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I, for one, welcome the return of our robot overlord.
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Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:35:53 No. 7174544 i tried that i just slept more. made me feel worse >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:39:26 No. 7174576 >>7174544 Plan events with friends. Tell them to bring their friends. Keep inviting the people you like to events. They will invite you back. Go with it. If you have personal problem then work to fix those but still be actively social.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:44:22 No. 7174628 >>7174531 (OP) >also visiting self-esteem-issues-the-board doesn't help this. I didn't go to /r9k/ for 2 months and noticed that I was way happier and confident. Meanwhile /r9k/ didn't change at all. It's a neverending soup of misery, hate and frustration it's definetly unhealthy for already troubled people. that's why I welcome the new influx of so called ''normalfags'' (people who have fun in my eyes).>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)08:56:00 No. 7174708 did it as well op. also love how /r9k/ ignores every legit help thread >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:55:14 No. 7175130 >>7174531 (OP) are you ugly, poor (so you cannot affor food for entire month or fucking clothes) or somewhat deformed OP?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:58:25 No. 7175153 >>7175130 no why zgz>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)09:58:27 No. 7175154 >>7175130 If you can't afford food, why would you buy clothes? I haven't bought clothes in 3 years.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:00:34 No. 7175169 >>7175154 to get fucking job so i can afford food even this fucking internet connections is not mine>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:02:49 No. 7175180 >>7175169 Oh. That explains it. No need to be hostile.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:04:03 No. 7175189 >>7174531 (OP) >>7174628 /r9k/ is not depressing at all, it's because you can't relate to it, as you are filthy normal fag casuals. /r9k/ has shown me the truth.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:04:57 No. 7175190 >>7175130 Are you? If so I think that's hilarious. I spit on you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:05:49 No. 7175201 >>7174531 (OP) You forgot:>be white >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:08:08 No. 7175219 >>7175201 This. How could they be failing life on easy mode?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:08:22 No. 7175221 >>7174576 >having friends originalcommentbloxx>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:13:33 No. 7175264 >>7175221 >master see i dont get it. there has to be at least one person you can hang out with>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:16:43 No. 7175285 >>7175264 Jesus. Normalfaggots have taken over.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:19:52 No. 7175311 >>7175285 give me a quick overview of your daily life and human interactions>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:20:12 No. 7175315 >>7174544 This. When my PC broke, until I built a new one I just sat around and wrote stuff in a notebook instead of in Writer.>>7174576 >friends lol>>7175264 I don't have a single friend.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:23:01 No. 7175330 >>7175311 >wake up >go to sleep >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:26:10 No. 7175355 4chan really is the black hole of my life. I actually avoided hanging out with someone I liked yesterday because I was just being lazy and posting here all day. It doesn't even make sense, it's not really like I get that much fulfillment out of anything I read on here. The worst part about being addicted to the internet is that you can't really explain it to anybody. How do you even tell your loved ones that you're compulsively drawn to talk to strangers online? >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:26:22 No. 7175357 >>7175330 >be neet >dont go outside >wonder why your life is shit >>7175315 >I don't have a single friend. its probably your own fault then. stop denying human contact>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:27:32 No. 7175365 >>7175355 >How do you even tell your loved ones that you're compulsively drawn to talk to strangers online? you tell them you dont care about your real life anymore>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:29:28 No. 7175377 >>7175357 >stop denying human contact English please.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:29:33 No. 7175379 >>7175357 >thinking that going outside will automatically give you friends >trying to change the subject because you can't argue my point >normalfaggots don't understand any problems other than their own >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:32:24 No. 7175400 >>7175357 >its probably your own fault then. stop denying human contact How do you know he's denying human contact? My mother tried to hook me up with 2 people to hang out with. I talked to both of them and the never contacted me again. That was at 2 years ago. Some people just aren't meant to have friends.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:32:36 No. 7175401 >>7175379 No, we don't think going outside will get you friends. We expect you to put in a fucking effort somehow.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:32:49 No. 7175407 >>7175379 the thing is that you're so delusional and escapist. you can't argue with someone who isn't even a real person>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:34:45 No. 7175424 >>7175401 This. Just expecting that everything will eventually come to you is foolish. You have to maintain human relationships like a car. If you don't care about them they'll get broken>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:34:59 No. 7175427 >>7175379 I think what he means is going outside of your room and trying to enjoy it. Like, there are things in the outside world, beyond your computer, that will actually trigger reward responses in your brain and make you feel good. Even something as simple as getting a smile from a stranger or petting a dog on the sidewalk will make you feel better than staring into a screen all day and basically talking to yourself.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:35:22 No. 7175431 >>7175400 >My mother tried to hook me up with 2 people to hang out with. I talked to both of them and the never contacted me again. That was at 2 years ago. Holy fuck what am I reading? How old are you?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:36:25 No. 7175443 I've been thinking about cancelling my internet connection. Not to go out and socialize, but to get rid of my only distraction so I can work on my art. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:37:08 No. 7175451 >>7175443 How are you doing financially? There may be a compromise.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:37:49 No. 7175457 >>7175379 So you're basically throwing an advice away and don't even consider it. Do you think you'll find friends in your room? Besides penny, chip and used napkin. Yeah you should watch that episode. It's full of truth>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:38:43 No. 7175464 >>7175264 I wasn't even such a lonely virgin etc. from the start but now I moved and there's no one here. What the fuck do I do, normalfag?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:38:49 No. 7175466 >>7175424 >>7175401 >>7175457 The original question was: Do you have any friends? I answered it, and you made assumptions based on my answer. Get the fuck out, normalfaggots>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:39:43 No. 7175475 >>7175466 This. I'm not a NEET and I do talk with my classmates in college, I still don't have even a single friend.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:39:55 No. 7175480 >>7175443 This actually might be the best option, I hate to say. Having the internet in your house when you're addicted to novelties might be the same thing as having a house full of bottles when you're an alcoholic. If you only need the internet for simple things, you can easily just have a laptop and take it to cafes and shit to do your business, which would prevent you from spending all your time on there.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:40:15 No. 7175484 Honestly, people, improving your life isn't that hard. 1. Pick up an instrument. Learn it. Not for the sake of learning it, but because you actually want to. So if you want to learn an instrument, stop waiting and get to it. 2. Get some new hobbies. Seriously. The world has a shitton of interesting shit and you don't have to limit yourself to technology. Start hiking, learn chess, start playing poker, anything. Just do something new and different. Start biking, read more until you actually enjoy reading, and so on. 3. Start working out. You don't have to become a bodybuilder. Just get at least a little healthy and maintain a decent look. 4. Stop being a negative, pessimistic mope. Seriously. Do these things and do it right and you'll find that your life will seriously improve. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:40:44 No. 7175490 >>7175427 >Like, there are things in the outside world, beyond your computer, that will actually trigger reward responses in your brain and make you feel good. Even something as simple as getting a smile from a stranger or petting a dog on the sidewalk will make you feel better than staring into a screen all day and basically talking to yourself. Yeah except you don't get any good experiences like that if you're not young and attractive.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:40:50 No. 7175491 >>7175457 >Do you think you'll find friends in your room? Besides penny, chip and used napkin. For some reason this hit me harder than anything else I've heard about my lifestyle.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:41:00 No. 7175492 >>7175466 No, you little shit, we've taken over your internet, deal with it. You don't have a private space to frolic with your own kind anymore. You're a loser everywhere now even online. Give me your fucking lunch money. I accept bitcoin.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:41:46 No. 7175495 >>7175451 I'm doing fine financially. I am trying to save money though, but the internet bill is only $40/month>>7175480 The thing is, I use Ventrilo to talk to my friends back home. I'd really hate to not be able to jump on Vent and talk to them whenever. That's really the only reason I haven't done it yet.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:42:07 No. 7175496 >>7175492 >using buttcoins >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:42:46 No. 7175500 DO NOT GO ON /r9k/ IF YOU ARE DEPRESSED Seriously, it just takes your bad feelings and makes them worse. 4chan in general is a pool of cynicism. It's best to only come here when you're feeling happy, the everything comes across as a joke. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:43:10 No. 7175505 >>7175490 I'm not going to exonerate you from your failings because you're ugly. I'm ugly. I do fine. You're ugly. You don't.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:44:04 No. 7175513 >>7175500 What else am I supposed to do? If I don't have r9k I have nothing>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:45:32 No. 7175524 >>7175490 >I can't pet a dog or be friendly to people because I'm not a model Holy shit, what am I reading? Stop relating everything to sex. Smile at an old lady. They're lonely as fuck and and they will smile back at you even if you're deformed. They'll even wave. Find the friendliest dog you and scratch him behind the ears. He'll start kicking his leg and lick your hand and it'll trigger all kinds of responses in your brain linked to paternity and friendship. Fuck man come on, these are just baby steps.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:46:43 No. 7175535 >>7175513 That's probably the saddest thing I've ever read.>>7175495 >I'm doing fine financially. I am trying to save money though, but the internet bill is only $40/month Well, If you want to lay off the savings you could rent a workshop space for your art. That way you can still have the internet at home but have a place to practice undistracted.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:48:26 No. 7175549 >>7175513 But you can have something if you put effort into. Then you won't feel so bad all the time and you won't have to come to /r9k/. It's a terrible place really. It just takes a lot of time. Many people here think they can just go outside and friends, confidence and women will flock to them. It's not like that. It takes a while to adjust your personality, it takes work to build up your self-esteem and getting women should be last on your to do list.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:48:29 No. 7175550 >>7175500 >It's best to only come here when you're feeling happy, the everything comes across as a joke. That's actually really good advice.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:50:19 No. 7175565 >>7175513 What website did you browse before 4chan? How did you end up here especially on /r9k/? you've probably adopted a robot's mindset. I've had it, too. Stopped visiting 4chan for a while. Then came back and hung out at boards with a healthy amount of sane users (/ck/, /diy/, /tg/ and recently /vr/ + /out/). I decided to stop by here and realized it's the same as it was a year before. Nobody changed, there are the same topics over and over and over and over and for some reason robots believe it improves their life when they're validating their confirmation bias and satisfy their need of belonging. This guy is totally right:>>7175500 /r9k/ only makes your attitutde worse. It preys on your insecurities. Same goes for facebook. There's an actual study that shows that it makes certain people depressed. I'd recommend ''normalfag'' websites as painful as it might be. Go to the most casual video game board and have fun.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:52:05 No. 7175575 >>7175505 >I'm not going to exonerate you from your failings because you're ugly. I'm ugly. I do fine. You're ugly. You don't. Post pics please.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:53:24 No. 7175585 >>7175524 I didn't say "not a model", I said "ugly". When you're below a certain threshold, you simply get labeled a creep, a loser, a rapist, a potential threat, and so on.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:53:27 No. 7175588 >>7175490 How about you smile for a second and be kind and warm-hearted? It sure won't hurt and if you treat people in a good way they'll return it>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:54:11 No. 7175589 >>7175575 Sorry, but no, you'll have to take my word for it. I get told I'm ugly. It's not a self esteem issue.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:54:21 No. 7175594 >>7175585 >you simply get labeled a creep, a loser, a rapist, a potential threat, and so on. Yes you will be labeled with that mindset>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:59:33 No. 7175641 >>7175585 No you do not. You do not get that kind of reaction from people just for having an ugly face. Your problem is how you project your personality to other people; you probably slouch, have odd nervous mannerisms and wear clothes that don't fit. Quit that shit and fix the things you actually have control over and stop worrying so much about the things you were born with that aren't even that bad.