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One thing I don't understand is why there are so many slow and bad drivers
I mean, driving is a part of life, especially around me in the country. There's no reason why you wouldn't have tons and tons of practice, right? Most people drive about a half an hour to work every day. If you did that for four years, that'd be 1000 hours of driving if you JUST went to work and back

Yet most people seem to make the same stupid mistakes without thinking about them. The other day I was driving down the road behind someone. He uses his blinker and pulls over to the side of the road so I go to pass him, suddenly he swerves across the entire road doing a 3-point turn without looking and almost hits me. The same thing happened again five hours later with a different guy.

And why the slow drivers? You can go speed limit+10 with literally no penalty, so why wouldn't you? I drive down a 45mph main road at 55mph no problem, then sometimes someone is going 30 or something. They're going so slow I actually have to brake like coming to a stop light, like they're a sedentary object. WHY? You can go faster. It's like being offered an option for 1000 dollars or 500 dollars and taking the 500. Why would you do that?
>>7175697 (OP)
>speed limit
you do know what that word means, don't you son?
>>7175697 (OP)
>You can go speed limit+10 with literally no penalty

but that's fucking wrong
>Switzerland here.

Speed limit is very strict, if you go too fast you will get fucked and they will take your license.

But, people tend to drive too slow because they are afraid of the police and all the shit that might happen if they get caught speeding.

That's why Switzerland is the worst country to drive in Europe. Everyone literally drives at 100km/h on highways and some will go to the left lane and drive even slower, since we cannot pass a car on the right we have to slow down

It sucks.

>caring about traffic laws
>not doing whatever you want as long as there are no cops around
>every couple of kms there's a radar.
>police on civilian cars drive constantly on the highway.

Yeah, keep thinking that.
>>7175697 (OP)
>still using a polluting box used to stand still in traffic jams as a means of transportation.

Where do you live, some kind of sparsely populated desert? Bike and public transportation get me anywhere I want to go.
>>7175697 (OP)
I did both of these the other day. (I actually wonder if you met me)

First was because I had forgotten something and was already a bit late and panicky. Second was because in an area with a lot of stop signs, you waste so much fuel constantly accelerating and having to stop every 10 seconds.

>Living in a third world country
>>7175697 (OP)
I never wanted to drive, and didn't until I absolutely had to learn at 19. When I did drive, I would always drive just below the speed limit, but now I live in a bigger city and can rely on public transit for everything I need.

I disliked people who are impatient or rushed and are reckless because of it.
I'll drive 55 in a 65 all day, Im in no rush, got nowhere to go
>Driving to class
>two lane left turn
>40 feet later there is a right turn where both lanes can turn into
>be in rightmost lane planning to turn left
>guy in jaguar to the left of me
>place my car slightly behind his in case he tur-
>he turns into my lane without looking or head checking
>there are about two feet of my car next to his
>slam on breaks so I don't get bumped
He could turn right from his fucking lane. I don't get it.
*planning to turn right
>can rely on public transit for everything I need

Until it's time to buy that 72" flatscreen at Best Buy. Wot nao?
Zip Car mother fucker. This is the twenty first cenutry.
- Different Anon
There's so much wrong with this post
>>7175697 (OP)
>You can go speed limit+10 with literally no penalty
I've gotten multiple five over tickets that say otherwise.
No, I'm not black.
I love driving fast because IRS fun. I try and swerve to get to the fastest lane always
> not going 90 on the freeway
>>7175697 (OP)
Try chilling the fuck out.

Stop trying to find faults in everyone's driving behavior. It makes you look like a dick.
I know I go slower when
>I don't know where I'm going
>trying to look for a specific house number and they're all small as fuck
>adjusting the A/C
>picking a song
there's no point in being angry because no matter what the other person will most likely be oblivious to you pr just not care at all. Also new drivers could be a factor. Just chill man.
What's a freeway? We don't have those on the civilized coast.
but you should buy everything online and get it delivered

What's wrong, such as?

Yeah and when you miss the UPS drive three times because you're not a NEET you have to go 25 miles into the industrial park at their regional office to pick it up.

I've found zip cars to be more expensive than regular by the day rentals. Kinda sad, I was expecting them to be a nice replacement.
>why are people such bad drivers and how come they dont follow trafic laws?
>lol im a good driver so that means i can voilate the traffic law of a speeding law
>waaahhhh why dont other ppl follow traffic laws?

sage for shit thread
stop shitposting
Well other companies are spring up. Competition will hopeful drive the prices down.
What state do you live in? I live in Maryland and they literally can't pull you over unless you're going 15 or more miles over. Didn't stop a cop from trying to cross out "15" and write "10", but I contested that shit and won.

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