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/s4s/ - Shit 4chan Says
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New board added: /s4s/ - Shit 4chan Says

Unlike the other new boards, this is being added on a permanent basis. If it doesn't pan out or goes unused, you should probably check your privilege.

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I think the whole "privilege" thing had a reasonable basis- that there are a lot of people who will laugh off or dismiss an idea because it's not something that concerns them. For example, I was at a house party a while ago and a girl was worried because her ride had changed their mind and got drunk, so she asked if someone could walk with her to an ATM so she could get some cash out for a taxi home. A couple of guys laughed at the idea of her being afraid to walk five minutes to the ATM on her own because "as if anything would happen!". I can see that as how it works- I'm a guy, and while dudes do get raped, it's not something I really need to worry about before going for a five minute walk at night, while there was a horrific local rape case just a year ago in which a woman was grabbed and badly beaten and raped while walking a couple of streets to meet her mother, and it's not that uncommon a crime. So I think it's reasonable enough to acknowledge that (for example) if you're a guy, you don't tend to face sexual harassment or assault as often as women, so long as you acknowledge that it DOES still happen to guys and that it should be taken seriously when it does occur.

>Tumblr just take it to ridiculous extremes and think that invoking the "privilege!" card means they automatically win an argument. Or they sit on their expensive laptops in their first world houses, trying to feel like suffering martyrs simply on the basis of being female, or worse yet, because they're fat or they're fucking DEMISEXUAL. Privilege shouldn't be a badge of honour, it should just be a way to point out that your experience isn't universal and you can't always tell other people what to do or feel.
horse fucker
well i think op's opinion is stupid and should check out muh post number

upboat if you like the w may may
>>37200 (OP)
>if you're a guy, you don't tend to face sexual harassment or assault as often as women

Men are the majority of victims of all violent crime including assault.

Women are more afraid of being assaulted but are less likely than men to be attacked.
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>>37200 (OP)
>>37200 (OP)
Pretty much. 4chan have a wrapped understanding of the word which doesn't make much sense.

I like to use depression to describe how to use the word. A non-depressed person might tell a depressed person to "just cheer up you crybaby". That is likely to come from someone with the privilege to have not encountered depressions.
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>MRA doesn't get it
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>>37200 (OP)

check your not-being-an-MRA privilege
>MRA doesn't get it

I get it.

Women are more afraid of being assaulted than men, even though they are factually less likely to be assaulted when compared to men.

'Male privilege' means women's feelings are more important than facts or actual victims of violent crime. Yay feminism.
*Citation needed
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What is fundamental attribution error?
It's nothing to do with privilege.
>implying i read any of that
>implying i don't get doubles
11 looks doubles for me.
women are more likely to be raped, though. stop dragging in irrelevant crimes into this.

[spoiler]and don't forget to check your privilege.[/spoiler]
>women are more likely to be raped, though. stop dragging in irrelevant crimes into this.

Actually men get raped more than women as well, feminists just ignore prison rapes.

And men are 95% of all prisoners, but that isn't due to sexism... it's only sexism if women are disadvantaged.
>women are more likely to be raped, though. stop dragging in irrelevant crimes into this.

Changing the discussion and making things up is the modus operandi of MRA's. They're fools and scumbags. Ignore them.

>And men are 95% of all prisoners, but that isn't due to sexism... it's only sexism if women are disadvantaged.

Like extreme feminists, in the eyes of an MRA EVERYTHING is about sexism. Everything. Everything is oppression.
Because all the other cartoons are privileged.
>Actually men get raped more than women as well, feminists just ignore prison rapes.
>And men are 95% of all prisoners

I'm going to have to ask for a source for this!
"Prison rapes" seems mostly like a joke that someone took too seriously until it developed into a meme.
i'm not sure if prison rapes even count. that's kind of to be expected when you put a bunch of criminals in one place.
when you look at people out in free society, though; women are more likely to be raped.
>i'm not sure if prison rapes even count. that's kind of to be expected

Need to check your anal privilege.
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>feminists just ignore prison rapes
If their argument is about the security one has of getting around town I'd ignore prison rapes too.
now don't get me wrong when I say this because no way am I supporting the insane feminists out there
with that said, I have to say that there is some logic in women being more afraid than men of getting raped, because even though statistically it's not more likely, the statistics are (as previously mentioned) skewed by the prisons and, more importantly, women are physically weaker and therefore have less of an ability to defend themselves
so I'm not saying that it's a matter of oppression or anything like that, but I can see some valid concern for a woman due simply to the nature of the different types of body
of course, a simple solution would involve learning a martial art as opposed to pulling the sexism card constantly
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Actually, I think it's a 'murrika thing. Their prisoners just can't keep their hands off of each other for some reason while "prison rape" is something unheard of in civilized countries.

It's not about all these things. MRA is a strong anti-feminist movement. They are just idiots. Anything they say is just window dressing. They just see themselves as the oppressed and won't admit that any kind of sexism exists.

So they say stupid things like men get raped more than women, or that men are more likely to be victims of domestic violence. Or that Seinfeld is sexist against men. I've heard all these things.
>Everything. Everything is oppression.

In all seriousness the prisoner issue is fairly important.

Men really are the vast majority of all prisoners.

If few women being CEO's is because of sexism, then few women being prisoners is must also be down to sexism.

If more men are prisoners due to natural differences between men and women, then feminism is bullshit.

Unless you believe that all cases in which women are disadvantaged are due to sexism, but all cases where men are disadvantaged are due to men being inferior.
do you think a part of the problem might be because of how a lot of people see females as nothing more than wish-fulfilling sexual things, and females that doesn't meet any beauty-standard are dismissed as worthless? that might be why date-rapes happens, and why complains about "friendzones" exists.
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OP rape is a generally a crime of passion
>OP rape is a generally a crime of passion

Rape is about power. Rapists just want to feel powerful and humiliate their victim.

