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    File : 1289779958.jpg-(142 KB, 1584x890)
    142 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)19:12:38 No.12000514   [Reply][Quick Reply]


    50 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:11:55 No.12002470

    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:13:05 No.12002491
    Goddamnit red we were doing pretty damn good too!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:13:07 No.12002492
    we did ok
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:57 No.12002625
    We just scored above average but that motherfucking BLUE FAGGOT ruined everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:54 No.12002645

    Green here. Blue is a faggot.

    I'm yellow now.

    File : 1289778390.jpg-(11 KB, 250x250)
    11 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)18:46:30 No.12000174   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    How do you deal with being a nobody, just another mediocre person, anons?

    My story in short:
    I was always the smart one. Was tested for an IQ of 162 when I was 13. I got so many scholarships I can't even count. My teachers told me I would win the Nobel prize. I did high school and uni. physics at the same time with full top marks. Won a national medal for achievement. I was respected. Always thought I would be something and, as a talent, useful to society. Things took a turn. Was raped. Became socially isolated. Found 4chan. Confined myself to my room with my computer. Lost all interest in studies. Lost miserably at the international physics olympiad. Didn't want to pursue the subject anymore. Didn't want to do anything since. Five years later I'm still living with my parents. Mediocre job. No friends, no relationship. Nobody respects me anymore, except people who knew me before. I've forgotten all about math and physics. I used to speak 9 languages, now I only speak two. I've taken to drinking daily, I'm becoming fat, and I think it's because of what I lost. I'm not a "somebody" anymore and never will be no matter what I do. The window of opportunity is closed forever.

    How the fuck do you deal with that? People who were never any different, how do you deal with knowing you are nothing special, bring nothing to humanity and could be just replaced with just anybody whenever? Sorry if this is a bit aggressive. I'm just ranting. I want to know.
    inb4 people have it worse you selfish cunt, I know. Sorry.
    67 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:01:34 No.12002300

    Shut the fuck up faggot. Everyone, regardless of their situation in life has problems.

    If some starving african niglet suddenly got adopted into a middle class white kids family, the starving niglet would readjust to their new social environment and be introduced with a whole new set of problems.

    Just because greater issues exist with others, that does not automatically magically negate the supposed concerns of the OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:04:34 No.12002350
    Although the Dunning-Kruger effect doesn't define what I was getting at originally. It is in a way related to the point, as it may be a causal mechanism (one of several I'd presume) through which the intelligent become less happy. A more intelligent person should (theoretically at least) be less prone to the Dunning-Kruger effect, in turn their self-image is less positively biased, and thus they feel relatively worse. I dunno, I think that's what the OP was getting at.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:10:18 No.12002447
    >getting mad at a rape victim for not just dealing with it
    Stay classy /r9k/
    >> sage Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:14:50 No.12002520
    Get a hobby; start a garden? Lots of variables, lots of potential.
    Also, you seem like a good person OP. Best of luck.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:57 No.12002646
    Op was living a life designed to asthetically appeal to those around him.


    He realized HIS needs and can assert where he is in life. You've hit "rock bottom" and the beautiful thing about this is you can REBUILD a new life, one that you can be proud of. Please don't give up op, we've got your back bro


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    7 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:24:06 No.12001632   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Since this actually worked fairly well last time...

    1) Your location (town/zip code preferred)
    2) What you have/have access to
    3) What you want
    4) Method of transportation

    if someone responds to your post, exchange contact information and go from there. No, nobody's going to get narced from a fucking 4chan thread but if you're paranoid, hop on a proxy and make a throwaway email/aim/whatever.
    34 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> 54m50n !VjxBKFz2l. 11/14/10(Sun)21:15:48 No.12002533
    1.east sf bay
    2.some damn good weed, more weed
    4.foot, public transport
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:18:13 No.12002570

    You can buy san pedro cuttings online, you know that bro? Mescaline is piss easy to extract.
    >> MellowRepublic !!cfI02QQenC9 11/14/10(Sun)21:18:48 No.12002585
    35130 (Alabama)
    No access to anything.
    I want weed.
    No transport.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:15 No.12002629
    1) 55124
    2) WEED
    3) SPEED
    4) CAR
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:50 No.12002644
    hey bro, this is me:
    what part of the EB?

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    141 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)18:19:04 No.11999966   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Midwest robots, where are you?

