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Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:29:22 No. 7172044 >tfw you start growing darker hairs on your upper lip and chin >you wax it >it comes back in three days time to save up for lasers>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:36:23 No. 7172112 >stop masturbating for a while, like a couple months >randomly do it one night >it's fucking nothing.jpg >it keeps happening I used to have great orgasms, and now, it's barely even enjoyable. What the fuck happened? Is my vagina broken or am I just really sexually underwhelmed by everything? virgin btw>>
willy !S2btHrToH2 06/02/13(Sun)03:40:44 No. 7172164 I like reading these, they are funny. Dance monkey dance! >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:41:25 No. 7172171 >tfw you didn't have your first orgasm until you were 20 because it is so fucking hard to do >tfw you want a cute tiny dog to carry around like a baby but don't want to be thought of like Paris Hilton >tfw you pretend to never want an expensive bag but would buy a Chanel or Louis Vuitton if you were rich in actuality >tfw you have to act like you're low maintenance to scare off guys when you couldn't be attractive without foundation, concealer, powder, eyeliner, mascara, false lashes, lip conditioner, and a strict skincare regimen >tfw you wear yoga pants because they're comfortable and flattering but guys think you do it to be an attention whore >tfw you can't be interested in video games or comics or sports or other male hobbies without severe questioning yet a guy can wear a batman shirt without ever reading the comics and no one would blink >tfw you see someone wearing something you're wearing >tfw they look better in it >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:41:29 No. 7172173 >>7172112 With guys it's the total opposite. If you haven't fapped in one month when you finally do it's the greatest thing ever. Try to mastrubate as frequent as before and the feeling might come back. Or get a bf to fuck you. Seriously it's strange when girls can't find a boyfriend. Are you fat or ugly?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:46:16 No. 7172223 >>7172112 I don't have a fucking clue. Sometimes I cum in like 30 seconds, other times it takes me 20 minutes. The only think I know for sure is that I need to be really aroused, so focus on finding porn that you like.>tfw you can only cum to asian male white female porn, yet you aren't exclusively attracted to asians >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:46:17 No. 7172224 >tfw never orgasmed and have to consistently fake it so you don't make your boyfriend feel bad that he can't make you feel good :( >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:47:54 No. 7172239 >Tfw I feel like some sort of freak for not knowing how to apply make up >Tfw I also don't know how to style hair so I always look like a frizzy mess I hit a point last year where I actually watched YouTube videos thinking it might help but I didn't get it at all. I'm just too retarded for that stuff I suppose.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:48:29 No. 7172248 >>7172026 (OP) >tfw nonwhite males hit on you and think you actually like them They're so gross most of the time.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:49:28 No. 7172260 >tfw you are more attracted to men for how they smell rather than how they look >tfw you stare at a girl to admire their outfit and they catch you and think you're a lesbian >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:49:28 No. 7172261 >tfw my boyfriend doesn't know I'm sucking off Jamal behind his back feels good sisters>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:49:35 No. 7172262 Jesus fuck, you call this all a problem? Get real >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:50:35 No. 7172279 >>7172171 >tfw you want a cute tiny dog to carry around like a baby but don't want to be thought of like Paris Hilton >treating a living ,breathing entity just as you would a clothing accessory women truly are the scum of the earth>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:51:21 No. 7172291 >>7172262 It's kind of hard to find female-exclusive problems. The real ones tend to be gender neutral.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:51:22 No. 7172292 >tfw you want to do older sister/younger brother roleplay with your bf but you're too terrified to ask >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:52:16 No. 7172302 >>7172224 tell him you cunt. and never do it again. faking orgasms is the stupidest thing ever. the dude is now living a lie because he thinks his gf cums and she thinks she's the best. truth is you have never orgasmed because you're a lazy ass. my gf hasn't orgasmed either because she doesn't mastrubate and doesn't know what she likes and whats the feeling, she stops me everytime when she's about to cum and says she doesn't want it anymore because it felt strange.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:52:26 No. 7172305 >tfw really ugly for a really long time >tfw get attractive over the summer >tfw everyone now pays more attention to you even though your personality is exactly the fucking same >tfw a bunch of your guy friends tell you they like you and you have to shut them down and hurt their feelings >tfw it sucks because you know how much it hurts to be turned down by someone you like. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:53:16 No. 7172315 >>7172224 I also did this. Best advice I can give is to find out what turns you on, watch a lot of porn, get a vibrator. Focus on your clit at first and then try to orgasm vaginally. It took me a long time to finally orgasm and I was honestly disappointed, it just feels like a really good sneeze.>>7172239 I also had this issue. My mom like, flat out refused to show me how to do that stuff, feigning ignorance. I also went to a Clinique counter and they were like, "just do it yourself!" when I was asking them how to put on eyeliner. I would ask a friend, or go to a makeup counter when it isn't busy and find a sales rep who isn't a cunt like the one I had. As for hair, same thing, find a nice hairstylist, tell them, "what do you think will look good?" If they do not give any suggestions, or keep asking well what do you want? find a new hairstylist. I had to go through 3 or so before I found the one I have now and comes up with ideas that look great on me. It is their job, make them do it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:53:26 No. 7172317 >>7172239 If you have naturally curly hair try putting in some mousse, it'll control the frizz. :)>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:53:52 No. 7172322 >>7172292 Don't be, I think most guys would like that.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:55:42 No. 7172344 >>7172279 I never said that. I just want a small dog to carry around, not use as an accessory. I didn't mean carry around the mall, I meant like, around my house or up the stairs to cuddle with. Calm down.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:55:47 No. 7172345 >>7172305 I know this one. >chubby for a long time >start working out and eating healthy, losing all the weight over summer >suddenly, everyone wants to talk to me! Fucking shallow shits.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:56:56 No. 7172356 >>7172302 Jesus fucking christ bro I know that feel. Every time she gets close she starts freaking out and either pushes me off or wriggles herself into a weird position. So goddamn annoying. I'd yell at her if she wasn't so damn fragile.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:58:01 No. 7172365 >tfw sex offender and there is not enough research conducted with hormone therapy for my gender to determine if my adverse reaction to it was due to an individual defect or if it is not a valid form of treatment >tfw moved away from shrink for the sake of having a better place to live >tfw too apprehensive about being treated as a novelty, used for studies/alternative treatments to start over with a new doctor am I right guuuurrrrlssss>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:58:11 No. 7172368 >>7172315 My boyfriend doesn't like it when I masturbate... Plus I don't like watching porn in general>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)03:58:44 No. 7172375 >>7172322 I feel like only guys on 4chan would think that way, and everyone else would just think "ew, incest" though.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:01:17 No. 7172403 >>7172171 >>tfw you pretend to never want an expensive bag but would buy a Chanel or Louis Vuitton if you were rich in actuality I know this feel sister. If I had the budget I would be a fashion obsessed label whore>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:02:01 No. 7172407 >>7172356 >I'd yell at her if she wasn't so damn fragile. this this this and this. it's so damn frustrating I'm more ethusiastic about her orgasm than herself, she doesn't do anything about it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:02:54 No. 7172419 >>7172368 >My boyfriend doesn't like it when I masturbate... what a prick...I'd give p fapping if my gf started mastrubating.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:04:45 No. 7172443 >tfw can't seem to make female friends to pal around with >tfw can't hang out with guys alone because they think you want the d >tfw having to question every male friendship on the grounds that you aren't sure if they just want to date you o and then a separate one but;>tfw sensitive skin >tfw not even three hours after shaving I already have stubble on legs >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:07:46 No. 7172476 >>7172344 Living life like a doll, poor dog.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:08:21 No. 7172489 >>7172419 One time he walked in on me doing it and he got angry asking if he wasn't good enough and what he was doing wrong in bed... I've just given up on enjoying sex in general>>
willy !S2btHrToH2 06/02/13(Sun)04:09:31 No. 7172502 >reads thread >orgasm "feels like a good sneeze" >dont want to orgasm because it "feels weird" >women go months without masturbating I am now honestly wondering whether I have ever pleasured a girl to the same degree as they pleasure me. Man, fuck this gay earth.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:10:23 No. 7172512 >>7172375 >tfw no qt3.14 gf to RP incest with >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:10:33 No. 7172514 >>7172502 The female orgasm is stronger than men's. Don't listen to them.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:11:42 No. 7172524 >tfw guys like you but they are all gross, nerdy, and watch anime >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:11:54 No. 7172527 >>7172476 >implying they would care >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:13:03 No. 7172538 >>7172489 Tell him he sucks in bed. It'll hurt his feelings and you might get in a fight, but maybe after that he'll get his shit together and take care of you. And note that men aren't Nostradamus we can't get in your head and tell what you want. If you want something particular tell him.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:15:05 No. 7172557 >>7172514 this I came so hard last night that my orgasm lasted at least two solid minutes, blacked out for a moment, stained my computer chair and had to change my pants. the only times I've ever had a shitty orgasm were when I really was not turned on and tried forcing one out. Even then, comparing them to a sneeze is just ridiculous.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:15:06 No. 7172558 >>7172527 >completely disregarding the feelings of someone that loves you unconditionally you're a woman alright>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:15:55 No. 7172565 >>7172538 I don't need him to give me an orgasm His happiness is more important to me than sex ever could>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:16:16 No. 7172571 >>7172375 >tfw no qtpi incest roleplaying gf Guy without a working dick here. So I can't cum etc etc Also my legs don't work but my upper body is build as fuck. Question for the women: Can you be satisfied without a dick? Like experience an orgasm just from tongue, fingers, toys. Tell me your secret.>tfw parablegic >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:18:07 No. 7172583 >>7172315 My mom had this rule where I couldn't wear make up until I was 16, which was a good rule but then she didn't really show what to do when I was actually old enough to use it she never showed me how. Ironically, she's the one who bitches the most about how I dress like a "dude" and don't wear make up. She always says my boyfriend is going to leave me since I'm not girly enough.>>7172317 I have wavy hair, so I'll give it a shot. I've recently started using a coconut milk treatment that's been helping.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:18:26 No. 7172584 >>7172571 you could sure as hell pleasure your partner, women absolutely do not need a dick to cum what you need is a woman who will be able to value you for what you can do for her, and appreciate that despite your limitations, you're concerned with her pleasure and that's more than enough good fucking luck out there>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:18:45 No. 7172587 >>7172557 >you will never feel the female orgasim >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:18:47 No. 7172588 >>7172571 You can cum, you just haven't learned that it's all in your mind yet.