Theft is also about power, Thieves just want to feel powerful and humiliate their victim.
>In all seriousness the prisoner issue is fairly important.

It is. But the rhetoric doesn't fit the situation. MRA's turn this into a "men are oppressed!" issue. If they just said "this is a problem that needs to be addressed" no one would have any issues with it. They could build bridges with feminists and other groups.

But instead it's really just used as a weapon against feminism to prove that men are really those who are oppressed. MRA IS an anti-feminist ideology. It was born as a reaction against it.
>Thieves just want to feel powerful and humiliate their victim
w0t as a mild kleptomaniac, I can say no
>MRA IS an anti-feminist ideology

Feminism is an anti egalitarian ideology. By definition any movement which seeks gender equality is anti feminist.

I would disagree, because there isn't just one kind of rapist. That describes one kind. Rapists can come in all types.
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Judaism is also about power. Jews just want to jew other people to feel powerful.


Why aren't feminists attacking the real issue and holding antisemitic rallies?

MRA's are just a mirror image of extreme feminists. They're all fools.
We protest Israel because they're fascist.
>Feminism is an anti egalitarian ideology.

What? Feminism is about egalitarianism. They saw that society was screwing them over and tried to fix that. They focus on female issues because historically they were the ones screwed over. There's nothing anti-male about that.
My main issue with MRA is how it doesn't appear to be a ideology designed to help with male issues. It seems like an ideology more concerned with undermining feminist arguments and putting those dumb females where they belong rather than helping anyone or anything.
>I don't know what feminism is!

Here, let me help you:

Ding ding ding.


It's a reaction of some male's to feminism. "Anti-feminism" might be a better term for it. Anything they say about men's plights is just window dressing for that.

I don't think there'd be a single person out there who created an organization that helped people. MRA's really aren't about helping anyone.

MRA's are anti-feminist, and they have their own opinion of what feminism is.
i upvoted this vote
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>We protest Israel because they're fascist.
You need to up your game a bit, goy.
Women are also subject more often to extremely violent rapes and can suffer a unique long-term affect (pregnancy). Because of societal resistance to abortion/unwanted pregnancies/single mothers, this can ruin a woman's entire life. Carrying your rapist's child in addition to the emotional and physical trauma of the rape itself is terrifying and women who end up that way frequently kill themselves. There is a very good reason why women are terrified of it happening to them and I don't think it's something most dudes would understand unless they have known a rape victim who went through that.
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>/s4s/ shit 4chan says
>most of the coherent threads are pretty rational and entertaining

i hope this board stays forever.
You don't say
In fact I don't say. I was joking. In cases of legitimate rape, women's bodies have ways to try to shut that whole thing down. Therefore being raped has the exact same consequences for both men and women!
>Because of societal resistance to abortion/unwanted pregnancies/single mothers, this can ruin a woman's entire life
What is adoption
Something that happens 9 months afterwards.
you still have to carry that kid for 9 months and people will stare you down and lecture you about sex before marriage. also pregnancy can ruin your body and sometimes even kill you. that's why women typically only want to have children with men they like, when they are ready to have them. did you know that? now you do.
that's what normal mothers do
and if people lecture you on being raped you tell them what it was like

>also pregnancy can ruin your body and sometimes even kill you
pretty rare circumstance, just like being raped
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9 months =/= enitre life

Now, I agree with you, but please be less of a transparent newfag. Anon is legion, you use the singular (which I know is the opposite of the original meaning of legion, but just go with it).
Do you think you would be able to forget being pregnant with your rapist's child and giving birth to it after giving that child away?

Even as a dude, who dumps far less resources into it, would you really be able to forget that you gave away a child you fathered, regardless of whether you wanted it or not?
Men are more likely to be involved in mutual exchanges of blows. Unfortunately, the physical power dichotomy often leaves women at a disadvantage. When women are assaulted, it's a serious threat to their life, at least more so than men.
Look anon, I had a very close friend of mine get raped, she was raped over and over again, but she didn't let that stop her because she is strong individual.
Personal experience tell me that It just has to do with women or rather individuals being mentally weak
also refer to ad hominem>>40161
I'm not talking about personal experience. These things do happen and because there are serious consequences only women have to deal with when they are raped, the fear they have (with combined with other things such as >>40631) is fairly justified: that is the point. It doesn't matter if it is rare or not (it's not rare at all to get pregnant from unprotected sex by the way, consentual or otherwise! It's about a 50% chance!). It is something YOU PERSONALLY will never, ever have to worry about happening to you since you don't have a uterus.

And I also don't believe what I said was ad hominem. I do think it's pretty bad that you could say it isn't a harrowing, life-altering experience if you personally know a victim who went through the rape pregnancy thing though. I mean damn. Also I think you should maybe refer to "anecdotal" on that image if we're going to play this game, haha.
>trying to feel like suffering martyrs simply on the basis of being female, or worse yet, because they're fat or they're fucking DEMISEXUAL

I think women may have a reason to point out that men are privileged as sexism is still kind of a big issue. But with the fatness and retarded sexual identities? You have all my yes OP. Good job for being a reasonable person.
'Privilege' as I see it does exist, basically being 'Birth advantage'

You do have a huge advantage say, being born in America, compared to being born to some poor nigger in Nigeria.

