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    300 KB Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:41:50 No.9839872  
    Is /r9k/ for or against the death penalty?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:43:31 No.9839890
    For. Definitely for.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:43:39 No.9839892
    I'm against it. It's barbaric and expensive.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:44:37 No.9839901
    Agin it! It's not justice, it's revenge. No progress since the fucking romans!
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:44:39 No.9839903
    Against. I'd rather have a single person kill people in society than society kill a single person.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:45:28 No.9839911
    I'm for the 'idea' of it, but it's expensive as fuck these days.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:45:36 No.9839914
    Against. I believe that everything can be fixed. Eventually. Someday. Maybe. Yes, I'm still against.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:45:55 No.9839916
    Under the present sociopolitical and economic conditions, I will continue to be for it until such time when more expedient and effective methods of rehabilitation can be devised. Which may be a while from now.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:45:56 No.9839917
    The plan: Let's have death row inmates toil endlessly in farms and fields to help plant crops to support the nation. If they try to run away, initiate a shoot-to-kill plan (which includes civilians - if you see an escaped murder/rapist and shoot him, you'd be awarded, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:46:02 No.9839918
    Actually, we've gone backwards.

    Instead giving criminals a horrifying death by crucifixion, we give them a little needle poke.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:46:27 No.9839920
    the idea of the death penalty is not because we want to kill you for committing the crime, but to deter you from doing it in the first place

    i am for it. you know the rules and so do i
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:46:40 No.9839922

    > Option #1: House serial killer for the rest of his life, with bedding, 3 meals a day at tax payers expense.

    > Option #2: $0.20 bullet to the back of head, quick and clean.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:47:23 No.9839930
    >> Graham Cracker 07/02/10(Fri)09:47:25 No.9839932
    Against. In principle it sounds great, it practice it's too costly and error ridden. If we could fix those two issues, I'd say we should be killing a hell of a lot more people, if anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:49:03 No.9839948
    In China, they execute people using one bullet to the back of the head, for crimes like rape, molestation and murder.

    Also, they bill the families later for the bullet, lol.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:49:38 No.9839955
    I am for gladiatorial battles in which death-row-prisoners fight for their lives. After 5 (five) wins they are set free. The kicker is: I'll send my secret police to 'deal' with them so they don't cause a nuisance in the real world. I would broadcast this on television (ha, death race) and set up tax regulated gambling, and what not. I would use this money for civil services, such as free (or cheaper) public transport, and free college education.
    >> Graham Cracker 07/02/10(Fri)09:49:38 No.9839956
    It's millions of dollars to execute a felon. Even prosecuting a death penalty case is amazingly costly.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:49:47 No.9839959
    L O L

    oh china, when you aren't executing kids and psying on countries, you're pretty funny
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:51:28 No.9839968

    >implying thats how it works

    Now, if we lived in an era where there was no court, just "ROB IS A CHILD MOLESTER" and you got the death penalty it would be fine.

    It doesn't work like that, it's an expensive and long process to "try" and ensure no innocents are killed (though they are all the time, I'm looking at YOU Texas)
    >> The Dude 07/02/10(Fri)09:51:49 No.9839974
    But imagine that the convict had raped your daughters to death and skinned them, leaving their mutilated bodies for you to find.

    Imagine if some psycho fuck decided to chop of all the limbs of your dog and film it, making you watch as the dog cries, howls and bleeds to death.

    Imagine if some serial killer had abducted children and taken them to a dungeon where he ate them alive.

    Imagine if your girlfriend's ex--boyfriend tied you up to a chair and made you watch as he burned your family alive.

