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Get in here and tell us about your existence losers and NEETs.

> no friends on or offline
> failed my teenage youth socially
> horrid social anxiety, get headaches often
> nearly failed highschool but passed with shitty grades
> tried to get a job a few times but always rejected or too stupid not to ask for their phone number, no car, no licence
> no colleges will accept me cause I have learning disability
> not smart or knowledgeable
> I feel that some invisible hand or force just threw me into real life too fast
> 120 pounds and skinny/frail as fuck with glasses
> family has shunned me. Act like they are about to kick me out
> Everyone thinks im gay cause I never lived up my age groups standards
> Never felt a womans love.
> never had a girlfriend, been kissed, or hugged
> virgin
> Video games are the only place where I feel accepted in society
> but i'm slowly getting bored playing them
> I feel once I quit playing video games ill soon quit RL
> I think everyday in the pale moonlight on how ill do it
> self concious about my surroundings
> can go for days or weeks without talking to myself or anyone
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how old? and are you from the states?
>never got social skills until like late in 8th grade (inb4 I don't because I go to 4chan)
>can't get a legal-paying job because of complicated immigration legal problems
>no money to hang out with friends if I even have any
>had anger problems growing up
>never went to a public high school until 11th grade
>tfw deeply concerned about politics, one of the things teenage girls have no concern about
>was never involved in a romantic relationship

right now tho i'm like 5'10 and i'm gonna get taller so that's not bad
>be me almost 40.
>lost my job and can't find another because I worked in a factory and never got any real marketable skills
>be unemployed for a few years now
>move into sisters basement
>no money to spend
>avoid friends because simply just going out for drinks is something I can't afford
>avoid family because I feel ashamed
>sisters kids ask me why I sit home all day on the computer
>when I visit my parents and they have friends over
>they are embarrassed to introduce me
>see the shame in their eyes for raising such a loser
>have a small dick
>can meet girls but fear I'll never be able to please them
>no longer interested in things I used to be interested in
>try to get in shape
>get injuries each time I start a workout program no matter how slow I start off.
>be out of shape but not obese
>getting old and unable to learn new skills despite how hard I try
>can't even muster the courage to an hero
>no friends not even over the internet
>families black sheep
>live at home
>no education
>no job
>no life
>bored of video games
>bored of anime
>browse 4chan all day
>average maybe a bit skinny build
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>Be me.
>Get all 'dem recessive genes, I don't look like anybody in my family, family shuns me.
>Parents were old and careless, meiosis is hard. Get a birth defect too because dem gametes are old.
>Cortical malformation. Oops.
>Parents bully me because I have neurological problems, is socially awkward, shy.
>Parents divorce.
>Dad kicks mom and I out. Keeps older half-brother, who is a model.
>Live in trailer with slow grandma and mom.
>Fuckin' summer.
>Am 4. Wat is tornado? Aw, shit.
>Mother and grandma too mentally slow to do anything during storm.
>Tornado warning. I start crying.
> Finally lock me in trailer bathroom because it's "safe"
> I spaz out more.
>Man on TV says we are going to die because trailer + tornado = bad.
> Guardians can't grasp this.
> Welcome to a life-long phobia.
> Make it out of tornado season.
> Praise JAYSUS.
> Cousins come over to play.
> Yay!
> Cousins start coughing up blood during play.
> Dafaq.
> Mom + Grandma inform me cousins are dying.
> Genetic disorder.
> Oh fuck us, right?
> I'm a carrier, plus I have my own genetic disorder, plus cortical malformation.
> Brb suicide
> Fail suicide because I'm 6.
TL;DR 19 more years of this bullshit pass.

Cousins become friends, die tragically. I develop seizures, try to work through college to try to do research for a cure so nobody else has to go through what they did. Feel guilty because I can't do anything. Family continues bullying. Succeed in college, bullying becomes worse. Worry about own future children on a regular basis. Also often think of suicide.
>A friend; online
>Fucked up what should have been a successful life
>No job since 3 years ago
>Been a shut-in for 3 years
>Pale, no sun in 3 years
>Kissless virgin but I felt a girl up once if that counts for anythingshe was OK with it too
>Vidya all day erry day
>Depressed but not as depressed as I was
>Bored often but it's bearable
>Can't read anymore; attention span issue
>Don't eat enough
>No sex drive
>Always stuck in my head
>21 age years old

