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  • File : 1278198083.jpg-(426 KB, 2400x1606, galacticwallpaper.jpg)
    426 KB OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:01:23 No.9864853  
    Ask an atypical negro anything you please.

    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:02:30 No.9864867
    What's the difference between Batman and a Black guy?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:02:49 No.9864872
    What Messier object is in your picture?
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:05:59 No.9864911

    Batman is a white hero who saves the day via vigilante justice, whereas the black guy is the criminal.


    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:07:04 No.9864925
    It's actually because Batman can go out at night without Robin.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:07:37 No.9864935
    What's white on top and black at the bottom?
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:10:12 No.9864976

    Society ;_;

    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:10:22 No.9864980

    Hope you don't mind, OP, but Ima keep posting black jokes.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:10:50 No.9864987

    lol wat

    M31 is the Andromeda Galaxy and it's slightly edge-on from us.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:10:54 No.9864988
    Black man keeping da white man down
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:12:20 No.9865017
    lawwwlll owwwned
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:12:27 No.9865018

    Obviously I guessed. I don't know my messier objects, and I chose this wallpaper instead of a picture of some thuggish looking negro with a poor attitude.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:12:38 No.9865022
    In addition, it looks more like a faint picture of M74.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:13:06 No.9865026
    q: How do you know Adam and Eve were not black?
    a: You ever try to take a rib from a nigger?

    ITT: Our very best black jokes
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:13:08 No.9865027
    Oh. I thought you were a fellow astronomybro ;_;
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:13:47 No.9865039

    You go right ahead. I'm not particularly fond of my brethren anyhow.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:14:03 No.9865045
    >an atypical
    Are you analphabetic?
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:15:52 No.9865076

    I took a basic astronomy course as an elective and enjoyed it, but as to whether or not I would choose it as my undergraduate major...I dunno.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:17:15 No.9865099

    But of course anon! After all, I did not evolve.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:18:19 No.9865115
    How did you manage to acquire such uncle tomness?
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:22:11 No.9865163

    I believe it was a lack of cruelty and racism from whites during my childhood that led to me being an "oreo". A certain resentment builds itself up overtime when your peers accost and belittle you because you simply do not wish to indulge in their idiot culture, or even associate with them as friends. So here I am, in a place that detests all things negro, as a negro.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:22:33 No.9865172
         File1278199353.png-(124 KB, 544x370, Miracles.png)
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    Fucking magnets...


    I'd ask a scientist, but they le and piss me off.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:24:14 No.9865205
    Of course, it's actually little black people having sex.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:24:20 No.9865210
    Can I suck your cock? Alcoholic degenerate late twenties fat gayfag here.

    I should be able to suck your cock, because I'm the white master race. You should submit to my whims.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:25:29 No.9865220
    I've found that I like black people who are programmers.
    Are you a programmer, OP?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:28:02 No.9865263
    As a Negranon Myself, I completely and utterly denounce OP and his racial whoring. Nobody cares that you're black and "atypical". In the end all these racists will end up doing absolutely nothing with their feeble lives. It would be a waste of potentially productive time and allocatable labor.

    I have nothing to ask of you other than to kill yourself, for your Elitist attitude toward your own race is disgusting and has consumed all of who you once were. You're bound for nothing, incrementally your life will deteriorate into the putrid lump of shit you spit out of your mouth and call intelligence.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:28:16 No.9865271


    Also, I have an average penis that would not satisfy your fetish.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:31:01 No.9865325
         File1278199861.png-(894 KB, 792x678, 1276692577022.png)
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    I need to judge how much latent nigger remains in you. Response time is a factor, so please answer as fast as possible.

    Question 1 : Explain all the good feelings that come to mind, when you see an ass like this?

    Question 2 : You are walking in a desert. You come upon a watermelon. It's looking at you, it wants to come with you. But you don't pick it up. You wedge some stones under it so it cooks in the hot sun. Why do you do this?

    Question 3 : Do you like my briefcase? It's made out of uneaten KFC. Genuine 100% uneaten KFC.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:31:06 No.9865327
    Do they call you boss, Boss Nigger?
    >> !opSHAWNqX6 07/03/10(Sat)19:31:14 No.9865330
    Pretty much this OP. You're a pretentious asshole.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:32:54 No.9865353

    If you weren't such an uppity negro who feels all high and mighty now that Obama is the president, you'd see all the utter failures that make up the vast majority of our race and shut your fucking mouth. For every beer guzzling racist that will never accomplish a thing in his life, there are 50 worthless niggers trying to play gangster on the streets of some fucking ghetto. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:33:07 No.9865360
    seems to me OP that you should search for your niche, a.k.a. other respectable black people, instead of hang around fat, misogynistic neckbeards who somehow think they're better than you
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:35:16 No.9865394
    Is it just me or is that girl and her ass ugly?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:35:51 No.9865403

    How does this video make you feel OP? That the black security guards were basically in on it, and were party to a crime? Does that make you feel worse, or justified?
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:36:12 No.9865410

