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  • File : 1273009181.jpg-(54 KB, 500x610, 1272908988532.jpg)
    54 KB Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:39:41 No.8757164  
    ITT: Post your pathetic moments.

    This morning the girl that I like greeted me and said "Hey, what's up!"
    Do you know what I said back??
    "Nothing much, just being cool." With the lamest, gayest voice ever.
    >> I want to fuck a finfag !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 05/04/10(Tue)17:42:12 No.8757201

    Congratulations, I lol'd OP.

    Pathetic moments, erm, I can't really think of any.
    I've had many of them though, rest assured.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:42:27 No.8757206
    When I shit myself at a concert and staid for the entire thing
    >> BEEF? MONGOLOID ST8 OF U M8 !lttbKwpttA 05/04/10(Tue)17:44:09 No.8757239
    Just being cool.....

    You were saying that while taking a long drag of your cigarette while wearing ray-bans, right? That's why your voice was lame, cause of all the smoke?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:44:24 No.8757244
    Girl asked me my name on the bus, I replied and that was about it... I love being stand-offish
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:44:31 No.8757245
    Talking about raping girls as a joke to a friend in front of 2 attractive girls

    Good god I need to pay attention to my surroundings.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:47:15 No.8757293
    got drunk and thought i was on 4chan

    called a kid a nigger

    etc >_>
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:47:24 No.8757297
    >implying you did anything wrong OP

    Women are not as picky and insane as you think
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:47:29 No.8757300
    Honestly OP that isn't really as bad as you think it is, she probably thought you were being sarcastic or some kind of smartass.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:47:52 No.8757304
    tell a girl "whats up?" in a most weird way, she laughs, her friend laughs, i cried.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:49:35 No.8757324
    when I came to the realisation that I do have schizophrenia and my porygon was just part of my imagination.I must have looked retarded ;_;
    >> !K/L9IJgMJY 05/04/10(Tue)17:49:42 No.8757327
    IF you made a troll.jpg or awesome.gif face while saying that you are a king.

    keep being kool
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:53:32 No.8757372
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:57:18 No.8757434
    Told the joke "Why are women watching porn till the end? They are waiting for the wedding.". Than realized I am talking to 2 girls.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:00:13 No.8757477
    Realising I have few friends and pretty much no social life/ability to connect with others. FML.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:02:09 No.8757510
    Don't you know, OP? Every moment in a robot's life is pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:02:33 No.8757513
    Every social moment.

    When I start talking to someone I begin to sweat like crazy and have no idea what to say. I'll usually end up saying something like you did OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:04:09 No.8757531
    Lost my virginty to an escort, then pretended I just got out of a bad relationship so she wouldn't think I was a massive loser. Oh god, take it back, TAKE IT BACK
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:04:32 No.8757539
    You know the Swedish Chef? From the muppets?

    If you talk to a girl at length it is a bit like you're him. They don't listen to the words, they pay attention to how you present them.

    Watch how a successful dumbass guy talks to girls. It's almost certain that everything he says will be cringe-worthy. But with his body language he communicates warm and affection and they respond to this.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:05:01 No.8757549
    Talked about wincest with a friend who I suspect goes on 4chan with two other friends present, one being a girl. Fuck I made myself seem like a creepy fucker. :(
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:05:33 No.8757558
    Fucking word.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:05:36 No.8757559
    I always say "not much, just being awesome". It's a pretty good response, awesome is a much better word to use than cool.

    I don't really have pathetic moments because, as stated above, I am awesome.

    That's a good joke, I'm a girl but I'd still laugh at it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:05:50 No.8757561
    i think OP is a pretty cool guy. ehs just being cool and doesn't afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:06:07 No.8757567
    ITT robots blow things way out of proportion.
    >> I want to fuck a finfag !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 05/04/10(Tue)18:07:23 No.8757586
    Actually I thought of one, I ordered two pizzas once as I thought I could have one for breakfast.

    I shouted "Honey the pizzas here" into my studio flat which only has 1 bedroom (Door was open).

    He said he didn't have a pen and couldnt see the bit he was trying to sign to say it was delivered, so not thinking I said come in it's lighter in here, so he came in and signed it and handed them over.

    Then he realized the flat was empty .__.

    Just looked at me and then left
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:11:33 No.8757634

    He probably realised that he was "honey" and got out of there quick enough before you pulled the chloroform on him
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:13:22 No.8757661
    >buying something in the store I work at after I'm off
    >cashier is a girl, asks if I work tomorrow
    >tell her no, transaction ends
    >have a nice day off!
    >you too
    >pause midstep and turn around quickly
    >er, I mean, if your day is off tomorrow, too
    >she pretends not to hear
    >walk away quickly
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:19:42 No.8757748
    Oh my god I hope no one else was there at the time
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:20:17 No.8757755
    haha wow thats pathetic
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:21:59 No.8757783

    I wouldn't worry about that one. Half of the cashier business is pleasantries on auto-pilot. They'd do that and see that all day.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:22:28 No.8757791
    All you had to do was say in such a way as to make it sound like you were being ironic and you'd get total hipstervictory.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:24:46 No.8757818
    Every day, when
    >girl asks me something
    >stutter, blush, forget what I was saying
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:26:31 No.8757840
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:27:13 No.8757847
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:28:36 No.8757872
    Well yeah, she had another customer behind me and was beginning to ring them up already. :X
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:29:45 No.8757887

    I'm still laughing OP. Thanks for this.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:31:03 No.8757900
    This should not be funny, but I lol'd. I really lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:34:02 No.8757939
    If it sounded like you were being sarcastic then shit may have been good. Just play it off like self deprecating humor.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:34:12 No.8757942
    wat... this is such a mind fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:43:03 No.8758037
    Pathetic moments. I'd probably consider a pathetic moment to be a time when I look back at something I did and physically cringe at the mere thought. I have so many of them but they're not worth remembering because that's silly. Or maybe I have a crappy memory. Anyway, mine are mostly just social awkwardness (putting it lightly).

    Oh good god I just thought of one.
    So it was grade 9 in high school and I was playing in a coffeehouse with my band. Of course everybody sucked, it was high school. The song we played was The Trooper by Iron Maiden. But wow, we were god awful. I was playing bass and holy good god I was terrible. I didn't know I was terrible at the time cause I was a huge faggot. The kicker was that a girl that I liked came specifically to watch my performance... I told her we were really good. And so after we play our song I say "Hey, so what did you think?". She just gives me this look, then reluctantly says "Oh you guys were great." God it was painful.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:44:26 No.8758057
    OP is the best guy. The best guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:48:53 No.8758099
    I wake up and look in the mirror.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:50:22 No.8758112
    Told my highschool crush I went to juvie for awhile
    looking back, I cringe at how much of a faggot I was
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:52:51 No.8758139
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    We're not?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:55:03 No.8758167
    was making a joke to two guys.

    Messed up one of the words in the joke and froze up, didn't say anything for 10 minuets than literally sprinted off.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:14:33 No.8758405
    I've recently started messing up the order of words and shit when I talk. "So are you the theater going, err I mean going to the theater are you? I mean Are you going to a the theater?" I start to mumble and get quieter and quieter until I just give up, all in the matter of like 5 seconds.
    >> JMS 05/04/10(Tue)19:18:47 No.8758465
    I think OP is actually kind of awesome.

    I didn't have my contacts in, saw my professor walking upstairs, asked if we were meeting upstairs today to conference. He looks, says, "I don't know... maybe" then says, "do I know you?" Wasn't my professor, just some random older guy who looked like him. Awkward.
    >> JMS 05/04/10(Tue)19:21:47 No.8758503
    And you gave me flack in my thread? Damn, son.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:25:07 No.8758550
    One time I was having a conversation with one of my uncles about one of my cousin's friends, only to realize that we weren't talking about the same person. To be fair, he does mumble a lot and often brings up random topics in conversation.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:26:33 No.8758567
    Op you are totally right

    I would have said the exact same fucking shit and i have said worse

    Once a chick said "hey what's up how's it going"

    I simply replied in a monotone voice "Not much just trying to live you know?

    and the convo ended there. I don't pretend to be someone who i am not...i never do that shit
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:33:31 No.8758676
    When I was a child/teen, can't really remember how old, I was with my parents in the mall in the city and I needed to piss. So I went in the public bathroom, and all the stalls were taken. I could ofcourse, huge fag as I were/am, never use the urinals. But this time I somehow decided to go for it. So I step up to it, pull my pants down, then my trousers, so my junk and butt just hangs out. Standing there, people walked in and used the urinal beside me. Wasn't able to finish, pulled my pants and trousers up and walked out.