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)10:59:47 No. 7175643 >>7175585 manson, donald qualls, lovett, iggy, buscemi and many more would like a word with you. they have a huge social circle, are successful and get laid when they want. now don't come with the ''they're famous'' argument. in order to become famous you need to do something special first. if they would have dwelled on their appearance they would have never become famous in the first place you're just looking for an excuse>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:00:00 No. 7175646 >>7175594 A mindset created by 35 years of being labeled such by the world?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:01:47 No. 7175665 >>7175646 So was the grinch and look how he turned out. If the grinch can do it so can you. Cheer up puddums.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:01:50 No. 7175667 >>7175643 >in order to become famous you need to do something special first. Yeah, like being lucky and getting born into the right circumstances.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:03:37 No. 7175671 >>7175667 Lottery winners are lucky. They still have to buy the ticket though.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:03:44 No. 7175673 >>7175665 >le work of fiction XD >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:03:46 No. 7175675 >>7175665 >comparing a robot to the grinch this just made my day>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:04:08 No. 7175681 >>7175667 more fucking excuses>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:07:12 No. 7175710 >be in full blown depression >r9k and oneitis making it worst >separating and analyzing people into betas and alphas and full on misogynist after a bad breakup >hate myself and think of myself as a failure >take shrooms >see other perspctive of life while out in the forest >turn it all around >dump all girls and people who've consistently wasted my time >delete facebook permanently >pawn xbox >pick up hobbies i actually like , bass, wood sculpting, sketching, and reading history books >been happier significantly and much more open to the world >comeback to r9k to share the knowledge >rebuffed >decide to let r9k climb itself out of its own hole >visit today >see this thread >proud another made it out >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:08:46 No. 7175724 >>7175710 Drugs are great>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:09:45 No. 7175733 >>7175671 Not everyone has the money to buy a ticket.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:09:56 No. 7175737 >>7175710 How old are you? Sometimes I think I should get a new hobby, then I realize people have probably had that hobby since they were children/teens and that I'm starting late, everything I will ever do is late, my life and everything I will experience will be late because I fucking suck.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:11:03 No. 7175751 >>7175673 I don't get what you're trying to say? That all actually happened.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:11:23 No. 7175758 >>7175737 Starting late is fine, stop worrying about it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:13:23 No. 7175789 >>7175733 Then kill yourself if your that pathetic>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:14:56 No. 7175814 >>7175737 >How old are you? Sometimes I think I should get a new hobby, then I realize people have probably had that hobby since they were children/teens and that I'm starting late, everything I will ever do is late, my life and everything I will experience will be late because I fucking suck. That's true. Unless you have a redeeming characteristic like being rich or very attractive, that's what everyone will think, and they'll strive to ridicule your efforts and make you quit.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:15:42 No. 7175827 >>7175733 With the amount of time and effort you spend trying to convince people to excuse you for not having a ticket, you could be trying to acquire one.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:17:33 No. 7175857 >>7175814 Holy shit why do people here try to crush other people who obviously have problems?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:17:36 No. 7175858 >>7175814 And you should let them. Just lay down and fuck off like a little bitch. Honestly how is that any different from now? You're trying to be a failure and I'm giving you shit for it as are many others in this thread. At least if you try and be a success and people give you shit for it you come out the other side successful.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:20:37 No. 7175904 >>7175857 Why do people tell the truth instead of making them believe a lie until they just kill themselves at 40?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:21:57 No. 7175918 >>7175737 Who cares if they did it since they were young? Most hobby groups have special beginner meetings. What am I saying? ALL hobby groups. Especially in sports and music. If you're trying out a niche hobby they'll be more than happy to welcome a new interested person. See, if people notice that you're trying to improve your life and realize you're actually a cool guy they'll support you. The only thing you'll have a disadvantage in will be in competitions. But hey if we're honest you probably won't participate in them as soon as you start your hobby. Take your time, a hobby is not meant to be dominated>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:22:45 No. 7175927 >>7175918 Nope, unless you're in a multi-million city, this is not true, any niche groups will be full of people who have done it since forever.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:24:27 No. 7175947 >>7175927 You're full of shit and you know it>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:25:53 No. 7175965 >>7175857 people on /r9k/ like to pretend they are better than the rest of society but in the end /r9k/ is no different and does the exact same thing of putting down and mocking those that are 'lesser' than them its how society works and /r9k/ is no different despite what people here say>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:27:33 No. 7175986 >>7175737 >Sometimes I think I should get a new hobby, then I realize people have probably had that hobby since they were children/teens and that I'm starting late, everything I will ever do is late, my life and everything I will experience will be late because I fucking suck. My dad took up playing guitar and piano when he was 50. Who fucking cares? You should just be doing things because you want to do them, and wanting to be good at something should be a personal goal that you set for yourself, not something meant to impress others. You're arbitrarily comparing every aspect of your life to other people and it isn't healthy.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:28:51 No. 7176002 >>7175927 So...? Really so what?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:29:04 No. 7176007 >>7175965 yeah I noticed that. Especially when they post these cringe and beta threads.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:29:10 No. 7176008 >>7175965 I think it's more like a lot of people who feel bullied and undermined in real life come here and they don't really know any other way to interact with people because that's how they've been conditioned.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:30:05 No. 7176025 >>7176008 If anyone has been bullied and undermined in real life, they know what empathy is and they won't be pieces of shit like normalfags on /r9k/.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:30:11 No. 7176027 >>7175927 And if it's a niche then they'll be happy that someone else is expressing an interest in it. Are you so insecure that you think everyone will laugh at you when you take part in a new hobby?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:30:51 No. 7176032 >>7175927 DId you even read what he wrote? He's saying those experts will be all for helping you and guiding you along.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:31:28 No. 7176040 >>7176025 Nah they just be vicious cunts to women instead.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:33:57 No. 7176062 >>7175965 >>7176007 Yeah definitely I think one of the main ways robots can feel good about themselves is by putting others down and attacking easy targets, e.g.>cringe threads >Facebook threads >tard threads >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:34:33 No. 7176070 >>7176025 That's not really true at all, form what I've seen. It seems like the most spiteful users are the ones who feel like failures. It's actually really sad because I see people constantly trying to bring others down who are going through the same things they are.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:37:08 No. 7176103 >>7176070 I'm incredibly hostile and aggressive to anyone who I perceive as lesser than me on this board, but only if they try and convince other people that they're winning be giving up harder or being more of a social failure.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:40:29 No. 7176148 >>7175710 The last time I took mushrooms I just talked to myself for a few hours and suddenly realised everything in our world now is packaged, prepared, we dont make anything for ourselves anymore. I also saw each possible future I could enter into, and actually viewed through my own eyes how it would play out. It was weird. It seemed really deep at the time but looking back I wish I could have a meaningful trip and actually have the impetus to change my life.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:40:29 No. 7176149 >>7176103 >they're winning be giving up harder or being more of a social failure. Should that "be" be a "by"?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:41:07 No. 7176160 >>7176032 Yeah but they won't. They'll see a guy older than them who doesn't fit into their social group at all and they'll just consider him weird and will exclude him from everything.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:41:44 No. 7176165 >>7176149 Yes it should. Thankyou.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:42:31 No. 7176175 >>7176103 And what is winning exactly? Which game are you playing? What are the rules? Who made them?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:44:45 No. 7176210 >>7176175 The /r9k/ pissing contest. The game is who can blame their poor situation on the most things that aren't to do with themselves.>>
Pachacutec !!LGBlL5b/P7m 06/02/13(Sun)11:44:58 No. 7176213 >>7175457 >giving advice to people who like being miserable top lel. Just give it to the ones that ask, laugh at the rest or ignore them if you're nice.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:45:45 No. 7176228 >>7176103 The thing is, I can't tell if you're trying to imply that you're a bigger loser than everyone on here and you want to be king of the NEETS, or if you're trying to imply that you're successful and want to pick on losers.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:46:41 No. 7176239 >>7176213 We're not fucking retarded, we don't need advice, we need help. And that's what you will never give us.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:47:32 No. 7176249 >>7176213 Everyone can read the advice you post on here, though. It doesn't matter who you're responding to, it can reach anyone who sees it. There's no point in trying to belittle the people who already feel bad.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:48:12 No. 7176266 >>7176160 Yeah you're right. Nobody wants to help you you're all on your own and people are selfish cunts fuck em all with a rake in the ass. This whole world is full of grumpy people who don't understand you. If you don't even give it a try you don't deserve any help Just fuck off>>
Pachacutec !!LGBlL5b/P7m 06/02/13(Sun)11:48:33 No. 7176273 >>7176239 Advice is help, unless you plan on posting your location and ask for a normie to take you out and experience normal social interactions. Then again, you might be Lanza v2 so I doubt many people would be up for that but you can give it a shot, right?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:48:40 No. 7176274 >>7176239 But most of the things you guys complain about are things you have to fix within yourselves. You're getting advice from people who have experienced this.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:49:46 No. 7176285 >>7176175 This:>>7176210 Among other things.>I refuse to change myself even though I'm clearly unhappy, that means I have more integrity than you. >I can't get laid, but I'm still winning because sex is gross and animalistic if you be a pedantic cock and describe it in a disgusting way. >Liking things that other people like makes you a normalfaggot, I deliberately avoid popular things to be unique. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:49:46 No. 7176287 >>7176239 You need help? What kind of help? Why the fuck won't you go outside and look for help?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:50:07 No. 7176291 >>7176160 Why are you so concerned with what people think of you when you're just trying to learn how to play guitar or whatever?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:50:16 No. 7176292 You do realise you're not helping anyone right. Everyone on this board has (pic related) this mentality. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:50:44 No. 7176301 >>7176273 >but you can give it a shot, right? pun intended?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:51:03 No. 7176305 Guy who wants to improve and is looking for advice here. I'm possibly taking a year out before going to university and since most people I know will already be going to university then I won't have many people around. I also might be getting a job placement in a different part of the UK so I might not know anyone there. I'm thinking once I'm in that situation I should just find stuff to do out of the home, like sports or group hobbies where I can meet new people, that's a decent course of action isn't it? I'm not exactly socially retarded and I can talk to people and everything, I'm just not entirely used to the social thing since this developed a little late in the game. I'll still want to keep on top of studies while doing this though if I want to get into my desired uni. Any more advice? >>
Pachacutec !!LGBlL5b/P7m 06/02/13(Sun)11:51:30 No. 7176312 >>7176301 Always. :3 bloxyblox>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:52:43 No. 7176328 >>7176287 >Why the fuck won't you go outside and look for help? Hasn't crossed my minds in the last few decades, thanks for the advice, on it chief.>>