The problem isn't people having privilege, the issue is that some people don't have it. We shouldn't feel bad for being lucky, We should feel sympathetic to those who were unlucky.
Why are you pointing out the ovbious, clearly I am a male. Also women just tend to be physically weaker compared to men and therefore submissive, not to say that is always the situation but generally speaking

If it wasn't ad hominem then it was a loaded question, and also that loaded question was based of an assumption that I would rape and impregnate someone
"Check your privilege" is just Tumblrese for "Shut up, whitey".
I think he meant more your use of anecdotal evidence.
"My friend was raped horribly, but she got over it, thus anyone who does things differently than she does is mentally weak"

Maybe that's not what you really meant, but using anecdotal evidence for anything other than getting people interested in an essay or getting people riled up is normally a bad idea.
Uhhhh no? I asked if you would be able to forget a child you gave up. In the male scenario I did not mention rape anywhere.

That was only tangentially related since you apparently disagree that unwanted pregnancy, birth and giving the baby up for adoption isn't scarring as fuck. That--not even taking into account how you got pregnant--is not something most people are ever going to forget about. Adoption doesn't cleanse your conscience or let you forget this happened.

And at least in my country, you have to keep the child and raise it until adoptive parents can take it away, you don't put unwanted babies straight out of the womb into an orphanage anymore, so it is actually more than "just nine months." And if your baby doesn't get adopted, it can get stuck into the foster home system instead and get shipped from family to family until the system shits it out at 18 years old. Foster care is often shit by the way.
Well fine scrape the anecdote
But I believe that People, not men not women, are born with a personality of being varying levels of strong to weak and ultimately individuals chose to live their lives the way they want it.
>facts are stupid
check your privilege, cis scum
>That was only tangentially related since you apparently disagree that unwanted pregnancy, birth and giving the baby up for adoption isn't scarring as fuck.
I never said it wasn't but only individuals let it strip them of their humanity

I'll answer your loaded question anyways:
No I wouldn't because I myself am adopted
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>mfw people are taking this board seriously
"privilege" is the same kind of bullshit as "entitlements"

shill astroturfing term to make you look at shit every human fucking being should have as some kind of luxury

bonus: if you want it, you have to fight minorities for it! don't organize, tear yourselves apart! zero-sum game!

>What? Feminism is about egalitarianism.
The same way Communism is about defending the rights of laborers.
Sounds great superficially until you see what they actually do.
i just like to argue about things
>feminism can't be flawed
>feminism is immune to criticism
check dat privilege
arguing is quite fun actaully
>>37200 (OP)
Men and woman are the same, i wouldnt insult a woman by walking with her to the ATM, she can defend herself
Feggit brony go hang yourself on a dildopole
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This. I just came here from /pol/ to get dubs and post ponies, since this board will probably be gone by tomorrow.
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>thinking I was being serious
Then why is only one sex mentioned in its name?

>>37200 (OP)
stop being a faggot
>I was only pretending
>>37200 (OP)
"Privilege!" is just a way for trolls to feel good about themselves for being assholes. Why do you people need to turn that into 1000 page manifestos 100 times a day on every board?
it is a historic name based on the fact that women are lower on the hierarchy than men, and that the movement seeks to uplift women to the same status as men.

a lot of discrimination men face is sexism against women backfiring on them, or men discriminating against other men, mainly because feminine traits and behaviours are often considered undesirable. things like preferentially treating women as more capable caregivers and therefore giving them custody of a child in a divorce case even though the father is a more capable parent is called positive discrimination and reflects how gender roles are still enforced and how it is damaging to both sexes.

mras usually focus on how men are affected without taking into account WHY it happens and WHO is enforcing it. they also tend to call for women to step down instead of stand equal so they are actually just keeping the status quo as it always has been. men aren't going to be free from discrimination based on sex until women are too and that's why we need feminism
>a simple solution would involve learning a martial art as opposed to pulling the sexism card constantly
Actually an even simpler solution is that men stop raping so women don't have to take martial arts training to defend themselves while walking outside.
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Do you seriously not see how ridiculous that is? That's like saying "Sure, I could install alarms and locks in my house, OR people could just stop breaking into houses!".

I don't know what fantasy world you're living in, but people are always going to commit crimes. Saying "men shouldn't rape" is all well and good, but if it actually worked, there wouldn't be any rape.
>i was only pretending to pretend
The thing is that every time you make a rape joke, or advocate or suggest rape, in front of someone else that likes what you said they repeat it until it's to the ears of someone sick enough to think you actually made a strong arguement that they can't find any fault with, then they go rape a woman. And everyone else that heard and liked your joke pretends like it doesn't happen because then they'd have to admit they have a terrible sense of humor.
it's a system that hurts both sexes, why is that difficult to comprehend? you can't ignore one in favour of the other or else you're just reinforcing it. saying women ought to shut up and that feminism no longer serves a purpose now that they have the vote is fucking retarded and it's screwing all the guys over too.

mras and extremist feminists make this mistake but especially mras because their entire platform is built on shutting feminism down.
>shutting feminism down.
This is a good thing.
Yes, just like Cyanide and Happiness causes several murders annually.

We don't need feminism. What we need is equality of the sexes.
They shouldn't have to recount their trauma to anyone.

ITT people who have never had anything actually traumatic happen to them think it's something you just shrug off
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>recount their trauma

In English, please?
Killers have killed people because of what cartoons told them, what horror movies told them, what news programs told them, and what anime have told them. What makes you think Cyanide and Happiness hasn't?

It's probably not several annually, probably more like one or two since it began. And anyway it's boring as fuck, aren't those two reasons good enough to downvote it?
>What is reading comprehension?
what did the post say?
>Sounds great superficially until you see what they actually do.
what does that mean?
Ha it's cute that you think that
trauma isn't something you can shrug off but feminists act as rape is a worse fate than death
captcha: subjecto the
I think you replied to the wrong post.

I highly doubt that.