    Still today I have to be really drunk to actually use a urinal with other people in the room.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:33:52 No.8758681
    >at uni i squeeze some random girl's ass and say : you have a wonderful aura
    >i go up to any girl and say : bond...james bond
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:36:29 No.8758718
    >i am at a caffee shop with a girl, i stand up to pay ..10 dollars sir...10 dollars?? do i look like i can do the motherfucking moonwalk? i put my black glasses on then i do a motherfucking moolwalk
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:39:38 No.8758768
    pretty sure this guy takes the cake
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:40:29 No.8758784
    Once as a teen it was my birthday, and one of my friends suggested I could have like a getogether. I just said ok and said he could come by at the time my mom had arranged a small family dinner, just my parents, my sister and her family. So at the day he comes and asks "so who else is coming?" I just mumble something about how him coming was all his idea. Then we sit down and eat dinner in silence with my family.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:48:36 No.8758916
    Building up my confidence to ask this girl I hardly knew at uni out for a coffee. Laughable extradionary use of willpower, I am literally shaking and coldsweating, looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, then walking out and in to the lecture hall, approaching her, saying hi. Then mumble, laughing visibly at myself and the awkwardness, then asking her some bullshit about if she got the lecture plan.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:01:41 No.8759111
    A friend of mine dragged me to this hipster hangout, the town is right next to a college so naturally it is full of douches. I was miserable all these trustafarians and hobo hipsters were bumming me out. We decided to go get some dinner at a Thai restaurant, the place was awful. They played hypnotic elevator music and had posters of the food you were ingesting.The food was basically over priced Ramen noodles. The upside was the waiter was smiling at me I thought we had a connection. I told my friend to leave so I could ask her out. After finishing my meal I strolled up to the cash register, and as smoothly as possible asked if she had a name. She said her name was Tid Tee, which sounded exactly like titty, I gave her a look like god your parents must of hated you. She spelled it out on a piece of paper T-I-D T-E-E. I collected my thoughts and gave her a smirk like Frank Sinatra and said well Tid Tee when you get off work, do you wanna go dig the town with me. She burst into laughter and said no, she had to get to bed early to go to work in the morning. The other patrons in the restaurant tried to comfort me by not making eye contact. It is really depressing and embarrassing when you believe you have made a connection with someone, only to realize they were using you.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:07:30 No.8759194
    i finally worked up the nerve to tell this girl that i liked her but all of it seemed to disappear when i was in front of her. my voice was shaking, my hands were in my pocket, i don't even know why i kept going. it was like roller coaster that i couldn't get off.
    after she rejected me and i got home, i cried bitch tears into my pillow for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:08:34 No.8759214
    I don't think that's lame. I think Yoda is cool as balls.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:11:10 No.8759256
    OP you could have turned the whole thing around simply by laughing at yourself and making it sound like you're a funny dork.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:11:47 No.8759268
    When I was fifteen in an attempt to make some friends I threw a birthday party and invited all 200 people in my year.

    Not a single person showed up and I pretty much cried the whole fucking night.

    Most pathetic I have been in my life; my parents realised just how much of a pathetic low life I was to my peers.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:13:06 No.8759293
    I pissed myself on my first day of college.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:18:17 No.8759374
    Got knocked out by my best friend's GF.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:18:22 No.8759376
    Son of a bitch....IM about to tear up right now just thinking about that. Just thinking about your PARENTS having to see you like that and let it process in their minds is worth the tears. Fuck man, I hope your social situation improved over time...Damn it...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:22:04 No.8759429
    Last week I had a test in math class. I sit next to this girl that I talk with every once in awhile, and she gets up to leave before me. Well I finish a few minutes later and she's sitting out at a table by the exit outside the classroom. I say hi and start talking with her, and the entire conversation is pretty awkward with lots of odd pauses and such, not to mention I'm just standing there while she's sitting. By then I'm ready to get out of there, but as I'm walking away I remember I forgot to ask her how she did on the test. So I walk back a little and continue the conversation for as long as I can manage. Shes tells me what she's studying at the table, I tell her "well have fun with that," and walk away as quickly as possible. Haven't spoken to her since.

    Fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:28:36 No.8759520
    >Meet guy on OKc
    >Spend all night talking to him on the phone
    >We get along insanely well
    >End up masturbating over the phone
    >Decide to meet up the next day
    >We fuck almost instantly
    >Sit there for next hour awkwardly
    >Eventually makes up some excuse to leave
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:30:12 No.8759557
    I don't see anything wrong with this.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:30:47 No.8759567
    Was on the receiving end of a kinda EBM fight. After i got the shit beaten out of me in a fight, and the guy was walking away - I shouted "YEAH, YOU BETTER RUN". Not a nigger though.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:32:49 No.8759595
    He was a cool guy and we never talked again. I'd never had a one night stand and I never intended to, and then he fucked that up for me. I just got caught up and then we ruined what could have been a really interesting relationship.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:40:15 No.8759698
    You're not alone friend er friend alone you're not
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:45:00 No.8759758
    15-16yrs old, at hooters giftshop ask employee how much a license plate frame is with voice cracking hardcore as soon as i say how, friends and some kids from my school i don't really know all hear me and lol uncontrollably
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:50:26 No.8759801
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    >meet up with new girlfriend and her friends
    >talk about our majors
    >i say theres not much of a future my major (psychology) but i chose it anyway because i thought it was interesting
    >all her friends are psychology majors
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:50:33 No.8759803
    God, this thread is why I am a cumdumpster with a fetish for shy, awkward virgins. Cutest fucking thing in the world. Reading about hang-wringing, shuffling embarrassment makes me want to just fucking schlick.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:53:05 No.8759833
    thinking to myself omg where is my phone, freaking out, oh it's in my hand. this works for a variety of other things as well; car keys, camera, wallet, ID, tools, etc.

    yes i am this retarded
    >> Buff !!Mwfj9ClXT8P 05/04/10(Tue)20:53:36 No.8759838
    If I either haven't known a friend for a while, or am not on a strictly "student-to-student" or "worker-to-worker" relationship, I CONSTANTLY stick my foot in my mouth. CONSTANTLY.

    The most pathetic part is fighting off the temptation to not go back and say "I really meant this... No, I mean I meant this..."
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:55:57 No.8759864

    >Says so a fat 300 lb neckbeard disguised as a "female".

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:57:28 No.8759882
    >going to my car from a crowded shopping mall
    >some GIANT nigger walks up and tries to sell me one of his mixtapes
    >I try to gracefully tell him no and begin to get in my car
    >He follows me and begins singing and dancing for like 3 fucking minutes.
    >I'm forced to watch.
    >Eventually I buy the shitty burned CD for 15 dollars just to get him to leave me the hell alone
    >Later console myself that I did it because I was just giving charity to poor black people.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:01:11 No.8759924
    Not really pathetic but, erm.

    I've been hit on a couple of times (I think 4 so far) by girls (I'm a guy). Anways, every time they would say something like
    "Oh! You skate! Hey, you should teach me sometime!"
    I'd say "Er, it's really hard..."
    "Oh no worries anon I can learn!"
    "Well, I don't really skate that often..."

    and the conversation goes on like that for a while as I try to get out of the whole thing politely only to end up sounding like an asshole at the very end :/
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:01:25 No.8759927
    >Hang out with girl and her friend
    >We pick up some guy that her friend likes
    >We go to the park near her friends house
    >Her friend and the guy go off, we are left alone
    >She clearly wants me to kiss her (talks about how they are probably off making out)
    >Get nervous, talk about school and pokemon

    I am such a fucking loser.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:03:20 No.8759947
    pokemons ? man, you fucked up good.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:03:26 No.8759948

    >Bawwwww girls like me :(
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:04:57 No.8759960
    I too have to be drunk if i use the urinal i hate fucking standing next to some fucking stranger while i piss although ,if there is a partition between the urinal i'm using and the one next to me it's gen not a problem. The worst tho is when i think to myself wow it'd be rly awkward if it takes me a few seconds to start pissing after i open my fly fly opens and idk stage fright i guess could sum it all up
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:05:17 No.8759962

    So how about them pokemans.