    All of these people are too dangerous to live. There is a reason we have this penalty.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:51:55 No.9839976
    Rape, molestation, murder and questioning dear party!
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:52:44 No.9839985
    "Tough cases make poor laws"
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:52:56 No.9839990

    It's called a life sentence.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:53:01 No.9839993
    >catch guy with dead hookers in his walls
    >40 million dollar trial followed by 40 years of tax payer supported living
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:54:14 No.9840003

    i would the person myself in that case.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:54:20 No.9840004
    Man, you got a sick imagination. I like that. Let's start a crime show, or at least a crappy horror film.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:54:28 No.9840005
    For. It's expensive as fuck, so whoever's on death row should just be shot with 2 49 cent 9mm bullets in the face as opposed to injecting them with >$1m worth of death.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:54:40 No.9840006
    no one ever gets out of prisons
    >> The Dude 07/02/10(Fri)09:54:47 No.9840009
    But you are utterly helpless.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:54:54 No.9840011

    Nice ludicrous case bro.

    Also, confessions don't mean shit. While it may be against the law, police stations often devoid the suspect of sleep, water and food so he is fatigued and he confesses.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:55:29 No.9840019
    For, but the problem is, is that the death sentence costs as much as supporting an inmate in deathrow for 40 years.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:55:46 No.9840022

    It's extremely rare that one would get out of prison. You've more chance of winning the court case.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:56:39 No.9840031
    gotta love Spartacus blood and sand
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:56:43 No.9840033
    ludicrous case?

    I live in Cleveland and we caught a serial killer//serial rapist just a year ago who did that very thing, plus he dumped unknown numbers of bodies around places.

    He also raped people...a lot.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:57:29 No.9840041


    See, I can make idiotic, extremely unlikely events up as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:57:56 No.9840044
    For death penalty as an ultimate deterrant.

    Would be happy with life sentences if they brought back chain gangs and the governments and "human rights advocates" avoids political correctness with prisoners. Make them labor rather than sit in a cell eating away tax money.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:58:10 No.9840047
    You fucking redneck republicans make me sick. Go jerk off to Palin and listen to Glenn Beck.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:58:23 No.9840048

    I saw that on a movie.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:58:56 No.9840050
    >implying the death penalty is an effective deterrent
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)09:59:22 No.9840052
    We still have chain gangs. In fact, I just saw a few prisoners cleaning up shit on the highways in jumpsuits.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:00:42 No.9840066
    >Implyiing life in jail is an effective deterrant.
    >Implying going to jail is not a badge of honour for gangs and youths.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:01:58 No.9840077

    ...Expensive in comparison to letting them sit in jail their whole life? idontthinksotim.jpg
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:02:07 No.9840079

    >implying because neither one works we should barbarically kill the criminal
    >implying many criminals don't want to die and wouldn't long for the fresh prick of the needle
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:02:46 No.9840084
    >free food
    >free anal
    >free bed
    >free books
    >free tv
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:02:55 No.9840087

    Someone hasn't researched their facts.
    >> The Dude 07/02/10(Fri)10:03:44 No.9840094
    I've got more.

    Say, if I were a serial killer, and some girl made fun of me in high school or something, I would find her while she is pregnant, get her alone, and take out my rusted knife. Then I would use it to slice her open alive from the edge of the vagina to the jaw, and eat the still breathing fetus in front of her if she is still alive.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:04:11 No.9840099
    Someone hasn't realized that the 40 appeals prisoners receive is excessive
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:04:27 No.9840100
    >Misses the point to fix your flawed arguments.
    >Go off on a tangeant
    >Typical modern day hippy, arts student.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:04:35 No.9840102
    Wild animals don't have a place in society. They deserve to be put down. It's for their own good.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:04:51 No.9840104
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:05:20 No.9840109
    That's lame and little gross.

    It wouldn't taste good, and it being a fetus she wouldn't be overly attached to it(except by that cord).