Nutjobs will claim all sorts of things as motivation. If someone says the Koran told them to blow up a building, should we ban the Koran? No, that's not how free speech works.
a simple solution to that is no crime ever happen at all, not even accidents
fuck without a condom? no babies, no STDs!
ride a car? no seat belts needed!
propelled off your seat by a car collision? the pavement tickles!
that's true problem solving: feminism fixes everything!
that would be so boring
>who's responsible for mistakenly believing rape is okay and then performing the rape?
>someone else!
Carefully observing a joke is a great way to ruin it.
it's the feminist way
Tell someone about something; give an account of an event or experience
>should we ban the Koran?
That's a terrible example.

Has it occured to you that maybe occasionally nutjobs are telling the truth from their point of view? Or that people make things like the Koran to try and convince other people to turn themselves into human bombs?

The way you're using freedom of speech is not the way it was intended, what it actually meant and it's redundant. Freedom of speech is about giving people the right to incite anger amongst themselves toward the government in order to motivate them to overthrow it in case it becomes too corrupt. What you're referring to is peoples' "right" to incite violence against one another in order to have fun, live vicariously through others, convince others they're hardcore and not to be fiddled with or even just to convince themselves that it's everyone else's fault they live in a basement and not their own.
I'd rather be murdered than have to live with the memory of a violent rape actually.
You're kind of on the right track but you're not really there yet. Media certainly plays a role in normalizing shit behaviour. Turning rape into a joke depersonalizes the victims and gives the impression that it isn't actually a horrific, serious crime. They're also never funny so at the very least rape jokes serve as a warning sign that the person you're talking to is an unfunny idiot.

People make jokes about murder that are just as bad and usually I hear this as an argument for continuing to use rape jokes, but the thing is when you say bad shit about someone who died or you make continuing remarks about how you're going to kill somebody, the room goes silent because that's just not fucking acceptable. That doesn't happen nearly as often as when a dude is yelling about rape because everybody's used to hearing the joke but not used to seeing the consequences. Murders get reported when they happen and rapes only rarely, if they were particularly brutal. Victims of rape are still alive but usually won't talk about it because they feel ashamed, and they still get backlash whenever it is reported. See: that case where the high school football players gang-raped a thirteen year old girl and news outlets mourned the futures of the football players while the girl got threats on her facebook page.
Some people can observe a very simple joke for what it is without even trying. Maybe these jokes just aren't the least bit funny to intelligent people, and I need to be dumber if I want to enjoy these jokes? Or maybe I should spend every second of every day trying to avoid understanding these jokes at all?

Yes, that is why it's so funny to 4channers. Because you're all modern day Charles Mansons, talking about the Helter Skelter and making other people do you're dirty work for you, while you sit back and imagine how awesome it must have been from your basement like he did. Too bad the internet wasn't around when he was alive, or he'd probably have kept doing it to his dying day.
Who said they should?

No, "freedom of speech" doesn't just include criticism of the government, and rape jokes aren't "inciting violence".

>depersonalizes the victims and gives the impression that it isn't actually a horrific, serious crime
No, it doesn't you don't even get how jokes work. Dark humor takes elements that everyone knows are dark and puts them in a different light to show the absurdity of the human condition. It's a coping mechanism that humanity developed to get through hard times.

>They're also never funny
That's a matter of personal taste. You may not like rape jokes, but that doesn't mean no one ever finds them funny. That's like saying avocados are never delicious.

>say bad shit about someone who died
Sorry, no. Not every dead person was perfect, and we can still mention someone's flaws after they died.

>make continuing remarks about how you're going to kill somebody
Nobody does this, and this has nothing to do with rape jokes.
people who find it funny are people with bad senses of humor. i'm sorry for your affliction.
A privilege implies that it is something granted that can be revoked. Being white is not granted and cannot be revoked, so the usage is wrong
>>37200 (OP)
If women are afraid, they should carry a weapon like a small knife or pepper spray.

I know many men, who carry knives because they're scared and anxious to be alone at night.
There is no such thing as a "bad" sense of humor. That's like saying to a brony "I'm sorry you have bad taste in TV". Not all rape jokes are funny, but some are fucking HILARIOUS.
>People make jokes about murder that are just as bad and usually I hear this as an argument for continuing to use rape jokes, but the thing is when you say bad shit about someone who died or you make continuing remarks about how you're going to kill somebody, the room goes silent because that's just not fucking acceptable.

I don't know who you hang out with in real life, but in the circles I used to travel in joking about murder was a constant pastime and got some of the biggest laughs, second only to rape jokes. You're right about saying you're going to actually kill someone, you'd have to travelling with some pretty sick individuals to get a roomful of laughter when you say something like that, but that all only furthers my point. Bad jokes told often enough convince other people they're good jokes, until people think they're good ACTS. The sick and the dumb fall for this trick first, but with enough time even the intelligent fall for it. For years I endured these unfunny jokes without joining in, until finally I tried it once, then twice, and pretty soon I was laughing harder than anyone. Bad jokes make people sick, it's a meme that sticks, and occasionally memes become policies or believes or religions if they're repeated enough. It's a way for one person to take advantage of another, maybe they just do it to fit in or maybe they do it to teach other people to do what they can't. But if you teach someone to rape or kill, you can't claim you have no responsibility, and targeting people more vulnerable to that sort of brainwashing doesn't mean you're innocent either, and it doesn't mean the person you taught had it coming. And telling yourself someone else would have taught them to rape if you hadn't, and that you're just the guy that taught them first, doesn't make it cool either.
Rape jokes aren't "brainwashing" or "teaching people to rape", you fucking moron. They're just jokes.
A joke is when you laugh at someone or something. Maybe it's yourself, or a banana, or maybe it's a woman who was raped and beaten and left paralyzed from the waist down by her attacker. It's a monkey's way of inciting aggression in others toward something by making loud barking noises.
I am not sure YOU get what dark humour is. Rape threats played for humour are not put in a different light and they are not used as a coping mechanism for fucking anything, because it's not rape VICTIMS making the rape jokes.