Overall I give my life a 6/10. Fairly OK with it, could be better.
>no job
>no G.E.D.
>no license
>no friends (online or off)
>no self-esteem
>no sleep
>That feel when 7/10 life at the moment but still feel bad
>quit job at 25 to create company, turns out it didn't work because associate is a retard
>now working on my game projects
>not seeing anybody except when getting grocery and a few friends (like, once per month)
>collecting unemployment paycheck
>working all day every day on my game
>Steady job
>Paying my way though school part time
>Avarage looking 5'10" 140lb
>Got a decent group of friends
>Never have to change to go out and meet new people due to work and school
>Never get the opportunity to talk to girls at college/work without seeming like an idiot
>When I do they are always taken
>tfw I'm finishing up my 2 year degree
>tfw I'm running out of time to meet someone in a college
>tfw still virgin although having 2 gfs in the past
>Drug addict
>Had multiple jobs and career opportunities that were better than good which I fucked up
>Have no friends
>Used to be the "funny guy" during higher education
>Used to have friends
>Used to have gf
>Now scarred liver and been told not to drink anymore but live alone
>Order shopping online 50% of which is alcohol
>Go out every day to a bar but do not fit in with anybody and people hate me and think I smell but I'm allowed in because of the cash I spend (inheritance and previous business profits back when I was semi-normal)
>used to be intelligent but years of drinking is slowly destroying that
>No desire to an hero
>No desire for anything else but alcohol
>Just love getting hammered until I throw up
>Doctors recently been trying to call me after abnormality on liver
>Haven't answered
>Never answer phone
>Never answer door unless it's planned online shopping delivery

yea, fuck you all.
> Be 18
> /fit/ enough, but short as fuck; 5'6" 145 lbs.
> Decent looking (most chicks I've known rate me a 5-6/10)
> Be nice guy but don't take any real bullshit
> Socially awkward
> Only 3 or 4 friends, but really close (they're bros)
> Have 4.2 GPA in high school but still rejected from uni; decide to take the transfer student route
> Play multiple sports (Football, track, basketball, baseball)
> Been personally close to many girls with similar interests, but still kissless virgin
> Looking for girlfriend, but can't seem to get one due to social awkwardness
> Nosey, restrictive parents; never been to a party before
> Closest thing to being a normalfag while still being a robot
> Can relate perfectly to robots and their feels

So, robots. How does someone who has it all in the bag like me actually get lucky? Self-confident assertiveness seems to get me awkward gestures and rude rejections. No, I'm not going to rip on all of you guys for being shut-ins and playing vidya all day. Your feels and mine are in sync, believe it or not.

What's the definition of a decent group of friends?
>average looks
>2 time college dropout
>unemployed but looking for a job
>nearly broke
>have friends and go out every weekend and sometimes during the week but still pretty shy
>not close with family
>never had a relationship longer than 6 months
>had slight drinking problem, nothing too bad but trying to ease back now
I just finished my finals and am starting a grad. scheme in september, am I NEET yes or no?
>Live with mom
>Smoke a few cigs a day
>Watch an ep or 2 of anime a day
>No job
>No future
>Life is uninteresting and boring
>On the verge of suicide because apathetic to life
>Get $60,000 when I'm 23, which is in a few months due to mom suing for something when I was younger

How should I blow $60,000 before I kill myself, friends? Drugs don't seem too interesting, weed was enough for me. I was thinking of taking a trip somewhere and maybe it would rejuvenate some will to carry on in me? I don't have many things I'm interested in at this point.

Give some to me so I can go to college.
NEET reporting in

>20 years
>college drop out
>bipolar and social anxiety
>meds and r9k
>no gf
>no car
>4k debt
>just want some drugs to numb the pain
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>Succeed in college, bullying becomes worse.
The fuck? HOW? They may not be proud of you but you had better be.
technically yes, but no
I enjoy being a shut-in NEET. While there must be some underlying deep-seated depression, the only real palpable depression I feel day to day is knowing that this lifestyle cannot sustain itself and chances are that one day I will have to work. But I have no real interests outside of movies and internet and I'd probably kill myself if I had to work every day like my father does. I suppose the goal is to aim for a job that you would enjoy doing every day but when you enjoy next to nothing, every job is a job that will be an unmitigated nuisance. But currently I spend my days actually doing the NEET things that I like to do.

The highlights:
>Dropped out of college for multiple reasons including: there not being any degrees which would lead to a job that I would enjoy working and feeling a tad bit inadequate.
>Never got my license.. drivers ed teacher passed me saying that I was smart enough to figure it out on my own. I fucking hate driving to begin with. Failed my driving test three times. Don't really care.