    I dont even give a shit this guy takes the prize
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:05:21 No.8759964
    ITT; OP blows a slight speech error out of proportion, allows himself to think that this somehow makes him pathetic.

    This is a fucking greentext thread, faggots. Just because you don't write in greentext doesn't make it more original.

    This happens every week to me;
    >go into University German seminar/capstone/thesis class
    >remember I've never learned how to actually speak German (despite 9 years of language training), only read/write it
    >stutter, stumble, fail at grammar, generally butcher the spoken language whenever I open my mouth
    >face is permanently red in that class

    I had to give a presentation today, robots. 15. Minutes. Of. Butchering. And. Pained. Expressions. From. My. Peers. Whatever though, it was the last class period of German for me EVAR. I was ecstatic.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:06:04 No.8759971
    Seeing as I'm 22, almost done with college and only have had 4 girls show interest in me, it's pathetic. Also, they were clearly not what I'd consider attractive.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:06:47 No.8759980
    Nobody cares about your green text.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:06:55 No.8759982

    I don't even like pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:08:12 No.8759995
    >watching a movie with the girl I have a crush on.
    >not a date, not a real movie theatre, was like a uni showing we both volunteered to do
    >almost alone in the theatre
    >she is nervous for an upcoming test at uni so she leaves withouth a word to read in the hall outside.
    >leaves her coat in the seat
    >I rub it and smell my hand.
    >feels like an insane creep

    Am I an insane creep?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:09:48 No.8760014
    This happened yesterday

    >Go for a pre-employment drug test
    >The doctor is a woman
    >I really have to piss
    >Go into the bathroom to do my thing
    >Can't piss. WTF I was almost pissing myself just a minute ago.
    >5 minutes later....
    >Still can't do it...
    >Hear a knock. "Are you all right?"
    >"Yeah, just give me a minute"
    >5 minutes later I finally piss a pathetic amount...I'm relieved
    >Hand her the vial and get red and get the fuck out as fast as possible
    >Come home and piss a gallon
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:09:53 No.8760016

    Wait, I thought that he thought it was awkward because she was trying to ask him to hang out or something. The "You too" was the problem? You're a faggot OP, you were oblivious that hse wanted to do something with you that day.
    >> !K/L9IJgMJY 05/04/10(Tue)21:10:58 No.8760028
    You now realize that if you phoned him it wouldn't be a one night stand.
    Put that shit up on TPB, was it good?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:11:04 No.8760031

    There is absolutely no way that could have happened. If she really wanted you to kiss her, you wouldn't have been such a pussy. People just arent this awkward.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:13:02 No.8760067

    You'd be surprised at just how awkward people can be.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:14:31 No.8760086
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    Nothing much, just being cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:16:35 No.8760110
    wow, i haven't even been embarrassed for the longest time

    i'm not sure how i could be
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:19:34 No.8760140
    Hey, fuck you man. Pokemon is awesome!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:20:39 No.8760157
    Getting nervous during school presentations. I know everyone else experiences this as well but in retrospect why. Think about it. Everyone else in the class is forced into the same situation as no one really wants to do a presentation. No one in the audience really cares about the material being presented which is always quite obvious. Half of the presentations required for college are done in classes where you know absolutely noone else in the class so why one earth should one even care how the presentation turns out it's not as if these people will ever be seen again other than at best a casual encounter. it's never as if the outcome of a presentation really truly effected anything else for me that day
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:20:41 No.8760158
    I've only done one pre-employment drug test, but I made the mistake of going to the bathroom earlier. Worst decision of my life. I had to drink a few cups of water and just sit there and sit there in that room. It was so boring.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:20:42 No.8760159
    >Having a terrible day, sick, losing voice, trying to finish a project in the Honors Lounge.
    >Guy I like walks up, makes casual conversation about class.
    >Panic, feel my face turn red after being taken off guard.
    >He makes a joke about the only class we share.
    >I turn it awkward by one-word answers and let my voice quiver.
    >Another girl joins in the conversation from NOWHERE, she dominates and reciprocates his pleasantness. This goes on for 30 minutes without me saying a word.
    >They leave for class together and remember me last minute, inviting me along.
    >Trail behind, trying to find something to say. Voice disappears entirely.
    >Never speak to him again.

    Feels god awful. I'm usually confident, but what the fuuuuuuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:23:38 No.8760196
    yeah being caught off guard always sucks
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:24:24 No.8760205
    For those of you saying there's nothing wrong with what op did. Try saying it out loud, it sounds really stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:25:05 No.8760216
    My worst was probably in college, it was our first day of this class, there were about 3 people in the room and this really pretty girl walks in.

    She sits down and then looks at me and says "hes cute" in front of everyone. (typical loud mouth cunt).

    I didn't say a word, just looked confused.

    Felt like killing myself.

    Oh yeah, and she meant it, she looked really offended
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:26:01 No.8760228
    My pathetic moments are just straight-up pathetic, not really funny. Like the time I failed a freshman writing class for the fourth time. Though, that'll be trumped if I fail it this time.

    Oh, or the thousands of times I've posted on /r9k/ about how I'm a 21-year-old kissless virgin with nothing worthwhile about himself, hoping for some nonfat chick to pity fuck me. This post, included.

    I don't think there's anything more pathetic than that, honestly.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:27:27 No.8760242

    I'd pityfuck you, I'm sure of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:27:32 No.8760245
    You just have to say it in an awesome way.
    Think about it.

    "What's up?"
    "Just being COOL, man!"
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:27:54 No.8760251
    my left hand is suffering from carpal tunnel because of how much I fap with it and thei weird way I do it
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:28:04 No.8760254
    shy little girl

    kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:33:11 No.8760323
    >Receive compliment
    >Kill yourself

    Brilliant elegy my good chap!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:34:21 No.8760344

    Yeah, but, pokeman? Srs
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:34:58 No.8760354

    I'm sure that you're either:

    -A fat chick
    -A dude
    -A chick that actually would pity fuck me, but lives halfway across the country
    -A chick that I'll talk to a bit but eventually she'll get bored and stop responding to my messages
    -A chick that really sounds like she wants to pity fuck me, but eventually starts going out with another guy when I'm too much of a pussy to go to you and friendzones me
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:36:23 No.8760378
    >cute roomate touching my arm unexpectedly
    >recoil in horror
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:37:09 No.8760391
    when i went to take the SAT i met a nice, gorgeous girl that lived a state over, about an hour away. at the end when we were walking out, instead of asking for her number all i could say was "it was good talking to you, see you around"
    fuck it i'm probably never seeing her again
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:37:13 No.8760393
    AAAHHHH it hurts how awkward that is.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:41:52 No.8760462

    Soldierfag here, we do drug tests all the fucking time.

    It's seriously not a big deal if you can't pee a lot, or have to wait a minute. It's VERY common for someone to have difficulty peeing on demand.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:42:33 No.8760473
    >"Hey, what's up!"

    Me: Roarrr!

    They: O.o
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:45:28 No.8760508
    I think you flirted with me in high school, you asked me out and i mumbled and made excuses.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:46:27 No.8760522
    >-A chick that actually would pity fuck me, but lives halfway across the country

    I'm probably not in your country at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:48:15 No.8760545

    That happened to me in high school. 21-year-old kissless virgin here. There was this one chick who'd always flirt with me, but she'd always have a boyfriend so it was just playful flirting, you know, "Oh, what a cute and innocent boy who has never been with a woman, I can play with him all I want and he'll never do anything weird like ask me out; how fun!" However, in senior year, she stopped being flirty after her last boyfriend dumped her. She would say things like, "Hey, you should give me your number!" or, "We should hang out sometime!" I would always mumble and make excuses, like you said.

