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Anyone ever been to court?

I'm going to court tomorrow and could end up in prison for 1-5 years.

All the lawyer has told me is to hope the judge had a nice morning and that I don't offend him
>going outside

i've been twice. it was pretty scary.
i did voluntary community service, dressed nice, and had my family come in and say nice things. it helped.
have you done shit like this?
and obligatory what did you do?
what for, OP?
Worked as a DA assistant for 6 months for job experience, so kinda.

What are you being charged with and what part of the process are you at actually?
>>5978941 (OP)
what the fuck did you do?

also, no
Yeah just make sure you're polite and have good social ski... oh, you're so fucked lol
I went into a courthouse yesterday, not for court purposes though
Find a friend.

And by friend I mean the aryan brotherhood

and by friend I mean someone who won't rape you

And by find I mean draw a swastika on your forehead with a sharpie.
Well, what I did was go robotrage mode on some guy who I thought was at least five years older than me, anyways I ended up stabbing him in the shoulder and kicking him allot while he cried. Turns out he was just 17

Im at the part where the lawyer and the DA are supposed to have deals worked out and whatnot. He said hed explain it when I got there and then the DA would do something.

All hes really told me is my felony wont be a class A anymore

I dont really know whats going on too much I guess
Oh and its elevated aggravated assault
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your ass after a few weeks
Only Juvenile court, which is like Sunday School compared to real court from what I've heard.
He's going to severe cystic acne on his ass from being in jail?
>tfw applying to Prison Guard job and see this thread
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Well, let me tell you how my year and a half went in prison, and what I was convicted for OP.

I had two counts of violent assault w/ deadly and 1 charge of trafficking (Taking pills from a bay side Cali presser and bringing them to Tucson AZ). I was admitted into a prison in NM in 10 and got out late 11 on amazing behavior. One fight in my entire time there. Let me tell you that if you DO end up going to prison, make friends quick. Learn not to be a pushover but don't be cocky. Do NOT for the life of you pick fights OR try to schmooze people with your shit, you will get your ass beat. Assert yourself, but don't be crazy. It's all about being a like-able guy. If you can cut hair, do it, people will love you forever. DO NOT get involved with gangs, it will destroy your rep with guards. Be kind, but don't be a pushover is the big theme really.

I wish you the best of luck man.
Well, I can probably do that

Anyways I guess im out, might see a thread in a few years, or maybe ill be back to shitposting tomorrow. Woulda learned what was happening but I was convinced court was next month
I've been twice. Was ordered to rehab and put on probation the first time. Spent 18 months in county the second time. I'm still in drug court for my second offense and won't get off color code until the end of the year.

I guess if you count my drug court, I've been a number of times, but I don't consider it as big of a deal.
How come you were in county so long? I thought it was just for drunks and bail

Granted I don't really know anything
>Yes sir, No sir

Just shot the fuck up, dress nice, don't talk out of place and answer questions with respect, do not put your hands in your pocket, look him in the eyes
wear a tie. a suit if you have one. NOT a fucking zuitsuit or any swag bullshit. not a black shirt. a PLAIN white shirt. conservative tie. get a fucking haircut. no facial hair, at all. make sure to shave the day of.

The Judge should be addressed as 'Your Honor' and not 'Sir'. Let your lawyer do the talking. Your attorney will tell you if you need to talk.

If you are feeling like you are getting a shit deal on a plea bargain, try to sleep on it, if you can.

None of the above will work if you are a nigger
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That sounds like an episode of Malcolm in the Middle

It was possession charge and violation of probation. Not exactly bad enough to warrant a stint in federal but enough to get me a semi-lengthy stint in county. My state blows when it comes to drug laws.
I've been to court. Got strip-searched in the police holding cell, then had to wait for 8 hours before my case came up. There was a crazy guy in the cell over from me who would occasionally (like, every 20 minutes) start violently screaming and kicking the door of his cell. 8 hours in a cell with nothing to do is fucking slow, I'll tell you that.

Anyway, I hope you took measures to atone for your misdeeds, be it an apology letter or therapy to address any 'anger issues' you may have. That really helps. Otherwise, just hope you get a happy judge, and be polite.
what made you want that job?
>get in fight with a nigger
>stab nigger in the head
>toss the knife as soon as the nigger runs away
>cops show up
>get by with just a simple assault since my face was messed up by 240lbs or so of angry chimp
>stacked evidence on my own time (regret hiring a lawyer because I would've probably been ok on my own)
>got it dropped

I was pretty nervous about it but it turned out ok
Yea I got a letter from a therapist that likes me and hopefully the guy who gives me medication now sent a letter, I sent a fax anyways

Also the other guy involved didn't press charges or anything, its all the state doing this. Is that normal?
Better lube up that asshole OP

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