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:19:50 No. 7172599 >>7172571 Ugh, yeah, I've actually only cum on a guys hand and not their fingers because they can hit the G-spot so much easier, or adjust specifically to what I want. You can always try to use a strap-on as well. Most dudes don't have the luxury of buying a bigger dick if their lady friend wants a big one.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:20:23 No. 7172607 >>7172571 >Can you be satisfied without a dick? Yes. But you know, there are things you can't really do without a working lower body. It would be like making love with a woman, but without the funny bits. But yes, you could very well pleasure your partner more than adequately, don't worry about that. Unless she likes to be fucked roughly, which is also pretty awesome.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:21:27 No. 7172613 >>7172571 Good luck out there bro. I admire you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:21:28 No. 7172614 >tfw no female friends How the fuck do I make female friends without coming across as crazy/desperate/weird??>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:22:33 No. 7172626 >>7172599 >Most dudes don't have the luxury of buying a bigger dick if their lady friend wants a big one. And that's why women are terrible.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:22:34 No. 7172627 >>7172599 DERP. I meant, "not their dicks..." Sorry.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:23:14 No. 7172635 >>7172614 NEVER make female "friends." Colleagues, yes, associates, yes, true friendship, never.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:23:33 No. 7172639 >tfw you check women out, but you're not a lesbian I just like looking at people.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:23:36 No. 7172640 >>7172614 Same how you get male friends>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:23:50 No. 7172642 >>7172557 >every woman has an orgasm exactly like me Yours sounds way above average. Mine is like 15 seconds of good, intense muscle contractions and that's it. From the way I've seen men describe their orgasms (especially prostate orgasms) it's better than mine.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:24:06 No. 7172645 >>7172626 Why is that terrible? I'm fucking cheering up a fellow rowboat you dick face.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:24:20 No. 7172648 >>7172173 >Try to mastrubate as frequent as before and the feeling might come back I've been trying and nothing has changed.>Or get a bf to fuck you. Seriously it's strange when girls can't find a boyfriend. I've had plenty of offers, but I've never taken any. I can't see myself being in a relationship. I just can't see it. I see other people together and I think it's perfectly normal, even romantic, and sometimes I long for what they have, but I know that the life I lead is waaay too solitary for another person to put up with.>Are you fat or ugly? No. I've been asked to model before. fuck, sorry for the TLDR response. I have late-night feels.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:24:28 No. 7172650 Olivia pls u r da butifulest >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:24:55 No. 7172656 >>7172026 (OP) I hate to hijack your thread but my latent sexism/misogyny makes it impossible for me to imagine females go to 4chan. I figure at any time, there's a great than 50% that any of you are actually a man. My mom taught me that girls don't like video games and other boy things, that carried over to my sexuality so I can't imagine women liking sex either. I can't talk to women because of it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:25:29 No. 7172665 >>7172640 Yeah, but I make male friends with witty banter and flirting. I don't think that works on the ladies.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:25:44 No. 7172669 >>7172645 Because he's either 1) a troll 2) an idiot 3) a misogynist, in order of statistical likeliness. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:25:57 No. 7172673 >>7172648 >I can't see myself being in a relationship. Dude,a chick did that to me last month after being with her for like 2 months. That's fucked up>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:26:39 No. 7172679 >>7172557 >women >orgasm Never mind me, there goes my basic inability to understand women again.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:27:02 No. 7172682 >>7172665 It does. Why would it not?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:27:09 No. 7172683 >>7172645 >Why is that terrible? Because unlike women's sexual attributes, mens are completely out of their control and women know it but still demand anyway.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:27:46 No. 7172689 >tfw a guy tries to make out with you after getting rejected by a prettier girl. fug u niqqa.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:27:54 No. 7172693 >>7172673 >it's fucked up that she doesn't want to be in a relationship >AKA you're butthurt because she's denying you the v craig pls go>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:28:04 No. 7172695 >>7172648 >I'm attractive bu t could never be in a relationships ;___: Not enough alphas asking you out?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:28:17 No. 7172698 >>7172665 That entirely depends on the kind of women to befriend. Protip: if it doesn't work, don't bother!>>7172683 >Because unlike women's sexual attributes, mens are completely out of their control laughing_monks.jpeg>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:28:20 No. 7172699 >>7172673 I'm sorry to hear that. Find someone who knows what they want, Anon. That's all imma say.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:28:38 No. 7172704 >>7172345 >implying females don't do the same face it, robots of all genders and sexes, looks is the primary rule of attraction. humans can't be any other way. the key is to finding a partner with your levels of pretty and also having a personality you like at least a bit.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:29:11 No. 7172706 >>7172599 >having to use a strap-on as a guy Thanks Obama>>7172588 I tried fapping. Sometimes I "feel a littler better in my mind" after it. But I can't jizz or anything, it just goes from hard to floppy after some time. Or I just haven't found 'the realy way' to masturbate, since I just move my hand up and down. For me it's like finding the Amber Room.>>7172599 >>7172584 >>7172613 >>7172607 Thanks for giving me some hope.>>7172669 >guy has it harder than you with >tfw no gf MUST BE A TROLL, IDIOT OR MISOGYNIST>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:29:35 No. 7172709 >>7172698 >laughing_monks.jpeg Women can change their breast shape and size, labias, and vaginal tightness. men can't do anything about their dicks, even worse if they're cut.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:29:42 No. 7172710 >>7172682 Because straight women are generally creeped out by lesbians and every time I've tried this before, people freak the fuck out.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:29:54 No. 7172711 >>7172648 >I know that the life I lead is waaay too solitary for another person to put up with. find someone as solitary as you. it's not as bad as you think it is. it's nice to know there's someone there for you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:30:08 No. 7172714 >>7172599 >You can always try to use a strap-on as well Yeah, it'd take one hell of a man to be confident to fuck a woman with a strap on. I think most men would be too insecure to do that.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:30:12 No. 7172716 >>7172648 >too solitary for another person to put up with iktf femanon>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:30:57 No. 7172721 >>7172693 Nah, if she aint into it I'm cool, but don't lea me on for a month then abruptly go "I quit" See, Gotye agrees with me >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:31:16 No. 7172722 >>7172704 >implying it's not already faced >implying the post you're responding to isn't being gender neutral on purpose you are preaching to the choir, my friend>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:31:31 No. 7172724 >>7172706 >guy has it harder than you with >tfw no gf That's not what was said. It was "WOMEN ARE TERRIBLE". So, yeah.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:31:43 No. 7172726 >>7172683 Uhhhhhhhhh You realize how many men want women to have certain vaginas (usually innies), certain tits, etc. THINGS THAT CANNOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT SURGERY. Any dude can buy a big dildo if he wants and use it to fuck. I can't go buy a new vagina or new tits to stick in/on me.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:31:57 No. 7172728 >>7172686 ok seriously though, women: my girlfriend and I fuck maybe twice a month. we're 21 and we've been dating for almost 6 years. I keep asking her to get off the pill because it's completely destroying my relationship with her but she always guilts me when i threaten any kind of action in retaliation. She refuses to talk with her gyno about it. I'm seriously about to dump my girlfriend of six fucking years that I've crushed on since i was in middle school. does that make me a dick?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:32:21 No. 7172731 >>7172710 Don't go for the cunts. No, really. I can flirt and do gay shit with all my female friends, without necessarily wanting to fuck them. I mean, I want to fuck them, but they don't want to fuck me.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:33:21 No. 7172739 >wake up, gf next to me >look out the window, snowing >look back at her, she's awake too >kiss and cuddle >sit around all day, watching movies, eating toast and drinking coffee and cuddling tfw no gf>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:33:26 No. 7172740 >>7172710 Oh wait you're a chick? Then I dunno. A friend of mine at my college is actually going through the same issue, she has no girl friends except this one albanian chick>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:33:37 No. 7172741 >>7172695 Did you even read my post? pillockblox>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:34:16 No. 7172744 >>7172721 Fair enough. But some girls are strange and need time to decide if they're into someone or not. Other times they're just too much of a pussy to admit how they really feel, out of fear or something equally silly. It doesn't make it any less shitty for them to do, but there ya go.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:34:29 No. 7172746 >>7172726 >THINGS THAT CANNOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT SURGERY. They can still be changed.>Any dude can buy a big dildo if he wants and use it to fuck. Because nothing is better than knowing you are inadequate for your gf and you have to buy her a dildo molded after another guy's huge cock, right?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:35:47 No. 7172754 >>7172223 I have the same issue and i'm not even attracted to asian men that much. It's in the way they fuck. In AMWF porn the guy seems to worship the girl and spends ages fondling/licking her boobs etc. They tend to have foreplay that lasts for ages and in western porn its usually: Girl suck guy. Guy fuck girl. Cumshot on face.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:36:12 No. 7172756 Where do I meet women who are into a bit more 'varied' fetishes like roleplaying (e.g. master and dog), cosplaying, buttplugs, anal and some more crazy stuff I don't want to say here to not look like a creep. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:36:30 No. 7172758 >>7172746 Uhhh, dicks can also be enlarged with surgery. Google is your friend dick face. Also, just buy a fucking DP strap on. Put your little peep in her butt (I'm sure it'll feel plenty big enough there), and the big dildo in her vag.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:37:14 No. 7172766 >>7172112 I'm a guy and this has happened to me. Nearly every one of my orgasms now are pretty tame and it's really shitty. I used to have earthshattering orgasms all the time when I was younger, but not anymore. Perhaps it's an age thing, perhaps it's a physiological change, who knows? It probably varies from person to person.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:37:14 No. 7172767 >>7172756 > caring about what other people think of you I found your problem.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:37:13 No. 7172768 >>7172239 I would help you. It's not that hard you just need to start simple. Youtube make up gurus tend to do a bot too much.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:37:51 No. 7172775 How do I get a qt virgin gf? pls help ladies >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:38:28 No. 7172780 >>7172746 do you think that having tit or vag surgery doesn't send the message that they are inadequate and need body parts molded after some other girl's tits or vag>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:38:30 No. 7172782 >>7172767 >pointing out the obvious and avoiding the question >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:38:37 No. 7172783 >>7172239 Makeup isn't actually a naturally female skill. I know, it's crazy.