    Turns out, she had a big crush on me for a while, like a month or two, that all her friends knew about. I didn't find out until after she moved past me and got a new boyfriend. Oh well...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:49:12 No.8760568
    >tear tickets at the theater
    >someone I vaguely know from my highschool shows up with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's friend
    >it's slow, and we have a little conversation
    >the friend asks if I'm married, then proposes to me

    I don't even remember how I answered, but probably just stuttered. Whatever I did, I didn't end up getting his number, because I'm a dumbass.
    That was years ago, but it sticks out pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:51:29 No.8760605
    OP here, I just remembered. I actually said "Nothing much, just being cool and stuff."
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:53:10 No.8760626
    Alright, here's my pathetic moment,

    So I never really go to partys and shit but my relatives were in town and I just thought "hey I'll make it look like I'm some popular douche bag to impress!"

    We go to this party and me, being the socially awkward person that I am, start dancing rather stupidly. I'm really trying my best to look all natural but I suck pretty hard. I finally get the hang of it and suddenly one of my relatives ask, "what the fuck are you doing?" I look around and people are looking at me like I'm a moron that can't dance (which I am) I pathetically reply, "oh just...jokin' ha ha?"

    Never been to a party ever since.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:53:12 No.8760629
    not really awkward, just pathethic:

    >back home on vacation
    >newly divorced sister wants to get out of her apartment for awhile, asks me to come with her to the town bar.
    >says yes because its the "brotherly thing to do"
    >have a panic attack on prospect of meeting old class"mates" in that enviroment
    >realizes you are more fucked up then you are aware of.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:56:07 No.8760670

    That's actually pretty badass.
    >> !K/L9IJgMJY 05/04/10(Tue)21:58:24 No.8760699
    Thats like my biggest fear, meeting people I used to know. On the rare occasions we just ignore eachother, but if it was one of my former best friends (fulltime basement dweller here), it would be so weird as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:58:28 No.8760701
    Maybe awkward but not really your fault?
    I think you are excused beeing speechless when people you don't know starts acting crazy.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:59:06 No.8760712
    Geez, that does suck. You must really have really bad self esteem to protect yourself at the cost of comforting your sister in her time of need. Thing is, I don't look down on you or hate you for it. I know what it feels like for fear to rob you of the ability to do what is right. It grips and controls you and suddenly fear is the reality and everything else gets shut out until it dissipates. You probably felt like shit for letting fear take you like that, but its more common than not. I just hope you manage to deal with it so that it doesn't destroy your connections to the people you love.
    >> Synagaugus !O3BJcajpbg 05/04/10(Tue)21:59:39 No.8760720
    You know that joke that goes "What's long, hard, and full of seamen?"

    I walked up to a group of girls in- what... 8th or 9th grade- anyway... I tried to tell it but I delivered it a little differently than that.

    >> !K/L9IJgMJY 05/04/10(Tue)22:02:08 No.8760765
    what is a yacht
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:03:43 No.8760785
    hah I got this former best friend, which was the most fucked up dynamic ever. When I occasionally see him at the store where I work i just get this mild panic and actively tries to hide from him. One time he just suddenly walks up to the counter with some dudes and we just totally ignore eachother.
    I think half of our injokes in highschool was about awkward situations with the rest of the people in the school. Now it's like it has come full circle or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:03:50 No.8760788

    >MY COCK.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:10:43 No.8760894
    Every single one of my social moments up to 11th grade, when I grew a pair and stopped being LOL HARDCORE HER DERP.

    Best move I ever made.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:12:56 No.8760917
    Yeah well thanks I guess.
    Thing was I was really surprised. You think you have done some growing up and are able to face your anxiety and jump into things that you would rather avoid. Then it just hit you like a sledgehammer.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:14:55 No.8760941
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    I have that lame voice thing if I run into someone after not using my voice for a few hours. Did it yesterday, but it was saying "What's up" to a male neighbor I don't like at all.

    Hopefully you only a have a set number of those moments per lifetime and I will use up a few more of them on people I don't need to impress.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:18:44 No.8761005
    >hot and really cool girl I work with says that I should come out and drink with her and her friends/other people from work
    >"I don't think so"
    >> טריפפאג 05/04/10(Tue)22:19:47 No.8761016
    OH GOD I just remebred in the most embercing shit that ever happened to me.
    I wanted a milk shake, I asked my (girl) friend if she want some, she said "no thank you but i'll come with you".
    I bought her one anyway, she was like "wtf u did that for I dont drink that" and I had to drink both.
    Felt bad man
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:19:58 No.8761020
    > see the girl i like
    > try to say "what's up" but voice cracks BADLY on "what's" so don't finish
    > stare at her for five seconds
    > turn around, walk away

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:24:32 No.8761065

    also, I sit next to her in one of my classes, and one day I asked her if I could borrow a pencil and she complied so she leaned down to reach into her bag which was in between us and i FUCKING RIPPED ASS. it was very faint, but she definitely heard it. i fucking suck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:29:55 No.8761132
    I've been a loner my whole life. First day of 10th grade two new students were talking in class. They hadn't yet figured out I am an autistic loser so they asked me if I had any tips about the school. I told them classroom #154 was abandoned no one ever went in there and the windows were always open. If you climbed in the window during lunch you could sit on the floor and no one could see you sitting alone. They both stared at me in absolute horror then went back to their conversation. In highschool I sat in on the floor of that room every break but for two weeks after that I sat inside the cabnet in that room because I figured one of them might want to hang out in there alone and I didn't want to be blocking it. Years later I realize what I had done. Now I cring every time I remember it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:34:05 No.8761190
    >schooltrip to England
    >first time drunk
    >just sits by myself and laugh at the absudity of my life
    >I get told that one of my friends have made a move on this girl that is the pariah in the class that my other friends makes fun of.
    >My friend walks in to the room.
    >I point at him.. and I laugh. And laugh, and laugh, and laugh. He gets pissed but just walks away.
    >Pariah girl and friend made out drunk on the schooltrip in 12 grade, I am now a kissless 23 year old virgin etcetc.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:36:25 No.8761228

    I've been on this board since the beginning yet this is still quite possibly the most pathetic thing I have ever read. You sat INSIDE a cabnet inside an empty classroom and you didn't see anything wrong with this?!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:37:21 No.8761241
    man, you just remember something you did and is just liek "What the fuck were I THINKING!"
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:40:23 No.8761284
    >meet girl I like randomly on the bus
    >manage to have awkward conversation
    >bumps head into window
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:43:08 No.8761316
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    oh my deear lord
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:45:42 No.8761354
    oh man OP your a legend, I haven't legitimately lol'd in a while
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:50:21 No.8761443
    shit I am just going to continue dumping retarded stories from my childhood.

    >independent project in music class, 9th grade
    >me and my retarded outcast friends playin the drums. Not for real, just hammering on them while listening to cds.
    >crazy russian taking full control, he takes all the real drumset things while me and my other friend sit there with one small drum each
    >teacher promised private presentations to everyone who wanted, but bitch changes her mind on the fucking last day.
    >try to refuse playing for the whole class, but crazy russian caves, we join.
    >teacher bitch think it will help on the embarrassment if we play with the door closed and the whole class in the hall.
    >plays we will rock you on the cdplayer while hammering aimlessly on our drums.
    >> noko Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:52:00 No.8761472
    I used to be friends with this girl at university; /r9k/ knows the type because it's the type of girl they dream of: a sweet, mathematically inclined, innocent and adorable girl who's at most had a few non-serious boyfriends in her entire life. When we met she became comfortable with me very quickly, and we generally hung out alone and were playful with one another.

    Of course, I thought she was perfect at the time. She knew I was into her and we had a couple rough patches, mainly due to the fact that my mood and emotions revolved around her (yes, she should have definitely known this, and probably did; yes, I was a complete bitch at the time; yes, I've had successful relationships before). Long story short, a very long time into this friendship I invite her over and tell her I love her.

    This is my single, absolute most pathetic moment in my entire life. It was an out-right confession of everything I'd felt and known since I met her. It was horrible, and replaying it in my mind is almost too shameful to bear. It's not that she was a bitch about it, it's that I PUT MYSELF into the most vulnerable position I've ever been in throughout my entire life.

    I hate myself for what I did, but I don't think I would of hardened up if I hadn't. I may NEVER tell another girl I love her. Fuck putting that kind of trust into anyone.

    I can't even imagine being in a relationship now; I've even avoided making or finalizing plans with chicks now because I just don't want to deal with the shit they bring along.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:52:13 No.8761479
    I fucking hate myself everytime I think of this. I also daydream about finding these fucks and fucking up their car or something for some long-term revenge.

