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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Newspaper dump. Dump your papers. Let's educate these /b/tards on our prestigious history.
>>473266 (OP)
>dubs nice
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Now for the lel times.
post more news so i can read it when i get home from work, thanks /s4s/ bros
>>473266 (OP)
Nice dubs, quality paper.
That's how journalism has to be done.
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We're not your bros. We're your /s4s/ters.
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Is the single of singles worth more than a dub?
>>473266 (OP)

You rate every meme 0/10, but when was the last time you came up with some classic OC that started it all?

Fucking NEVER.

Jay, I bet you're the one spamming "nice to see someone using my OC" just to make yourself feel better about contributing nothing to this board.

I will rape you.
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requesting Kekington Post and Top News issues
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your issues are misnumbered [the filenames dont match the issue numbers]
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