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:38:38 No. 7172784 >>7172756 OKC (met a few awesome doms on there), or Fetlife. Fetlife is way less creeper than collarme or any of those other d/s sites.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:39:35 No. 7172790 >>7172775 Meet her when she is young and build a friendship from there>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:39:48 No. 7172792 >>7172775 Be young enough to chat up 15-17 girls.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:39:51 No. 7172793 >>7172766 THAT FUCKING FEEL WHEN YOU'VE WORN OUT YOUR SEX DRIVES BEFORE YOU'VE EVEN HAD SEX>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:41:25 No. 7172803 >>7172793 It's not like we're ever having sex anyway so who caresd.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:42:06 No. 7172808 >>7172790 >meet girls How?>build friendship How?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:45:04 No. 7172825 >>7172808 Be in place with girls and where talking to them is socially accepted (school, clubs, etc.). Talk to them about things that make sense in that instant (for example, about the class). Build up on that.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:45:12 No. 7172826 >>7172803 yeah, true. I'll use my sexual frustration as a source of motivation when I enter wizardry. MY POWERS WILL BE UNRIVALED..>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:47:25 No. 7172844 >>7172728 no. tell her that this is really fucking important. and, like you said, it's destroying your relationship. if she still resists, well, feel sad for both you and her.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:47:29 No. 7172845 >>7172825 I dunno, it seems like a lot of work. Can't you just be my girlfriend instead?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:48:18 No. 7172852 >>7172845 I'm sorry, I'm waiting for Prince Charming.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:49:21 No. 7172862 >>7172852 Well, what a coincidence, I happen to be Prince Charming! This aughta trick her >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:50:26 No. 7172868 >>7172224 all women are liars>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:51:03 No. 7172872 >>7172224 also you dont have to fake it. your just scared of making him feel bad.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:51:21 No. 7172874 >>7172862 Prince Charming would be on his white horse and have a crown and shit. Also, he would be singing a serenade in my street. Are you doing that? Because I'm not hearing anything.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:51:46 No. 7172876 >>7172239 i like girls like you. appear way more down to earth not the way to attract chad thundercock, tho>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:52:21 No. 7172878 >>7172874 Fuck you bitch, take what you're given or I'll just roofie you, whore.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:52:23 No. 7172879 >>7172844 trust me, i've threatened to leave her half a dozen times over the past year we couldnt get any clearer on the issue>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:53:40 No. 7172890 >tfw you tell your bf you're pregnant >you're looking for his reaction >he flips out and tells me to abort it >tfw your boyfriend doesn't want to have children with you :'( I fucking hate you, I want children WHY CAN'T I HAVE 1 Im breaking up with him, he's a dick. But he was so nice when I first met him -,_->>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:53:41 No. 7172891 >>7172878 >implying you would have the opportunity >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:54:40 No. 7172900 >>7172224 >tfw you fake an orgasm over skype voice chat because you feel too awkward to finish. never again>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:54:50 No. 7172902 >>7172890 I wish I could slap you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:55:29 No. 7172908 >>7172891 I'll have plenty of opportunities once I've convinced you I'm Prince Charming.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:55:30 No. 7172909 >>7172375 follow your intuition. most guys are normal but fuck it, let him know it really gets you off... thatll probably be enough to convince half the guys or you could just go slob your brother *shudder*>>
male feminist !!YCePg6TwzZ5 06/02/13(Sun)04:56:15 No. 7172914 >tfw you completely crush a guy's hopes and dreams with one fucking sentence >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:56:23 No. 7172916 >>7172368 >My boyfriend doesn't like it when I masturbate... well do you like it? fuck i hate when girls lose their will and just go by what the bf says>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:56:32 No. 7172917 >>7172908 >implying you would be able to do it without the white horse, the crown, and the serenade. >seriously dtatanta >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:57:06 No. 7172924 >>7172914 Hahahahahahahaha, fucking busted.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:57:40 No. 7172930 >>7172356 shes scared shes gonna piss herself>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:57:51 No. 7172933 >tfw your bf's ex contacts him and says she misses him and that she regrets how things ended with him >she is unhappy with her bf >messaging my bf pic related, it's my face when my bf told me about it fucking nigger lipped slutty asian whore>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:58:05 No. 7172934 >>7172917 I can't do the serenade because I have throat cancer. Show some sympathy you whore. Also I'll probably just spray paint a hamster white or something and make a crown out of paper mache.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)04:58:37 No. 7172940 >>7172933 >>7172933 where can i find racist women like you>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:00:11 No. 7172945 >>7172934 >I have throat cancer. Then you're not Prince Charming.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:00:52 No. 7172948 >>7172945 Did I say throat cancer, I meant to say I have a shot gun, so you better fucking get over the fact I'm not singing.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:00:57 No. 7172950 >>7172565 well that happiness is based on a lie (as far as sex is concered) how much other shit are you faking in the relationship just to keep things smooth?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:01:17 No. 7172952 >>7172940 stormfag.cunt?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:01:57 No. 7172958 >>7172952 i said racist not a redneck>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:02:47 No. 7172963 >>7172948 >shot gun >not a sword Christ, you're not even trying.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:04:15 No. 7172970 >>7172645 >I'm fucking cheering up a fellow rowboat you dick face. i fucking hate this about women here let me tell you shit that will make you feel better but wont actually fix anything fuck fuck fuck>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:04:26 No. 7172974 >>7172902 Ikr my choice in men is really bad.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:05:21 No. 7172979 >>7172963 My sword is my penis ;)>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:06:02 No. 7172983 >>7172940 I wouldn't say I'm racist against all asians, just her. I suppose using nigger was racist, I should've said swollen anal hernia lips instead!>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:08:24 No. 7173001 >>7172983 I just feel like most women these days would be utterly offended if you even thought the word nigger, thanks to political correctness.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:09:43 No. 7173009 >>7173001 It's a great way to put somebody into the 'violent douchebag' category.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:13:27 No. 7173028 My gf is on the depo shot. We haven't fucked in a month because she's spotting apparently. She said it could last another month. She's not into blowjobs or hand jobs really. I'm 20. What the fuck am I supposed to do here? I haven't invested a year into this shit to jerk off in her bathroom everyone I come over. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:15:32 No. 7173037 >>7172026 (OP) Well...this morning I had a surprise period that ended up in a big mess. Pad I had on last night had slipped sideways (wtf) so my pants were wrecked. Ripped them off to get another pad+an old pair of pants and got blood all over my bedroom floor. I tried to sue the stupid not-working pad to stop more flow and got blood on my hands as which point I just grabbed what I needed with my other hand and ran to the bathroom to prevent MORE mess and it started going down my legs... Fuck periods. Seriously. Such a massive inconvenience... I'm not even lying. This all happened to me this very fucking morning. Not the only female feel, obviously...but it's the one I'm annoyed about right now T-T>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:18:33 No. 7173064 >>7172914 perferable over beating around the bush and giving him hopeless hope>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:19:56 No. 7173075 >>7172345 HUMANS ARE ALL SHALLOW YES EVEN YOU>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:20:47 No. 7173083 Has this happened to anyone else?>in friend's car >they back up into a pillar in a parking garage >ouchies >uterus hurts >get period the next day >it's 5 days early >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:22:03 No. 7173097 >>7173028 spotting?> like period shit? just get her to fuck over a towel. within 2 minutes she'll have stopped caring and their be period all over everything and sweet sweet sex in the air>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:24:40 No. 7173118 >>7172345 so i had this girl i became friends with way back in the day. kinda cute but great personality, we got along great. almost left my gf for her but then we split ways ' 3 years later my gf breaks up with me and not a week later out of no where this girl hits me up. i go to meet up with her and she is fucking gorgeous. i get all beta aas fuck around her cuase shes beautiful and i guess she sensed it cuase she is totally not into me at all anymore, oh woah is me>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:27:00 No. 7173144 >>7173097 Yeah. She said it makes her painfully sensitive down there. Is this seriously a common thing though? Not giving a shit about anyone else's needs but your own? Worst part is she kisses my neck and puts her hands down my pants and shit. Knowing that she's just going to roll over and go to sleep when we get to bed. It's fucking ridiculous.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:28:31 No. 7173157 >>7173144 There she's probably just trying to make up for no sex as opposed to teasing you maliciously. Just tell her that's making it worse unless she's going to finish you off somehow with her mouth/hands.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:34:39 No. 7173200 >>7172879 that's that, then, isn't it. it's gonna be hard, but what you gonna do.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:36:35 No. 7173216 >That feel when squirter >bf needs to pull out so I can come >Sometimes he doesn't pull out on purpose, leaving me desperately squirming trying to get him out so I can finish I wish I could just cum around him but I always have this huge urge to have him out when I finish. Does anyone else know this feel>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:37:36 No. 7173224 >>7172171 >being able to pick who you want to have sex with Check your fucking privileges, cunt>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:37:44 No. 7173225 I will. She doesn't like to talk about sex due to being abused but it looks like we're going to have to sit and talk about this. It's such a shitty feeling though. My birthday came and went and I've had blue balls since April... >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:37:46 No. 7173226 >>7173144 well my ex's excuse was that it would be too messy and i was like "thats a stupid excuse" and after a couple seconds of my dick in her shed be like "yeah, fuck a mess, this is great">>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:39:17 No. 7173236 >>7173226 Why would you want to fuck a girl on her period? I don't get it. The thought turns me off. And blood is HIV city if you're unlucky. Never know unless you've been exclusive for 6 months and tested. Blood is high risk. Id sooner fuck a street walker bareback than do period sex with any girl short of a 'soul mate' type that i absolutely trusted>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:39:44 No. 7173239 >>7173083 >I'm a fucking weirdo who got pregnant from a car >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:40:22 No. 7173246 >>7173226 I already fucked her on her period once. And other girls. They really don't care about the mess, just us being grossed out by them I think. At least the ones I know. As long as I don't see any blood or anything I'm fine with it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:41:32 No. 7173260 >>7172305 >>7172345 >>7173075 So basically the lesson is true love doesn't exist and we'll probably marrying someone we barely know out of convenience or based on lust, power, or comfort.