    >be 15, skinny and a pussy
    >give 150$ for weed to an 18 year old vouched by a douchebag friend of mine
    >they smoke all of it
    >douchebag friend says "lol u dumb"
    >don't do anything
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:55:57 No.8761542
    I was at lunch with my best friend. These girls came and sat down next to us since our table was open. One of them tried engaging me in a conversation and she asked "Who do you guys hang out with?"

    I replied "whoever, whatever"

    what the fuck man
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:58:31 No.8761580

    Unless you said it with interest then that's nothing too bad imo.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)22:59:18 No.8761596
    >Walk by cute boy in hallway
    >Intentionally walk just by him
    >Brush his fingers "accidentally"
    >Feels sad, man
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:01:02 No.8761627

    21-year-old kissless virgin here... you suck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:01:05 No.8761630
    I am now going to try to "accidentally" brush my hand next to girls who sit next to me on the public bus.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:01:10 No.8761632
    How did it turn out?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:01:14 No.8761633
    I do this, but with women and their asses in a crowded hallway. Never knew it was me.
    >> noko Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:17:13 No.8761873

    I'd go into details but then there's the chance of me getting recognized. I wish that I could though, it's fairly interesting.

    In short, I cut contact with her as much as I could because that's the only way I could stop myself from thinking about her. I KNOW for a fact she hated this but she is too emotionally introverted to /ever/ express her feelings so I will continue distancing myself from her until she changes, if she ever does.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:25:04 No.8762015
    >Sit behind a girl with nice hair in class.
    >Cross my arms on the desk and rest my head.
    >Attempt to feel her hair a little without her noticing.
    >She doesn't acknowledge me.
    >Do it a little more.
    >She pulls her hair in front of her.
    >Realize it's the only hair I've touched besides my own in a long time.
    >Feel real bad man.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:29:02 No.8762090
    Actually there is one extremely hot chubby with red hair from texas on here who has this fetish, I shit you not. We cammed once. It was very, very good.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:31:41 No.8762143

    Damn, bro. You gotta hold that shit in.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:33:28 No.8762181
    No, man, don't do that!
    I used to "accidentally" touch asses in hallways at high school, and there was this girl with an amazing ass, and I brushed my hand against her ass. She, turns around, all of a sudden, and starts scolding me. I claimed that it was an honest accident. I could feel my face blushing. To this day, I still don't know if she believed me or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:34:43 No.8762203
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:37:57 No.8762256
    fell in love with best friend, went for it despite every reason not to. used me for non-sex, started ignoring me, and then told everyone we fucked and it's too awkward to talk to me now. No friendship anymore, just a total " what the fuck was i thinking? " moment.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:38:42 No.8762267
    Here's one.

    I saw a girl I liked in the cafeteria.
    Well, you know what I did, /r9k/?
    I manned the fuck up, went over there, and asked if the seat across from her was open.
    Then she looked at me with those beautiful eyes and-wait a second, holy shit, this is somebody else!
    She smiled and said sure and, confused, I sat down, and ate silently without saying a word because I had no idea what had just happened.
    A few minutes later I stood up and left, still not having said a word.
    And then I found out half an hour later that she was in my class.
    And that, /r9k/, was a truly pathetic experience.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:42:50 No.8762341
    >friends with a girl i was in love with for months
    >i decide to MAN UP and ask her out
    >she laughs nervously and says she has to get to work
    >she calls me up later and has me talk to her bf
    >he doesn't know i asked her out
    >the next day i bring up her bf
    >she tells me they've been dating for months and she wants to go to his college
    >all i can say is, "Oh."
    >i spend the rest of lunch crying in the bathroom

    It took two years to get over her.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:48:58 No.8762434
    Since this is more about being embarrassed than being pathetic, I'll go.

    I was on a field trip in like 7th or 8th grade. One of those week long, overnight field trips. It was about time for everyone to go to bed, so my friend and I who were sharing a tent together went in to get ready to sleep. Now, he knew that I liked this one girl. Let's call her, girl A. So he invited girl A and her friend, girl B over to our tent. They snuck over, and they were talking. I was incredibly awkward, so I was just sitting on the bed playing my gameboy. Girl A was sitting on my feet, just kind of watching me (which looking back on it, was so obvious that she liked me back). My bro and girl B were talking on the other bed. He convinced girl B to flash us, and I got bright red. So girl A started squeezing her boobs together, saying they were too small. Girl B then took Girl A's shirt off, saying that they'd look way bigger if she got a better bra. Anyway, long story short Girl B and my friend took off in the middle of the night, leaving myself and a shirtless girl A alone in the tent.

    I couldn't say ANYTHING. I tried, but I just couldn't. She ended up leaving after that, and didn't really talk to me much anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:52:37 No.8762483
    world's biggest faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:53:08 No.8762490
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    In the South you are ashamed of being a virgin. Boys. Men. They lie about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:53:30 No.8762492
    >a girl sits next to me on the bus to class
    >she begins a conversation with me "hey hows it going?"
    >she is very energetic while i give one sentence answers being scared as shit
    >i never looked at her
    >she talked to me until our stop
    >i'm too nervous to even look at her due to the entire crowded bus being quiet except us
    >she gets off first and waits outside of the bus for who i think is me
    >i get off and walk straight to the building without even looking at her

    this has haunted me for years, i don't even know what she looks like and she seemed like such a nice girl, i fucking hate myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:53:43 No.8762494
    >15-16. Lonerfag :(
    >Started going out late at night with 18yos I barely knew.
    >We would go buy a slab and just drink in the streets
    >I would give them like $50 every night which I'd steal from my stepdads wallet.
    >We'd drink shitty alchopop drinks, realize a few years later it's like $30 for a slab.
    >One time I went to hang out with them in the daytime, having lunch outside a cafe
    >One of them walks up to order and I take his seat
    >He comes back and is like "wtf are you doing in my seat"
    >Everyone stares at me and tells me to go home.

    Fuck my fucking life
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:55:34 No.8762520
    ..I think I speak for all the anons who've never had a chance like that when I say go die you fucking nigger

    oh no, I just realised I have a similar story. during PE in yr12 me and this girl I liked were walking on the field away from the soccer game and she tries to hold my hand.
    I pulled my hand away and laughed nervously. she asks if her boobs are too small and if I wanted to see. I said "I probably wouldn't be a good judge haha" and ignored her asking me if I wanted to see. I'd do anything just to hold a girls hand, fuck you for making me remember that
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:56:08 No.8762534
    I am not ashamed by my actions.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)23:59:59 No.8762586

    Oh lol, what was going through your head. Seriously man.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:01:02 No.8762595

    I read this over once and lol'd, but missed this

    >but for two weeks after that I sat inside the cabnet in that room because I figured one of them might want to hang out in there alone

    So when I read it over a second time I lol'd for 5 minutes. Best story ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:01:24 No.8762602
    fear. complete and utter fear that she was fucking with me and would denounce me as a creep to my classmates.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:02:26 No.8762619
    I remember in year7 camp, I was a fat geek who spent all my time in the fucking library so I wouldn't get bullied, so anyway at camp, I remember they boys had cabins at one end of the field and girls the other, one night I saw some guys going into the girls cabins and thought why the fuck now I'm going in as well..they were all talking and I just sat on a bed like I dnt know anyone..a teacher busted us all and we got yelled at in a row..I remember one guy was like "anon wasn't even meant to be there" Why is he here..then he smirked at me, I smiled back like I just wantr someone to hangout with..I realize now he was like "we weren't hanging out with this fat cunt" and hating me
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:03:49 No.8762642
    I was taking my bike up the elevator and there was this fixter in there to. he was like "my tires almost to the shielding" and shook my head up and down in agreement
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:04:18 No.8762649
    Not really a pathetic... well yeah it was fucking sad.

    One night a friend and his girlfriend tricked me into going on a double date with them and this girl I liked. So I was happy, and even kept my cool, making jokes, holding hands. After the movie she asked me for a ride home and I said no problem, why not it was right across the street from my house. So I pull up and she's like "I had a really fun time tonight" and of course I say somthing fucking retarded, I don't even remember but probably along the lines of "Yeah me too, thanks for coming" needless to say I could have had the secks right then and there with the hot girl of my dreams at the time.