Pachacutec !!LGBlL5b/P7m 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:16 No. 7176334 >>7176305 Remember to join the guys at the cafeteria tables and do it early, like within the first week, or first day even. Talk, they all want to make friends because most are in your same position: they don't know anyone... yet. Also, going the uni gym, that always helps to make friends, even female ones. Just do it early or it'll be too late. :|>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:36 No. 7176338 >>7176228 I'm a remarkably average but altogether happy person. I have a few close friends and a handfull of relationships. If someone here says something along the lines of "I have basic human needs that aren't being filled because I'm ugly, talentless and socially awkward." I'll be nice and try help. But if some twat trys pulling the whole "I'm above happiness and basic human interaction, you're the real loser for having friends and healthy relationships." I'll smear their insecurities all over their face and make them feel bad about themselves.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:43 No. 7176342 >>7176291 You're fucking retarded. You can learn how to play guitar alone in your room, obviously the point is to socialize while doing it. And you'll be ostracized socially, so you might as well do it in your room in the first place.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:53:57 No. 7176346 >>7176305 I think taking time out to work before you jump into university is a good idea. Gets you a better feel for the working world and helps you develop more of an idea for what you want to do. Good choice anon. Yes, take up a hobby. Just pick something you've always wanted to do and jump into a class. You might as well get started on those good habits now.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:54:56 No. 7176358 >>7176338 >"I have basic human needs that aren't being filled because I'm ugly, talentless and socially awkward." I'll be nice and try help. How? Will you fulfill them? Because if you don't, no one needs your "help" except for yourself, to feel better for "helping".>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:55:28 No. 7176366 >>7176334 Um, I appreciate your advice but if you read my post I'm talking about my year our BEFORE I go to uni. As in getting a job and possibly living independently for a year. I don't mean to sound rude and ungrateful but your advice is for when I'm at uni.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:24 No. 7176383 >>7176338 Those people make me frustrated to, but I try to avoid saying things like that because I remember feeling the same way they do earlier in my life. I also don't want to bring down people who could just be lurking and read what I wrote and feel like it's a personal jab at them.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:25 No. 7176384 >>7176366 Why does a college normalfag with friends you need advice anyway?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:32 No. 7176387 >>7176334 This. I missed out the first two weeks of the semester and there have already been groups. It's incredibly hard to find someone to talk to since they're all sticking together like chickens. I'm also repeating the semester because of that reason (and I'm going to a clinic )>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:56:58 No. 7176394 >>7176384 >you *like you>>
Pachacutec !!LGBlL5b/P7m 06/02/13(Sun)11:57:19 No. 7176397 >>7176366 Yeah yeah, I know, but that's all I can give, I haven't been a neet for more than 4 months. 3: At least it will help you when you get to uni, right? And no man, it's cool, you're not being rude, chill. :D>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:57:53 No. 7176405 >>7176305 I took up acting classes which worked great for me. First part of any workshop is to stand in a circle and make a fucking tit of yourself in order to level the playing field so everyone feels equally uncomfortable. Then you spend the entire thing pretending to be someone else for shits and giggles. I made a lot of good friends there.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)11:58:47 No. 7176419 >>7176342 Is this really how you think adults behave? Yes, people might be a little defensive when a new person enters their comfort zone. This is normal human behavior. If you join one of these social groups and you're a genuinely good person, people will come to like you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:00:11 No. 7176433 >>7176305 Working before college/uni is a great idea. Do not become a shut in though. A year is long and might drain your social competence. I didn't quite get it but I guess you're moving out? If you're moving to an already established social circle just be friendly and do something with co-workers as soon as they ask you. Do not miss that opportunity. As for hobbies: Try everything you wanted to do out. There's a trial for everything>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:01:35 No. 7176454 >>7176358 Yeah no shit, I wouldn't really be coming here if I wasn't getting anything out of it. It's less about them taking my advice and more about them seeing the endless "Come be miserable with me, it's the only way, give up like I did." and knowing that that's not the only option.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:02:58 No. 7176472 >>7176384 I'm not at college/university, remember and while I'm not a stereotypical , afraid of people, robot I'm not the most socially adept person out there. Still a kissless virgin (not hugless) but I don't let it eat me up, it'll happen when it happens and that's fine. I just want to improve myself, I've already got a better footing than some people here and I'm grateful for that.>>7176397 No worries breh, I'll keep it in mind for when I get to uni.>>7176405 Acting classes do sound like a good call, could be a bit nerve racking but I guess I'd just have to throw myself in there. It does sound like it could be fun as hell though, how much do they normally cost?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:04:05 No. 7176491 >>7176405 >First part of any workshop is to stand in a circle and make a fucking tit of yourself in order to level the playing field so everyone feels equally uncomfortable. Problem: the alphas and the females of the group still won't feel uncomfortable because they know their position and nothing they do will compromise it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:04:15 No. 7176493 >>7176433 Thanks for this advice as well anon. I might end up getting on a placement with other pre-uni students so that could be a good starting point.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:04:38 No. 7176501 >>7176419 Wow, you've been incredibly lucky or sheltered.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:05:39 No. 7176511 >>7176454 It is the only option, for them. It's not the only option for you. Someone pointing at all the delicious cake they're eating through the glass window doesn't mean shit to the guy watching it from outside who isn't allowed in.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:05:41 No. 7176512 >>7176491 Just shut up, humans are not like dogs. Stop pissing all over the advice I'm getting, I'm really glad I'm not like you people.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:05:51 No. 7176514 >>7176472 Mine were about 180 euro for the full year. Here's the beautiful thing. They are nerve wrecking. But that's the point. It's like a gym, you do shit until you're tired and then you do it until it doesn't make you tired anymore, then you do a bigger thing and rinse and repeat. Acting classes are like that, except instead of tiredness, it's awkwardness and nervousness.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:06:14 No. 7176519 >>7176512 Great arguments there.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:06:37 No. 7176523 >>7176358 >Trying to make others feel bad for getting a sense of fulfillment out of trying to help people. Really dude? You really think you can say anything to stop me from being positive to other people? Keep in mind that I'm 25 and I've had a really fucked up life up until now and there is probably nothing you could say that would blow my mind or reveal something sad about the universe that I've never thought about.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:07:21 No. 7176531 >>7176491 >still focus on classifying people into two groups Some people man, some people>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:07:58 No. 7176537 >>7176511 Bakerys have doors. If the doors locked you wait for it to open. If you can't afford a cake save up until you can. There's always an option besides give up and spend your life on r9kake.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:08:48 No. 7176545 I'm happy this thread turned out into a positive hope-giving advice thread. Apart from the two buttdevasted antisocials everyone is friendly >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:08:59 No. 7176547 >>7176501 I was picked on in high school. Then as I grew up I realized that kids just pick on one another and I got over it. People in the real world actually like people who break out of their comfort zones and do interesting things.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:09:54 No. 7176556 >>7176519 The thing is, I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm not interested in any of your so called "logical reasons" not to try to improve myself. I just want to go and do it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:10:29 No. 7176564 >>7174531 (OP) Some of us have more complicated problems than yours.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:10:54 No. 7176572 >>7176556 Alright, so you're not capable of thinking. Why are you here?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:11:24 No. 7176577 >>7176537 >r9kake I chuckled>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:13:43 No. 7176594 >>7176556 just dont reply to this mangina anymore. he's clearly baiting you. stop giving him attention he doesn't get from anyone else not even his parents >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:14:32 No. 7176604 >>7176545 I'm happy too and I respect your positive outlook.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:14:55 No. 7176610 >>7176572 I'm sorry are you trying to make out that you're on the moral/intellectual high ground here? All you've done is appeal to the ridiculous "alpha-beta" dichotomy and used it as an excuse not to try and improve oneself socially.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:15:01 No. 7176614 >>7176491 >Problem: the alphas and the females of the group still won't feel uncomfortable because they know their position and nothing they do will compromise it. You know what would really help you, man? Go somewhere other than 4chan and start talking about this alpha and beta shit. Anywhere, either real life or another forum on the internet. And don't immediately run back to 4chan to tell us about how the "normals" reacted to what you said. Try to get some kind of differing perspective on things.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:16:28 No. 7176632 >>7176610 >used it as an excuse not to try and improve oneself socially. Are you talking to an imaginary person inside your head?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:17:30 No. 7176641 >>7176556 Learning a martial art or going to the gym is a great way to improve your confidence because you can stick up for your beliefs and know if anyone trys to get aggressive with you you're coming out a winner. Or you could not do that and take up an interesting hobby that satisfys you in life enough to know that you can step away from a physical altercation and still feel good about yourself even if you're pissed off for a few days. Life's pretty swell like that.>>
sage sage 06/02/13(Sun)12:17:36 No. 7176644 The only people this advice is pertinent to are those who don't need it and would have otherwise climbed out into social normalcy eventually anyway. It has no relevance to those who are truly doomed socially. Pointless thread. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:18:02 No. 7176647 >>7176614 Sounds great, been doing it for almost 40 years now, guess what, the same social patterns are everywhere, jobs, hobbies, any social group, any internet board, it's all the same shit. You can only not notice it if you have it too good and you're oblivious to it (and attribute your successes to something you objectively shouldn't) or if you're really fucking stupid.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:18:07 No. 7176649 >>7176614 But the normals are all over the damn internet. You can't go anywhere else. People like us just have to suffer. Normals will never understand our problems and that some persons aren't automatically born successful and as womanizers>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:19:14 No. 7176658 >>7176644 Absolutely true. Just like any "advice" on /r9k/ and other 4chan boards really. And anyway, giving advice is just a socially acceptable way to say "I don't want to give you actual help, sucks to be you lol".>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:19:23 No. 7176660 >>7176644 Well you'll never know if you're doomed or not until you try.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:19:30 No. 7176661 >>7176491 Question: Why do so called "alpha" people make you feel belittled rather than giving you something to aspire to? It's like you're immediately saying to yourself, "Man, I want to be like that guy. FUCK IT I GIVE UP!" when the guy isn't even doing anything to you. It's almost like this pack mentality logic you apply to everything isn't helpful to you.>>
Pachacutec !!LGBlL5b/P7m 06/02/13(Sun)12:19:48 No. 7176666 >>7176658 What is "actual help", anon?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:20:51 No. 7176680 >>7176661 >Question: Why do so called "alpha" people make you feel belittled rather than giving you something to aspire to? Because unlike "alpha" sociopaths, I have empathy like an actual sane human being and understand that you don't get to that position without putting others in a shit position, and I will never do that, so I'm forever doomed to be at the bottom.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:20:58 No. 7176682 >>7176644 Well you're definitely doomed if you don't try>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:21:54 No. 7176688 >>7176644 >doomed socially Nobody is doomed socially. The only one dooming your social life is your hate-filled self>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:22:00 No. 7176689 >>7176649 >some persons aren't automatically born successful and as womanizers No one is born that way.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:22:25 No. 7176698 >>7176680 >Sociopaths Most socially adept people I know are nothing like that. I wouldn't say I'm great friends with them but I can have a good natured conversation with them just fine. Normalfags aren't out to get you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:22:39 No. 7176704 >>7176666 You see a homeless person. You tell him "get a job". This is what /r9k/ is doing. You see a homeless person. You talk to him and see he knows how to work with computers, you let him use your shower, loan him a suit and hire him in a data entry position in your friends firm. This is help.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:23:33 No. 7176713 >>7176704 Actual help in the relevant context>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:24:49 No. 7176729 >>7176689 OH REALLY?>born into a rich family >born with superior genes >born as a fucking model >born as a genius HUH>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:24:50 No. 7176731 >>7176680 Elaborate? I can't recall fucking anyone over when I went to the shop and bought some nice clothes, then started going to comedy clubs and studying amateur comedians until I was funny like them, put myself through film school so I'd have aspirations and goals to be proud of. Tell me where exactly I hurt people here?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:26:26 No. 7176749 >>7176680 why are you justifying your life on an anonymous board? nobody cares about the last part of your post i think there lies the root of your problem: you know you aren't doomed but excuse yourself>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:27:00 No. 7176758 >>7176731 Protip: people like you don't see anything wrong with their actions, even when faced with the very people they stepped on to get they are. It's futile to explain (and obviously I don't know your personal situation at all).