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:41:48 No. 7173261 >>7172669 >3) a misogynist >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:45:31 No. 7173287 >>7173236 >fuck gf on her period >blood everywhere >take shower with gf >fuck some more >her cramps are lessened >my tadpoles are drained >life is awesome And then she left me, rowboats. And then she left me. ;_;>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:48:17 No. 7173300 >>7173287 Like right after or what? Moarinfoblox>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:53:18 No. 7173320 >tfw you think your bf is too good for you >his degree is 70% women and they all look stunning >tfw you're just waiting for him to get snapped up by some other girl and leave you all alone >tfw I dont think i'll ever be able to love someone as much as him >tfw constantly break down crying cause the stress of paranoia >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:57:42 No. 7173347 >>7173236 cuase it was my gf and i sex feels good, even if it is a lil messy especially if its really messy :p>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:57:43 No. 7173348 >>7173300 Of course, right after. Do you know what dried blood smells like? Shit is unacceptable.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)05:58:56 No. 7173352 >>7173320 >mfw you leave him in six months >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:02:00 No. 7173372 >>7173236 I always think of period with my gf sex as kinky. Like we probably shouldn't do it, which results in more foreplay while we convince eachother and btw we do we're both horny as fuck>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:07:47 No. 7173402 >>7173352 He's my first bf, first love, first kiss and I gave my virginity to him. I felt like I was going to end up pathetically alone for the rest of my life until he picked me up. I honestly think the day he leaves me is the day my life ends.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:12:23 No. 7173439 >>7173402 >working your anxiety up this much >implying all that anxiety isn't going to manifest itself in you becoming a total whore and leaving him first >shiggy >diggy >2012 >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:12:24 No. 7173440 >>7173216 On one hand I'm glad because I cum all the time with my bf in me and we both feel awesome. On the other hand I'm jealous because I hear squirting feels awesome.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:15:59 No. 7173474 >>7173402 >worrying about what could happen instead of enjoying love while it's there >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:16:25 No. 7173483 >>7172260 >>tfw you stare at a girl to admire their outfit and they catch you and think you're a lesbian Grills think this is a problem. Holy shit, I wanna beat the crap out of you so bad.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:23:33 No. 7173548 >>7173402 >tfw no one will ever feel this way about me >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:30:04 No. 7173604 >>7173439 I think that my anxiety will manifest itself but in a way that pushes him away from me...>>7173474 I do enjoy our time together, its when im alone that I get stuck in these thoughts>>7173548 You never know what's around the corner, I was 21 when I met him>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:52:29 No. 7173777 >>7173604 >You never know what's around the corner, I was 21 when I met him was he a hopeless loser?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:56:15 No. 7173807 >>7173037 >not greentexting >expecting anyone to read your shit >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)06:56:36 No. 7173812 >>7173604 >You never know what's around the corner, I was 21 when I met him There is still hope for me! I'm 21, and I've been a virgin my whole life. Not by choice. By the sounds of it, you were lonely too. I want to lose my virginity to someone special to me, hopefully someone I care about. I want someone who waited for me like I waited for them, but not a religious freak, who saved herself until marriage, just someone decent who respects herself. If someone like you was out there, then there's still hope for me yet. I just need to kick my ass and stop being a NEET. She's out there somewhere. I need to worry more about me not about her.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)07:01:01 No. 7173849 >man feet fetish >bf has big toes >fucks you with his big toe feels good>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)07:08:57 No. 7173897 >>7172260 >tfw you are more attracted to men for how they smell rather than how they look The fuck?>The fuck? >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:03:31 No. 7174301 Why do females like drug dealers? I've seen girls pay some scumbag for coke, and still want his dick. How common is the attractive girl lies about mega turbo slut past to settle for a beta type provider in their 30's while fucking 25 year old Chad Mcthundercock's younger brother on the side as well as their/his boss and the mailman, poolboy, and gardener? >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:05:51 No. 7174327 >>7174301 Why are you hanging around with cokeheads?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:09:49 No. 7174348 >>7174327 I live in Los Angeles and am majoring in a non STEM field. My classmates all do it, sadly.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:17:28 No. 7174401 >>7174348 Get new classmates.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:29:09 No. 7174493 >>7172558 then no one should ever even own dogs>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:35:50 No. 7174543 >>7172614 >tfw i've chased girls around to see how they react and see if they're friend material >tfw you finally think you've found someone but then you see their facebook posts and NOPE >tfw you'll never have a clone best friend >tfw all girls around you are bitches >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:44:11 No. 7174624 >>7172026 (OP) >tfw never know how to clarify relationships non-awkwardly >go into them with express purpose of being friends, made clear from the start >guy starts getting more and more flirty I always ruin it. I drop the boyfriend bomb and they get pissed I didn't mention him before, even though it was entirely irrelevant to the conversation. Or I re-clarify things and mention how this is supposed to just be friendship and good conversation. And that offends, because I guess I'm implying they were only out for sex or something. What do I have to do to keep a friend?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:45:25 No. 7174636 >>7172890 Fuck that. I've seriously considered getting a vasectomy to avoid the possibility of such a situation.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:45:46 No. 7174639 >>7172900 Oh, god, I did that.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:45:48 No. 7174640 >>7172930 >>7172302 God damn this. It got incredibly frustrating.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:55:00 No. 7174700 >tfw trying to be friends with another female >tfw none of them like me because I have no taste in fashion and I have the sense of humour of a man >tfw I will never know what it feels like to talk to another girl about guys No matter what I do I just can't connect with females. I don't even understand my own mother at times.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:55:19 No. 7174702 >>7174624 i feel you sis>can't mention boyfriend because they didn't ask >can't say "hey don't hit on me" because then i'm just assuming things >tfw i had to tell one guy when he was about to play me a song and declare his love >i had met him just the other day (we were in summercamp) >HURRR BITCH WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFORE >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:59:56 No. 7174736 >>7172792 even then they are no virginal>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:11:00 No. 7174811 >>7173812 >I've been a virgin my whole life Maybe its just because I am high but no way I got about it, I cannot wrap my head around this sentence>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:11:25 No. 7174815 >>7173402 You know that all your worrying could very well end the relationship, right?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:15:27 No. 7174856 >>7174702 >can't mention boyfriend because they didn't ask wow that's the dumbest shit i've read all month. there comes a point in all conversations when you can mention that you have a significant other.>lol yeah my boyfriend took me there once >i can't right now i'm going to see my boyfriend fucking something. i hated my ex doing that lame ass "not gonna mention anything" shit. i'm glad that's over with.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:20:27 No. 7174896 >>7174856 >Hey what's your name? >Mike >Oh cool, my boyfriends name also has a consonant in it. >Hawk >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:25:25 No. 7174923 >>7174896 That's pretty smooth.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:26:32 No. 7174932 >>7174856 yea there comes, but maybe not in the first few hours of conversations, and so it happens that some guys are tards enough to think a few hours is enough to fall in love with you>>7174896 ajajajajaja thanks>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:28:37 No. 7174950 >>7174856 Just mention some inane similarity with your boyfriend - doesn't even have to be true. It's not even because he'll fuck off if you have a boyfriend (though some might) - just helps him know how to behave.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:30:14 No. 7174963 >>7174624 >What do I have to do to keep a friend? Men don't want friends, we want partners. The first thing a guy does once he gets a serious girlfriend is stop talking to his friends and nest with his new love. We only want and require a single emotional connection to the world. If you aren't going to be it and you aren't going to be a short term fuckbuddy, we don't need you.>>
>>7172248 This why I only talk to girls of my own race, I'm scared that white girls will just think I'm hitting on them or something.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:34:28 No. 7174992 >white male lf qt3.14 average korean gf >get benched white females >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:34:30 No. 7174995 >>7174963 >having a boyfriend with no friends do not want>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:44:31 No. 7175067 >>7174995 We don't want female friends*>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:48:07 No. 7175086 >>7175067 What's the difference? Why can't you talk to a female friend as if she were just a regular friend? I'm talking about online friendships>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:50:22 No. 7175102 >>7175067 have you read the post i replied to? or was it you that wrote it? in both cases you're a tard.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:51:25 No. 7175108 >>7174963 >The first thing a guy does once he gets a serious girlfriend is stop talking to his friends Please I've almost lost my best bro to this curse Don't remind me>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:55:57 No. 7175134 >>7175067 >not making female friends for practicing conversations with females >not wanting female friends for female advice general >not wanting female friends for improving self >still wondering why no gf seriously r9k, if you can't maintain friendship with girls, how do you expect to maintain a relationship?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:10:18 No. 7175235 >>7175134 I don't understand why they wouldn't just be okay with a female friend for regular friendship either. If she has a ton of shit in common with you and can provide discussions on topics another friend can't, why would you just drop her for being female?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:10:23 No. 7175236 >>7175134 I don't know if I'm speaking for other guys here too but I find social interaction to be very draining. I would not do it unless I had a good reason. If I'm talking to a girl and asking her questions about her trip to France, it is because I'm thinking of going and want to know about the practicalities. If I'm flirting with a girl and making her laugh it is only because I want sex from her. In both cases I have an "ulterior motive", I'm using her for travel information in the first case and for sexual gratification in the second. But only in the second case would I be accused of "using" a girl which is strange because the sexual gratification is mutual.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:16:55 No. 7175289 >>7175236 sounds like you just don't find people fun, nothing wrong here. I have no friends because they're not interesting enough, not because their gender.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:21:13 No. 7175320 >tfw girl wants me to take her virginity >tfw I'm a virgin as well >tfw scared of hurting her any tips, fembots?