    Kansas City, Missouri here.
    79 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:19:48 No.12002604
    El Dorado, Kansas

    fuck yer-no :(

    I miss living in Wichita.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:07 No.12002610
    Litzsinger here. Right next to McGrath.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:26 No.12002614
    So many Kansans...
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:11 No.12002628
    i'm from springfield and my friends and I go down there to Joplin to look for the spooklights every now and then. fun shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:50 No.12002643

    Shieet, Chesterfieldfag reporting in.

    File : 1289729679.jpg-(709 KB, 1991x3000)
    709 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)05:14:39 No.11991753   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    ITT: Post the most hilarious thing you have ever heard another person say or do in real life.

    >11th grade, Social Studies
    >Have to do a report on some country
    >My group picks Cuba.
    >There's this incredibly blatant homosexual kid that thinks nobody knows
    >Girl in my group mentions that the main export of Cuba is bananas
    >Gay kid pipes up and says "I *LOVE* cuban bananas" out of the blue in the gayest possible voice.
    >Everyone including the teacher starts crying from laughter
    204 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:12:36 No.12002481
    >14 years old on one of those carnival rides with spinning cages.
    >My friend was in her first stages of her whore transformation.
    >Ride starts, she freaks out.
    >Tits fall out of her shirt. She is screaming while unsuccessfully trying to get them back in.
    >I try to help but they keep falling out and I am having trouble not laughing.
    >In the midst of this chaos, EVERYTHING in her purse falls out including wallet, keys and a HUGE stash of condoms.
    >At this point she screams bloody murder and I almost piss myself from hilarity.
    >When the ride stops she had to run around finding her things while parents scolded her for flashing and dropping condoms around their precious children.
    >One condom supposedly fell and hit a little girl in the eye.
    >Spend the rest of the night trying to calm my friend down without laughing hysterically.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:13:59 No.12002505
    >Got Halfway down page
    time to post

    >In LA class, 11th grade
    >fag/douche nobody likes comes over to talk to us
    >he's hairy as fuck
    >he starts to lift up his shirt, people avert their gaze
    >accidentally glance
    >class goes silent for just the right length of time(half a second, perhaps
    >(close words) "Holy shit, _____, there's fucking jizz in your belly button!"
    >everyone else starts to stare at him
    >he checks
    >there is
    >everyone's laughing at this fuck, he turns red as a beet
    >absent-minded teacher glances up from twitter for a moment, glares across room
    Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:17:01 No.12002552
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:37 No.12002634
         File1289787697.jpg-(55 KB, 440x599)
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    My dad, today.
    >My dad is a preacher
    >Our car breaks down
    >Random redneck comes by and helps fix it.
    >My dad thanks him and says "You will be blessed"
    >As the redneck walks away, my dad does a zapping motion with his hands
    >I literally lol for about 10 minutes.

    My dad is so fucking funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:47 No.12002640
    >10th grade chemistry
    >in after school for tutorials
    >teacher's a fucking boss
    >really annoying bimbo comes in asking for help
    >teacher's obviously ticked off
    >she leaves
    >teacher says to all 10 of us in there "What a fucking bitch."
    >whole class bursts into laughter, someone goes up and hugs him

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    16 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:04:21 No.12002343   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    In order to make friends at a college age, you must have a facebook

    In order to have a facebook, you must have friends (to get 500 or so friends enough to appear "normal")

    In order to attract friends to your facebook, you must appear normal (I.E already have 500 friends). People are creeped out if they see your facebook and you only have 3 friends because you just made it. Nobody wants to think "wow, I'm his only friend huh?"

    How do you break this dilemma?
    8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:13:50 No.12002502
    Nobody worth your time cares what your friend count is. If you're really butthurt and anxious about it, just go into your privacy settings and hide your friends from people who haven't already added you.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:14:32 No.12002515
    I said this before and say it again

    Facebook is Pokemon for young adults
    >> creamdream !!zuO1Qs0NSE7 11/14/10(Sun)21:14:47 No.12002518
    i'm pretty sure you can hide your friend list
    like 98% positive
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:43 No.12002621
    >you must have friends (to get 500 or so friends enough to appear "normal")

    Bullshit, almost all my friends have between 50-200. I personally only have 30 and no one gives a shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:47 No.12002641
    It's got to the point where you cannot use the "I just made an account" excuse anymore because facebook has been around for long enough.

    We just have to wait for the next social networking site to come along the same way MySpace stepped down from the social network monarchy.