I'm a pretty selfish person, no.
Man, you must be smart.
Then travel, impregnate foreign women, and kill yourself in Aokigahara. That's what I'd do.

I feel for ya, brobot. Im similar too some extent.
>Be 19
>Weigh 8 1/2 stone
>Very unfit
>Nervous and twitchy as fuck
>Stupid and quite clumsy
>Almost always make a fool of myself in public
>Uglier than a fucking camel`s anus
>Very small group of friends who don`t keep in contact
>Unemployed and too lazy to finish writing a book that I started two years ago
>Passed high school with less than average grades
>Only go outside to walk my dog and buy Relentless
>Spend all day trying to get back into video games and uploading videos to my shitty gaming channel on YouTube
>Have never felt a woman`s touch outside of the girl who used to sexually molest me when I was 5-6
>Self harm due to self hatred and think of suicide on a regular basis
Hold me denizens
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>27 years old
>currently drunk listening to anime youtube mixes
>spend my days half asleep, watching anime, playing vidya or lurking 4chan
>Extreme social anxiety
>half ginger (have some red, some brown body hair. head here is brownish/red).
>Never had a job
>never had a real friend
>on the short side at 5'9
>keep having dreams about this girl I talked to online years ago becoming my girlfriend
>too much of a coward to kill myself
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>turning 27 in a few days, closer to the dreaded 30 with no real accomplishments
>been a NEET since 2009
>have a useless art degree, only got it because boomer parents told me to go to college and just do what I liked
>few friends I made in college are now all pussy whipped and married
>spend most of my time in my room, stay up until 5:30/6:30 am
>only thing I do outside of my room is lift weights, probably because it's the only area in my life I'm making some tangible progress
>used to go to martial art classes but unmotivated to even leave my house anymore
>weeks fly by, usually wake up around 4-5 pm
>parents making me pay for food, throwing in a bunch of costs as a passive aggressive way of getting me to move out
>lost interest in the field I majored, have no idea what to do with my life
>spend most of the time just watching movies and browsing 4chan hitting F5

That sounds fairly awesome, imagine if you fuck a bunch of poor cunts and they can't afford an abortion. Then you'll have a bunch of miserable, future robots running around the world.
>zero friends on and offline
>kissless virgin
>never had a conversation with a female of my age group
>no hobbies or interests - just lay in bed all day staring at the celling
>No personality - Speak in a monotone voice
>No goals or aspirations
>No notable life experiences
>Don't use a facebook or skype
>Never went to college, nearly failed high school
>struggle with even simple math
>Have worked the same minimum wage grocery store job for the past 7 years
>21, soon to be 22
>Shit major, struggling even with that
>And I mean really, really struggling
>I keep procrastinating and when I do finally get to writing or studying, I have a lot of trouble concentrating
>I never volunteered or worked
>Lots of anxiety
>I freak out before every exam
>I have a very few friends, people have shown interest, but I just can't seem to nurture those friendships
>I never call or anything, I always worry that those people don't really like me, just pity me
>I don't feel comfortable in my skin, I feel like I am extremely awkward
>I don't have any skills, hobbies or even interests anymore, I used to have a lot of interests, I knew a lot of things, but that's all gone now
>I'm ugly, there isn't a single part of my body that isn't somehow wrong
>I even started to go bald, got my first vrinke too
>Gayfag, I've been with a guy once, he was an online friend, but he never really wanted to meet up again, granted he is from another city and busy with work, but I am confident that it was a pity fuck
>He still wants to stay in touch, but it's very difficult for me to get myself to talk with him again
>I feel like I'm boring him
>I've been speaking with another guy for a while, he says he loves but, but he didn't see me naked yet, I imagine he will change his mind when he does, if he does
>He borrowed some money, so he could have just been leading me on for that
>Every day just seems to pass me by. I wake up, and then it's already night
>My parents took such good care of me, they still do, they keep investing in my education, my happiness, but I always disappoint them
>I can't commit to anything, I can't ever finish anything
>I want to, but I never do and I get depressed because of it and then I can do even less
>I don't understand how anyone can be so lazy
>I wish I was never born
how old are you sonny boy this comment is so fucking original botttttssssssssssss