    1. I see an ass that his been irregularly shaped by some fucking jeans.
    2. I'd eat the watermelon
    3. KFC sucks, I'd rather eat fried chicken from the grocery store


    I think you should quit trying to stick up for black people.
    >> the Jolly Bard !!v/mzHmaV2D7 07/03/10(Sat)19:37:29 No.9865434
    I like big asses but this girl is ugly.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:39:40 No.9865467

    I didn't even get past :35 before I raged. That scumbag is part of the same piece of shit wannabe tough guy nigger culture that would tell me I'm too white or yell HERE COME DA WHITE BOY CRAKAAAA, and other shit at me. He should be killed.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:40:35 No.9865484
    what is space like
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:40:40 No.9865487
    Aww shit OP. The V-K machine says you're still a nigger. I have to retire you now.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:43:06 No.9865523

    It's mostly empty -_-
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:43:36 No.9865528
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:46:07 No.9865562

    So whites and asians can hate themselves, but when a black guy does he becomes pretentious? RACISM!
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:46:22 No.9865566
    Do you think Randall is better than Moot?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:47:24 No.9865577
    Why are you shitskins pure subhuman?
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:48:49 No.9865599

    I fucking hate xkcd with a passion.

    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:50:04 No.9865610

    Supposedly it's because we didn't rape the Neanderthal man like you savage fucks.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:51:44 No.9865625

    Forgot about this one.

    No I am not a programmer because I find such work to be tedious.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:54:00 No.9865649
    Black person here, how did you discovered 4chan in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:56:19 No.9865694
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:56:27 No.9865703

    I'm on the internet all the time, so I simply came to 4chan after seeing hundreds of stale memes (and their source) plastered all over various forums.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:57:55 No.9865725

    You answer me when I'm talking to your nigger
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:58:00 No.9865727
    q: Why do niggers cry during sex?
    a: Mace Spray.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)19:59:17 No.9865750

    Q: What can a pizza do that a nigger can't?
    A: Feed a family of four

    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)19:59:23 No.9865752
    q: What do nigger kids get for Christmas?
    a: Your bike.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:00:36 No.9865773
    You a giver or taker op?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:00:52 No.9865776
    q: What is a nigger?
    a: Proof that skunks fuck monkeys.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:01:08 No.9865780
    Why are you so self-hating OP?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:02:04 No.9865790
    Do you stink anonigger? If you don't, why do your kind stink so foully?

    What do white people smell like to you?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:02:55 No.9865800
    q: What's the most confusing day in Harlem?
    a: Father's Day.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:03:14 No.9865804
    Have you ever gone to have sex only to accidentally poke her in the eye -or similar- because the lights were off?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:03:57 No.9865814
    taker I reckon
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:05:05 No.9865827
    q: What do you get when you cross a nigger with a gorilla?
    a: A dumb gorilla.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:05:30 No.9865830
         File1278201930.jpg-(38 KB, 604x436, 1271802638163.jpg)
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    He's Black, how could anyone with half a brain not be a self-hating negro?

    I feel bad for you OP, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. You won't find sympathy from White people, because Blacks are murderous savages and deserve their reputation, and you will not get approval from your fellow niggers because they resent anything that is against primitive thuggery.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)20:06:26 No.9865840



    I don't hate myself. I hate the black American culture that I am expected to fit into because of my skin color. I'd like to use myself as an example as to the fact that negros aren't all ghettofabulous knuckle-dragging savages, but then I talk to my cousins and all that optimism is immediately destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:07:28 No.9865852
         File1278202048.jpg-(80 KB, 605x404, 125504895886.jpg)
    80 KB
    These nigras be atypical too
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:08:26 No.9865866
    I also pity the op.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:08:34 No.9865868
    q: How does a black woman fight crime?
    a: She has an abortion.

    Last one. Glad I got that out of my system.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)20:09:03 No.9865873

    People are what they eat, anonymous.


    >> ▂▅▇█▓▒░ℳℴℯ KING Tripfag░▒▓█▇▅▂ !REDREDLOGo 07/03/10(Sat)20:14:01 No.9865944
    Hey, OP, speaking slang and listening to rap doesn't make you a bad person. And I understand how hard it is to break out of your racial-roles, but hating people for acting that way because they used to mistreat you as a kid is very much like BETA AS BITCH males on /r9k/ hating manly-men for bullying them in gym class. It's illogical and unethical.
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)20:18:12 No.9865995

    You are ignorant of the mindset and behavior of the negros I've had to live around, as well as their detrimental effects on society.


    Unfortunately, this isn't Brave New World, so that word has little meaning as a pejorative.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:18:36 No.9866000
    you like black girls OP?

    cause i like black girls, and im white
    >> OP !!Vrz/nVUYkOI 07/03/10(Sat)20:19:51 No.9866018

    I don't, but feel free to waste your time with them.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:24:49 No.9866093
    Do you condone the usage of the word "nigger?"
    And!!!! Do you like SNSD?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/10(Sat)20:37:34 No.9866245
    What clothes do you wear?

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