    Wait until the kid's older you idiot.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:05:53 No.9840115
    Against death penalty, but for the life sentence. Criminals should spend their time in isolated chambers, serving food and water at a normal rate, no work and no form entertainment, even at minimal sentences because having something to do makes time pass faster. Let them sit the entire thing through.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:05:53 No.9840116

    They should make that into a porno.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:06:12 No.9840119
    Pro death penalty.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:07:04 No.9840126
    oh god the boredom would kill me
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:07:10 No.9840128
    Firing squad. People like public executions, look at them throughout history.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:08:38 No.9840138

    People like the stoning of adulterous women.
    Look at them throughout history.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:08:39 No.9840139
    Against. I think it's far crueller for someone to spend the entire rest of their lives in some hell whole of a jail anyway
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:09:46 No.9840143
    People like women being raped by animals publicly throughout history, look it up.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:10:06 No.9840145
    For it in theory but needs to have better restrictions in place to assure that you are killing someone who is actually guilty (DNA, several witnesses, etc). Premeditated murder should be automatic, and child rapists (not statutory, actual rape) should be put away forever, no parole under any circumstances.

    Society should not be expected to feed and clothe a murderer for the rest of his life...nor should we be expected to tolerate people who cannot be helped (child molesters).
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:10:57 No.9840150
    What's cool in non-third-world-countries it's those kind of topics are already settled.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:11:24 No.9840151
    Child raping, little girl murdering mad man laughs in your face as he watches cable tv.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:12:06 No.9840154

    >eat the still breathing fetus
    >breathing fetus
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:12:07 No.9840155
    I have been against it but spending time here on the internet changed me.

    People convinced me that the absolute form of justice to a murderer would be murder as well.

    If he cant show mercy then we must stand tall and show none to them.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:15:04 No.9840173
    >he thinks violent murders are afraid of death
    >he thinks putting them in endless prison is not better than killing right away
    >he thinks society should adjust to violent criminals level
    >hahaha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:15:49 No.9840177
    The only ones against it are the pampered idiots of the first world.

    I live in a third world country and I can't use public transportation because there's a high risk of getting mugged/killed not by common thieves but by fucking gang members.

    Dozens of murders everyday, the youth getting corrupted and the political parties swimming in money fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:16:59 No.9840186
    Life is the only thing they have. We take that away and they have nothing.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:18:50 No.9840194
    I see your own society is really working alright.
    I'm totally sure the fact that people are murdered daily is the cause of all that political crap going on and not the fact that you're not able to lead a country the right political way and thus enforcing stupid martial like laws which have no effect but promoting a more violent society.
    Enjoy your violent death by gang/state, I'll be other there in my peaceful country.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:19:30 No.9840199

    >he thinks allowing a murderer to continue to eat, sleep and breathe is justice.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:21:08 No.9840211
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:21:17 No.9840213
    If we absolutely and positively find someone with certainty who has committed illegal acts and killed/damaged people without any signs of regard to their lives then he deserves nothing less than what he has been dealing out.

    Its just not fair to the victims.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:21:18 No.9840214
    >he thinks the murderer didn't expect to die anyway
    PROTIP: everyone dies at the end
    >he thinks he can define what justice is
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:22:02 No.9840220
    I'm for it but not for the same reasons as everyone else
    most people think that some crimes are so "evil" that they must be killed as punishment.
    the reality of the matter is that revenge doesn't help the victim
    I think the death penalty should be reserved for individuals that we can't repair. To me, it is worse to keep someone in a cage their entire life than to just end them in a painless way.
    TL;DR killing people for revenge is wrong even if it is done by the government. People should only be executed if they can't be rehabilitated.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:24:18 No.9840235
    Fuck the cage.

    Bring back chain gangs. Get those fuckers doing something productive. Save those delicious lethal injection drugs for other things.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:24:31 No.9840237
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    oh, jesus christ what was that?!?
    i'll tell you what motherfucker,
    this thread has been interrupted by bono!

    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:25:44 No.9840246

    I'm not saying that my society is working fine, in fact, it's almost complete crap.

    Perhaps I'm a bitter asshole but that's the way it's supposed to be when I see that we as a country will never advance.

