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>parents have gone out of town
>little brothers went to band camp
>be NEET, home alone for days

Wh-what should I do, guys? Should I go someplace?
Eat ice cream for dinner.
Stay up all night watching cartoons.
Prank call your frie- oh.
I havent had a gf for 2 weeks I'm so alone xD
Go buy a pack of smokes and smoke them all in one sitting, or maybe go buy a cigar. I will admit that smoking is an enjoyable act and quite addictive, it's up to you to keep it in moderation. As for me, I haven't smoked anything in a year now.
play porn on your speakers

go wild
>everyone leaves house for whatever reason
>wasting precious alone time by leaving the house yourself
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I sure hope you have one of these. A body pillow. When I am alone. I pull out my cum pillows from under my bed and arrange them vertically on each other (make it look like a human).
>remove all clothes.
>turn all things that cause noise so I can hear my parents care driving into the driveway.
>begin fucking my 'body pillow'.
>have my arms wrapped around upper pillow first.
>fuck for 40 minutes now.
>pretend thinking of her voices.
>"Cum on me" I imagine she says
>wrap my arms around lower pillow to think its her ass cheeks.
>fuck it like a horse.
>screaming "UGH!.... Ough!.... fuuughuuughuuuck!.... YES!.... " like in the pornos.
>begin cum
>grab my cum rag and clean myself before I spread my cum like mayonnaise on bread.
>20 minutes later
>still alone
>tfw no gf
I've never smoked, maybe I'll buy one.
>>7952615 (OP)
I dunno bro most days as a NEET living in my apartment I just wank it and watch animu

And NEET detective was really shitty by the way
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Buy a nice $5-$7 cigar mang. If you've never smoked I would suggest trying a brand called "Acid". They have a cigar called "Cold Fusion" that has a really nice mellow taste. They also have the Blondies, which are shorter and don't last as long. Either one is a good beginner cigar. If they don't have that brand, then just ask them what they would recommend. If you go to a gas station that sells nice cigars, don't bother asking them, just pick one that looks cool.
Throw a house party
>house party
I don't have any friends.
Start a fire, make new friends with the firemen.
Fuck a different escort every day.
>>7952615 (OP)
smoke weed
I have no friends. How would I get weed?

>fucking a whore
If you smoke weed then buy some weed, lounge around the house playing the Beatles, Pink Floyd or anything else that you're into. Go outside for walks if there's a nice wooden area. Terrible suggestions because I have nothing to base it off other than what I would do.
>>7952615 (OP)

Drag mattress into living room and hook computer up to tv and make the whole house your slobcave, I always used to do this when I could get out of terrible family holidays
Do this everytime I'm left alone at home (which is basically 24/6.
Oh fug that would be pretty cool, might do!

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