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  • File : 1277857336.png-(298 KB, 1920x1080, r9k.png)
    298 KB Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:22:16 No.9792614  
    To those of you that have been here prior to moot's r9k invitation, how do you feel about the current state of the board?

    To those of you that have decided to transfer to this board post-invitation, why here?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:23:26 No.9792632
    It hasn't changed a bit. We're still "a gangbang of whining"

    Sometimes there's light though...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:23:29 No.9792633
    I doubt you'll believe me, but I started coming here exactly two days before the 'Hey guys, check out this board!' thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:24:28 No.9792645
    I think the board still has a core of disgruntled members.

    I wanna say to them that the way to retake r9k is through love and understanding

    Be friends. Ignore threads you don't like. Saging does nothing. Learn to accept people and move on.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:24:36 No.9792648
    I'm just glad that they got rid of the camwhore threads and most of the hook-up threads. It was getting hard to hear myself whine with all the normalfags in here.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:24:39 No.9792649
    Been here since a month or two before the mcdonalds incident I think.

    Not that being here is something to brag about...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:25:18 No.9792654
    It's a lot better, in my opinion. There's still some greentext threads and "most embarrassing X you Y", but it doesn't shit up the board as much.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:25:47 No.9792661
    Eh, it was nicer when it felt more connected. Oh well.
    That was still a dick move, moot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:26:09 No.9792666
    People are less friendly towards tripfags, and there's a little bit more of an ANON IS LEGION xD sort of viewpoint towards everything, but other than that, r9k's still basically the same
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:26:20 No.9792668
    Came here during the whole invitation thinghy, saw a few threads I liked and a lot of "O NOES MOOTLES WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO US" and returned back to /sp/. Now I only come here for the abundance of greentext.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:27:03 No.9792675
    A board without a focus on a specific interest is bound to end up as people talking about themselves and their daily lives. There's no way to combat this because it's the easiest topic of discussion, massively outweighing everything else.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:27:35 No.9792684
    Started coming here about a week before the moot disaster. There were no rate me threads, no troll threads, and over all good subjects. And less whining.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:28:56 No.9792701
    /r9k/ is the old /b/. God I miss that place.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:29:15 No.9792705
    Bitches don't know about ma mcdonalds incident
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:31:03 No.9792722
    I always wonder, why do people hate rate me threads so much?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:31:23 No.9792725
    r9k meta thread

    from the frontlines
    newfag activity is heavy with the summer crew in
    a breed of camwhore that is transparently manipulative and duplicitous is on the rise
    newfags don't lurk more anymore because 4chan is at the point where everyone is a newfag they have reached critical mass levels and have no clue about any of our tradition
    everyone needs to lurk more
    everyone needs to lurk more
    post less, think more about what you post

    lurk more is simple and rewarding it would be a good move to do it
    everyone lurk more
    i really mean that
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:31:25 No.9792727
    Turn that gangbang of whining shit off. He used to change it every so often on the various boards and it would be kinda funny. But it's been like 3 months. Seriously. Stop it.

    The sagers have gotten worse. Far worse. The /b/tard complex is started to take over. Less gentlemen like, one of the few things that set us aside from all the rest of 4chan.

    Dear god yes. But there wasn't as many to begin with. Many have come, many have left.

    I liked the old hookup threads. Gave some life to the board and allowed robots to meet other robots but on on the board, but THROUGH it.

    Which is completely different from the camwhoring, that's BS.

    For example, we used to have battlestation threads (those were fun)

    Or 'Take pictures of _____ or ____ and post that shit here'

    Not that camwhore crap.

    Moot used to fuck with us. It would be somewhat fun. He pulled this recent wave of shit, then left us in the...shitter. But now its all asshole 'make /r9k/ feel bad' lately when he does. Trying to be superior or something.

    It's no fun.

    TL:DR, be a little kinder to each other, turn off the gangbang of whining, lets have a good time.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:31:31 No.9792729

    bullshit. is was always the same shit, just less people and more tripfags
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:32:10 No.9792741
    Or kickingflipping a baby.

    Who remembers that?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:32:58 No.9792754
    Not on the board**

    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:33:39 No.9792765
    It's basically exactly the same, except for the increase in camwhore/hook up threads.

    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:34:07 No.9792773
    I think moot is a faggot that would rather let this board be "a gangbang of whining" rather than lift a finger and actually make an effort to make this site better.