>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:27:13 No. 7176762 >>7176680 >unlike "alpha" sociopaths >I have empathy like an actual sane human Come on man, really? You're implying that thinking about every social situation like this is what sane people do? You're calling sociable people insane sociopaths?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:27:30 No. 7176769 >>7176731 Don't be so harsh on him. We don't want him to make dozens of ''NORMALFAGS ARE INVADING /r9k/'' threads>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:27:41 No. 7176771 >>7176749 I'm answering a question someone asked. If they don't care, why did they ask?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:28:29 No. 7176780 >>7176762 Are you implying that sane people do everything without thinking about it, and that in order to be sane you have to get a lobotomy?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:28:45 No. 7176783 >>7176514 Hey, you still here? What were the people like at yours? What kind of stuff did you do? Also did it have a definite start point or could you join in? Because the latter option seems like it could be a bit awkward. Any more advice you can give in general?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:29:02 No. 7176789 >>7176758 That's a fucking joke right? Well tell you what, there's plenty of people here on the fence of becoming people like me. Why not show them the errors of my ways?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:29:22 No. 7176793 >>7176704 Alright then you're not only refusing legit advice but also like to spit in everyone's face for it. What makes you think that you deserve help at all? Your personality surely tells me you don't>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:29:33 No. 7176797 >>7176780 >All people who are not like me are idiots Classic>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:30:53 No. 7176819 >>7176704 Homeless people are mostly drug addicts or mentally ill. Are you physically dependent on a substance or incapable of making rational decisions? If so then yes you need physical help and not just advice. A good deal of depressed robots are in a position where they can simply make different choices to be happier. The advice is meant for them.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:31:23 No. 7176826 >>7176793 And this is seeing a homeless person and telling him "ha-ha" and pissing on him, thanks.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:32:03 No. 7176830 >>7176704 >gets advice >throws a hissy fit and gets mad at it >demands to be pempered and ''real help'' >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:32:52 No. 7176836 >>7176826 Homeless men wouldn't act the way you do. They have real problems and are happy for everything positive>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:33:43 No. 7176843 >>7176704 >help is having things handed to me Why should the homeless person have a job just given to him? What if it's clear that he has never made any effort to find work or improve his situation for a bunch of bullshit reasons?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:33:55 No. 7176849 >>7176783 It had a definate start point but you could join in any time. It was a mixed bag, by and in large they were lovely people but of course you had your divas just like everywhere else. Actors tend to be overly dramatic, hence the whole being in drama classes thing so there's a lot of petty squabbles but usually between the same people. The age group was predominately 16-20 with a few older people who were there from the beginning.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:34:55 No. 7176862 normalfags don't understand our problems and only give shallow advice. they are secretly laughing at us and enjoy seeing our misery. it's easy for people to give light-hearted advice when you're not unfortunate yourself. op must be feeling really cool right now >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:37:24 No. 7176891 >>7176849 Sounds pretty good, I'll definitely look into it. Also this is probably an obvious question but do you reckon it would help with my speaking? I can talk normally most of the time but if I'm in a nervous situation or I start going too fast I can end up tripping over my words and having to start over again.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:37:36 No. 7176894 >>7176843 >Why should the homeless person have a job just given to him? Why should you? Oh right, in before "I worked so hard for it" rationalizations that all people in good positions in life spout. To preempt this: >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:38:16 No. 7176903 >>7176891 of course it will help you. I wish you much fun and good luck!>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:38:46 No. 7176909 >>7176729 I know lots of people from rich families. A lot of them fuck their lives up by making stupid decisions from being spoiled. One of my wealthy family friends had two kids in high school and another became a severe alcoholic once he graduated university. "Superior genes" are just genes that don't lead to any severe illnesses. Having your dad's nose and your mom's cheek bones does not make your genes inferior. A pretty face doesn't automatically make the world your oyster. Being attractive growing up can also lead to messed up situations that hinder you emotionally for the rest of your life. Having applicable intelligence mostly comes from how you were raised and choices you make when you're really young.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:39:06 No. 7176915 >>7176862 Their "advice" is structured in this way on purpose, so that they can say "I gave you advice, everything else is your own fault for being a shit person" and keep everyone who's not like them down so that they stay where they are or move up. It's a common social tactic that's been used against pretty much any oppressed group throughout history in all ways - social, economic, etc.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:40:14 No. 7176920 >>7176909 Indeed, having a golden toilet is sometimes such a horrible experience as it's occasionally cold and you have to get a special velvet cover for it, if only the underclasses would understand your plight.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:40:44 No. 7176930 >>7176891 Absolutely. There are exercises specifically for it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:41:40 No. 7176938 >>7176843 You're not a homeless person. You're socially awkward.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:44:48 No. 7176973 >>7176903 >>7176930 Thanks guys, once I get the chance I'll do it. I might even post the results on here.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:47:13 No. 7177003 >>7176920 My point is that no one is born knowing how to get ahead, man. You have to figure that shit out as you grow up. Sometimes people are born with a lot and it leads to them making bad decisions and failing. Furthermore, what is your point? Some people have an easier start so that means you shouldn't even bother? You were also born with a lot of privileges and opportunities in your life that other people in the world would love to have.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:47:36 No. 7177006 >>7175710 >had a gf before hand >had friends before hand >avid drug user >LOOK GUISE IM JUST LIKE U N IMADE IT JUS FINE XD Are all Normals this dense?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:48:18 No. 7177020 >>7177003 >You were also born with a lot of privileges and opportunities in your life that other people in the world would love to have. What people would like to be friendless and ugly?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:48:53 No. 7177026 >>7177006 Yes, they very much are. Also, all this happened during his highschool or college years.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:50:02 No. 7177043 >>7177020 You're already friendless. That's your prize for being an anti social cock. You're not going to get anything beyond that. At least if you follow our advice you MIGHT get better.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:51:06 No. 7177053 >>7177043 What advice is that exactly?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:52:04 No. 7177066 >>7177053 Take up literally any group activity. Talk to people there.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:53:08 No. 7177082 >>7177066 >Take up literally any group activity. Alcohol>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:53:10 No. 7177083 What op did didn't work out so well for me.>hang out with people >seems like they just tolerate me >people stand me up >don't get invited anywhere >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:53:12 No. 7177085 >>7177006 I had no friends growing up and lived a sheltered life until my mid 20's. Then I eventually obtained those things, and lost them again. I can tell you honestly, the feelings are the same. "Normals" who have had things in the past feel the same things you do when you have nothing your whole life. Regretting your past and feeling sorry for yourself is the same mindset no matter where you are coming from.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:53:38 No. 7177092 >>7176660 >>7176682 >>7176688 >nobody is doomed socially >if you try harder you'll do better Speaking from a social development standpoint, some people just missed the boat on certain key things that you just can't get back. Sure, you can bullshit through a five minute conversation and come off as somewhat normal, but in any interaction long enough to be considered meaningful, you'll always give an impression as being slightly "off" "weird" or "awkward". Point is that nobody will really truly enjoy your company. They might act friendly to you and even invite you to do stuff, great. But knowing that it's an invite like "Eh, we probably should invite ___" as opposed to "Oh, lets see what ____ is up to" really just reinforces the "fuck it, why bother?" mindset. It pretty much comes down to this: Why would anyone work harder to compensate for being socially retarded when the utility they get from their social contact is significantly less than that of a developmentally normal person who naturally developed their social skill set and puts in virtually no effort comparatively.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:53:41 No. 7177093 >>7176007 >>7176062 >cringe, beta and facebook threads, especially facebook thread >not started exclusively by the very same codenscending, deriding Normals responsible for our Robotness You normalfags are just the worst. You are not willing to take any blame and are completely incapable of having any kind of actual empathy towards us. Normals pls go.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:55:18 No. 7177105 >>7177092 Significantly less than average is still a whole lot more than literally nothing.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:55:39 No. 7177112 >>7177020 They would be focusing on the things you have that they wish they had. For example, people with no family would envy you for having a family. Why do you only focus on the negative side of things?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:56:45 No. 7177123 >>7177093 I have empathy for you. I was you. If I had a time machine I'd go back and kick myself in the nuts and scream stop being such a jackass in my face. I don't have a time machine. So I'll settle for you instead.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:57:04 No. 7177127 >>7177066 Ok, I've done this dozens of times in the past decades with the same results, should I just continue until I die?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:57:13 No. 7177131 >>7177083 The proper way to react to this is, "I don't get along with those people," not, "All people everywhere are shit and don't want me.">>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:58:01 No. 7177146 >>7177093 >started exclusively by the very same codenscending, deriding Normals responsible for our Robotness What are you basing this on?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:58:51 No. 7177163 >>7177127 Change more variables. Join another group and don't act like the bitter shit you come across as on here.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)12:59:42 No. 7177171 >>7177105 If you give 10 and get 50, you're left with 60. If you give 50 and get 10, you're left with -40. If you give 0 and get 0, you're left with 0.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:00:48 No. 7177180 >>7177171 50 whats?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:01:42 No. 7177191 >>7175400 >My mother tried to hook me up with 2 people to hang out with. The fuck is wrong with you that you need your mom to hook you up with people to hang out with.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:01:48 No. 7177193 >>7177092 Your problem isn't that you're socially awkward, it's that you're a negative person and this probably translates into you genuinely appearing like you don't want to interact with anyone. You can be socially awkward and people will still like you if you're a nice person. You're talking about invitations to social events. People don't invite others to social events out of spite. Why would you take being invited to something in a negative context in any situation?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:02:24 No. 7177202 I don't want to be happy OP, I just want to die. Fucking hell, why don't antidepressants work? >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:02:32 No. 7177206 >>7177131 I don't feel like all people are shit. I just feel like I am incapable. I don't blame others, I blame myself.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:02:42 No. 7177210 >>7177127 You don't meet people there if you believe just going will do it. YOU have to do the first steps, people couldn't care less about you if they don't know you>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:03:30 No. 7177216 >>7177092 I don't know if you're a master troll, being sarcastic or just actually believe in the bullshit you wrote>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:03:47 No. 7177219 >>7177206 Be someone else then.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:04:35 No. 7177231 >>7175400 You need to find people yourself. Stop expecting to have things handed to you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:05:56 No. 7177242 >>7177206 It's not really a matter of being capable or not, everybody is different and having friends is just a matter of meeting people you click with. The fact that you come to 4chan so much means that there are people out there who you want to interact with and could get along with. People on 4chan are actually not really all that special and I think you'd be surprised how many of the posts you see on here that you can relate to are actually coming from people you'd consider normal.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:06:13 No. 7177244 >>7177202 because they're placebos anyways. depression doesnt exist.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:06:52 No. 7177251 Good luck OP you'll make it >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:08:08 No. 7177266 >>7177219 That works but I feel drained after a while. I feel like its not worth the effort. I get a little sad feeling that they wouldn't like me for who I am most of the time. Maybe dislike is a bit dramatic but there wouldn't be much social interaction with them. I'm good at making acquaintances, not friends.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:08:47 No. 7177279 I know this total utter Autist, the people he went to school with made a lot of effort and really try to include him, he goes with them on everything they do like events, parties and some how he has gotten a nice girl. Again I cannot stress how much of a homophobic xenophobic Autist he is. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:10:43 No. 7177304 >do sports and meet new people >suddenly WANT to hang out with them How long did you have to suck it up and pretend for? It's this phase I'm worried about. Last time I had friends it took me well over a year to start liking them, and it turned out they were assholes and I had just brainwashed myself into thinking they were not.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:11:44 No. 7177317 >>7177266 That's pretending to be someone else. Not actually being someone else. Are you someone who won't shut the fuck up about things that bother you? Talk about stuff you like instead. Do you talk in long boring essays? Make your points succinctly. I don't know you. Try as best you can to articulate why people find you bothersome or unappealing.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:11:59 No. 7177320 >>7177244 Medical depression does exist. It's characterized by radical mood levels that have no logic within your conscious mind. People confuse the medical definition of depression with just feeling sad. People aren't prescribed drugs just for feeling sorry for themselves unless they're manipulating their doctor on purpose.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:14:11 No. 7177353 General advice coming from an engaged man who used to browse /r9k/ for years before meeting his fiancee>get rid of classifications like alpha/beta and normals/robots you can't systemize every single person. even if you don't consider yourself to be normal you may have quite many normal things about your body, mind and personality. also every alpha argument gets contradicted with a beta argument making the whole theory irrelevant>stop thinking your life is shit just because your social life lacks a bit of action social life is dynamic. you can always find new people everywhere. ''normals'' can also lose many friends. nothing remains forever>all relationship problems stem from women this is not true at all and you know it. a healthy relationship works if both partners take effort in it. if this isn't the case you should dump your partner.>stop focusing on one flaw and making it the reason for all your problems (I'm fat, I'm short, I'm ugly, I'm bad at X) everyone has flaws. but you also have many positive things about you. instead of blaming everything on a flaw you should put energy in your qualities >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:14:46 No. 7177364 >>7177244 It kind of does, it's just that a lot of people self diagnose it because they feel a bit down. Real depression is something to do with a deficiency if serotonin in your brain, that's the chemical that actually makes you feel happy and motivated.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:15:04 No. 7177373 >>7175400 >How do you know he's denying human contact? Because normalfags have human contact thrown at them all the time, and they are really that retarded that they think it's like that for everyone, and it's their fault for saying "no", when in fact they're been said "no" to all their lives.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:15:07 No. 7177376 >>7177304 Breaking down barriers and becoming comfortable with people takes a while. Most of the good friends I have took at least a year of being around each other for us to start really building trust.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:16:09 No. 7177392 >>7177373 No, they actively seek out human contact until they get to a stage where it's a normal part of their lives.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:16:47 No. 7177400 >>7177376 I hate being around people who are not already my good friends. I really hate it. I understood your post as meaning you wanted it, and enjoyed it. That's what I meant.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:16:54 No. 7177402 I have friends and people I can hang with, but I'm not assertive enough project the persona I want to and even try to flirt with girls because I don't feel comfortable with the way I look. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:17:11 No. 7177405 >>7177193 >People don't invite others out of spite >spite >Yeah, lets invite him to this shindig, That'll really show him! How the hell did you derive that from what I said? If you're socially inept and come off as weird, you won't be the TYPE X of person that everyone invites because they genuinely want them there. You'll be the TYPE Y of person that people invite because they don't want you to feel left out and they feel bad for you. This goes back to the other post. You can try to overcome being socially inept (TYPE Y), but if you missed out on naturally developing your social skill set, you won't ever really get the same utility out of any social situation compared to someone who did (TYPE X).>Your problem is that you're negative and come across that way...ect It's not a problem for me. You confuse me attempting to state how I see the world for being butthurt and lamenting my situation. I made my own bed. I realize that. Over time I'm learning how to comfortably lie in it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:17:38 No. 7177408 >>7177320 >Medical depression does exist. It's characterized by radical mood levels that have no logic within your conscious mind. My "depression" is perfectly logical and stems from being in a shit situation I can't get out of. I wish it was as easy as it is for most overprivileged attractive/average non-friendless non-jobless American kids in threads such as these - just take meds and the society will do the rest.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:19:35 No. 7177433 >>7177402 Then get comfortable. Bulk up or start dressing better.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:19:35 No. 7177434 >>7177408 you are in this position because you're stuck in a cycle that's comfortable enough to live, but not enaugh to feel satisfied with, get a goal or something and put all your effort into it, you will easily at least feel more exhausted and you don;'t have to think about how you're so sad all the time>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:20:12 No. 7177445 >>7177408 you're so jelly it hurts why do you care so much about other people? let them live their ''overprivileged'' lives and concentrate on your own>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:23:12 No. 7177485 this thread is making me ill FUCK >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:23:38 No. 7177493 >>7174531 (OP) Good enough for me OP. See yah /r9k/!>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:23:41 No. 7177494 >>7177400 If you want friends then you have to actually be interested in people. Not just certain people, everyone. You have to be able to see the relatable qualities in folks you meet. The way I think about it is that everyone I meet has the potential to teach me something. Whether it be about the world, or how other people exist, or even something about myself that I might not have thought of before. I guess I realized that this was what drew me to 4chan in the first place and I could apply the same mindset to the outside world.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:26:36 No. 7177540 >>7177434 >you are in this position because you're stuck in a cycle that's comfortable enough to live, I wouldn't exactly call this living.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:27:02 No. 7177545 >>7177494 I'm unable to effectively utilize this strategy. I've tried. It helped a little bit, and as a result I don't hate people anymore, but I still do not want to talk to them and I do not want to be near them.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:27:11 No. 7177546 >>7177434 If I could actually accomplish any of my goals maybe I wouldn't feel like shit 24/7?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:28:02 No. 7177554 >>7177445 >why do you care so much about other people? Indeed, why is one a human being. What a question.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:28:04 No. 7177555 what the fuck do you actually tell the girl about your life previous you being a normalfag? shes gonna feel lied to and dump you anyway, they know you were a virgin and shit >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:29:15 No. 7177570 >>7177545 And yet you want our permission to think like this?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:29:46 No. 7177575 >>7177555 Nothing, it all comes out in the end. The only people who can effectively lie about themselves are sociopathic normalfags who don't really need to in the first place.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:30:35 No. 7177590 >>7177555 People love a good underdog story.>I was down in the dumps >I didn't have a hope in the world >Until one day... >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:31:06 No. 7177596 >>7177405 >You'll be the TYPE Y of person that people invite because they don't want you to feel left out and they feel bad for you. This isn't a bad thing. If people care enough to try to help you then it means you have at least some redeemable qualities. Why don't you try to uncover what those positive qualities are and focus on them?>You can try to overcome being socially inept (TYPE Y), but if you missed out on naturally developing your social skill set, you won't ever really get the same utility out of any social situation compared to someone who did (TYPE X). I don't think you realize how quickly humans can learn to adapt to new things.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:32:51 No. 7177620 >>7177545 >I still do not want to talk to them You're talking to us right now, dude. What is it about being physically present with people that makes you uncomfortable?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:33:07 No. 7177622 >>7177570 What? You quoting the right post?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:33:29 No. 7177630 >>7177590 this actually worked with my exgf she was fascinated and in awe because i took meds and had ''such a rough life''>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:34:08 No. 7177641 >>7177590 Fucking this. Talking about your shitty experiences and how you came out of them alive is some of the most endearing shit you can say to people.>>
sage sage 06/02/13(Sun)13:34:39 No. 7177647 >>7177216 >say it's bullshit >not stating why C'mon m8, 'ave a crack.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:34:57 No. 7177651 >>7177620 Being uglier than everyone else.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:35:44 No. 7177663 >>7177622 No, I just wonder why if you're so happy to give up that you're still here fighting your corner? What's your end goal? For us to turn around and say "well you've argued your point admirably, I guess you should just give up on people"?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:36:22 No. 7177673 >>7177663 Do you realize that Anonymous is not one person?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:36:26 No. 7177679 >>7177546 What are some of your goals?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:38:40 No. 7177712 >>7177673 He's still a person seeking validation for his loneliness. "I tried my best and it wasn't good enough, that's my excuse for giving up." He doesn't have to excuse himself. But he wants to. Why?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:40:11 No. 7177741 >>7177641 or self-loathing and boasting at its best>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:41:03 No. 7177754 >>7177651 Everyone feels ugly about something. Did you know that women constantly feel ugly about every niggling detail of their bodies, especially the attractive ones? People that you see being loud and flaunting part of themselves to other people are also trying to cover up flaws that they have. This is true for literally everyone.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:41:09 No. 7177755 >>7177741 No, self loathing boasting is telling people how shit your life is currently.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:43:21 No. 7177792 >>7177741 Fuck you you little cunt. This is it. This is why you're forever alone. Not because of genetics, or privelage, or missing out on those precious years. It's because even with something as innocuous as "How do I tell people who ask me about my past without looking like a loser" the second someone answers you instantly try and shit all over it. You deserve to be alone you fucking goblin.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:43:41 No. 7177798 >>7177754 The fact that insane people are ugly in their own minds doesn't change the fact that I'm objectively ugly.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:44:13 No. 7177802 >>7177741 Saying, "I used to be like this," is not self loathing if you're talking about how you changed.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:44:22 No. 7177805 >>7177244 >depression doesnt exist. lel>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:45:15 No. 7177820 >>7177792 Gotta love how normalfags start pounding their chests and displaying their fangs like subhuman creatures as soon as you tell it like it is.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:46:10 No. 7177836 >>7177620 We are anonymous. I can get out of this discussion by closing the tab in my browser, and you will never form any meaningful identity-linked conception of me in your mind. This is completely stress-free interaction and I am interested in what you have to say. I wouldn't really say I'm necessarily uncomfortable with people. Only if I care about what they think of me, in other words when I think we could be friends. There's the added difficulty of my being a grill btw. My efforts to become friends with dudes are largely met with>I have girlfriend go away >you're not attractive, don't hit on me >why aren't you acting like a girl and the social interaction between females is mostly far too complex for me to deal with successfully. My few female friends over the years have treated me exactly like a beta orbiter, they've been flakes and only interested in my company when I have been giving them something.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:46:28 No. 7177841 >>7177798 No such thing as objectively ugly, bro. You have the genetic traits you do because your parents were attracted to them enough to fuck one another.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:47:20 No. 7177854 >>7177820 We make up for it by having friends lovers and happy lives. This message board is your life and it just called you a cunt.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:47:37 No. 7177857 >>7177712 I don't want to give up, but I have no idea what to try next. That's all.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:48:30 No. 7177869 >>7177857 How about sailing?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:49:40 No. 7177883 >>7177841 you're full of shit. that has nothing to do with what you look like. you can easily get the worst out of both parents so you look ugly>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:51:13 No. 7177907 >>7177869 I'm not sure if you're serious or not. No, I'm not going to try sailing.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:52:22 No. 7177926 Reality is evil. People are forced into existence against their will and then allowed to, very possibly, be miserable. The point of humanity's existence is to find a way to make reality die. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:54:59 No. 7177963 >>7177907 What's wrong with sailing?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:56:35 No. 7177984 >>7174576 >friends Nigger, do you know where the fuck you are? Do you think I would be on /r9k/ or 4chan at all if I had friends?>>