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:36:44 No. 7175447 >>7175320 Go for it. 3 years down the line you'll both laugh at how awkward it was.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)10:38:01 No. 7175458 >TFW ugly female so will fail in life >tfw uglier then all your friends ( even the tomboy one >tfw begging to gain fat. Being a female is almost all about looks>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:40:16 No. 7175485 >>7175458 Fuck you haysack, we all know what you look like.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:40:21 No. 7175486 >>7175320 if she's horny enough it won't hurt tease her and finger her before putting it in if she's wet then it's gonna be awesome it didn't hurt when i lost it>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:43:15 No. 7175507 >>7175447 yeah haha, probably. She's in love with me, and I'm just scared she'll regret it.>>7175486 She gets really wet from me fingering her previously, and when I was eating her out. Plus at the moment she's extremely horny and was the one pressuring me to have sex with her.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)10:44:52 No. 7175518 >>7175485 No you dont. D:<>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:45:30 No. 7175523 Hey fembots, If you're doing some work on an assignment in a public learning area, what would be the least offensive way that a guy could approach you? Regards, Robot with a crush on an acquaintence at uni >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:46:53 No. 7175536 >>7175518 So the pictures on aren't you? So you lied about those?>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)10:47:10 No. 7175538 >>7175523 Come up to a girl. Say hi nice weath innit? Talk abou the goddamn weather. Tell her you would like 2 talk moer ask for number. Done>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)10:47:48 No. 7175542 >>7175536 Those are me.. And im ugly.. theres 30 more nudes of me you wont ever find i have them all here on this pc>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:48:32 No. 7175552 >>7175523 offer help / ask for help good luck brobot>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:48:46 No. 7175554 >tfw when you have dark hair and pale skin and your boobs have very small, yet noticeable hairs on them that are hard to pluck >tfw your period comes unexpectedly and you stain your favourite white lace panties >tfw you think you're heterosexual yet every guy that you've ever been intimate with has made your skin crawl no matter how qt he was. Every man's touch feels like a weird uncle and you like boobs and vagina but don't feel attracted to women otherwise. >tfw scared of the hairdressers so your haircut is a disaster >tfw same size as average 12 year old so it's just impossible to find clothes that fit >tfw still suffer from acne and every spot you get leaves a little red mark on your pale skin >tfw desperate to be attractive even though it doesn't really matter because you don't go out and men repulse you >tfw scared of penises >tfw when your slightly above average body is all you have going for you >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:51:33 No. 7175571 >>7175542 Wow you must think girls like me are completely disgusting then. You may have body image issues but you will never understand what it is to be TRULY ugly as a woman. You'll feel ugly in your own skin, I'll have that plus people glaring at me like I'm scum.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:53:16 No. 7175584 >>7174700 sounds like you are FtM get on that test, bro>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)10:53:25 No. 7175587 >>7175571 NO no seriously. Im ugly as fuck. I have the largest nose in the entire world.. srs i look like a white african almost. I have short as fuck legs and im also fat. You cant beat me. I bet if you posted a pic you would get alot ALOT of whiteknights and guys saying so cute and pretty pls post moar.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:55:45 No. 7175606 >>7175554 >tfw PCOS >scarred breasts from ingrown hairs everywhere >that absolutely horrified feeling when you think of showing a person your naked body >destined to be alone forever because of your repulsing condition eat cunt bitch>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:55:48 No. 7175608 >tfw you're a nerd girl genuinely attracted to alpha males but everyone who shares your hobby shames you because they're mostly beta introverts Fuck>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:56:56 No. 7175618 >>7175587 Fucking hell. You have a fucking beautiful body and a cute as fuck face. I'm not about to post a picture of myself and make myself feel any worse because I have beautiful people like you who can't see it to do that for me.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:57:07 No. 7175620 >>7175606 ;_; S sorry, I know some girls have it worse than me, but mine still sucks.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)10:58:11 No. 7175633 >>7175618 Me pretty. Lel what this is and old picture of me>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:00:51 No. 7175653 >tfw you get a divorce after not working the entire relationship and get a shit ton of money court ordered to you that you don't deserve >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:01:01 No. 7175656 >>7175633 >freckles >glasses >smile Pretty cute, would bang definitely. I have terrible body dysmorphism as well. Fucking sucks, but probably stems from terrible self esteem problems as a kid.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:01:07 No. 7175659 >>7175608 Just go for it dude. I'm a nerd guy, and I realise how fucking shit we are. Rub it in, make it the norm, and ostracise us from our own subculture - we deserve it for being such misogynistic cunts. Not joking or a cuckfag, I just hate myself lel.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:01:25 No. 7175663 >>7175633 better keep on cutting yourself.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:01:46 No. 7175666 >>7175633 yeah, you're a little goofy looking but those glasses aren't do you any favors and you're not fat and have some boobs. you just don't try hard enough. and that's fine. but don't try and act like you are unapproachably ugly. it's an insult to the truly repulsive. you're a solid 5/10 and can probably get to a 7/10 with makeup and better clothes. like most women.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:01:52 No. 7175668 >>7175633 You are average Haysack Don't let people convince you of anything else in either direction>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:03:47 No. 7175674 >>7175608 >genuinely attracted to alpha males Like every other fucking woman on the planet>but I'm a nerd girl so I'm supposed to be a snowflake Kill yourself>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:04:07 No. 7175680 >>7175668 Thanks anon. I thought i was a 3/10 honestly. If im average i can improve :)>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:05:03 No. 7175687 >>7175659 Wow, what a white knighting faggot Throw yourself off a cliff.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:05:10 No. 7175688 >>7175633 I'm not even going to argue anymore, you're just making me feel worse about my own appearance. I guess that's on purpose, though. Mission accomplished I feel even more worthless than I did when I came into the thread!>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:05:36 No. 7175696 >>7175674 No, I know girls like alpha males but in this culture it's not accepted to like them like we are supposed to do, I was never into nerd guys for anything other than good friends.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:06:01 No. 7175698 >>7175656 >your parents think you have BDD because you've been losing weight >chubby as fuck still >"WHY ARE YOU STILL TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT YOU'RE GOING TO LOOK SICK ANON" >they don't understand wanting to be thin masterrace fucking fat family members i don't motherfucking even>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:06:51 No. 7175706 >>7175688 FUCK YOU. Seriously listen femanon. I cant convince you to think you're pretty. Which you probably are. Probably more then average but if you if you think youre so ugly go ahead and think it but i doubt you are.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:07:03 No. 7175708 >>7175698 you look like a smelly indian. or asian.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:07:49 No. 7175715 >>7175698 Looks fine to me>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:08:26 No. 7175722 >>7173812 You are a virgin male so your chances are very very low. Better get a hooker or something to remove that stigma from you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:08:52 No. 7175725 >>7175706 i'd fuck you, haysack. i bet you're not even a virgin.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:09:47 No. 7175734 >>7175668 >tfw haysack is average >tfw still immensely out of my league >tfw I have no value to approximately half of the human race >>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:10:35 No. 7175743 >>7175725 No i would not allow you to fuck me>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:10:54 No. 7175747 >>7175734 you'd have more value if you earned some money.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:11:14 No. 7175755 Oh wow, the thread has been derailed with self-deprecation and attention whoring. Remind me again why I should make female friends? tfw hungry for some jarred food and can't unscrew the lid >>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:12:15 No. 7175772 >>7175755 >>7175755 Because if i were your friend i would clean your room hug you buy you candy play vidya and go to the pool with you>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:12:49 No. 7175779 >>7172260 >female >stare at girls all the time >check out their asses >watch women in the gym (mostly to see how they do all these exercises) >realize I couldn't do this if I were a guy because that'd be creepy No one has ever said anything or even given me a look.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:13:15 No. 7175787 >>7175554 get a tan. the contrast won't be as evident. your hairs will become lighter. your acne will dry and possibly disappear. good luck sis>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:13:19 No. 7175788 >>7175755 Get a heavy knife and bang on the sides of the lid a bit, enough to dent it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:13:39 No. 7175792 >tfw give bf blowies all the time, but no cunnulingus for me. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:13:49 No. 7175795 >>7175743 >tfw you want Haysack to scratch and cut your chest while penetrating her tight vagina >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:13:55 No. 7175798 >>7175743 just because i said i would fuck you doesn't mean i need to fuck you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:14:18 No. 7175802 >tfw you switch your gender, and the genders of all related characters when telling /r9k/ relationship stories. >tfw now they sympathize with you. >tfw wishing you could do the same in real life, so you could be treated as people instead of precious babby/satanic whore. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:14:50 No. 7175812 >>7175772 Is that what friends do? Damn, I mustn't really have friends.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:14:59 No. 7175818 >>7175795 wat pls stahp. Not cool. Scary as fuck...>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:15:39 No. 7175826 >>7175788 Fair enough. What do I do when I can't open plastic twist caps? The friction hurts my hands and I give up most of the time.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:15:48 No. 7175829 >>7175798 >cut dick Americlap detected>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:16:13 No. 7175836 >>7175792 Sounds like a good boyfriend. Dudes suck at clitoral stimulation, always. I'd always rather beat off.>>7175708 >>7175715 No.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:16:25 No. 7175837 >>7175818 it's too late to stop now you asked for this>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:16:27 No. 7175838 >>7172302 >not holding her down and giving her forced orgasms >not tying her up and playing with her for hours until she's a twitching mess >calling other people lazy asses >calling yourself a man >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:16:41 No. 7175842 >>7175680 And don't you forget itApparently the robot doesn't think that I am 'original'. What we found out today is that the robot is hipster as fuck >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:17:30 No. 7175854 >>7175755 female friends would help you with that jar>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:17:37 No. 7175859 >>7175836 whatever, you are nonwhite as fuck. disgusting.>>