    Unfortunately since MySpace's peak and Facebook's rise to popularity there have been a lot of alternative social networking sites that came out. Facebook is essentially World of Warcraft in this case. While others may or may not offer a better system Facebook will be on top of the social network board. Some people think facebook is the first of it's kind, just like WoW and will be reluctant to move onto an alternative.

    Just stop fighting it. Don't bother getting a facebook. One day you'll no longer be a young adult. You'll be an adult who doesn't use those sites like a majority of your peers.

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    60 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)19:29:34 No.12000747   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    There are so many guys who say women can never be lonely.

    Then why do I feel this way.
    Maybe I'm just attention seeking, I need to talk to somebody, even you guys.
    I never socially interact with anybody, and I come to 4chan and I act like this cool, awesome, beautiful, confident girl and the truth is I spend my college lunctimes crying alone in the bathrooms.

    I'm so lonely, I feel so broken and lost.
    I'm just so tired of it all but I'm too frightened to die which just makes me a stupid coward.

    I wish people liked me, I wish I weren't so timid, I wish I was invited out places and that people talked to me of their own free will.

    I wish I didn't feel this way. I feel so sick. How can emotional distress make me physically hurt.

    Do you ever feel sometimes, like just curling up and falling asleep forever?
    77 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:19:27 No.12002599

    Only 110? That's really low.

    The average on /r9k/ is about 180, according to peoples post.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:19:36 No.12002601
    I didnt read the book,but I didnt mean physical strength dumbass!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:19:40 No.12002602
    I can tell you are a woman because that post was completely irrelevant and useless.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:00 No.12002626
    Pathologically lying camwhore. Go to /rs/ for pics.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:46 No.12002639
    LOL 180? Thats bullshit.

    File : 1289784557.png-(75 KB, 2000x2000)
    75 KB Hans !Neon3d4wL. 11/14/10(Sun)20:29:17 No.12001720   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Alright, we should get one of these going again.
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    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:10 No.12002612
    Save for the last one, yeah, this is me.

    But Im pretty underage b& and I cant think of a more terrible way to get to know someone than over MSN.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:49 No.12002623
    My perfect girl is quite tall, but not taller than me (I'm six two) and has small breasts. She's closer to her dad than her mother, and me and her father should be similar, but he shouldn't like me. Maybe she's got an accent, American wouldn't be bad and English definitely has to be her first and only language. She shares my passion of reading, but hopefully isn't better or worse at writing. She has to be either good at choosing clothes that suit her, or suit everything. Nice bum and legs.

    Our tastes in movies must be exactly the same, and our taste in music must be totally different. She should appreciate good food, good wine but can't get totally tanked all the time. Smoking is optional, smoking grass isn't. Right now when reading this she has to be wearing a plaid shirt and her hair shouldn't be washed or if it is it must still be wet. No pants are a bonus.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:31 No.12002632
    Skype all the way baby.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:38 No.12002636
    see, I have this thing for tall. Not gangly tall though. Urrgh. I think Its cause I like big hands o_O
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:43 No.12002638

    thanks man, really helps with my confidence

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    9 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:38 No.12002637   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    share beta experiences that turned out pretty good in the end

    >make huge plan with my 'friends' to get drunk this weekend
    >talk about it all week at school, monday-fri
    >i'm pretty excited about it, they're kinda meh
    >i really want to just get wasted as a stress reducer, maybe get some girls, who knows; just have fun
    >it's friday night, im at friends house
    >the plans just sort of die out, he's forced to go somewhere, the other friends leave as well
    >well fuck.jpg
    >fuck their shit, i go home, take a bottle of vodka
    >get filthy wasted on the bottle of russian baught vodka at like 1 am
    >get my ipod player filled with tiesto, armin van buuren, some bulgarian chalga, & serbian turbofolk
    >put in the headphones, throw out the bottle, head outside
    >walk around the street mindlessly for about 2-3 hours singing along to the music as loud as possible in the neighborhood
    Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

    File : 1289787494.jpg-(9 KB, 194x259)
    9 KB ヾ(^▽^)ノ ~~ Meru 2.0 BETA ~~ ☆<(≧ω≦)>☆ !loli8kIk0s 11/14/10(Sun)21:18:14 No.12002571   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    This girl is underage.

    Shes 14 legal in Mexico, china, japan. Everyone YOU are considered a pedo if you want to fuck that.

