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/s4s/ - Shit 4chan Says
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New board added: /s4s/ - Shit 4chan Says

Unlike the other new boards, this is being added on a permanent basis. If it doesn't pan out or goes unused, you should probably check your privilege.

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not even a little

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this is a LEGENDARY thread

you will become a 4chan legend if you post in this thread

>make sure to take screencaps of this thread to prove your legendary status
1 post omitted. Click here to view.
>It was my privilege
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im a legend
securing my place in the 4chan Hall of Fame™
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lol dubs
>>57879 (OP)
You are so fucking cool. You are such a fucking awesome littler motherfucker. Hey bitch did you ever once fucking think about the fact that you being an enormous asshole to everybody everywhere isn't so fucking cool? Did you ever fucking think that being a smart ass just made you look like a bloated cocksucking assdick? Have you ever even had sex faggot? Cause I have, thirty seven times, and once was with your mother and that's why you're here now. If you ever fucking talk to me lie that again I am going to fist the sun in the ass and the nuclear prolapse I pull out is going to be set off inside your dick hole while your buttassed little face is filled by the cum and shit of a lion fucking a giraffee. Don't ever start talking that shit again or I will shoot you the finger through your eye socket bitch. Now go get a fucking twat in your ass faggot
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>>57879 (OP)
Failure is always an option.

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please mootykins dont delete this board
this is the best quality board on 4chan sense 1994
itt we petition to keep this board
everyone sign under this line and provide a photo id
Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus

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come on step it up
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Oh shit I did it

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137 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
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>>56629 (OP)
>>56629 (OP)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>>56629 (OP)
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>>56629 (OP)
>>56629 (OP)
>>56629 (OP)

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420 blaze it up you faggots
this is a weed thread now
>>57444 (OP)
fuck you weed is for looser

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/tv/ /sp/ goat boards, deal with it you plebeian neck beard faggots..
For you
1. /sp/
2. /pol/
3. /tg/
4. /tv/
5. /s4s/

Everything else is shit.

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A new mene will be borned in this ITT thread.

Also pairs. Verify them.
16 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
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If dubz, Gel Mibson is now a meme!
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save me Jesus, I really need these dubs
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pls Jesus
I'm pretty sure all these things are already memes guys.
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Listen up fags, If this shit is gonna go down we are gonna go down with a bang. lets make it what the new /b/ lacks and be random as fuck
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>>57497 (OP)
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You are so fucking cool. You are such a fucking awesome littler motherfucker. Hey bitch did you ever once fucking think about the fact that you being an enormous asshole to everybody everywhere isn't so fucking cool? Did you ever fucking think that being a smart ass just made you look like a bloated cocksucking assdick? Have you ever even had sex faggot? Cause I have, thirty seven times, and once was with your mother and that's why you're here now. If you ever fucking talk to me lie that again I am going to fist the sun in the ass and the nuclear prolapse I pull out is going to be set off inside your dick hole while your buttassed little face is filled by the cum and shit of a lion fucking a giraffee. Don't ever start talking that shit again or I will shoot you the finger through your eye socket bitch. Now go get a fucking twat in your ass faggot
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>>57872 (OP)
You are so fucking cool. You are such a fucking awesome littler motherfucker. Hey bitch did you ever once fucking think about the fact that you being an enormous asshole to everybody everywhere isn't so fucking cool? Did you ever fucking think that being a smart ass just made you look like a bloated cocksucking assdick? Have you ever even had sex faggot? Cause I have, thirty seven times, and once was with your mother and that's why you're here now. If you ever fucking talk to me lie that again I am going to fist the sun in the ass and the nuclear prolapse I pull out is going to be set off inside your dick hole while your buttassed little face is filled by the cum and shit of a lion fucking a giraffee. Don't ever start talking that shit again or I will shoot you the finger through your eye socket bitch. Now go get a fucking twat in your ass faggot

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66666 get
8 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click here to view.
yea nicka
look at my le quads
>tfw when le

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I think the whole "privilege" thing had a reasonable basis- that there are a lot of people who will laugh off or dismiss an idea because it's not something that concerns them. For example, I was at a house party a while ago and a girl was worried because her ride had changed their mind and got drunk, so she asked if someone could walk with her to an ATM so she could get some cash out for a taxi home. A couple of guys laughed at the idea of her being afraid to walk five minutes to the ATM on her own because "as if anything would happen!". I can see that as how it works- I'm a guy, and while dudes do get raped, it's not something I really need to worry about before going for a five minute walk at night, while there was a horrific local rape case just a year ago in which a woman was grabbed and badly beaten and raped while walking a couple of streets to meet her mother, and it's not that uncommon a crime. So I think it's reasonable enough to acknowledge that (for example) if you're a guy, you don't tend to face sexual harassment or assault as often as women, so long as you acknowledge that it DOES still happen to guys and that it should be taken seriously when it does occur.

>Tumblr just take it to ridiculous extremes and think that invoking the "privilege!" card means they automatically win an argument. Or they sit on their expensive laptops in their first world houses, trying to feel like suffering martyrs simply on the basis of being female, or worse yet, because they're fat or they're fucking DEMISEXUAL. Privilege shouldn't be a badge of honour, it should just be a way to point out that your experience isn't universal and you can't always tell other people what to do or feel.
240 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
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I've had a few encounters with people of both genders who told me exactly that, so maybe it is an "over-generalization," but it is something people really believe.

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Just going out on a limb here to play devil's advocate.

What the fuck are you doing arguing with children on this message board? If you have such a respectable life and are so

secure, what the hell are you doing still browsing this board? What reason do you have for browsing and posting here that

you wouldn't find elsewhere unless you secretly do enjoy all of the pointless drama and arguing bullshit. If it's for the

board's REAL stated purpose, you can clearly find other venues by which to suit your needs unless you truly do come to

mention the fact that you live in Japan, seeing as how this would be the only group of scum in all the world that would

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>>57864 (OP)

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