Anonymous sage 06/02/13(Sun)13:57:14 No. 7177989 >>7177596 >I don't think you realize how quickly humans can learn to adapt to new things That's just it, it's not a "new" thing to adapt to. It's something that should have been adapted to before because social situations occur almost endlessly over time, and it's weird if someone hasn't figured them out by early adulthood because it means that they are unable to adapt to it. It's not going to make people instinctively hate you, but it's going to put people off to the point where they wouldn't consider you somebody they would genuinely want to be around.>It means you have some redeemable qualities. Why not build on those ect... See the bottom of:>>7177092 >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:57:17 No. 7177992 >>7177963 1. it's completely irrelevant to my problem 2. I don't find it interesting, I prefer other activities>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:58:06 No. 7178002 >>7177992 Other activities such as?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)13:58:18 No. 7178004 >>7177836 >There's the added difficulty of my being a grill btw. My efforts to become friends with dudes are largely met with If you're an ugly girl, I'd marry you, if you'd accept an ugly guy of course.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:03:04 No. 7178058 >>7178002 What has that got to do with anything? I like crafts and outdoorsy shit. I could compile a 4-page list of activities I already do or would try rather than sailing.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:05:52 No. 7178091 >>7175219 Yeah whites really have life on "easy-mode".>becoming a minority in all of their own countries >africa is for africans, israel is for israelis but white countries are for everybody and if you disagree youre a racist anti-semite nazi holocaust denier kkk member piece of shit >media is constantly feminizing white men >affirmative action for colleges that whites cannot get >the ability to start clubs on school campuses that celebrate ones culture is allowed for almost every race and culture except for white people >white people constantly being blamed and demonized for slavery when in reality the niggers enslaved themselves and then sold each other to jewish merchants who brought them to the states to be sold for profit. >only negative stereotypes against white people are allowed you cannot say another stereotype for any other race unless its a positive one like "black people have dicks" or "asians are more intelligent". Thats perfectly acceptable to say but if you replace black or asian with white a shitstorm will ensue and youll be branded a racist. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:06:07 No. 7178094 >>7178058 Your problem is you want to talk to people right? Pick an activity. Make it more social. You like crafting? Join an art class. Outdoorsy stuff? I dunno, there's gotta be some sort of group outdoorsy thing.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:08:00 No. 7178123 >>7178091 Yeah none of those are actual problems for you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:14:25 No. 7178212 >>7178123 If I were born black my gpa would have landed me into a 4 year university right away instead of having to go to a community college.>implying affirmative action didnt give my college slot to someone else strictly because of my skin color >implying you know my life >cant refute the fact that niggers and other minorities have a huge leg up in modern society >hurrr none of that affects you so thats irrelevant whatever you say.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:16:10 No. 7178233 >>7178212 You know what. It doesn't matter. Either you're wrong or you truly are a slave to an unfair system. You lose either way. Good luck with your life.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:16:16 No. 7178235 >>7178091 yeh ur echo chambers that way mate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>./pol/ >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:27:16 No. 7178402 >>7178091 >becoming a minority in all of their own countries Poor white people barely having to go through the same thing everyone else has gone through centuries, a little bit in the last decade.>africa is for africans, israel is for israelis Uuhhh....>media is constantly feminizing white men Media is constantly messing with everyone.>affirmative action for colleges that whites cannot get The fact that affirmative action exists in the first place is based on the statistical disparities between white people and everyone else. They base it on the same statistics that people use to be racist, like "so many blacks are poor" and, "so many white people are more educated.">the ability to start clubs on school campuses that celebrate ones culture is allowed for almost every race and culture except for white people You can start a club for anything, including being white. The reason ethnic minority clubs exist is because their members are trying to find a way to take pride in a part of themselves they've felt put down for in the past.>white people constantly being blamed and demonized for slavery when in reality the niggers enslaved themselves and then sold each other to jewish merchants who brought them to the states to be sold for profit. Slave owners are demonized regardless of race because slavery is no longer seen as acceptable. People cheered when Batiatus got his throat cut in Spartacus just as much as they cheered when Django shot that overseer.>only negative stereotypes against white people are allowed you cannot say another stereotype for any other race unless its a positive one like "black people have dicks" or "asians are more intelligent". Thats perfectly acceptable to say but if you replace black or asian with white a shitstorm will ensue and youll be branded a racist. Actually believing that Asians are more intelligent because of their genetics makes you a racist. All of those things you mentioned are racial jokes.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:30:32 No. 7178462 >>7178402 Lol at how brainwashed you are. ...actually I'm completely on your side, just giving you a heads up for what you're in for if you bother keeping up this conversation.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:32:51 No. 7178505 >>7174531 (OP) It is. Look, I don't know you, so you might as well be an 8/10, 6'2, with a 7.5" dick who just happened to be a loser, and now that you snapped out of it and realized all the privilege you had you started to reap the benefits. But for the virgins over 20:>>7175921 → Short men:>>7177965 → With small penises:>>7175613 → And who are also ugly, it won't be easy. As the matter of fact it will be impossible. Unless you want to fuck some 4/10 uggo (which is the female equivalent to one of us) who will also be entitled and bitchy and unsatisfied with having had to settle for her male counter-part, one is better off not even trying. And no, you can't boost your attraction level, not when you are short and ugly. No amount of /fit/ and /fa/ can change that; at best you can go up a point, no more. And it should be evident to everyone here already that personality and congeniality only matter when you already have the looks. By themselves, they mean nothing.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:38:02 No. 7178580 >>7177984 >with friends And there you go, normalfags will never understand.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:38:59 No. 7178603 >>7175357 I don't have friends neither. People treat me with respect only when not doing would bring trouble to them (work, school). They invite me to after-office parties only out of pity, and I can hear them talking about me in a mocking tone. The subjects are the same all the time: that I'm short and ugly, that I'm not talkative and that I'm not sociable. And when the last topic comes about, I've heard more than once the comment "well, with that face, I would go out much neither!". So, no, it's not my fault. I don't control the way my face looks. I don't control my height. There's no reason for me to expose myself to environments in which I'll be disrespected, mocked or harassed. I'd rather keep the professional relationships as they are. There I'm judged for my capacity in the job, not by society's rules of fitting.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:40:39 No. 7178633 >>7178004 >>>7177836 >>There's the added difficulty of my being a grill btw. My efforts to become friends with dudes are largely met with >If you're an ugly girl, I'd marry you, if you'd accept an ugly guy of course. Well, so much for that.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:41:45 No. 7178651 >>7178505 >Place high importance on sexual things >Have to work hard to attain happiness from those things >Give up because some other people have it easier than you >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:46:49 No. 7178733 >>7175588 People aren't in contractual obligation to interact with you. What you say comes from a rose-tinted reality you wish existed. In real life, most people out there are inmersed in their own worlds, and interact only with their social circle, which one doesn't belong to. If they see an undesirable like a robot smile at them they'll ignore it. Put their earphones on and forget they exist. As for the old ladies and dogs? How does that change anything for a robot? Do you think that having an octagenarian friend or hang around with dogs will make them any less awkward?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:48:04 No. 7178754 >>7178505 >Unless you want to fuck some 4/10 uggo (which is the female equivalent to one of us) Speak for yourself, she can still get all the shit I never will. Glad you're lucky enough to be an equivalent to a 4/10 female (this means you're a 7/10 guy).>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:48:24 No. 7178760 >>7175641 Right, it's all about being /fit/ and /fa/. Sometimes I wonder if this whole normalfag rush isn't sponsored by A&F or some gym emporium. There's nothing sadder and more pathetic than a loser trying to look cool. Looks fake from a mile away. Do you know the easiest way to spot one? They are the uggos with expensive or fashionable clothes.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:50:29 No. 7178784 >>7178760 >implying A&F is /fa/ >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:51:03 No. 7178791 >>7178505 >giving /r9k/ threads as a source >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:56:08 No. 7178841 >>7175858 You can just avoid threads like this. Or sites like 4chan. Do you think that the people who come to r9k are all the kind of people who are lonely, kissless virgins with no friends, all losers and NEETs? No. Many more are out there, but don't waste their time here because they know it is more or less written they should be the way they are. They don't delude themselves thinking the hookup culture or a world-wide feminist conspiracy are putting nice men out, or that if they train hard in the gym and pick up nice clothes or walk around with a smile they will come out to other people as an alpha, and not the creepiest of all creeps. This is the place where people with the slightiest slimmer of hope come and try to rationalize why they haven't given that up yet. Poe'ing their way to a justification, to see if there's a reason to try and change. And sadists who like to remind them that no, that's not how the world works, and unfair as it may be, they have no chance to make their lives what they want with them. This isn't the only alternative to the social world; the people who are outcasted can just disappear from any place where they can find normal people who can harass them.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:59:08 No. 7178890 >>7175965 Better than them taking it out on normal people in real life. These are people who have all reasons to get revenge and hold grudges. The longer they stay NEET and out of society, the better. I wouldn't like being an employee of a guy who happen to be a robot. I swear, sometimes I wonder if the hell bosses you hear about aren't all what robots would be like if they weren't NEETs.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)14:59:26 No. 7178895 >>7178841 >This isn't the only alternative to the social world; the people who are outcasted can just disappear from any place where they can find normal people who can harass them. Pretty much what I did.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:07:55 No. 7179014 >>7176249 Of course there is. They might be the kind of people who put you down. Not robots, but normals. Some sort of normal having a bad time. And there's nothing better than revenge. If they treat you like shit, why should you behave like a martyr and help them? Pay evil unto evil. I told my story before, about how I denied a favor to a former bully of mine who was going through dire financial difficulties just to give one of his closest friends that same favor he had asked me. To this day, I laugh every time I remember about it. Brings me joy. And I do similar stuff to people I find are just like him, or just like the people who mess with robots. Only now I'm in a much higher possition in the corporate world, so I fuck with their minds and their time with their families. Making them feel alienated and outcasted, far from any form of joy in life. It's awesome.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:10:08 No. 7179043 >>7176338 So you'd either pity someone like that or make them feel bad. It's the same thing, you are thinking of them as sub-human. Pity is the lowest form of emotion one person can feel for another short of utter contempt.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:13:19 No. 7179077 so OP, you just stepped outside and suddenly met a whole bunch of people? nice troll tho >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:15:29 No. 7179113 >>7176405 Yeah, I see no negative effect to the awkward robot having to admit he's a virgin or completely inexperienced in life. Nope, no negative effects at all. In no sphere of life.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:16:51 No. 7179132 >>7176531 It's not two groups. There are many. Still there is a top group, and a hierarchy among them.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:17:13 No. 7179135 >>7179113 How is this reply relevant to that post?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:18:58 No. 7179164 >>7176614 You can ask them, and they will deny it. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Same thing with the patriarchy or any other form of privilege. The privileged will deny it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:20:22 No. 7179188 >>7178890 >I swear, sometimes I wonder if the hell bosses you hear about aren't all what robots would be like if they weren't NEETs. Wow, you're an idiot. A robot will never be in a position of power, that's reserved for the normalfag sociopaths.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:22:19 No. 7179216 >tfw you have no filter and whenever you talk to say stupid shit and become annoying >people find you annoying and don't want to hang out with you >try to not talk so that i'm not annoying >now i'm either the weird quiet kid or quiet so i never meet anyone anyway never changes no matter where i go>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:22:27 No. 7179217 >>7176661 Because what makes them alpha are traits that aren't achievable by most robots. Looks can't be changed to the level of an alpha. Social status can't be achieved without the former, and not after a certain time. Missing all the social milestones at the time in which they are supposed to be achieved also will prevent it. Or tell me, what would you think of a guy who is or was a 24 year-old virgin. Honestly. Most people feel sorry for the guy. Or creeped out. No respect, which is what an alpha receives. Therefore they can't do it anymore. They are doomed.