Ron !PaulRHvKC. 06/02/13(Sun)11:17:40 No. 7175860 >>7175743 Holy fucking shit.Get the fuck out of /r9k/ >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:17:46 No. 7175863 >>7175826 Wrap the cap with a moist towel before you twist it.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:17:59 No. 7175867 >>7175837 NO I DIDNT ;_; u r scary stahp. I HAVE A PENIS>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:18:39 No. 7175873 >>7175792 Is it just your vagina, or all vagina? You could integrate him in with a dental dam, and slowly work your way to full-blown cunnilingus. I dunno man, my boyfriend once came just from eating me out.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:18:49 No. 7175874 >>7175860 >Says the tripfag to the tripfag >>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:18:51 No. 7175875 >>7175860 Ron please. Look im really nice if you're nice to me. Now lets all be friends and stop fighting. I like evryone. Almost.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:19:25 No. 7175881 >>7175787 I live in a shitty country and it's never warm here so I can't really get a natural tan. I don't want to use a tanning bed or fake tan either.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:19:28 No. 7175883 tfw accidentally falling asleep in makeup and waking up feeling like a slimey monster. tfw wishing you got treated half as good in real life as you do online. tfw robots dc you on omegle video because they're legitimately afraid of you. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:19:37 No. 7175887 >>7175867 >Cuts on leg You disgust me.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:19:39 No. 7175888 >>7175854 >tfw all your girlfriends look like this >tfw when you are the fat friend >tfw when sometimes you want to die but still have red velvet cake in the fridge >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:19:49 No. 7175891 >>7172344 I love carrying around my cat. She's so soft and warm. I dote on her so much, with cuddle and petting and I let her chew my hair because she thinks it's string and her eyes light up. I have a laser pointer for her and use old floss as string. I wish she'd let me take her outside, I want a carry backpack for her with mesh windows and we could go on walks together. But she just maos at me pitifully if I even take her out on the porch.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:20:32 No. 7175901 >>7175888 >tfw when >that feel when when >when when Shit, nigger. What are you doing?>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:20:59 No. 7175907 >>7175888 To bulky for me.. would never want to look like that>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:21:39 No. 7175911 >>7172368 My boyfriend smacks me if he sees me masturbating, but he's fine if I do it while he's gone. Just hide your dildo well and do it when he's gone.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:21:56 No. 7175917 >>7175883 I'm on omegle all the time and I usually get insta-dcd by fembots. I don't instadc anyone unless they are already confirmed to be a cunt.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:22:17 No. 7175922 >>7175854 No she'd probably just sit there and wait for the jar to call her pretty. tfw more misogynistic than most men are.>>7175863 I've heard that one and tried it, slips right by the grips. Or maybe I'm just fucking retarded, both can be true.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:23:08 No. 7175931 >>7175887 >implying that's not hot as fuck If I pulled down a girls pants to find that, I would be driven into an unstoppably fucking frenzy.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:24:55 No. 7175953 >>7175922 A thin towel. Like, double up a paper towel.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:25:20 No. 7175958 >>7175826 You could always ask a guy to open it for you. Makes him feel good and you get an open bottle/jar.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:25:48 No. 7175963 >>7175907 i would never want to look like you>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:26:44 No. 7175973 >>7175917 Yeah most times this is the case. One time a girl called me pretty before disconnecting me. At least I got a self-esteem boost with my straight up rejection. I have only met two girls that didn't leave so far. One seemed to have a lot of issues with her parents and threw a pity party for no reason pretty much the whole time we talked. The other one was probably a tumblr girl that seemed to be doing something else in another tab so I felt like she thought I was boring and it got awkward fast.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:28:25 No. 7175998 >>7172728 my girlfriend of a year and a half is on the pill and our sex life has gone from full on nymphomania to maybe once a week. I'm not sure if that's just the natural progression of the relationship or if it's to do with the birth control.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:29:22 No. 7176011 >>7175953 Haven't tried paper towels, you might be on to something.>>7175958 My whole problem is when they don't come home and I need to cook for myself and I can't even open the first jar or can.. Yay feeling pathetic and weak>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:29:22 No. 7176012 >>7175998 She cheatin brah>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:29:55 No. 7176021 >>7175907 >dat pencil neck >dat fucked up jaw classic butterface.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:33:04 No. 7176052 >>7176021 t-thanks r9k for fucking up my confidence a-again. i think i should go and cry in a corner.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:33:21 No. 7176053 >>7172557 I only get the 2-minute-long ones after going at it for an hour or two to a fantasy and having multiple smaller orgasms first. I cum like 5-10 times per session.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:34:17 No. 7176067 >>7176011 I always use my shirt when opening jars/bottles with plastic caps when my hands are wet. Works like a charm. Or you could just stab a hole into the lid of the jar if you're using its entire content>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:34:30 No. 7176069 > tfw qt3.14 guy takes his breaks at the same place as me but i'll never work out the courage to talk to him >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:35:35 No. 7176084 >>7172571 Paraplegics can't fuck? Jesus christ dude. Here's to hoping that stem cell research comes through.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:35:52 No. 7176089 Wait...Did this thread just turn into another attention whore thread? This is why we can't have nice things.>Femanon thred >Finally I can post pics of myself and call myself ugly >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:36:00 No. 7176091 >>7175873 He mentioned that he considered it with his ex, but didn't actually do it. When I bring it up, though, he brushes it off. I'd really like to try it, though.>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:36:28 No. 7176096 >>7172279 >thinks of a baby as a clothing accessory You truly are the scum of the earth.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:36:32 No. 7176097 >>7176089 TFW UGLY ;_; if i an hero i will film it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:37:53 No. 7176110 >>7176052 if that nude of you upthread is really your body is pretty tight most guys wouldn't be able to fuck you looking at your face without laughing, though. i can imagine how goofy your face gets when you're moaning and getting drilled good. a real classic derpface. might want to look into some sort of jaw reshaping surgery. you're more of a face down, ass up kind of girl.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:38:02 No. 7176113 >>7176069 >10/10 qtp2t boy on the Internet compliments you >can't tell if being bullied because you're ugly as fuck and a loser >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:38:40 No. 7176120 > femanon feels thread > /r9k/ neckbeards insist on joining in you guys hate women, i really don't know why you waste your energy here.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:38:59 No. 7176123 >>7176110 T-thanks anon.. now im afraid to have sex..>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:39:13 No. 7176125 >tfw all females find my love of cooking to be beta as fuck >tfw i'm almost done culinary school Time to bust out the yacht rock, it's gonna be a feel-a-coaster type of day.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:39:24 No. 7176130 >>7176113 guys are desperate and have low as fuck standarts. i wouldn't be surprised.>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:39:29 No. 7176133 >>7176097 >if i an hero i will film it. Please don't! I mean please don't an hero, if you must then please do film it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:40:00 No. 7176139 Do girls actually like other girls? Especially in the gym I've noticed it many times that a girl looks at another girl, checks her out from head to toe with a dismissive look on her face. Guys are either too busy mirin their own bodies or they're working out. And then there's all the bitching about how their female friends all suck, how they can't dress properly, how they gained weight and what they meant by saying one little thing. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:40:11 No. 7176141 >>7172728 I'm also 21, in a relationship of 6 years. We fuck a few times a week, which IMO is not enough. Twice a month? Try seducing her better. Like that 50 shades shit or whatever normalfag girls get turned on by. Roses and candles and fuzzy handcuffs. If that still doesn't work, dump her. You NEED sex.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:40:18 No. 7176143 >>7176133 Im to ugly to live mane.. thats how i feel srs.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:40:48 No. 7176155 >>7176089 This is what ticks me off about attention whores in particular. One girl shows up and decides to post nudes and pictures of herself in underwear... It's taken out on all femanons even though most of us would be mortified if our bodies were posted online.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:40:55 No. 7176156 >>7173897 >not knowing that scent is a much more attractive thing for women than it is for men in most cases even so, you've got to admit that some girls just smell incredible.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:40:56 No. 7176157 >>7176097 if you are not a virgin you have no right to even joke about suicide. there are thousands of robots here who are infinitely worse off than you and suffer through their shit lives. you got a fucked up face and a decent body. could be a lot worse. you could be an ugly guy.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:42:14 No. 7176169 >>7172044 >tfw you spend tons of money on laser hair removal >tfw all the hair comes back with a vengeance during pregnancy >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:42:20 No. 7176171 >>7175867 >>7175743 Pls go on cam so I can fap to you.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:42:42 No. 7176177 >>7176157 FUCK YOU ANON: You dont know how low my confidence is. I feel like the ugliest fucking fuck in the whole world. Im so fucking ugly i wont be able to stand myself now. I will starve and cut myself a little more. You dont know how hard i have it as a buttugly fucking female so fuck off.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:42:53 No. 7176181 Haysack attention whoring again? What a surprise. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:42:54 No. 7176182 >>7176139 Yes. The whole 'all girls hate each other and cannot be friends' is a stereotype. However, I will admit that compared to guys, girls are more likely to be critical of each other.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:42:57 No. 7176183 >>7176139 if a girl checks out another girl she's likely measuring her up. it's something we do naturally, like breathing. i like having female friends though. it's nice to have someone to relate to. also this whole special snowflake "girls are so mean, i'm only friends with guys" attitude is what keeps girls from making good friends with eachother. that shit pisses me off.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:43:44 No. 7176192 >>7175998 grill here, birth control can seriously fuck with a lady's libido, talk to her about it and if she feels like the pill is messing with her sexual interest in you, she can go to her doctor and try out a new one>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:43:51 No. 7176193 >>7176155 relax, haysack is just fishing for compliments. it's how sad little insecure girls go about feeling better about themselves. pretty much every girl out there fills some guy's fetish. like this chubby girl and her armpits. hngnngngngnggggghhh>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:44:12 No. 7176199 >>7176177 if you were a triangle you would be acute one>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:44:33 No. 7176204 >>7176181 >>7176193 NO IM FUCKING UGLY. Im pissed at my parents for reproducing now.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:45:03 No. 7176214 >>7176193 more? I fucking love chubby girls with stubbly armpits>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:45:13 No. 7176216 >>7176177 If you were really insecure you wouldn't be dumping your own nudes. You're fishing for compliments and flopping around for attention. Pls take your daddy issues and go>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:45:38 No. 7176227 >>7176021 >pencil neck i thought having a thin neck was a good thing for girls>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:46:18 No. 7176232 >>7176204 haysack are you underage an or not?