    Yeah enjoy your paradise and looking down on others.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:25:48 No.9840247
    Stop with that bullshit Lex talionis, it was 4000 years ago, maybe we could evolve out of it a bit?
    We had a few things going on since...
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:26:43 No.9840252
    dunno if it has been mentioned but I'm against the capital punishment. I'd rather castrate people who have committed serious crimes(i.e. murder, rape, not stealing a fucking donut cause you were dying of hunger) so they can't propagate their genes and indoctrinate their children.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:26:50 No.9840255

    It isn't about revenge or what a murderer is afraid of (as some posters have weirdly used as an argument). It is unjust to ask taxpayers to financially support a person who murdered someone. Jail space is finite, so are taxpayer dollars.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:27:52 No.9840264
    >guy kills 5 people
    >gets caught and given death penalty
    >take his 1 life with a quick, painless injection

    I say imprison them for life given oatmeal and broccoli to eat and have them sleep on the floor in a concrete cell, then burn them alive when they're old and about to die.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:28:33 No.9840271
    I just said that your society could probably work better if the people at the head of the state didn't have the rights to jail/kill anyone who would oppose them, and if they would actually enforce crime in the country.
    The value of life is what is given.
    If you let your policemen fire on protesters, no wonder criminals will do the same when they break in your home.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:28:50 No.9840276
    For, tending to violent criminals is a waste of money and resources and comes at the expense of the lawful.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:29:12 No.9840279

    Explain how showing mercy to those who do not deserve mercy is 'evolving'. Coddling murderers is not enlightened, it is irresponsible.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:30:00 No.9840283
    Against, no one should be able to kill someone and say killing is wrong. It's not rational.

    Americans only kill niggers and camp psycho's, so I guess robots are ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:30:02 No.9840284
    Stop having sex. We can cum in a jar is so last millennia.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:32:16 No.9840305

    Protests are always full of baseless arguments and violence here.

    My country is El Salvador just to make my point. I don't see any other solution than capital punishment. When we had a dictatorship there where hardly any common crimes, almost zero, that says something.

    Perhaps I'm not conveying my argument in the best possible way but you need to experience this constant bullshit that we call government over here.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:33:25 No.9840320
    Completely and totally and all the way wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:33:51 No.9840323
    You guys do realise that it costs more in legal fees when it comes to all the appeals and due diligence in capital cases yeah?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:35:24 No.9840336

    Justin Beaver dude, Beaver.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:35:42 No.9840342
    >man I was that dictatorship, at least then the government got shit done
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:36:19 No.9840349
    yeah the rape is the real deterent

    did you know NY doesn't kill people?
    yet for some reason people aren't dying to go to our prisons
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:36:23 No.9840350
    Yes, that's why we need to limit the appeals.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:36:54 No.9840358

    "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

    And, doing it will solve nothing for the victims. The deed is still done.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:37:44 No.9840366
    so you're against the death penalty but pro rape?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:37:46 No.9840368

    Excuse me, what?

    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:38:08 No.9840374

    This. The current system of seemingly endless appeals (in many US states) is absurd.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:38:29 No.9840377
    Exactly. When someone takes your eye, blow his fucking head off.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:38:42 No.9840379

    "Rape", I see it as "surprise sex classes".
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:39:39 No.9840387

    >Garbage platitudes.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:40:29 No.9840398
    no you fucking idiot
    i am for the death penalty in cases where the criminal can't be repaired

    what i think is that no one should ever be sent to a US prison as it is cruel and unusual punishment

    if you can't stop the rape in the box you shouldn't be locking people up in the box

    and it isn't just a little rape. as much rape happens to men in prison as happens to women on the outside

    not ratio but equal numbers
    1 population is a few mill the other is abotu 150 mil
    so yeah
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:42:45 No.9840409
    >guy gets pushed into drug dealing
    >tries to give it up
    >goes to prison
    >gets raped
    >comes out a hardened criminal
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:43:09 No.9840412
    The problem I have with it is that it is basically state sanctioned murder. They say you cannot kill another human being, yet they go on to say they can kill you for being too horrible a person? Hypocrisy. From an emotional standpoint, people love hard justice, they love getting a raging hardon whenever an evil criminal gets his/her just desserts. By that token, these same people foam at the mouth whenever somebody runs over a dog and want bloody vengeance, they'd see all sex offenders, even the innocent ones (think caught with cp or some such here) castrated or hanged.