When the joke is literally "I am/this person is going to cause psychological and physical harm to someone else" it's just. Not funny. You have completely failed to be funny and are relying on rehashed shit other people have said flippantly in the hopes that you too will be cool. And then you aren't, because you're a parrot with a bad joke. I'm not offended by the content so much as how dumb and unfunny it is.
>The way you're using freedom of speech is not the way it was intended
>I decide what freedom of speech is for.
check your privilege
I didn't decide anything, I was just explaining something extremely simple to someone who apparently didn't understand it. The freedom to insult others has been around since the beginning of time, and only those with the strength to make you stop, or rich enough to pay others to make you stop, or with enough friends that they together would make you stop. If someone had none of these things then you had the "right", even if it was looked down on by most. But governments up to that point had always put a stop to anyone or any group, large or small, that insulted the government unless they were inside the government. Freedom of speech was a way of trying to make sure that didn't happen.
I think I see the problem. We're using the term "rape joke" to refer to entirely different things, so we've been talking past each other and misunderstanding each other's points.

When you say "rape joke", you seem to be talking about a rape threat made in a joking tone. When I was talking about "rape jokes", I was referring to jokes that have rape as a subject matter, like "10 out of 11 people enjoy gang rape".
I wouldn't say it goes so far as to be a "good" act, but the more it is presented in a funny light the less unacceptable it becomes. Unfortunately it also becomes harder to talk about in a serious light when you are in a group full of people used to thinking that it is a funny thing. Because they don't take it seriously. They will probably not go on to rape anyone themselves, but their acceptance of it has a negative impact on society as a whole.

Try telling a friend group that is really, really used to rape jokes that your boyfriend raped you and see how they act. (It's not pretty.)
You must have a very low view of men if you think we can't distinguish between jokes and reality.
>adults can't be held accountable for their errors of judgement and misconduct
>their faults are the faults of others without any concrete reasons
>check out my slippery slope!
>you can't tell humor mature people understand
>think of the irrational criminals!
No, we're just looking at the same thing differently. I was talking about rape jokes as well, and pointing out that they are rape threats. For instance, "10 out of 11 people enjoy gang rape" is the same as saying "HAHAHAR 10 people raped 1 person. Teh 10 people benefitted from this and only 1 suffered so it's worth it! Because the needs of the many come before the needs of the few! HAHAHAR." You see, both are funny because that dumb bitch that got raped couldn't stop it and she's outnumbered so nobody gives a shit, and because you have to laugh at yourself because you didn't realize the undeniable logic of it until someone else said it. The only difference is your version makes people feel bad because they advocated rape with their barking before they even realized it, whereas mine makes them feel bad because of that AND because they can totally see themselves says it in just as primitive and straightfoward of a way as I did because they already that dumb deep down, and the only reason they don't say it that way because they're afraid to and because they're full of shit.
>my taste gets to decide everyone else's taste
>the only relevant view is my own
>my view is privileged above all others!
not checking dat privilege
>hahaha I caught you saying that rapists and murders shouldn't be executed
>only the people who copypasta'd the memes that convinced them to should be executed
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What feminists think they're working against:
>restricted political rights for women, minorities
>domestic abuse
>abuse of power against minorities and women

What they're actually working against:
>dumb innuendo on the internet
>the language teenagers use on online games
>awkward nerds who use fedoras, don't look good, or awkwardly (but non-threateningly) invite them over to a more intimate place
>jokes about dongles and version control forks
>For years I endured these unfunny jokes without joining in, until finally I tried it once, then twice, and pretty soon I was laughing harder than anyone.
>And I go around murdering and raping people.
projecting much?
confirmed for not understanding jokes
It's actually psychology, not personal opinion. Constant exposure to anything will make a person feel like it is normal. You are conditioned over time to social group atmosphere and you learn what is and isn't ok by listening to and watching other people you like. This is really basic stuff that applies to basically anything, from cults to rape jokes to why people still like Naruto. And I am not talking about men in particular, although it is true women are more sensitive to this brand of joke in general for reasons described upthread and therefore tend to find it less intrinsically funny. That obviously doesn't stop all girls from making jokes about it. But that doesn't mean that it's a good thing.
>still believing in psychological determinism
Confirmed for not understanding yourself.

And you have the nerve to say I don't understand anything.
>not understanding what psychological determinism is
>who rules a democratic government?
>let's disregard the inconvenient past
Are you fucking serious? I thought we had a simple misunderstanding, but you apparently are as crazy as I originally thought.

Jokes about rape are NOT the same as rape threats. The joke you quote is not an argument for gang rape; if it were, it wouldn't be funny. I don't mean that like you do, the whole "wahhh, im offended so no1 can like this joke" thing. I mean that the fact that rape is a bad thing is the ENTIRE FUCKING REASON IT'S FUNNY.

On one level, it works through simple linguistic misdirection. Someone who first reads it thinks it means that 91% of people enjoy being gang raped. Then it clicks and you realize that the rapists are being included. Lots of jokes work by subverting expectations.

