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  • File : 1265562609.png-(10 KB, 379x278, Untitled.png)
    10 KB Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:10 No.213719  
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:11 No.213730
    mass can be crossed out in every formula
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:13 No.213744
    a men.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:13 No.213745
         File1265562817.jpg-(85 KB, 407x405, 1265214833199.jpg)
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    So is this the local meme.
    Well, i guess it's pretty decent.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:13 No.213748
    Mass is just a bowling ball anyway. I don't even own a bowling ball.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:15 No.213757

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:16 No.213759
    lol bowling balls
    Does anyone have the original Youtube link?
    I need some rage.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:16 No.213763
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:20 No.213782
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:20 No.213786
    If you collapsed all the mass down into the universe, so that there was no space between the mass...
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:20 No.213787
    i take it you're not a golfer
    >> Garrus 02/07/10(Sun)12:22 No.213794
    >the whole mass of the universe can be compressed to the size of a bowling ball

    If we only could let her meet mr Supermassive Black Hole
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:24 No.213806
    OH GOD
    >> Garrus 02/07/10(Sun)12:29 No.213820
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:29 No.213821
    hilaaaaarious. 5star'd and favorite.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:31 No.213834
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:42 No.213935
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:44 No.213947
    moot should just sticky a thread with this link so people don't have to keep posting it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:45 No.213953
    BMI leaves tall people with a high value, it should divide as the height cubed

    proportional scaling will leave mass increasing as the volume increases.

    tallfag here
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:46 No.213964
    Hahaha thanks.

    Now that was entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:50 No.214047
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:53 No.214103
    BMI is just an indication scale. BMI alone doesn't mean shit.
    Things to be also looked at are fat percentage, shape and muscle tone.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:53 No.214105
    >muscle tone

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:54 No.214107
    what's this template called on memegenerator?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:54 No.214112
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:56 No.214188
    muscle weighs more than fat.
    So the more muscle, the heavier you are.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:56 No.214204
    yea that's it thank you
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:56 No.214221
    Yes but unfortunately many organizations use BMI to determine whether you are healthy or not, so that fucking formula has led to increases in my insurance because I am 6'4" and not underweight.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:57 No.214259
    Stephen Hawking gave us string theory

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