    The next year or so my friends girlfriend told me that she had been talking about wanting to have sex with me and what not. Fuckin' Oh Well, I was only like 16 at the time!
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:06:35 No.8762686
    >middle of grade 9, haven't made any new friends at this new school.
    >best friend is popular and has made lots
    >everyone else has a new circle while mine has all but evaporated. best friend is now basically my only friend.
    >best friend starts acting strange and distant, barely talking to me
    >ask him if he's sick
    >continues for a few days
    >email him if everything is ok
    >yah it's all good, love ya man
    >now avoiding me in the halls
    >realize hes become too cool for me

    that was spring 2005. Been friendless ever since.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:06:47 No.8762691
    In HS this really hot new girl would always hang around me in gym class. I usually did not say anything. One time she was in front of a mirror and said to me, "Gosh, my butt is so fat." I looked at her and awkwardly laughed. She had to feel terrible.

    Senior year, I went on four or five dates with this girl without kissing her yet. After the fifth date, she walks out on her porch with me and stalls me for like 5 minutes. I did not make a move to kiss her and literally ran to my car after a half-second hug.

    Every time I talk to an attractive girl, my voice becomes high pitched and very whiny, not my personality at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:09:42 No.8762745
    >Go out to a bar with friends
    >Get kinda tipsy
    >Buy a female friend a couple drinks
    >Even in a drunken haze, part of my mind asks why the fuck I'm buying her drinks, you know she's not gonna fuck you
    >Drunk part tells sensible part to shut up
    >I'm out #40
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:11:48 No.8762772
    Also, all through HS I would laugh at (not literally) any girls' advances because I was 'too cool.'

    One time this hot girl texted me that we should "go for a drive like My Friend and Anon." My Friend and Anon recently went on a drive to an abandoned parking lot and got down in the backseat. She knew I knew this. I never even hung out with her since that text.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:13:00 No.8762788
    Dude, that sucks. Similar thing happened to me, but I was in the middle of a group of friends. I just moved down to the less popular ones.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:15:21 No.8762811
    Not my moment but someone else's pathetic moment, felt bad man

    >>Sit next to kid on bus
    >>Start conversation about music
    >>He says "I don't really have any friends"
    >>Hardcore acne, bad teeth, ugly
    >>I also don't really have friends so I agree to hang out with him

    >>Casual conversation
    >>He starts to talk about when his parents were fighting and he ran away from home, this really dramatic story out of nowhere
    >> "..."

    >>It's raining, I'm sitting on the bus by the window and he's by the aisle
    >>Window is stuck open, rain is falling on me
    >>I ask him to open the window for me because I'm not strong enough to do it
    >>He tries
    >>His long freakish fingernails break off and fall all over me
    >>I scream
    >> PKFIER Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:15:39 No.8762813
    When I realized everyone I somewhat know or converse with at school talked to me first. If I continue like this I can foresee a very faggotry lonely future.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:17:45 No.8762845

    You're fucking retarded and paranoid, and you sound like an equally retarded and paranoid guy I know named Phillip Vallejo.

    Is that you, Valley-joe?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:19:04 No.8762863
    What does this mean?

    Oh man, similar but not as bad story here.
    I somehow had some confidence the first day of college and talked to this girl I knew.
    The next day in class, she walks into the room to sit behind me, smiling at me the whole way. I was too afraid to acknowledge her if she wasn't looking at me, so I ignored her from then to the rest of the semester.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:20:01 No.8762877
    >Date at Harkins
    >Approach entrance, plan on opening the door for myself
    >Date opens door next to the door I was planning on opening, with the intentions of letting me go first
    >I catch on once I'm halfway at the other door, walk through date's door and smash side on my way

    I'm cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:20:57 No.8762891
    >see girl i like in tim horton's
    >use all the balls i have in the world to go sit next to her
    >she doesn't notice me sitting there
    >have to knock on table to get her attention
    >have nice but brief conversation
    >feel like a fucking god

    actually, not that pathetic at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:23:32 No.8762933
    >on a roadtrip with one of my friends
    >3 hours into the drive
    >summoning my utmost mental focus to keep from pissing myself
    >pull over to a rest station
    >walk into the bathroom that's filled with people
    >pull out my dick
    >feel like there's a ball bearing in my urethra
    >forget that I have the worst fucking case of shy bladder on earth
    >squeeze out a drop
    >get back into the car
    >15 minutes later, in serious pain from holding it, I feel like my dick is going to explode
    >have him emergency stop at 7-11
    >blame it on meds I had been taking

    Shy bladder fucking sucks.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:23:54 No.8762936
    with more details this could be insanely pathetic

    Hooolllyyy Shit, man..

    pretty much /thread for pathetic-ness, but keep going with the interesting stories
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:24:05 No.8762941
    Oh God, ahahahahaha!
    Awesome, ew.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:26:09 No.8762968
    That fucking sucks and I wish I could save old-you from that terribleness.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:27:35 No.8762990
    SOZ :'(

    I would've been your friend.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:29:29 No.8763029
    Yeah..shit sucks. It's only slightly better now.
    I'm ronery :(
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:32:41 No.8763077
    Do you have a job? It's really easy to make friends at work.

    Where you at?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:33:02 No.8763085
    I would kill people in order to be your friend. :(
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:35:03 No.8763106
    Aus, ya I got a job..its ok but I dnt work with anyone my age really..

    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:37:26 No.8763142
    OP here. Woah, this thread is still alive. I'm from /v/ so I'm kinda of used to things 404'ing a bit quicker.

    Anyway, do you guys think I still have a chance with the girl I talked to?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:37:44 No.8763150
    Probable-murderer-in-order-to-friend-you here. I really want to hear a win story about your life now to undo this pathetic story. There should be a policy that if you're story is extra-bad you have to post something good afterwards so sympathetic fembots don't off themselves reading this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:38:07 No.8763163
    > Run into an old friend from high school at a party
    > Hang out and talk for a bit
    > Go to leave, he asks for my e-mail
    > Said "I don't have one" while awkwardly walking away

    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:38:43 No.8763169
    Yes, I don't think "just being cool" will totally kill it. It's kind of a clever response..? If you meant it as a joke....? Which you did, in retrospect, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:38:53 No.8763170
    You guys all make me feel so much better about myself.
    I have a ton of pathetic moments as well, they just don't come to mind right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:39:33 No.8763183
    lol :)
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:40:19 No.8763191
    aim, if you want it. etryn4750
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:40:56 No.8763203
    Okay yeah, same guy here, just thought of a bunch
    i got caught at school watching porn by a teacher
    i put a love note in this girls locker except it was the wrong one and i left my name in and shit oh god fuck i can't do this
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:41:22 No.8763210
    Today, my first class was canceled so I slept in.
    Today, I pumped exactly 10.00 worth of gas into my car.
    Today, I went to the beach for an hour and studied.
    Today, a girl I like texted me to hang out tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:42:49 No.8763228
    haha, I love how good /r9k/ is at these kind of threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:43:02 No.8763230
    What happened afterwards in both situations? Were you jerking off while watching the porn?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:43:18 No.8763235

    Well of course I was just joking, but when I replay the scene in my head, I just sounds so dorky like I was trying too hard.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:44:00 No.8763239
    >girl i have crush on notices me in class
    >she thinks im funny and smiles at me a lot but im not in her "clique", i hang around the nerd card game table ffs
    >during a group project she pretty much forces her email address on me so i can send her our group work
    >she adds me to msn unexpectedly after i email her
    >i shit my pants
    >get nervous every time she comes online
    >she messages me constantly over the course of days about stupid and playful stuff
    >i don't get the hint and she stops trying
    >never talks to me again
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:44:42 No.8763246
    Went to an RA's program. As we were leaving, I told him "cool program, guy"
    I think he might've misheard me and thought I said gay. He actually is gay.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:45:21 No.8763252
    Shut the fuck up faggot, you still have a fucking chance with the fucking bitch you fucking retard underage fucking b&.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:45:35 No.8763260
    This is the saddest thing I have ever heard.
    I would have showed up and we could have been faggots together.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:46:17 No.8763267
    Are you serious dude... How old were ya?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:46:30 No.8763270
    I got in trouble, VP asked why i would do such a thing at school, i said my friend put it on as a joke and i thought it was a family guy episode.