On the other hand, it's funny because OBVIOUSLY it's the 9% in this who are the most important.
Now you're just combining random large words to make yourself feel better.
You believe that people's actions are motivated entirely by social constructs (rape culture)- the the propagation of said culture directly causes (not just correlates with) violent actions. That's determinism.
Oh, then you do understand, but you just don't read posts. Sorry for misunderstanding.
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Stupidest shit ever. "Look at me, I don't want to fuck anything that has a moist hole, and I'm probably lying for attention anyway, look at me holy shit I'm so fucking unique give me a label"
>I get trolled everytime I tell people rape jokes aren't funny!
>No one understands my superficial analysis!
I hate when people act as if women DON'T get raped in prison though. Maybe not by men, very often at least but it happens, but they are assaulted with foreign objects and forced to do sexual acts, etc, not much different than men except there are just less female prisoners overall.
It's not funny. Your arguement hinges on a faulty assumption.

It's a cheap and edgy subversion of expectations that anyone with 2 brain cells and no shame or respect for women could come up with in 2 minutes if they tried. It's also amazingly passive aggressive and psuedo intellectual. I've never met anyone who laughed at that joke, although I suspect they exist since there are all kinds of people in this world. But even if you know some people who do doesn't mean the majority do.
"demisexual" was literally invented by a 15-year-old girl on some roleplaying forum in 2005 (i think? early-mid 2000s, anyway). judging by those posts i don't think even she understood what it was
>haha incoherent greentext
Being exposed to jokes about rape is not the same as being exposed to rape, and accepting something as normal is not the same as accepting something as good or even acceptable.
you said "normalizing shit behavior"- that directly implies that culture has the power to normalize certain physical behaviors and thus affect their occurrence. That is a direct connection between culture and behavior.
confirmed for confirming you don't understand jokes
Confirmed for confirming you confirmed my confirmations.
>category error
>I accept rape jokes as funny, therefore I accept rape.
>My logic is infallible! How dare you question it!
I'm not the guy who said rape jokes made a group think rape was good. I actually said that wasn't true. I feel like my typing style is different enough for him to separate me from him but I guess not.
I swear, one of these days I'm gonna read something on the internet that's so stupid it's going to cause me attempt suicide. Whether or not I'm going to be successful really determines on what I'll have on hand at the time.
Cheap and edgy jokes can still be funny. There's nothing "passive aggressive" about it, and I don't even see how it could be construed as even trying to be intellectual.

Also, thanks for just claiming my argument "hinges on a faulty assumption" without even saying what it is/
>muh evasions
>getting offended about 2 anons saying your jokes aren't funny
>my opinion > your opinion
>what's privilege?
confirmed for confirming for confirming you don't understand jokes
I feel like I can't participate in this argument anymore without some of this widespread dumb rubbing off so I will bid you adieu.
>>37200 (OP)
was posting mlp really necessary?
Bronies are so fucking stupid.
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>was posting mlp really necessary?

I figured I'd get a bigger reaction if I posted Dash.

Also no one is from /co/ it seems, and got the reference with the filename.
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I'd love to rape you then kill a child and go around asking people which is worse
>implying all rape is violent
i guess the thing that annoys me is that MRA's are full of shit, but at the same time if you look at MRA's in the context of feminism, it makes sense that they exist.

feminists just kind of have a problem with men. they rant and rave about how theyve fucked up the world and blame the patriarchy on things that would even be within the agency/responsibility of women.

if you look at it a little more closely than not at all, feminism has actually been more of a fairly vicious deconstruction of "masculinity" rather than an ongoing discussion of "femininity".

so much of feminism has just felt like a betrayal to me, i guess because i have never been the aggressive, oppressive, macho Stanley Kowalski that feminists perceive most men as being, and yet there are these people out there essentializing me and my level of privilege for being male rather than female. as if the difference between having a penis and having a vagina can be compared to the disparity between a millionaire and mentally ill homeless person. or a war vet with no legs and a happy non-disabled person.

and then at the same time being an ordinary schlub never counted for much because women demand that men be powerful (without abusing that power) in order to expect to be taken seriously.

i just end up feeling pissed off, betrayed, paranoid, alienated from their point of view
do u need help movin those goalposts they look mighty heavy
You are the cancer killing this world
Yes, I think there is a real basis for much of SJ, the problem is idiots take it to extremes and then more idiots lash back in extremes. Then we just get a bunch of stupid instead of fixing actual problems. Like this board.
I feel like there are a lot of misunderstandings? Maybe related to the name?

"The patriarchy" is used not to refer to individual men, or even people in power, but an idea system. The idea is that men have to be powerful and women ought to be subservient to them, which is very, very old. The idea of feminism, as I understand it, is that patriarchy hobbles both sexes, but since it was started by women and women are traditionally lower on the hierarchy, it focuses mainly on them. But I do not believe that it ignores men completely. I don't believe that someone involved with it should be ignoring men or how the partiarchal system hurts them (for example, how men are not allowed to be "weak" or enjoy stereotypically feminine things). I am sorry you feel this way though? I hope maybe this cleared things up?

>women demand that men be powerful (without abusing that power) in order to expect to be taken seriously
But men also expect other men to be powerful? And I don't remember this being something normally epoused by feminists nor a point often cited by people who hate feminists as one of their talking points. So I'm just kind of confused???
>>37200 (OP)
10/10 would rape again
Shut up OP. You cunt.
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>giving a fuck either way
>so much of feminism has just felt like a betrayal to me, i guess because i have never been the aggressive, oppressive, macho Stanley Kowalski that feminists perceive most men as being, and yet there are these people out there essentializing me and my level of privilege for being male rather than female.

