plank scale, does it mean the world isn't actually analog?Analog shit doesn't exist?
in the end everything is discrete
No. "Digital" and "analog" are abstract terms. None of them "exist" in reality.
>>1325765Digital doesn't exist either?D:
>>1325771Outside of the human understanding, no. It's just a way of representing information.
What about fnord?
We don't know what happens at the Planck scale or even for sure where the Planck scale is (large extra dimensions, for example, would mean the real Planck energy was much lower).
discrete individual units vs analogous continuous data
>>1325830That's not even a fnord; fnords are invisible!
The word everyone in this thread is looking for is "quantized", not "digital" or whatever. I think that plank units imply that both space and time are quantized, but I'm not sure (I'm a biologist; Want to talk about how cats have tapetum lucidum in each eye that allows them to have better night vision, then you should talk to me).