>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:46:36 No. 7176236 >>7176157 Only virgins can suicide?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:46:37 No. 7176237 >>7176177 again, not a virgin, so i don't fucking care. someone found you hot enough to fuck. just because you can't get the hot guys YOU want doesn't mean your life is shit. you don't deserve your fucking ideal man. you're a whiny little baby. work on making yourself confident, interesting, and successful.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:46:42 No. 7176240 >>7176216 No im ugly. i hate being a ugly female its 90% worse then being a ugly male.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:47:16 No. 7176245 >>7176182 >The whole 'all girls hate each other and cannot be friends' is a stereotype Really? Because I have rarely heard my male friends talk badly about somebody else behind their back while girls seem to do this as soon as the person in question is out of sight.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:47:21 No. 7176247 >>7176232 she sure sounds like it>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:47:23 No. 7176248 >>7176157 >you could be an ugly guy. or she could be an above average girl and be regarded as a 2/10 by /r9k/ wait>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:47:32 No. 7176250 >>7176237 Nigger i dont care about looks on guys mostly i care about how nice he is to me and what he is willing to do. NO not money included.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:47:55 No. 7176258 >>7176236 only male virgins have cause for suicide>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:47:55 No. 7176259 >>7176143 I'm sure you're not that ugly.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:47:57 No. 7176261 >>7176193 >those lips holy fuckin shit>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:48:14 No. 7176267 >>7175554 my gf has little hairs around her areolas. I sort of hinted that she should pluck/shave them but she doesn't want to, so i pretend it doesn't bother me. It's her body, i'm not going to make demands of her. But frankly body hair kind of puts me off, I shave down there to a small area of trimmed hair above my cock, and she asked me how she should shave down there and i said the same, just a small patch. I shaved her in the shower once, too, that was fun.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:48:19 No. 7176270 >>7172261 S-S-S-SLUT!>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:48:24 No. 7176271 >>7176248 r9k made me think im a 3/10... i srs look worse then fatties now.. thx r9k and you say women have high standards.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:48:27 No. 7176272 >>7176240 >person compliments you calling you triangles n shit >don't respond Don't you have a boyfriend too?>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:48:41 No. 7176276 >>7176258 >only male virgins have cause for suicide lel>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:49:15 No. 7176282 >>7176204 >reproducing >implying you had a first copy >>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:49:16 No. 7176283 >>7176272 IM NOT GOOD LOOKING ENOUGH even if i have one i will always forver and ever feel ugly. i dont know what the fuck is wrong with me>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:51:26 No. 7176310 >>7173037 I've had that happen to me. Fucking wake up, blood gushes out, blood gushes down legs and drips onto floor as I'm trying to get a fresh pad and panties.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:51:50 No. 7176318 >>7176261 >>7176214 wish i had more of that set but that's the only pic i've ever seen. not a furry girl but here is an alpha tier female body.>>
>>7176283 Are the face pics, on the tripfriend website, of you? If they are, you're not ugly. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:52:42 No. 7176327 >>7175755 >tfw gf asks me to unscrew a lid she can't undo, and i do it easily little things like that are what make us boyfriends feel useful and manly.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:52:54 No. 7176330 >>7176320 And another one falls for the Haysack trap. You've failed me, Harry. >>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:15 No. 7176335 >>7176318 And there goes my confidence.. i wish my body looked like that.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:36 No. 7176337 >>7173236 Menstruation isn't blood, shit for brains. It's the uterus lining. It's not the kind that flows through veins. And if you're ALREADY fucking her, if she had AIDS you'd already have caught it. Holy fuck I've never read so much stupid in one post before.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:39 No. 7176339 >>7176283 go away you small-titted overbite having cunt of a headcase.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:39 No. 7176340 >>7176267 >I sort of hinted that she should pluck/shave them but she doesn't want to It's probably for the best that she doesn't do anything to them until she can get laser treatment or something. Shaving will lead to stubble and plucking them leads to ingrown hairs and scarring as well as thickened hair.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:58 No. 7176347 >>7172112 you're cunt is broken. my girl comes from just licking her nipples, when i fuck her she shivers for several seconds. only downside is she bites me when she orgasms. i look like a zombie attack surviver>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:59 No. 7176348 >>7176330 ITS NOT A TRAP ASSHOLE sorry for calling you that but i really feel so fucking ugly that i self mutilate bcus of it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:54:20 No. 7176349 >>7176335 stop shaving your pussy and armpits and do some fetish modeling.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:54:43 No. 7176355 >>7176339 no. Easiest way to an hero anyone? i cant get guns here and i wont jump infront of a train>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:54:47 No. 7176357 >>7176320 >admitting to viewing cp Top kek>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:54:56 No. 7176359 >>7176347 >only downside is she bites me when she orgasms What kind of turbonerd are you that you think that that is a downside.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:54:56 No. 7176360 >>7175867 please go make a thread on /soc/ if you need to camwhore, /r9k/ is for original content (and feels) not shitposting and attention whoring.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:55:00 No. 7176361 >>7176347 my ex had nice big fat nipples that i could make her orgasm through. sigh....i miss those fucking nipples>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:55:11 No. 7176364 >>7176330 >You've failed me, Harry. s-sooorrrry>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:55:27 No. 7176365 >>7176337 >Menstruation isn't blood It is.>It's the uterus lining It's the lining, but it's not the lining of the actual organ. It's just cellular debris.>if she had AIDS you'd already have caught it It's actually really rare for men to pick up HIV from women.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:55:40 No. 7176370 >>7175881 that sucks. but tanning beds aren't bad, the tan they give you is natural, only problem is costs. or even better, go on vacation>>
Odin !oF2K847DKA 06/02/13(Sun)11:55:53 No. 7176373 Haysack, are you gonna post your vag or what? >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:55:54 No. 7176374 >everyones face when haysack runs the tripfag website >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:55:58 No. 7176375 >>7176355 Hey at least let me lose my virginity to you before you kill yourself? Yes? Deal?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:10 No. 7176379 >>7176327 Also reaching things that are high up... Males are like superhuman or some shit>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:27 No. 7176385 >>7176348 >i self mutilate Another thing you shouldn't do. But if you must, carve no7 in your skin.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:29 No. 7176386 >>7176373 you mean penis>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:39 No. 7176389 >>7176373 No im not because it would get called disgusting and ugly too. Fucking neckbeards.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:53 No. 7176393 >>7176347 >my girl comes from just licking her nipples >my girl pretends to come because she doesn't want to hurt my fragile ego >when i fuck her she shivers for several seconds >when i fuck her she shudders in repulsion >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:57:27 No. 7176398 >>7175888 judging by her knee and thigh muscles she looks like she cycles a lot, or walks up mountains or stairs. just get on your bike, if you excercise more you can eat what you like. inbr hurr excercise is haaard>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:57:44 No. 7176401 >>7176357 >face pics >cp lel>Top kek >kek Get out >>>/s4s/ >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:57:54 No. 7176406 >>7176385 >not carving Gemb, our lord and savior into your skin >1012+1001 >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:58:10 No. 7176410 >>7176355 I'll do it with you, you live in Sweden right?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:58:16 No. 7176411 >tfw you think like a guy >tfw you fall in love with your female friends >tfw you are uninterested in men but find them attractive sometimes >tfw you only can schlick to hardcore straight/gay male porn (rarely ever lesbian) >tfw you are desensitized to normal porn of all varieties >tfw you love cooking and don't see it as feminine at all >tfw people think I'm a stuck-up bitch when they first see me >tfw my eyes pierce into people's souls Yeah I don't know what the fuck I am. I'll just wait until I lose my virginity and then go from there.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:58:34 No. 7176415 >>7176406 No but i would carve ugly fat cow on my arm.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)11:59:07 No. 7176423 >>7176410 YES LETS DO IT TOGETHER yeah i do.>>
Odin !oF2K847DKA 06/02/13(Sun)11:59:21 No. 7176424 >>7176389 I'm not a neckbeard. I actually think you're pretty cute. Most of the guys on here just hate women, don't take what they say to heart. Seriously, I'd love to see your vag.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:59:37 No. 7176428 >>7176411 You're a sickening whore is what you are. Go get fucked>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)11:59:38 No. 7176429 >>7176415 B-but n-not no7 on your sex area?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:59:48 No. 7176431 >>7176415 Are you on Skype haysack?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:59:57 No. 7176432 >>7176415 seriously, do some fetish modeling>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:00:13 No. 7176434 >>7175888 >tfw skinny but too lazy to acquire awesome flat belly i could say i feel you sis, but i don't. i would encourage you to keep trying your best, life is amazing when you're skinny. don't be sad though ;_;>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:00:38 No. 7176440 >>7176431 No i will be in 5 or 6 hours or so.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:00:57 No. 7176444 >>7176428 Well that was rude.>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)12:00:59 No. 7176446 >>7176424 >I actually think you're pretty cute. >I'd love to see your vag. >I'm not a neckbeard You're not fooling me.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:01:04 No. 7176449 >>7176411 You described me perfectly, except I only fap to shemale/trap porn.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:01:48 No. 7176459 >>7176424 Sorry i would post it but im really afraid that i would get called a whore and im not.. like that..>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:02:16 No. 7176462 >>7176192 she changed pill a little while ago, i think the old one was messing with her period. I really don't know how to bring it up though, i feel like she'd just say "just because i'm not leaping on you 24/7 doesn't mean i dont like you" or "the pill isn't doing anything, i just don't feel like doing it so much, i still like you etc" I'm ok with once or twice a week, makes it feel more like a treat than a routine, and tbh we were fucking waay too much. but i do kind of miss having crazy sex days and showering together and stuff.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:02:24 No. 7176463 >>7176428 >Go get fucked im trying>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:02:49 No. 7176469 >>7175792 >have jaw condition, can't suck dick anymore >boyfriend gets pissy about it, still mad 6 months later >I still lick his dick, I just can't fit it in my mouth >he gives me 2-minute cunnilingus like, twice a year and it sucks >hardly ever uses toys on me or fingers me, either Men are so entitled.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:03:19 No. 7176477 >>7175922 >tfw that misogynistic phrase made me slightly hot no.. vagina, no! you don't want a man who can't even open a jar>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:03:19 No. 7176478 >>7176459 but you could be you could so easily be>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:03:20 No. 7176480 >>7176459 >afraid to do a whoreish thing because it might cause you to be percieved as whoris >but i would totally do it >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:03:29 No. 7176482 >>7176440 alright, well I added you either waypls respond to contact request >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:03:51 No. 7176488 >>7176204 fuck off, seriously half of the reason guys here are insulting you is because you're attention whoring if you just focus on your good points then you'll be a whole lot more attractive right now you'd only get a pity fuck, and it's not because of your looks. now turn off your trip, stop posting photos and post normal femanon feels and stop fucking shitposting.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:03:56 No. 7176489 >>7176469 I know that. I just cleaned my boyfriends room so it looks shiny clean i took care of him when he was sick and when i want to spend time with him he just yells at me and says he is tired. Please you slept 11 hours.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:04:20 No. 7176495 >>7176411 this describes me perfectly but I'm a lesbian>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:04:22 No. 7176496 >>7176482 Go to bed you stupid little desperate fuck. I'm surprised your brother hasn't had his way with your sweet supple anus yet.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:04:48 No. 7176506 she posted on /fit too and when people started pics of her massive arm cuts or whatever she deleted the thread. why are you such an attention whore? how about you go lift faggot >>