Feminists reject "biotruths" and evolutionary psych, so they won't readily admit this, but their complaints about men and masculinity have some cognitive dissonance in them. As humans, they want men who are virile and manly in some way. The men they want (sexually/intimately) may not look like the stereotypical strong man, but they'll tend to look for masculine traits unconsciously. Assertiveness, confidence, dominance, "naughtiness"/a taste for adventure, high social status (e.g. a feminist may not want to fuck a captain of industry, but she will be attracted to a leading figure in her local feminist circle, not for Joe Unknown Good Guy)

So, what they do about beta, obsequious "nice guys"? They rip them apart as "entitled", boring, creepy, nagging, untrustworthy and generally bad. Because they want sex. Basically, feminists want perfect men who are willing to put in a lot, but not ask for anything unless it's in the woman's interest. On the other hand, men must accept women as they are, and societal nudges to the contrary (dislike of fat women, models with sexy bodies, men seeking casual sex with women, criticism of women with mental issues) are The Patriarchy working against women.

In essence, feminists disregard the influence of physical impulses in their actions and opinions, and this forces them to complain about all men. So, alpha types are reviled for not being nice and wanting justice, beta types are reviled for not being entirely selfless and not being confident/attractive/exciting.
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>mfw this thread
>>37200 (OP)
What would a single mother raised male who jerks it to a cartoon for eight year old girls know about privilege?
Oh my god fuck you so much

You are seriously the blindest motherfucker
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For your knowledge, I'm currently jerking it to cross dressers.
>But men also expect other men to be powerful? And I don't remember this being something normally epoused by feminists nor a point often cited by people who hate feminists as one of their talking points. So I'm just kind of confused???
it's about evo psych and naturalism. women talk shit about men abusing power and blame the patriarchy for things. but then at the same time women will look down on men who dont have a lot of power, and will give more regard to men who have power. women subscribe to hierarchies too and are attracted to men who seem powerful or who other women find to be attractive.
>that disgusting hypocrisy.jpeg
i guess it just boils down to the question: Can ideology change nature? yeah...i dont know about that.
>inb4 you imply i'm bad looking at all
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holy shit

fucking saved
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you just dont get it

do you
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what the hell is so stupid about noticing contradictions
taking this board seriously I guess
>>37200 (OP)


>tfw I was nice for like a whole week to this hot chick and i didn't even get my 12 hours of free anal

see >>50201
The interesting thing about ideology is that it's both a reflection and a driving force. Cultures are selective pressures: a society that places certain traits on a pedestal selects for those traits. Over a long period time the population will gravitate towards that. If our population was much smaller and humans weren't so intent of fucking everything that looks like a human being, it's possible ideas may actually cause speciation to occur as groups with different worldviews separate and become isolated. It's really neat, actually. Of course I'm talking over like, a hundred thousand year time line (though it is surprisingly easy to breed a certain temperament into a group of animals over a couple of generations). We would not see such a huge change for ourselves of course.

I doubt women in general will ever stop finding masculine-looking men the most sexually desirable, but I think what we're seeing now is that the masculine ideal held by women is not the same masculine ideal held by men, which is interesting. (I don't know if the feminine ideal is similar or if both sexes agree what a woman should be--it's harder to find studies like this about women's opinions, especially historical ones which would be good to have for comparison.)

People deferring to others in positions of power is actually not correlated with gender at all, by the way. We also tend to love sociable, happy people and exclude party poopers and assholes from groups. It's just part of being a social animal. But positions of power are certainly not limited to males in a biological sense, since many close cousins of humans and even some human cultures are/were matriarchal or egalitarian. Power dynamics between genders can change fairly easily, and we are actually witnessing it right now with feminism.

Speaking as a feminist, in some ways I feel resistance and criticism of the movement is necessary. It is an egalitarian movement, and it ought to stay that way and be kept in check.
yolo life is a dream fuck me in the ass i always cry at titanic when leo dies check your privilege nerds are gay facebook.com
However, infighting is a huge issue, and being stonewalled by misogynists is a huge issue, and misinformation is a huge issue. People who deny women need feminism anymore are flat out fucking wrong.
>>37200 (OP)

you need to CHECK YOUR FACTS.
First off, a large portion of feminists ignore or even disparage men.

Secondly, what bothers me the most is how feminists try to take every problem men have and try to flip hings around and say how it's not REALLY misandry, but is actually secretly MISOGYNY by the PATRIARCHY.
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>you need to CHECK YOUR FACTS.

How so?
I understand where you're coming from, and agree with you.
However, I disagree with the egalitarian portion. I myself am an egalitarianist, and I hate feminism. Like, last month or so, Congress passed the Domestic Violence Against Women Act (or something), and all the feminists raved its glories. Me? I was pissed. It's only for women, and feminists claim their movement/ideology to be egalitarian? That bothers the shit out of me.
>Dark humor takes elements that everyone knows are dark and puts them in a different light to show the absurdity of the human condition. It's a coping mechanism that humanity developed to get through hard times.

All humor, by nature, subverts some sort of power play. The 4chan 2EDGY4U formula of "humor" doesn't understand that being a cunt to people who have to deal with shit doesn't actually qualify as humor.
Which it often is. The shit women do is usually a direct reaction to a shitty situation created by men. Like mooching off a rich guy, which is done because you aren't offered the option to get shit done yourself.
All humor? Even puns?
>because you aren't offered the option to get shit done yourself.

or because you don't want to work and you decide to give in to the human tendency to take the path of least resistance
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>>37200 (OP)
rainbow dash!!!
OP here. Glad I could get my message out and start real discussion.

