I'd consider /sci/ one of the more Intelligent boards on 4chan, i pose a question for you /sci/ Is your intelligence based entirely on genetics, application to studies ( in the sense a brain is a trainable muscle) , or a combination of both?
> I'd consider /sci/ one of the more Intelligent boards on 4chan> I've not read a single one of the idiotic threads on this board
correlated, but correlation is not cause.
>>1430440AS_prEviOUsLy MENtiONED,_tHEse mEssSaGes_WilL_cONtInUe uNTIL You PErmAnEnTly_STOP_AtTaCkINg_ANd FuckINg witH wwW.ANOndERptAlK.SE_(REMOvE THe derp),_rEmOve aLl_IllEgal Clones_oF_It ANd liES aBOUt iT_aNd dOnaTe at_leAsT_a miLliOn uSd_to sySop_as comPeNsaTiON_fOR ThE_masSivE DAmagE You ReTArdS have CAuSed.nitgu g v v vimgrmsmemwx huisdxgb
>>1430448This.But I think you have 2 kinds of intelligent people, they are both genetically intelligent. One kind actually does something with his intelligence and is the one that you might talk to and be all like 'Wow that's a really smart guy'. That's the one who studied alot, and therefore knows what he's talking about. The other kind is too lazy to do anything with his intelligence, you might as well think he's a dumb fuck because he doesn't actually know anything, but he COULD be really smart if he spent time on studying.
>>1430464I also think dumb people could go to college /univeristyThey may need a bit longer to learn certain things, but it is possible for EVERY (not retarded) human to learn stuff.
>>1430473no dude, we have enough of that "you can do anything you put your mind to" crap. lots of people can't do lots of stuff, no matter how hard they try.
enviroment is important too, because the way the brain grows under stress or not.But again, correlation is not causation.Christopher Langan had a very stressful childhood, but he's a quite smart guy, 195-210 IQ for those who would find this standarized test useful.
>>1430473I don't think there are many people with the average IQ that would be able to finish university.
>>1430494I am finshing university soon (next year, hopefully) and I consider myself pretty average.
>>1430488Why not? Okay I cant understand how it is to be 'dumb'. I think it is just a way of thinking... and you can learn to think in different ways, if you really want to.
College is more about managing your "resources", you know, time, effort, etc. an average joe could do it.
I guess it depends on what you define as intelligence
NEW ONE PIECE OPENING!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhHRYsvX3Tk
>>1430448If you've read the average /b/ or /v/ post im sure it'll be confirmed why i'm here.
I believe that intelligence is determined by the amount of work you are willing to put toward learning. nothing more nothing less.
ok... intelligence is itself a very difficult thing to quantify (IQ tests are basically not very good at looking at brain function capacity)There are idiot savants to take into account, someone who would literally be called a retard but can do mental gymnastics to make all feel small, an example is of someone who can tell you the day of the week from any date without having to look it up.
>>1430444It might be one f the smartest on 4chan, but still comes off as a retard cradle. Most people here don't actually know shit about science and just see Discovery from time to time and come here to make themselves think they're "above the average man", and "deep".Just see a troll thread about basic operations. Regarding your question, it's both. High intelligence on the other hand comes mostly from genes.
The first 70-80 points are there for anyone without major birth defects.The rest comes from a combination of genetics, nutrition, and culture. I'd guess it's 60-25-15 between these three factors.
nobody knows, everything here is just speculation
I don't like to brag too much but I have a VERY high IQ. I am the leader of my Chess Club at school (don't even get me STARTED on "Checkers", blech!) Oh, and by the way, I would recommend NOT trying to debate me......I believe it is mostly inborn talent. My mother has always said I was just special and different from my "peers". This is why when introducing myself to a newcomer to Chess Club or Odyssey of the Mind I like to establish whose IQ is higher as soon as possible to avoid wasting too much time figuring out who should be in charge of the conversation.
an intelligent board on 4chan is not something it is hard to be.
>>1431214You're just speculation.
>>1431240Your mom is speculation, no wait, she's been confirmed as a slut by empirical evidence, never mind.
>>1431228Is this guy serious?
>>1431246NO U
>>1431250Careful dude, he's a master debater.
>>1431260Plus, he has an VERY high IQ.
It is mostly genetic. A nurturing environment and work ethic help, but nothing will allow you to exceed your inherited potential. This strikes a nerve with some insecure people who want to believe we all have some magical untapped potential to become geniuses.
>>1431325But... we can all become who we want with a dedicated heart and enough hard work!