are you men except the gay thing
Maybe, neither one of us seems to be able to get through a sentence without a typo.
I had a solid lol at this.
I just spent 500$ on anime again. Thanks memorial day sale
Where to begin...
>failed high school
>got accepted into university through entrance exam (did pretty well)
>went to uni for a month (this year)
>social anxiety and depression so severe that every day was like walking onto a battlefield with no armour or a gun
>go to the doctors
>they say I have had severe anxiety and depression for 5 years
>thought it was just kinda normal to always feel like this
>they offer me a certificate to get autism bux
>that was 2 weeks ago
>haven't told any of my friends that I have quit uni, just play along like I still go
>The reason I can't bring myself to tell them is because I don't act anxious or depressed when I'm around them at all so it would probably change their perception of me completely
>every day is literally painful ( been feeling sharp pains and no energy in my body for a while now)
>consider playing video games and watching movies 'work'. because even they take a fuck load of effort
>daydreaming constantly about deaths sweet embrace
>becoming obbsessive about thinking about life and universe to an unhealthy extent (some nights I'll just stare at the moon in awe for three hours)

Are you gay just out of loneliness?
Nope. For better or worse, I'm a genuine faggot.
>dropped out of uni, partially because it was a shitty degree to begin with, but also because I became aware of my extremely limited intellectual capabilities
>unemployed and not looking/applying
>everything seems daunting and scary
>lost interest completely, don't care about anything anymore
>hope I won't pussy out on my suicide plans
>NEET for currently 8 months
>loving it
>play vidya, watch anime all day
>dont have to go outside, never leave the house
>going to attend uni in 3 months time
>my NEET life is soon to be over ;-;
I'm not technically a NEET because I'm "studying" part time and have a part time job however this is my current status

>only take 1 unit per semester and generally drop it early
>too lazy to finish my course and just keep enrolling to tell people I'm doing something with my life when in reality i know it will amount to nothing
>work one job part time where I work 1-2 nights at week at a nightclub, only do it to support my week
>have a shit car
>core group of maybe 4-5 friends who i see every few days but talk to on skype almost every day
>only had sex with 2 different girls in my life
>one was a 16 year old when I was 16 who I fucked for about 3 years
>the other was a 38 year old milf at my work who I fucked once at a house party and a few times at her house after that (but now i'm avoiding her because it is too awkard for me)
>part of me realises that I'll never amount to anything
>have pretty good self-esteem though somehow and generally don't get that depressed
>only start to get heavily depressed when I realise how little i've acomplished since highschool finished and how all my friends now have full time jobs
>still living at home

i have a horrible case of peter pan syndrome aswell, i had such a great time when I was 16-21 with my bros i don't ever want those days to die.
>>7122329 (OP)
Sauce on the picture?


what do you plan on doing with your suicide?
I was a NEET for about half a year. I miss it. Now I'm in school 30 hours a week and I'm about to get a job somewhere. tfw no free time.
>accept yourself
>start hanging out with other losers who don't give a shit
>have fun

This is why even retards have friend and gf's.
lol I just finished high school too now I get the summer off

NEET lyfe :D! (high fives everyone in bread)
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>>7122329 (OP)
>No real friends
>Going terrible in college
>Want to change college, but dont have the balls to tell my parents
>Zero social skills, i cant hold a conversation to save my life
>So unsuccessful with women that everyone assumes im either gay or assexual
>No need to say, but yeah, neve had a gf
>The only time i made out, the girls made the firts move.
>I really REALLY hate the college im in now
>When i walk outside i get the feeling everyone is looking at me with a "what a weirdo" look
Maybe you should just die
Nah, never considered suicide an option, i dont believe in afterlife inb4 edgy so even if my life is shit, its all i have.
Get over yourself. You sound like an angsty teenager.
Thats was not the intention, im not good with words, but yeah, im not killing myself
Cause you're too much of a pussy.
you're there typing, so you're as much of a pussy as i am
I was more referring to your initial post.
Oh.....well i dont have an argument for that....so yeah, i'll add "act like an angsty teenager" to the list
Ok you win.

You're pathetic.
Isn't that the hole point of this thread?
You think there aren't people who ENJOY the NEET lifestyle?

This thread is full of falsNEETs who think that not being a wage slave means they're failures.

It's disgusting.
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I'll keep it short

>skinnyfat, hunchbacked, acne
>few friends, most are as beta as i am
>at uni, but not a top one
>no social skills, come across as either awkward, rude or standoffish
>no social life, at most I'll go to the cinema on the weekend and drink a little
>friends don't share interests so go to concerts, theatre, public lectures alone
>when I'm not working I lurk 4chan, watch TV or go to the library to read
>try to read about Stoicism and ancient philosophy to try to justify my life
>sometimes it works
>oh, and obviously kissless/handholdless virgin (though I have lost my hug virginity lel)

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