    For the love note thing, I got laughed at by everyone for like a week and then everyone forgot about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:47:54 No.8763297
    I'm glad I never went to HS in the US. Students over there sound like fucking dicks.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:48:04 No.8763299
    >cute girl from class offers to buy me something from vending machine
    >try to buy it myself
    >candy gets stuck
    >shake the machine for 10 minutes to no avail
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:50:56 No.8763350
    They are. All are judgemental, and that's why some kids suffer from social anxiety to the extent they can't speak in front of the class.
    This is coming from a senior in a long island public high school.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:52:24 No.8763365
    It makes me feel good that Socially awkward Penguin was not mentioned once in this whole thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:54:47 No.8763398
    Mine was probably when I was called on to read out of Macbeth and because of my social anxiety, I started choking up and couldn't read past the second line. It was dead silent in the room. No one knew I suffered from social anxiety because I was always quiet in class, ever raising my hand. Also I had a lot of friends in that class who started giving me strange looks after that day.
    Easily the worst moment in my life so far, I still cringe when I think about it
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:54:51 No.8763400
    when something awful is unseen and unmentioned it is code to not mention it.
    way to go, faggot.
    >> !K/L9IJgMJY 05/05/10(Wed)00:56:30 No.8763422
    until you came from /b/ and ruined it
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:56:33 No.8763424
    Commence SAP dump.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:56:42 No.8763430
    My HS was very nice. No one hated on anybody. It only had around 700 students, but there are three HS's in that county, so it's not too rural. Really, people like me were the biggest dicks because insecure girls and kids probably took my shyness for dislike.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)00:58:31 No.8763454
    I sit at a lunch table with a group of people who cannot stand me. I get my lunch, eat it, and sit there for the remaining 25-30 minutes left in that class staring at the people at other tables.

    also, Share a locker with someone who hates me now and makes fun of me and won't talk to me or look at me anymore.

    ALSO, insecurities about my personality and looks led me to make the guy I like a lot right now hate me and he told me he was "sorry i turned out this way".

    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:00:38 No.8763482
    Was this in the south? Or not in the US?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:02:39 No.8763507
    You're a girl? That sucks, because looks is usually all that matters for girls.
    Anyway, I'd give you a hug. Just stop being so distant with people and be a lot more friendly. Trust me, friendliness can get you very far in life.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:04:07 No.8763528
    Omg first day of class at my new school a kid next to me said "hey what music do you listen to?" Oh me? I just listening to what everyone else listens to nowadays im a follower so i listen to what cool people listen to.

    3 years later at that school, No friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:06:13 No.8763553
    I've been told hundreds of times by guys i've dated and stuff that I'm not ugly and I wouldn't say I'm ugly or I'm insecure about that. I guess I'm just insecure about weather or not I'm good enough.
    which is stupid.
    Thanks, though. : (
    hard times are hard.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:11:09 No.8763622
    I feel badass for being a loner
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:18:17 No.8763693
    Oh i also have another which happened 2 weeks ago. A girl finally spoke to me and we chatted after a class one, About 2 periods later we saw eachother after class and she opened her arms to give me a half hug, i thought she wanted a high five and i slapped her hand so dam hard she fell to her knees and started crying.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:22:20 No.8763740
    fuck man..
    >> Magikarp !!6Ek0iVjJ7FP 05/05/10(Wed)01:24:29 No.8763762
    I don't see the problem OP.

    My response is ALWAYS "Kickin' ass, you know how it is" no matter who asks.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:24:56 No.8763772
    Wow you are a stupid fucker.
    Also i feel really bad for you ;(
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:25:48 No.8763788
    that comment did not cause you any friendlessness, the implied attitude did (although it frequently takes kids rather far in HS, maybe you're just super antisocial)
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:27:22 No.8763802
    WV... inb4 redneck. most of the state is quite normal, and rednecks keep to themselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:31:17 No.8763848
    So, when I was in my teens, think 14,15 years of age, me and my outcast friend had this thing we were doing. Now I know what you are thinking, but that isn't it. No, the thing was, while the other normal teens were going out to the local youth club, dancing and maybe getting their first girlfriends, maybe sneaking away to drink and or smoke, we would, well "watch" them. What does that mean?, well, we would go out at night, and engage in what we called "operations". That meant, predominantly "spying" on people. We would dress in dark clothing, head out on our bikes, and stalk the grounds.

    We had a few "spots" or good stalking grounds that we often returned to. One was the graveyard right opposite the road to our local smalltown youthclub. We would hide our bikes in the brushes, continue on foot. We would then sneak around, trying to get a glimpse of what was going on.

    Why would we do this? I guess for me atleast it was the thrill. The rush of sneaking behind the bushes, almost getting caught, and watching someone who didn't know we were there. Other stalking ground were certain neighbourhoods. We would lie in the snow, properly and darkly dressed, with binoculars aimed at the nearby windows. Sometimes we would grow bolder and escalate the operation. We would shine with a laserpointer in the windows, or ring the doorbell and scramble. Usual kids stuff I guess. Strange thing was my mentality about it. I remember I took it deadly serious. We were supposed to be PROFESSIONALS GODDAMMIT! Other younger kids would do these things and make a fool out of themselves. But we were the SILENT NINJAS! Terrorizing the society around us. Allways hidden. allways subtle. I was allways a big fan of the thief archetype and stealth in computergames, the thief class in Quest For Glory, the Thief games. We were never simple vandals, no. One time we sneaked up to the house of these foreigners and silently unscrewed stuff on their digital tv dish.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:32:08 No.8763857
    We shot softgun bullets on the windows of the homes were the retards lived, watching them from the shadows when they came out to look for us. The rush when you are spotted and makes your escape is exhilarating, meeting up later on the agreed upon rendevouz spot and relaying the events to your comrade.

    The best memory was the time we became real thieves. We used to spy on the house of a friend of ours. This guy was even stranger than us, and really more of an outcast too. My friend used to pick on him constantly, just like he used to pick on me before we became Ninja Comrades. This guy, our "friend" had a really strange family too, living in an old and decripit hotel, or roadhouse. Several times we sneaked inside, through a loose window in the basement. We would crouch down there, throwing things up the stairs to annoy the mother and her guests up in the livingroom. We would often get caught doing this, but their mother and stepfather were allways cool in the end. He used to teach/play chess with us, and used colorful expressions like "slaughter with the whore" for when he used the queen. "You got to slaughter with the whore" he said, followed with a wicked laughter. Maybe he was beeing leninet to us because we were his stepsons only "friends".
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:32:17 No.8763859
    That's awesome shit. Who the fuck made you think that was pathetic? Have some fucking dignity in your past.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:34:39 No.8763895
    One time the coast was clear and we made it up the second row of stairs to the second floor. Prowling in the hallway we looked into our friends room. the door was open, and we could se him laying on the bed, with a set of headphones. going further in, we hid in an empty room in the end of the hall, and looked out up some steep steps to the attic. There the little brother of the house, just as strange as our friend, was attempting to play starcraft on their shitty computer. We proceeded to loose paraphernalia we found around the room, up in the attic. He was yelling down, "STOP IT!". Eventually he would run down and freak on his brother, thinking he was harassing him. One day we went in when noone was home. We went to their parents room and found massage oils and dildos. The mother was really fat btw. Bedroom looked like some creepy lovenest, a far cry from my own homes petty bourgeoisie style. In our friends room we found pieces of a girls journal, and some mens magasines. Think articles about hunting, cars and some softcorn porn. We took these and the ones we found in his brothers room, in the attic. There we also found some kind of scetches or plans, for inventions or something. Can't remember to clearly, but we laughed good at them. He was maybe two years younger than us. But the real interesting thing we found, was in our friends room, in his desk. THere I found a starcraft cs, broken into pieces. I had myself lost my starcraft cd, only had my cover left, with the cdkey. Was this my starcraft cd, that he had stolen from me? Realizing he needed the keycode, he had broken it in frustration? The ninjateam was never able to resolve this mystery.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:34:47 No.8763896
    >9th grade
    >see girl I like getting something from her locker
    >say "hey, [her name]" in a quiet voice
    >not sure if she heard me
    >wait a few seconds for reply
    >walk away as she notices me
    >eye contact
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:35:47 No.8763907
    One day, hanging out in the hall to avoid the other pupils, we found a key, laying under this rock exhibition table.My friend was kindof a keynerd, So he takes it and copies it down at the hardware store. We dropped the originals in the hall so it was found. It was the perfect setup, the key were found, and we had our own copy. We could then engage step two in our plan.