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:29:51 No. 7179331 >>7179043 So? I pity you all. I'm also advising you how to stop being pitiful, or if you're a dick, insulting you. How about instead of arguing semantics and philosophy you sort your fucking life out?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:31:06 No. 7179349 >>7179113 How has that got anything to do with acting classes in any way shape or form?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:33:00 No. 7179371 >>7179188 Most normal people are not sociopaths, get that in your head.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:38:57 No. 7179450 >>7179371 There has to be a certain level of sociopathy to be considered normal in the modern neoliberal capitalistic western society, and if you don't have it, everyone simply uses you and discards you when they get what they wanted.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:45:18 No. 7179544 >>7177754 > Did you know that women constantly feel ugly about every niggling detail of their bodies, especially the attractive ones? It's true, anon. The day I found out about that I earned +100 of confidence. Now I can walk around and know that if some bitch laughs at me at my back I can scan her for 5 seconds, insult her and then just delight myself with her freak-out. Shit, just yesterday I was eating in some restaurant by myself and some woman with a group of friends made a snarky remark about me eating alone. She looked like a fox, with big ears and a long nose. Her friends giggled. I called her out on that: "Oh, so fox-looking people also inherit their wit?". Then explained her that she looked like a fox because of her HUGE ears and big nose. Freak. Out. She didn't smile for a second the rest of the night. As I was leaving, I gave her one of those normalfag-patented sardonic-filled smiles. Felt boss. tl;dr: You can get in the insecurity-building game just like anyone else. You can always own up to you being a loser because you have nothing to lose, really, since you are a robot. They do have something to lose.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:46:48 No. 7179560 >>7177841 That's not how genetics work. It can happen you inherited something your father loved about your mother, but only looks good on women, and viceversa.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:48:05 No. 7179573 >>7179450 Yes and there's a certain level of schizophrenia involved with dreaming and a certain level of ocd involved in keeping good dental hygiene. Try again.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:48:31 No. 7179579 >>7178651 You can improve your height or penis size with hard work. What the fuck are you talking about?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:49:23 No. 7179591 >>7178791 The sources are in those OP. I won't bother to copy them.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:50:00 No. 7179599 >>7179579 Yup. That's literally all that matters. Height and penis size.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:51:16 No. 7179612 >>7179331 Can't, you'd pity me anyway. I'm a 5'5 manlet with a 5" dick who has a very ugly face and is balding. I'm bound to stay this way. Wouldn't you agree such a person is pitiable? Therefore, as you acknowledged, subhuman? And then, why would I want to be around people who consider me sub-human?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:52:54 No. 7179636 >>7179349 With the acting classes? The awkwardness and discomfort other people will feel of having to share a room with someone like that. I already feel kind of weird if I find out someone I work with is a Mormon or a Jehova Witness or a Jew; I wouldn't know how I'd react to knowing that someone is so fucking pathetic socially if I were a normal.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:54:04 No. 7179649 >>7179599 Looks neither. An ugly face, a balding head, those aren't hideable. And they matter. A lot.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)15:59:43 No. 7179714 >>7179636 Where does it say that it's mandatory to admit you're a virgin in acting classes? Also how would you know how regular people would react to someone being a virgin? They don't have the same insecurities as you which you are clearly projecting in your assessment.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:10:33 No. 7179837 >>7179612 Because most people don't really give a shit unless you get into a debate with them similar to this one to classify them as subhuman. I consider you subhuman. I didn't twenty minutes ago, but you persuaded me. Well done I guess?>>7179649 Better start compensating then. Step 1: Be funny.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:11:18 No. 7179847 >>7179714 >Also how would you know how regular people would react to someone being a virgin? I'm sure a lifetime of being ridiculed for it totally didn't show him that firsthand. God fucking damn you people are fucking morons.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:13:29 No. 7179868 >>7179847 He's not the one freaking out about the acting communities full disclosure virgin policy.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:15:11 No. 7179894 >>7179579 Height and penis size are a means to an end, which is usually impressing women and/or giving them sexual pleasure. There are other means to that end. Learn to work with what da Lawd gave you nigga.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:15:33 No. 7179901 >>7179868 If you don't think it shows, you're also a fucking moron.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:18:59 No. 7179955 >>7179837 Compensating is a way of saying you should act like everybody else's servant. Like your step 1: their personal comediant. You still wouldn't be an equal, just their "free employee". Never wondered why no one gives a shit if somebody isn't very funny unless they are ugly as sin?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:19:12 No. 7179958 >>7179901 Well I'm not a moron. I'm actually quite clever. Here's an idea, don't be lashing out insults you can't substantiate after just disclosing that you're a virgin and deeply embarrassed by it. You can call me all the stupid shit you want but it means nothing because it's not true. I on the other hand can casually remind you that you're a sexual failure and know that it cuts like a knife to the extent that you can't even enter basic social situations because of you're inadequacy. You are a failure of a man because of your failure to court a woman. You know this in your heart.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:19:27 No. 7179959 >>7179847 >being ridiculed for sexual shit in the hyper-sexual environment of high school and undergraduate college life Get the fuck over it nigger stop letting it control you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:20:01 No. 7179969 >>7179901 If you're insecure about it then sure>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:20:08 No. 7179971 >>7179714 You said it. Or whoever I quoted at the beginning. When they have to make "a tit out of themselves".>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:20:18 No. 7179973 >>7179955 Because by your standards they're their own personal model.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:20:45 No. 7179980 >>7179958 >every Anonymous is the same person >I'm actually quite clever Pick one.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:20:51 No. 7179985 >>7179901 Lot's of people surprise others with the fact that they're virgins.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:21:31 No. 7179994 >>7179959 Yeah, because it gets so much better when you're a 35 year old virgin?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:22:22 No. 7180005 >>7179971 That was me. You stand in a circle and scream one hit wonders at the top of your lungs while doing jumping jacks.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:22:36 No. 7180013 >>7179958 Come on man, this post is like an atom bomb for innocent lonely lurkers.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:23:28 No. 7180026 >>7179980 Just because you're not the same anon doesn't mean my words didn't strike a nerve with you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:24:18 No. 7180038 >>7179994 You aren't in college until you're 35. I started getting laid as soon as I graduated university.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:25:05 No. 7180048 >>7180013 Innocent lonely lurkers can get out of the hole by not being a bitter little shit to everyone in their lives. They're virgins now, the cunts I'm talking to will be virgins forever.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:25:27 No. 7180054 >>7179958 You are a failure of a man because you gauge your worth based on women wanting to screw you. The fact that you aren't aware of this makes you even more of a manchild.>>
Not the guy you were replying (...) 06/02/13(Sun)16:25:31 No. 7180055 >>7179958 >Well I'm not a moron. I'm actually quite clever. >... >because of you're inadequacy. >you're inadequacy. >you're huehuehue>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:25:38 No. 7180056 >>7179894 It's like telling a handicapped person the same thing. Sure, if someone was born blind and without legs, you can teach that person to sew wallets and sell them. But you can't expect that person have a good financial situation from that. Likewise, you can't expect this robot to be a good lover, or even attracting non-ugly women. So, why bother if he's only going to attract people he doesn't like?>>
Dietrollscum 06/02/13(Sun)16:25:57 No. 7180063 >>7174531 (OP) So even as a child screech was a faggot. explains why he's such a pussy ass cunt these days>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:27:05 No. 7180080 >>7180038 >You aren't in college until you're 35. I started getting laid as soon as I graduated university. Good for you? What does that have to do with anything?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:28:12 No. 7180099 >>7179958 So you agree that that is people's response to a sexual failure of a man? Good thing you agree with us. Now you see why we don't try: we would get no respect, and any attempt at correcting this would need us to be respected. /thread.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:29:24 No. 7180114 >>7179971 Erm, I don't know what acting classes you have been to but I'm pretty sure the initiation activities aren't "Anyone who's a virgin must come to the centre of the circle so we can all laugh at them like the freaks they are hahahahah!">>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:30:03 No. 7180128 >>7180054 Oh I'm fully aware of it. I'm so awesome that when I talk to a woman she says congratulations on being so awesome by giving me a vagina hi five to the cock. Of course it's not the vagina that gives me the awesomeness, on the contrary it's the awesome that gets me the vagina. I use awesome relatively here, because I'm only awesome compared to you. Nobody has ever encountered you and said "I would willingly have sex with him". That's fucking sad.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:30:51 No. 7180141 >>7180054 You might be right that he's basing his worth on getting laid, but even accepting that, his life would be be better than yours and you would still feel that inescapable feeling of failure. That is the technical definition of manhood and the one that most men would agree with. You are attempting to give your own redefinition of your personal idea of manhood, when really all you're saying is that you suck and have to live with it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:32:21 No. 7180172 >>7180056 >You can't have a good financial situation in the modern world being blind or having no legs I'm sorry what?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:33:52 No. 7180195 >>7180080 That after school is over with you don't have to care what other people think about you because you can just get away from it? Unless your coworkers make fun of you which makes me wonder why you're in a job you don't like and not making an effort to get something better.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:34:12 No. 7180204 >>7180005 That sounds awkward fun as heck at the same time, shit like Living On A Prayer? Guy who you originally suggested these two here btw.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:34:19 No. 7180207 Has any older robot (27+) done a similar life-changing thing in their life and succeeded? I'm currently 32, been a loner vidya-addicted fatty for most of my life. I recently got extremely bored with vidya and internets, started excercising and doing some small-scale lifting and oh boy does this feel good. When I have the time, I'll clear my computer and re-install windows 7 but barely any games. I'd love to try to stay away from the net, but unfortunately I need it now a lot for job-hunting. We are all gonna make it. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:35:00 No. 7180217 >>7180141 >>7180128 lol you are both so full of shit I bet you can barely walk. Also You Can Space Out Your Posts As Much As You Want You Remain An Insecure Posturing Fake.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:35:20 No. 7180221 >>7180195 Oh wow. This post is so full of privilege it fucking hurts. You really think most people can choose anything nowadays?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:35:42 No. 7180227 >>7180204 >two That should be a *to, I'm an idiot>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:36:25 No. 7180237 >>7180099 All being a virgin means is "I haven't had sex with a woman." You can add the word "yet" to the end of that sentence whenever you want unless you just abandon it completely.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:36:57 No. 7180245 >>7180172 You can't have a good financial situation from selling wallets you sew. Yeah, that.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:38:17 No. 7180266 >>7180207 Why haven't you just killed yourself at 30? How fat are you? What do you do in life? Why do you even live anymore?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:40:04 No. 7180297 >>7180237 No, the other normal post painted it well: you are seen as a failure if you are one. And you won't be able to get rid of that label until you get laid. Which you can't, because you are a failure. Do you know many people who want to be associated with failures? Me neither. As I said: /thread. All that self-improvement bullshit boils down to "where you a normal-material previous to you becoming a loner? AND are you still within the time schedule of life's milestones?". If yes, you can do it. Otherwise, forget it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:40:08 No. 7180301 >>7180221 >Being a college graduate >Not researching exactly what your prospective job opportunities were going to >Not having a plan while you were going or setting anything up that would make you more independent in the future It's your own fault nigga.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:40:23 No. 7180304 >>7175484 >actual good tips on how to improve your life >ignored Good ol' /r9k/. You just like being miserable, don't you? You don't even want to change.