Odin !oF2K847DKA 06/02/13(Sun)12:05:29 No. 7176508 >>7176446 Here's a recent pic of me.>>7176459 You're really not going to post it because of misogynists on the internet?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:05:35 No. 7176509 >>7176245 Girls are all nice to each other's face, but bitch about them behind their backs, all their friendships are superficial. Guys make jokes and insult each other but underneath they really value each other as a best bro. They just can't express it openly without looking like a fag. But really good guy friendships are worth 10 girl friendships.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:05:36 No. 7176510 >>7176488 Okey well im not mean to robots. I really try not to be mean. but when you get called ugly and you're a girl not cool. Confidence goes down. I really like almost all of the robots here are some of my female feels>tfw period stain on your bed >tfw you smell like crap on your period >tfw makeup is so hard to take off sometimes.. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:05:59 No. 7176517 >>7175798 Any uncut gents in the thread want to post? I've only ever had cut because Murrka is ruled by jews and imbeciles. I really want uncut. If I ever go to Europe I might just have a one night stand with a hot Italian guy to try some proper dick, even though I'd never cheat otherwise. Bf's dick is horrid. Dry and pink. I really resent his parents for mutilating him for no fucking reason, like they didn't even stop and think about it, they just chopped part of his dick off because "everyone else does it." Fucking jews, I wish Hitler had done a better job of exterminating them. Bf's dick would be so nice if only it weren't mutilated.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:06:28 No. 7176521 >>7176496 the only problem is i have two sisters>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:06:29 No. 7176522 >>7176508 nice neckbeard you homo hipster scum take off your glasses we all know you're on drugs you dirty fuck>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:06:45 No. 7176524 >>7176469 >>have jaw condition, can't suck dick anymore At least try to be a little more creative. Or actually less reative like you got some disease.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:06:53 No. 7176526 >>7176123 >thanks anon now i feel ugly >thanks anon now i'm afraid of sex >i'm ugly >i'm ugly >look at these pictures of me i'm ugly >thanks anon ;_; you're actually this pathetic>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:07:02 No. 7176528 >>7176510 >doesn't like to get called ugly >post pics of yourself >post under a trip so people know who you are stay retarded grill>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:07:13 No. 7176530 >>7176508 you look like a tryhard i was just trying to soften it. you are a tryhard >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:08:08 No. 7176538 >>7176533 thats a really nice pussy>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:08:09 No. 7176539 >>7176517 I resent my parents too. I sometimes think my dad did it just because he had it done to him, selfish fuck. Either that or he's really retarded, because there's no way someone should honestly consider mutilating their child. fuck, i'm getting all emotional. i miss my foreskin. my dick feels numb.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:08:10 No. 7176540 >>7176379 >tfw 6'2" >tfw girlfriend's housemate needed a mug from the top shelf and was straining to get it, i casually walked in and got it without even stretching >tfw putitng gf on my shoulders when she wants to see something high up (like above a wall or a crowd) >tfw she snuggles onto my chest >>
Odin !oF2K847DKA 06/02/13(Sun)12:09:10 No. 7176549 >>7176522 >>7176530 When was the last time you guys even got laid?>>7176533 Nice vag. Thanks for showing me.>>
no7 !9rY8O.YNWA!!cs4l96mgBNx 06/02/13(Sun)12:09:19 No. 7176552 >>7176533 I don't think you should have done that.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:09:19 No. 7176553 >>7176157 >there are thousands of robots here who are infinitely worse off than you and suffer through their shit lives. there are millions of people that don't even eat today and you guys are complaining about being pretty or having sex what the fuck>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:10:07 No. 7176559 >>7176552 I KNOW ANON: I KNOW ;_; shiet>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:10:16 No. 7176560 >>7176477 tfw I'm a female that just made another female hot Ohbb you can't handle the v.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:10:48 No. 7176570 STOP REPLYING TO IT, Harry. . FUCK >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:11:08 No. 7176573 the deleted post your body isn't even disgusting or w/e , you truly are a complete piece of shit >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:11:22 No. 7176576 >>7175907 >Beautiful, athletic body >Too bulky /fit/ here. We hate you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:11:41 No. 7176578 >>7176559 skulle straffknulla och spotta pa dig tills du blev vacker :) puss>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:11:42 No. 7176579 >>7176559 sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttt on the internet alert>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:11:57 No. 7176583 >>7176517 >tfw uncut >tfw bareback sex with gf (she's on the pill) >tfw she produced lots of juices so it's amazing >cum inside her, sometimes simultaneously >god tier sex >>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:12:40 No. 7176585 >>7176578 v-va sluta vara laskig du er laskig det skulle du inte alls for jag tender pa raep lel skoja baja >>7176579 i like tomatoes>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:13:05 No. 7176587 >>7176549 last week what does that have to do with anything? Or are you always this defensive about having no personality?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:13:20 No. 7176588 >>7176365 >It's just cellular debris. You really are fucking stupid. The uterus gets built up with tissue to prepare it for a baby. When baby doesn't happen, it all comes off with the old egg and that's what a period is. If you don't know what the hell you're talking about, stop talking.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:13:22 No. 7176589 >>7176583 Stop making me feel bad anon>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:13:38 No. 7176590 >Tfw want to get married even though I know it's completely impractical and a waste of money I just like the idea of having this beautiful ceremony and then an amazing reception with colorful lights, flowers, and tasty food.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:13:39 No. 7176592 bailing on this thread. tripshits like haysack are why we can't have nice things. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:13:59 No. 7176597 >>7176508 LE EPIC HIPSTER HAT XDDDDDDDDDDD>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:14:03 No. 7176598 >>7176359 just dont like it, it fucking hurts>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:14:15 No. 7176601 >>7176589 stop reading anon>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:14:20 No. 7176602 >>7173897 Women are attracted to the smell of dominant, assertive men. The attraction is greatest during the most fertile period of a woman's menstrual cycle This is why most women would rather be with an alpha male who is abusive, ugly, or a loser than be with a beta who is none of those things. >>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:14:39 No. 7176606 >>7176592 ANONS LIKE YOU IS WHY WE ROBOTS DONT GET GFS>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:14:46 No. 7176608 >>7176573 >tfw you will never have a perfectly pink genitalia zone >tfw brown pussy and anus >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:15:00 No. 7176613 >>7176590 Really? because none of those things are what appeal to me about marriage. the only thing that really appeals to me about marriage is "tradition" behind it, and the titles associated with it. for some reason i really want someone to call a wife>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:15:38 No. 7176621 >>7176585 men jag er inte leskig sluta hehe du er ful xd>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:15:47 No. 7176622 >tfw I am entitled to have sex with the tallest most charismatic men because I have a vagina feels good>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:15:51 No. 7176624 >>7176601 I'm addicted to reading>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:16:07 No. 7176627 why isn't this ugly hurtin bitch banned the fuck >>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:16:18 No. 7176628 >>7176621 FUCK hoppas du inte er den der ungen fran min klass.. srs vem fan er du??? JA JAG VET ATT JAG ER FUL BOG>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:16:25 No. 7176631 >>7176622 Can you let me borrow yours for a day or two?>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:17:44 No. 7176645 >>7176622 Youre only entitled to it if youre a 8/10>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:17:49 No. 7176646 >>7176524 It's TMJ. Look it up. If I open it too wide it pops out and hurts. After I gave him a really long blowjob in a bad position once, I mean like an hour, it hurt horribly for a few weeks and I could barely eat or sleep. A few more flareups like that since, but now at least I can eat sandwiches and pizza again and hard stuff like almonds and carrots. You have no fucking idea how painful that shit was, like I'd just lay in bed and night and cry and roll around in agony and took like 800 mg+ of ibuprofen at once and barely had any effect.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:18:06 No. 7176648 >>7176628 ingen alls, bara nagon random, bli inte upprord gullet du ar bara lite ful, oroa dig inte glad nu? :)>>
Odin !oF2K847DKA 06/02/13(Sun)12:19:18 No. 7176659 >>7176587 You seem awfully defensive after I suggested you don't get laid very often. It's telling, especially after you try to bring someone down on their personal style. People who tend to do that have low self-confidence.>>7176597 Le epic reddit post.>>
Haysack !!jPf9bsPMreZ 06/02/13(Sun)12:19:37 No. 7176663 >>7176648 ;_; nej jag vill va soet o snygg som resten av sveriges flickor.. jag e en 1/10 jamfort med dom...jag gillar inte dig>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:19:41 No. 7176665 >>7176539 It's like religion. No sane person would come up with it on their own, but it's a social norm and they were raised believing in it and haven't questioned it since. It makes me fuming mad. So much perfectly good dick ruined. I can't even give him a light handjob without lube. It's horrible. And he has no sensitivity at all.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:20:13 No. 7176671 >>7176659 Wow dude you sure smoked that one out of the ball park!!!!!!!!!!>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:20:15 No. 7176673 >>7176646 > After I gave him a really long blowjob in a bad position once, I mean like an hour maybe you should try to improve your blowjob technique instead of blaming it on The Magic Jaw or whatever>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:20:49 No. 7176679 >>7176663 hahaha de ar bara plasthoror du skulle sakert vara roligare att ligga med an dom i vilket fall dessutom ar det ganska subjektivt men ja, nagon dag kanske du blir sa snygg men rakna inte pa det>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:21:09 No. 7176683 how do I report haysack? - futaba + yotsuba - All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. <div class="qcDiv"><img src="//" alt="Quantcast" class="qcImg"></div>