I haven't read any of your replies.
Especially when the other path will 9 times out of 10 involve bringing coffee and sucking middle-aged CEO cock.
Yes, it's always the menfolk's fault. e_e
But I like being dark and edgy
it fits my young adult agenda
>female doctors exist
>female pharmacists exist
>female engineers exist
>female ceos exist
you don't know what you're[spoiler]talking about[/spoiler]
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>women are still judged on how much you want to fuck them as opposed to how much shit they get done
>entire industries exist running on that bullshit alone
>guys get pissed when women do things that don't orbit around their dick

Come on now.
Faggot from >>51713 speaking, I seriously need to get myself some fucking sleep before my head explodes. Off I go.
>>37200 (OP)
OP, you are wonderful.
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>OP, you are wonderful.
baiterz gonna bait
>The 4chan 2EDGY4U formula of "humor" doesn't understand that being a cunt to people who have to deal with shit doesn't actually qualify as humor.
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Domestic violence against women happens more frequently and more viciously than domestic violence against men. This is just a fact. That's not to say men are never attacked by their partners or even that it's rare, but women do need protection. Not just in the form of shelters after the fact, but legal defenses. That's why that law exists.

It's important to note that women are the only faces of domestic violence because we're seen as weak and helpless. People want to help these poor battered women. On the flipside, it's literally impossible for a man to be abused by a woman because she is intrinsically weaker than him. The supposed helplessness of women is something female abusers almost universally exploit; they use it to emasculate, invalidate, and threaten, and they think the law will be on their side should he ever have the guts to phone the police (and because she is RIGHT about the bias, he will NEVER phone the police). This is an example of systematic misogyny backfiring extremely badly. It is not a case of women in power discriminating against men (misandry), because the police who side with the female abuser will likely be men too, the male victim will never call police in the first place because he does not want to admit he is being abused by a woman, and the female abuser is explicitly wielding her lower status as a weapon to hurt him and prevent him from getting help.

When I was in high school I volunteered for homeless shelters. I was appalled that there were so few options available to men trying to get away from abusive girlfriends or wives, and a lot of them would end up in these shelters for a few days, only to go back to a bad situation or else they would never see their kids again. There are several domestic violence shelters in my city but they cater almost exclusively to women. Some don't even let men in. This is a real problem. It's something sad and awful that really, really needs to change. BUT. It is not the fault of feminists.
Bias against men in these situations and towards women has existed for millennia. Far, far longer than the feminist movement. The fact that feminists are making headway in domestic violence at all is a good thing because culturally, we're not allowed to talk about abuse. And although that new law does not protect men (even though it should) it opens up the gates for more discussion and more laws that will help protect people from abusive partners. And for now, at least one gender has some legal backing against domestic violence.

Feminism is not perfect by any means but it is not bad.
>because culturally, we're not allowed to talk about abuse.
what are you talking about

feminists make it seem like we're living in the handmaid's tale rather than the world we actually live in
Are you going to just ignore everything else in that post just to nitpick about some phrasing?

Also, most people do keep abuse to themselves in fear of what other people will think of them or do to them, especially men. This is partially because the abusive partner makes them feel like shit and partially because a lot of people don't have adequate support groups and they will get judged and ostracized for coming out as a victim in some cases. Get your head out of your ass.
>women are victims of domestic violence more than men
>citation needed, but will grant it for now
>literally impossible for a man to be abused by a woman
I lost a lot of respect for you from that sentence.

They had legal defenses before these laws were put into place, this expanded infrastructure needed. Admittedly, we need shit like shelters, but this is retarded since it's geared toward all women and "may" apply to "some" men. I don't understand the reasoning that it's good for future discussion, when it could, you know, be geared for everybody from the fucking start. Further, you claim that there's a bias against men, and towards women, yet women still need additional legal resources?

But this is why I hate feminists. They push laws through (this was their doing, no mistaking it). They're blinded by their short-term goals of "gender equality", and end up pushing things that are totally sexist, like this. They'd be an okay lot if not for that. They just need some goddamn perspective, and not be so stuck in their mindset.

And you're at least smart enough recognize that there's a problem there, but I don't see why you feel the need to defend it. If feminism is really all about "gender equality", they ain't doing so hot right here, and someone need to point this shit out to them.
Its funny how this is one of the 3 or 4 decent threads currently of this board.
You realise "literally impossible for a man to be abused by a woman" was not a true statement right? It is something commonly held by both men and women, just like "women are weak helpless waifs." Neither is true. I did not intend for it to be read that way.
god fucking damn it. i dont want anyone to abuse anyone. i understand that only women fear death in cases of physical abuse.

i just resent how nothing will ever be good enough for feminists. you cant end rape. you cant end domestic abuse. you cant end violence. they are complexed for wanting to talk about the violence inherent in human nature all the time.

all day every day my facebook feed is clogged with screeching, histrionic voices. "A man looked at me . I'M A VICTIM. women get raped. I'M A VICTIM. women get hit by men. I'M A VICTIM. I'M A VICTIM. I'M A VICTIM I'M A VICTIM."

i dont want anyone to hurt anyone but no, my head is not up my ass for feeling fucking annoyed. it's like shut up okay. i have my own problems. life is difficult for every one
why the fuck were you even replying to me

go somewhere else to vent your frustration because the things you just said have literally nothing to do with my post at all.
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This is one of the biggest, longest lasting threads on /s4s/.
Wow youre such an insensitive little prick, i hope your mum gets aid you sperglord. Btw not him but people like you are disgusting, fucking basement dwellers.
oh my god you have so many bugs up your butt it's incredible

ass bugs are pouring out everywhere help i am drowning
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this thead needs more women being objectified
men get raped too...ask yur dad
niggers tongue my anus
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>>37200 (OP)

Rainbow Dash I want to fuk you so hard
>mfw i lost my virginity to a ranbow dash pillow
is it really female objectification if it's the penis that appears to be the focus of this picture
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check your privilages
Still, that's an over-generalization. Not accurate.
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I've had a few encounters with people of both genders who told me exactly that, so maybe it is an "over-generalization," but it is something people really believe.
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