    On an off day, we would head to the school. Our smalltown school had only maybe about 250 pupils, the administrator/teacher seqtion was a long onefloor building along the middle of the schoolyard. Having approached the door we tarried for while, dusk was approaching. The door was a few feet up some stone steps, going under the roof and into the building, so we were hidden in an alcove. We tried the copied key and locked ourself in. Exploring the small building we had already been inside many times we checked out the various teacher desks. At the desk of our awesome english teacher I found an copy of the RedHotChiliPeppers album californication, which I took. It had a broken case, with the front missing. In the supplyroom I stuffed my pockets full of pens and erasers. But the real prize was in the offices of the mainsecretary and headmaster. The first major thing we found in the administrators desk was his keychain. 5,6 keys, all the access we could possibly need. It was like one of those missions in the Thief games, the first lone key laying on the floor by negligence gives access to that crucial area where you find the needed keys to the whole of the level. The chain had keyes for the locked compartment at the administrators desk. There, we found money. Probably the payment from some pupil fee thing, covering the bike test medal or something like that. A neat sum of small change, not much, but awesome for us at the time.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:37:57 No.8763937
    Having ransacked the place, it was time to leave, so we left through the main door, the same way we got in. Watching out , being professionals, we spotted them! There was people in the yard! A few girls, pupils from the school, hanging out in the yard on the off day. We were luckily hidden by the wall in the alcove, so we could peek around it to take a quick glance. We waited for a while, but grew impatient and worried. We knew that if we were caught now, we would be utterly fucked! On the scene of the crime, with money missing from the office. My friend started to get worried that they had noticed something, so I panicked and hit the lightswith on the other side of the door, turning of the light in the alcove. In hindsight I realize that grievous error. They yelled out something, clearly aware of our presence. We then acted quick. It was impossible to escape from the alcove through the yard without them seeing us, we could have just run for it, but our ninja skills was more advanced than that. We headed through the door and into the building again, locking the doors. Through the short corridor, and into the teachers lounge. Here the windows faced out to the other side of the building. We opened one and jumped out, landing in the playground for the small kindergarten, which was situated beside our school. Scrambling into hiding, we eventually returned to our bikes, and home, to safety. No windows smashed, noone who could recognize and betray our identities to the guards.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:39:06 No.8763957
    Another night we returned, this time we hit the kindergarten. Using our added access gained from the pilfered keychain, we defeated the locks of this auxiliary of our school. Inside, at the second floor, up some dark steps, we found some sort of local administrative office. Nothing really of worth there, maybe some more keyes my freind took, some medals or somesuch. Prizes for local organizations or something, my meory eludes me. The real prize of the Kindergarten were the in the kitchen. We found candy and assorted snacks, stored for the kids, for those special occassions. Making our escape, we divided the loot on a dark road in a small forest by the school. Illuminated by the lightposts high over the road, our bikes standing beside us, the candy spread on the ground. Suddenly, an old man walked past us. Smiling he looked at our piles of candy and remarked about it. We just looked awkwardly back. I sometimes think back and muse over what would have been the really professional thing to do, after all, he was a witness, to our ilbegotten goods and our faces. This is crazy of course. Nothing ever came from it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:40:01 No.8763974
    A while later the whole thing became an official issue at the school, I remember the headmaster came in to every class and told about what had happened. My memory is scetchy about details, but I think it was mentioned that someone had seen something. We were told they were going to find the perpetrators, and that they should rather come forward themself. They never found anything. No traces. No traces of the Dark Ninjas. You see, noone would suspect us. We were the loosers in the school, and not the smoking, troublemaking kind. Picked on by the "cool kids" we would often have a special relationship with some of the teachers. Like Bruce Wayne, we were hidden in plain sight.

    After my parents moved to an apartment my mother put my old things in a room for me to live in when I am at home in the vacations. Last time I was there I saw a small box which I recognized. In it, maybe 30 small erasers, stacked tightly together in rows. At the top shelf she placed my cd collection. Not a real music guy, never had more than a couple. But up their I can se a broken casing, with the name "Californication" written on the back.

    We were Silent Ninjas.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:42:03 No.8763998
         File1273038123.png-(343 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-00016.png)
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    Pretty cool story, bro. For serious.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:42:32 No.8764006
    Copy pasta lolcemmtnbloxmuted
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:48:04 No.8764096
         File1273038484.jpg-(22 KB, 98x95, me pirate.jpg)
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    This thread makes me more powerful!
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)01:50:31 No.8764131
    Actually I just wrote it in notepad. It all happened. I don't think it is that unbelievable, just kinda dysfunctional. But maybe most kids do retarded things at that age. I'm pretty sure most of our classmates thought we were retarded, not that they knew the extent of it. We would giggle like little girls of our injokes sometimes, god.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)02:02:45 No.8764328

    oh my fucking god



    lol'd at them all

    thanks robots
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)02:02:51 No.8764329
    Fuck, I'm socially normal and my friends do shit like all the time
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)02:16:57 No.8764549
    is there anywhere on the internet you can read shit exactly like this?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)02:18:01 No.8764565

    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)02:20:06 No.8764594
    goodnight Silent Ninjas i gos to sleep nawh thanks for the laffs
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)02:33:58 No.8764783
    > don't even have a remarkable story to post, or any specifics

    >post anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)02:34:23 No.8764792
         File1273041263.jpg-(26 KB, 367x479, 1684351684.jpg)
    26 KB
    I was talking with pretty cute chick on msn. pic related, its her. she told me she loved this poem i wrote, we talk for a bit more then later she says, out of no where:
    > tell me where to put my hands...

    i completely freeze and end up just being like lolwut?

    >oh nvm, im playing a hand of cards here...

    >> !K/L9IJgMJY 05/05/10(Wed)06:19:40 No.8766703
    excellent story ninja, I know some people who do that (in there 20s).

    playing ninja is too fun
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)06:23:39 No.8766740

    Aw shut up, you've still got a chance. Pursue and obtain.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)06:37:08 No.8766834
    The district manager visited my store the other day to talk to me about wanting to promote me to a manager. I was off my anti-depressants, and broke into tears for no goddamned reason. I had to sit in the bathroom for an hour and try to compose myself.

    There goes my management position.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)09:55:17 No.8768299
    LOL no this was two years ago actually. After that happened everything was just completely awkward :S
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:05:29 No.8768410
    >First break in school.
    >Female friend of mine approaches me and my mates.
    >she hugs everyone
    >walks towards me
    >I think that she wants to pass
    >She actually wanted to hug me, too
    >We try to laugh it off.
    >Feel like a dumb retard
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:14:05 No.8768500
    Great thread or greatest thread?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:22:14 No.8768573
    >Be clinically depressed and kind of fucked up, as well as socially retarded.
    >Bend down and take some shit out of your locker.
    >Girl that likes you comes up from behind and hugs you as you're bent over.
    >Get up after hug unsure of what to do or say.
    >Stare at her like a deer in the headlights and say nothing.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:27:07 No.8768633
    Lol, I'm gonna use this reply. So true.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:28:50 No.8768655
    i once asked a girl i had a crush on to come home to my place to chill and watch a movie sometime(over the phone, i am too much of a faggot to call), and she agreed. When she came i put a movie on and we sat in silence for the 2 hour long movie.. Then she went home.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:29:15 No.8768662
    >'ey bruv, you alright?

    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:29:54 No.8768670
    >run into ex two days after breakup at mall
    >we talk and talk
    >getting along very well
    >she suggests we go into chick fil a
    >talk for 10 more minutes
    >both of us laughing and
    >tells me her boyfriend is here and that I'm not needed anymore
    >walk away in shame
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:31:36 No.8768681
    you had me going..
    god damn.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)10:56:45 No.8768922
    i was in the exact same situation. things turned out as bad as possible

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