you'll find that robots are very particular about what is posted here. fellow robots, let's post some helpful tips for our new friends, so they can fit right in!
I see that we're all going to be good friends
Lor from the weekenders was my first 2D crush.
Greetings from /v/How are my robot brothers today?
I'd say that /r9k/ has similar demographics to /v/.
>>8571392There is now.
>>8571511I can't post without text here
/tg/ here, why have I been summoned?
to shut the fuck up
>>8571484witty to be sure, my good peasant
serious thread*do you think smoking cigarettes looks cool (despite any predisposition you may or may not have toward them)personally, i think they make you look dam cool. so smoke up /r9k/
Bunch of non smokers in this thread that are grossly uninformed.
>>8571183good shit get to it
>>8570231>cool people look cooler when they smoke this
Smoking makes ANYTHING look cooler.ANYTHING.
it makes you look like a faggotat my uni only asians and janitors smokequeers
has anyone even been as far as to decided what one to the looks like?
>>8569576>implying /r9k/ is more interesting
>>8569402thank you for making r9k your favorite board. It is my favorite board too.
>>8569402Now i understand what you said at Roflcon about after you post threads tend to go silentYou gonna be there this year?
I think that m00tles only told everyone to come to /r9k/ because of this thread.
/a/ reporting in!
/g/ reporting in
Sup moot. Am I pretty? I think I'm average.
>>8571086i will live on~
you're on the right, right? if so, very cute.
In 5-10 years, you come back to 4chan, seeing how things have changed, or how things remained. What will have changed, and what is the same?Is there MORE cancer? Or possibly and "underground 4chan" which was only known to the benign users.MORE trolls? Less trolls? Spill it r9k, what is the future of 4chan.Picunrelated
>>8570222You're not anyones bro, cunt. Now tits or GTFO
4chan'll be more popular, more 12 year old faggots, less offensive, less OC, less humor, and >>8569690is probably accurate.
>>8570222i got trillian so its whatever you have.
It'll be 3-d image board.... images wont be jpg, theyll be holographic.... besides that, same fucktards, jjuust new technology.
>>8570222>>8570222OP dead it looks like.
Hello /r9k/, Moot invited me over. Whats going on?
Femanon here. Well done guys, well done.You managed to destroy this poor girl's self-esteem for no reason whatsoever. She posted tits, she posted vagoo and she got fucking DEHUMANIZED for your sick viewing pleasure. She is not fat, having some hair on you pussy is natural and normal. Your warped view of the world has turned you all into animals.Do you realize that you've probably left her with permanent mental scarring, and extreme body image issues? That's just so fucked up, NO-ONE deserves that. She was one of us, and you destroyed her humanity and womanhood for no real reason whatsoever. That's so twisted I can't describe how sick it makes me feel.I think this will be my last day on 4chan, you people are just fucking sick.
>>8570623Hopefully she learned a lesson on the importance of shaving. No one needs to see that shit all furry.
/b/ doesn't need a reason to destroy your life. They just will, because they can. Especially if you give them that much ammunition...
This is what happens when you use an anonymous message board for personal validation.Should've shelled out ten bucks for an SA account if you didn't want the hounds to descend upon her.
When a man makes his presence known, he stands tall, understanding fully that the whole world is going to try to knock him down. And if they do it, he dusts himself off, spits his blood out, and comes back for another round.When a woman makes her presence known, she expects everyone to clap and cheer and accept her. And when they do not, she rages and cries and fumes and howls and tries to drive herself back up into Mother's womb.
>>8570623>you people are just fucking sick.You just realized that you dumb cunt???
trees with dicks
look at this tree LOOK AT IT
here ya go asdlkjdsfkljsdflakwe
trees with dicksssssssdafhsadl23
I was told to come over here...
>>8570812>Implying something about something.
>>8570979I was.Wait.I won't answer to you're troll.:)
What is this place? I am so confused.
>>8570979>impling said implications imply to the implication being implied.
>>8570690HAI GUISE>my face
So, what's the deal with this board? Looks like moot wants /b/ to move over here or something. Seriously though, what's this board supposed to be about?
The sad thing is that I don't even have that many memes...
>>8571133that shit is dirtDr.Pepper ftw!
Ok.. no textless post are allowed. seems like one feature of this board.Anyone care to share some of the other ones?
>>8571043Fucking brilliant, post more of those.
>>8571407You can't post anything that has ever been posted before, both images and text.
>XXX's on /a/, but they got removed a few days later>XXX's on /v/, most likely to stay>A troll sticky thread>troll sticky thread gets deleted, a new one takes it place>red text telling people to come here, a huge influx of /b/ happensWhat the fuck is Moot doing?
>Implying /b/tards aren't ruining 4chan
What the fuck is the deal with the XXX's anyways? I just don't see the point.
God damnit Moot! I don't want to have to go to 7chan, that fucking elitist hell hole.
cool whining bro, but check out my doubles
I wish he would take the X's off of /v/ it's really hard to keep track of replies.