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07/27/10(Tue)21:35 No.1503530 File1280280917.png-(157 KB, 3572x493, 1273713165344.png)
 I can't sleep tnoigth, i've watched too mayn spaced ocumentarise fro mhttp://www.cosomlearning.com/ saw
one where there' sa possibility fo rteraforming mars simply through
space mirrors, meltnig the ice cpas and plantnig vegetation in the lakes
top roduce an ozone. how do we feel about tihs. consiedringm ars wouldb
e ashit hol eto ilve, since its smaller then earth we'd just turn into a
arce o fweake pople. but i htink i'd like the stabilityo f erat hmore.
then using space mirrors on a dead plante andn uclear obbms to
reactivate mars' core. nI my opinion we're porabbly better off just
finishing the work we're already diong on genetics to prloong life for
an additionla 100+ years, and work on our long voyage to Gliese 581d.
the only down sid eto this is we wont be alive to witness it .it
woudln't happenf or anohter 100 or more years with the way science is
going. |