    Admit you would. Now stop calling other people pedos faggot because it a well known stat that 2/3 males would engage in sexual intercourse with someone underage give the chance.

    So fuck off with your white knight normalfagootry and be your FUCKING SELF.

    MMk ok?
    1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:19:51 No.12002605
    No one normal wants to fuck that you pedofaggot. She looks like 8
    >> ヾ(^▽^)ノ ~~ Meru 2.0 BETA ~~ ☆<(≧ω≦)>☆ !loli8kIk0s 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:01 No.12002608
    Telling it to you fake posers closet fags felt good ^-^
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:53 No.12002624
    why is it that everything you post is pure and utter shit
    >> ヾ(^▽^)ノ ~~ Meru 2.0 BETA ~~ ☆<(≧ω≦)>☆ !loli8kIk0s 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:25 No.12002631
    Refer to first poster. TOLD.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:37 No.12002635

    get it right

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    20 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)19:58:46 No.12001231   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Haven't fapped in 7 weeks. How about you? I plan on not fapping for the entire rest of my life. Doing good so far, how I should keep it up and vigorously not even come close to the action of fapping (Just incase I slip)?
    12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:31:33 No.12001775
    I have determined that it is necessary to bump this thread because the source of the OP's picture has, to date, not been revealed.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:42:23 No.12001974
    I have no idea who's the asian, I just found it on Google Images.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:05:23 No.12002365
    Hitomi Tanaka.
    Btw when I tried to submit the name only I was muted for two seconds for not being original ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:07:25 No.12002400
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    >I plan on not fapping for the entire rest of my life.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:35 No.12002633
    Well, at least cutting back.

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    293 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:18:45 No.12002584   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    How do robots like their spaghetti?

    I make mine with plain tomato sauce.

    Am I a newfag?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:03 No.12002627
    >Am I a newfag?
    No. Just a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:21:22 No.12002630
    Why would what sauce you enjoy on cooked noodles mean you are a newfag? Why even ever say newfag? It just makes you look retarded, especially in the context you used.

    I enjoy meatballs

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    31 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:45 No.12002622   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Al Gore is running out of ideas
    pic unrelated

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    15 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)14:18:49 No.11996323   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    >Posted in a hook up thread last weekend
    >Just wanted sex
    >Got a response from a nearby guy
    >Talked all week
    >Realized we have a lot in common and have good conversations
    >End up liking each other
    >Had six hours of amazing sex/naked cuddling yesterday
    >Still have romantic feelings toward each other
    48 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 11/14/10(Sun)20:39:38 No.12001929
    >too afraid someone will actually respond if I post in a hookup thread
    >I have no idea what I'd do after that
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:09:28 No.12002433

    You hook up?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:10:53 No.12002456
    >this is exactly how I feel when I post in a hook-up thread.
    >I now do not post in hook-up threads for this very reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:20 No.12002613
    Also, you're a huge fucking pansy for letting your parents jockey you around like that, OP. I'd drop out WAY before letting them have that much power over me.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:41 No.12002620

    It's very simple:

    File : 1289785102.jpg-(34 KB, 277x300)
    34 KB Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)20:38:22 No.12001907   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Alright, I think I fixed it. Streaming Daria at 8:45 est. Get in here and watch.

    http://tinychat dot com/dariastreaming
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    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:06:08 No.12002374
    troll detected, ignore initiated
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:09:49 No.12002439

    that's dumb. The whole argument is stupid.
    If you cannot see the logical fallacies in your argument you are either immensely stupid or a troll. For the sake of the human race I hope you are a troll.
    >> 96% of teens won't stand up against piracy. If you're one of the 4% who will, put this in your post. Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:12:52 No.12002486
    Your the one who's being ignorant. Just because you own something, that doesn't mean you do whatever you want with it. You can't buy cigarrettes or alcohol and then give them to children. And you can't make copies of a game or a movie or a software and give it to your friends either. I don't know how to explain exactly that it's exactly different to show a movie to your friends in your house, compared to just sharing it online, but you know that it is. It's obviously not the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:16:21 No.12002543
    Daria is my favourite fucking show on the planet. There should be more like it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)21:20:40 No.12002619
    implying that morality hasn't changed over time and will change in the future. our ideas of what is right and wrong change with the times. personally, i don't think it's wrong. we should be focusing on things which cause real problems for society, not just problems that cause problems becuase they empty the pockets of rich Jewish execs and their cronies

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