...
>>213748i take it you're not a golfer
>>213763>the whole mass of the universe can be compressed to the size of a bowling ballIf we only could let her meet mr Supermassive Black Hole
>>213763OH GOD
>>213763hilaaaaarious. 5star'd and favorite.
>>213763moot should just sticky a thread with this link so people don't have to keep posting it.
BMI leaves tall people with a high value, it should divide as the height cubedproportional scaling will leave mass increasing as the volume increases.tallfag here
>>213763Hahaha thanks.Now that was entertaining.
>>213953BMI is just an indication scale. BMI alone doesn't mean shit. Things to be also looked at are fat percentage, shape and muscle tone.
>>214103>muscle tonelaughingelfman.jpg
>>213745what's this template called on memegenerator?
>>214105muscle weighs more than fat. So the more muscle, the heavier you are.
>>214112yea that's it thank you
>>214103Yes but unfortunately many organizations use BMI to determine whether you are healthy or not, so that fucking formula has led to increases in my insurance because I am 6'4" and not underweight.
Stephen Hawking gave us string theory