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:41:13 No. 7180314 >>7180099 No that's a normal person's reaction to the manner in which you conduct yourself. I do not like you. I do not like you because you are a negative bitch. Your virginity is a loaded gun that can be used against you at any time. I do not resent the gun but I will empty six chambers into your ego if you act like a cock to me or I see you acting like a cock to someone else. That is how normal people work. The guy who asked what to do with his spare time when he wasn't into college, he was just asking a question without being a dick to anyone. So I told him to try acting classes because it would boost his confidence.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:48:20 No. 7180441 >>7180314 Oh god, please stop posting. Everything you say reeks of self-important suburban douchebag who thinks he knows about 'life' because he's been out clubbing. Come back in forty years, then start telling people about 'how normal people work', twat.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:48:21 No. 7180442 >>7180297 But you're actually a failure because you're letting this virgin thing make you a failure at everything in life. We're just making fun of how you feel. You aren't really a failure for being a virgin, buddy. I don't fucking care. Literally no one cares about where your dick has been but you. If you were a fine upstanding dude who was just a little bummed that he's never had a gf, no one would give a fuck. You'd probably even have friends who would try to help you. But you beat yourself up so much over this one silly thing that you let it seep into every part of your life. Stop that. Do you think that no one is a virgin? Some people actually choose to be virgins until they get married and they can be perfectly fucking happy doing that. Start trying to do other shit to make your life fulfilling because that is really what women are attracted to, a guy with a fulfilling life, because they want one too and want to be a part of his whether it be for his exciting sex or his exciting romantic side or his exciting car or whatever. And if all you don't care about love and deep down the only issue is getting laid then just take one of the easy ways out that exist everywhere around you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:48:47 No. 7180458 >>7180314 Ah, so you want us to live around people who are basically threatening us with harassment and mocking unless we act the way they want us to act? Because you are not going to tell us you think we are so naive to think this goes as far as "I don't like you being negative, lighten up or else!" and nothing else instead of "I could use you to make myself look better/Don't disagree with me or I'll show everyone you are/were a +20 virgin" etc., etc.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:52:05 No. 7180509 >>7180441 What have you been up to for 40 years, anon?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:53:25 No. 7180525 >>7180458 I have a few virgin friends. Never once have I used that against them, nor have most of my friends. Some people have used it against them, but they're dicks and that's just life.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:53:28 No. 7180526 >>7180304 >>actual good tips on how to improve your life >>ignored > >Good ol' /r9k/. You just like being miserable, don't you? You don't even want to change. Yes, because I haven't done all that and more in the past 40 years at all and it totally helped. Face it, not everyone is an above average highschool kid who just needs to go to college and do what everyone else does and succeed.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:54:02 No. 7180534 >>7180509 Not sex. LOL. Deal with it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:55:31 No. 7180556 >>7180526 Some people are, you dickhead. Why are you being an asshole to people half your age on the internet? Why are you telling them to give up instead of giving them tips? What are you trying to accomplish?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:55:42 No. 7180565 >>7174576 >Plan events with friends. >only have 2 "friends" and even then they're not good friends at all, constantly berating me whenever I do anything >they never want to do anything with me >Keep inviting the people you like to events. >"oh sorry anon i gotta go out of town" >"who are you..." Sage for shit advice.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:56:13 No. 7180574 >>7180509 I'm not claiming any knowledge. I don't come on here to preach at people for being virgins, because, holy shit, I was a virgin once, and believe it or not, asshats on /r9k/ played no part in me eventually getting laid, so I don't feel the need to spout the ridiculous wank that clogs this board up so badly.>>
sage sage 06/02/13(Sun)16:56:25 No. 7180577 >>7174531 (OP) (Not saging to be rude - figure you may be busy). Have you heard of MGTOW before? If so, what is your response?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:56:45 No. 7180581 >>7180458 Anon was being an asshole an he called them on it. Quit playing the victim when you started it.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:57:02 No. 7180585 >>7180525 Apparently you are a dick too, since you used it against that other anon. It seems as though as you will lambast someone about being a virgin if you don't like something about them, they not agreeing with you, they besting you in a debate, or stuff like that. Sounds like a fun life having to care about being in everyone's favor and letting them win and walk all over you so that they don't attack you! Much better than being a loner!>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)16:57:22 No. 7180595 >>7180556 So you want me to give them false hope for something that will never happen and probably make them commit suicide at 30ish?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:01:12 No. 7180659 >>7180585 >being in everyone's favor and letting them win and walk all over you so that they don't attack you! Is that really how you see having basic manners? not even basic manners, just not being a cock. Here's a hint. If you actually think your personality needs changing to prevent people attacking you all the time, your personality probably sucks.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:02:49 No. 7180678 >>7180659 Wow, you really have no idea how your fucking society works.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:03:48 No. 7180690 >Normalfag advice thread >Literally all the advice is "man up" and "get out" >As always, fails to take in consideration background, social retardation and shit looks every time.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:04:45 No. 7180700 >>7180678 Please tell me how the society that consistently rejects you works?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:05:43 No. 7180715 >>7180595 That doesn't happen to everyone, man. I got over my virginity issues when I graduated from university a few years later I'm fine and I have a girlfriend. I'm sorry your life didn't turn out how you wanted but I'm just telling these kids that there actually is hope as long as they think positive and don't let it get to them. Sorry that I like to spend some of my time on /r9k/ doing that instead of shitting on everyone and complaining, if that offends you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:06:24 No. 7180724 >>7180659 Right, because the situations I described had all to do with manners and not with people wanting to take advantage of you or just disagreeing with you.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:08:19 No. 7180749 >>7180678 If you were a nice guy you'd just get sad when people called you a virgin and translate those emotions into something other than trying to hurt other people.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:08:21 No. 7180750 >>7180700 It works so that it constantly rejects people such as myself, obviously.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:08:31 No. 7180756 >>7180690 erm, have you read these?>>7175484 >>7177066 >>7176405 >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:08:55 No. 7180760 >>7180715 >t there actually is hope as long as they think positive Confirmed for completely insane.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:13:11 No. 7180812 >>7180724 Yes people can take advantage of you but so what. I don't like you because you have shit manners and a negative attitude that you feel compelled to force down everyone else's throat even when they're trying to help. If you weren't like that but still a virgin I wouldn't care about the virgin part, other people would, but fuck them.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:16:44 No. 7180867 I dont want to improve my life, i want to destroy the lives of everyone else. Get on my level, cunts. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:17:07 No. 7180873 >>7180812 >Yes people can take advantage of you but so what. Nothing, care to give me $10k? Thanks.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:18:51 No. 7180896 >>7180760 >I lost my virginity as soon as I graduated university I hated myself for years over it, too, man. It turned around when I stopped letting it make me so negative about everything else. I have proof that this is a thing that can happen, because I'm someone that it happened to. 5 years ago I was someone going "Oh God I've never had sex I'm not even a man" and now I can cum on a woman's chest and it doesn't feel like a big deal.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:19:03 No. 7180900 Turning 30 is fucking overrated. It isn't anything magical. Unless you're a wizard of course. Live for yourselves. You do not need friends. You do not need a gf. Working towards inner happiness is possible. I used to be a bitter fuck in my 20s. I considered my virginity a curse, a disease. I hated myself for not being able to insert my peepee into a vaavaa when it should have been done. I did finally lose my v-card at 22.5 years old to a landwhale. My life didn't change for the better. You all gotta realize that the first step in finding love is to love yourself. This is overused advice, but this is just how it works. If you're not happy with yourself and somehow manage to find a gf, it will most likely end up in clinginess from your side finally leading to the end of that relationshit. We really need more positive and self-improvement threads here in r9k. The bitter fuckers can go and feel feels for all eternity, but the people who want to better themselves regardless of their age need more support. Beat the fucking normalfags in their own game.. or something. >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:20:46 No. 7180922 >>7180873 No you cannot.>>7180749 Hello, guy that seems nice. How are you today?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:24:47 No. 7180987 >>7180922 That's just my idea of what a really nice person is like, I've only met a couple in my life who genuinely come off that way. I can be rude and pretty selfish sometimes.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:26:52 No. 7181021 >>7180987 Same here, so can everyone. Been up to anything interesting lately?>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:28:56 No. 7181046 >>7175484 >1. Pick up an instrument. I already play guitar. Where I am. all the young musicians my age are elitist assholes who have their heads up their asses b/c they were brought up being told "you're the best in the world you shit on everyone else". All the older people around my Dad's age are alot better.>2. Get some new hobbies. I'm not into getting pissed every night and surfing and all that shit.>3. Start working out. Still won't fix the "problem" of being introverted and having no social skills or confidence. >4. Stop being a negative, pessimistic mope. Seriously. It's not easy when you're the bottom of society's food chain and are constantly given shit by everyone for doing literally anything. Video games are your hobby? "dats fukin lame m8 fukin get pissed yew." You listen to old music like Bob Dylan? "awh fuckin thats fuckin shithouse who da fuck is he his jst an old guy listen 2 skrilex cunt." Even my 2 "friends" give me shit whenever I do anything. You bought a game? "Fuckin dumbass why spend money on a game why dont you pirate them?" You're playing Game X? "Fuckin idiot play Game Y you're the fucking gayest cunt." You're going to make a rebuttal? "You have no argument stop digging a hole for yourself why are you even alive" You're not going to reply because it just adds fuel to the fire? "You're a fuckin baby fuckin grow up.">>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:29:31 No. 7181054 I was given a shortcut, OP. I was in my hometown and an old friend from school who invites me to his birthday once a year, and I always go, invited me to go to Ibiza for a week. I think i'll hate clubs, since just bars make me tired and nervous, but i'm throwing myself into the deep end. Normalfaggotry here i come! >>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:30:44 No. 7181076 >>7181046 >being introverted Won't help you there>no social skills Won't help you there.>no confidence Will help you there.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:33:15 No. 7181116 >>7181046 >>2 . Get some new hobbies.>I'm not into getting pissed every night and surfing and all that shit. nigga what>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:35:42 No. 7181150 >>7180900 Great advice. My therapist says that this is the root of my problems. Protip (from my therapist): Observe your thoughts. When a thought comes into your head telling you that "you're ugly" or "I'll never get a girlfriend" or even "That guy has it so much better than me", cut it off immediately. Whenever a thought comes into your head, ask yourself whether it's a positive/helpful thought or whether it's a harmful one. It takes a while to get used to but I've started to notice differences in how I feel and now I have much more confidence.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:36:19 No. 7181161 >>7181021 Not much interesting, just work and some relationship trouble. Just started posting on /r9k/ for the first time in a few years and I've been here for a few days, forgot how addictive it was. I'm trying to work out how to ween myself off of the computer and start working on some projects I've been putting off.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:36:58 No. 7181171 >>7181116 That's what everyone does where I'm at. All everyone does is surf and get drunk every night. There is a handful of people that are into vidya, but they're also into le funny 9fag memes>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:39:40 No. 7181209 >>7181171 I think he was confused because he lives in the U.S. and you referred to getting drunk as "getting pissed", which to us means getting mad.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:40:33 No. 7181227 >>7176793 >normalfag: Look at me! I'm helping! >Arcanine: No, you aren't. >normalfag: What makes you think that you deserve help at all? Loser. bretty gud xD>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:41:18 No. 7181238 >>7181161 Yeah, same boat, three assignments due tuesday and I'm fucking about here for some reason. I always find doing something big really helps, that way you can go "fuckit, i've had my fun, time to knuckle down" instead of "ooooh just one more post on r9k/youtube video/episode of whatever.">>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:41:30 No. 7181241 >>7181209 >>7181171 No I was confused as to how he got to "getting pissed and surfing" from "new hobbies". I'm pretty sure you'd be able to fins some activities in your area that don't include those things. I'm english, I know what pissed means.>>
Anonymous 06/02/13(Sun)17:42:34 No. 7181252 >>7181227 I don't know about you but I'm finding the stuff in this thread pretty helpful.- futaba + yotsuba - All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. <div class="qcDiv"><img src="//" alt="Quantcast" class="qcImg"></div>