    These people are awful, blood thirsty savages and, well, we always have been like that because it helped us survive. Not so much anymore, we don't really need to act like this. Certainly, it's hard to argue against just ending the life of someone who seems to be potentially beyond redemption, not that there are really that many people who are that bad to begin with. In reality, the argument is more complicated and expensive. You have to make sure you have the right person, all that stuff.

    Armchair philosophers are the first ones to cry out and loudest voices in the crowd from their comfortable vantage point of self-righteous bigotry. The problem is they just froth and howl about the first thing that comes into their heads and don't bother thinking at all about the complex nature of such debates and as such, should shut their fucking mouths and stopping running off at the mouth, acting like a pack of rabid assholes.

    So I'm against murder of any kind but the argument is quite complicated and I'm not really in a position to be able to say with any sort of authority of certainty what position is 'right', I still have leanings against it.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:45:14 No.9840425

    Everyone has a choice to commit crimes or not. Anyone who claims they are 'pushed' into doing anything is making poor excuses.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:45:54 No.9840434
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    Here's a related picture coming from before the French had death penalty (fuck year guillotine).
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:46:36 No.9840442
    >I'm a white male living in my parents middle class home
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:46:47 No.9840443
    are you dissagree in with that post or agreeing with it? seems like we are in agreement
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:47:32 No.9840454

    >I have nothing intelligent to say in refutation.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:50:25 No.9840481
    I am against it.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:51:18 No.9840486
    against unless they hit serial killer/rapist level
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:52:52 No.9840502

    I'm sure that is a comfort to all the people killed/raped up to that point.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:53:29 No.9840504
    Yes and no.

    Prison should be about re-educating people.
    Don't want to give killers a second chance.

    OH ME. OH MY.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)10:58:08 No.9840541
    I think death penalty is a pretty humane punishment for people who have done serious shit. Let them suffer for the rest of their lifetime in jail instead. Besides, the risk of killing innocent people is unacceptable. I say lifetime emprisonment should be used a whole lot more, and it ought to be non- whaddayacallit, you know, when you can't be pardoned from the punishment unless you are proven innocent with DNA- testing, or other "hard" evidence.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)11:00:59 No.9840564
    The problem, idiots, is given the State the right of life and death over the citizens. Who decides what is a crime? If you murder somebody during a war, you won't go to jail, you will be given a medal. What if the Republican party composed by a majority of Christian fundies, decides that abortion should be punished with the death penalty? How about being gay is a sin? How about smoking weed? Or tobacco? Look at countries like Singapore, where if you're caught with enough weed you get the death penalty.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)11:02:15 No.9840575
    against against against
    even child raping serial killers should not have the death penalty not no way not no how
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)11:02:59 No.9840583
    >Prison should be about re-educating people.

    Prison is NEVER about re-educating people. Prison exists to (1) punish those who commit crimes, and (2) keep them away from the general population. It is not about reform.

    The death penalty is perfectly fine with me. I don't give a fuck about any murderers. They get what they had coming.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)11:12:15 No.9840663
    >I am for the death penalty in cases where the criminal can't be repaired.

    Nigga, a human is not a car. You can't repair a psycho murderer. And if you could, so what? There are going on 10 billion people on this planet. If we killed every person on death row, we'd still be overpopulated.

    Stop being a bunch of super-save-a-hoes and see reality for what it is: a shit hole.

    Killing criminals is not about revenge, it's about protecting citizens from dangerous segments of the human population that have forfeited their right to live in society. Why should I pay for them to live? I don't want them to live. They can stay at your house, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)11:15:39 No.9840684

    There aren't 10 billion people on this planet.

    We aren't overpopulated.

    I do agree with you on everything else, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/10(Fri)11:16:35 No.9840695
    Against. Giving the government the right to take away peoples lives puts you on a slippery slope. Right now it's fairly okay because it's only murderers and the dregs of society, but you have to wonder when they're going to try and cross the line.

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