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  • File : 1278199364.jpg-(94 KB, 380x572, k.jpg)
    94 KB Fuck As Alpha Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:22:44 No.9865175  
    Why would you think that being nice to her all the time would make her like you?

    Who told you that? Where the hell did you get that idea?

    A girl will like you or not like you for her own reasons, and if she likes you, she'll take ALL SORTS OF SHIT from you and be happy about it, and if she doesn't like you, being nice to her just won't register.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:28:23 No.9865273
    I was born nearly thirteen years ago and I would like to know what this is.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:33:07 No.9865359
    I was going to ask you about the circumlocution and then I got muted. HAHA
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:39:02 No.9865458
    Pretty girls don't have to take any shit from any guy, what are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:41:31 No.9865499

    Nobody -has- to take shit from anyone.

    But girls can't resist taking it, that is, they are extremely easy to offend. They are extremely vulnerable to trolling. They cannot refuse the shit offered to them.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:42:16 No.9865518
    I demand to see more of the girl in OP's pic


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