    There are good posters, it's just that a lot of the time they get overshadowed by the uncontainable shittyness that comes in different forms (whining, mysoginy, FEMANONS GIB ATTENTION, camwhoring, tripfag circlejerk, etc) and that in turn discourages good posters to come back to this board.

    There was a period of time where this board would be rather good on average, and if this site were properly administrated, the idea of that time having existed wouldn't be so far fetched.

    Moot is a typical /r9k/ user. Would rather whine about how we all suck instead of doing something about it. He procastinates and gives the excuse "hurr durr I can't trust anyone to be a mod ur all anonymous". Well of course, you have to try the mods out at first, to see if they work out and do a proper job. It takes time, but it's the only way. A couple of camwhore/contact/whatever threads are cool, but when shit gets cancerous that's where the mods would step in. Also delete the general whining, leave the "USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST" notice so that users take a hint, etc.

    I have said this a million times, but I have to say it again.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:34:30 No.9792781
    C'mon moot. It's been long enough.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:34:43 No.9792784
    Remember when this board used to be all about advice threads then moot created /adv/ and just started trolling us because there were no more advice threads? Yeah, I kinda liked it more back then. Now its just "WOULD YOU RATHER" or "POST PICS RAET" or "POST PERFECT MAN/WOMAN AND RESPOND". It really has gone to the shitter thanks moot.
    >> Cross !.hElllYeSs 06/29/10(Tue)20:34:43 No.9792785
    I started coming here shortly after it was created as part of the mass exodus (read:hemorrhage) out of /b/. Only started showing up with any regularity about six months ago, but man, shit was a lot better around here before moot threw us to the wolves.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:35:45 No.9792796
    Yeah really.

    When it's the first time here and you read creates a bad vibe...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:35:52 No.9792797
    I was here about 2 months before moots invite.
    The first week or two after the invite was shit. It's back to normal-ish now though.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:35:55 No.9792799
    Does no one remember "corner nigger"?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:36:13 No.9792802

    Pre invite over here. I was a gangbang of whining before, it's a gangbang of whining now and it will be a gangbang of whining long into the future.

    /r9k/, from the fat neckbeards to the normalfags is pathetic, vain, self deprecating yet also self aggrandising and worst of all, can't take a joke.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:36:25 No.9792804

    For fuck's sake yes, I am tired of seeing those. It's pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:37:38 No.9792822
    Jokes don't last for three months.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:38:12 No.9792829
    Why do you care what the board is named?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:38:12 No.9792830
    I came here post-invitation. Really, I never looked back. The content here is way better, the threads dont 404 in 15 fuckin minutes, and the misogyny is hilarious. If I was a virgin I probably wouldn't be able to lurk this board, be wayy to depressing. But on a better note, Fuck /b/. It's a piece of shit and I just get pissed off whenever I go back.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:39:24 No.9792847
    You should have seen it in it's glorious days. Today it's a carcass of what it used to be.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:39:39 No.9792849
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    I fucking remember corner nigga!

    A new addition is mister Steele here.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:40:32 No.9792863
    I miss the days of /r9k/ being gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:40:33 No.9792864
    Gives a new reason to justify whining threads.

    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:41:36 No.9792883
    You're going to make me burst into treats.
    >> Just Another Cashew Tree !!MUyVFNoKnfn 06/29/10(Tue)20:41:39 No.9792885
    Nothing changed at all.
    The wave of /b/tards lasted... a week?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:41:50 No.9792886
    We could really use janitors/genies/mods/WHAT HAVE YOU.
    I miss the gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:42:13 No.9792890
    High five motherfucker!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:42:18 No.9792891
    You couldn't possibly be serious.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:42:18 No.9792892
    You are clearly new.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:42:59 No.9792895
    I havent heard the word gentlemen be used in the opening of a thread in so long...

    It saddens me.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:43:03 No.9792897
    I want genies.
    Like /g9k/.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:43:53 No.9792914
    No he ain't. The wave really didn't last too long. Or if it did they assimilated.
    >> Just Another Cashew Tree !!MUyVFNoKnfn 06/29/10(Tue)20:44:14 No.9792922
    I mean, when it stopped being a total gangbang of whining for a while.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:45:02 No.9792935
    Granted, the relationshit threads have taken a dip, but they're still in abundance. To be perfectly honest it just reeks of normalfag in here. It felt good to come here and read about the shitty lives of robots before, but now it's just like a much more tame, content oriented (vs. meme oriented) version of /b/.

    I still love /arcanine/, it's still my favorite board, but it's not the same as it used to be.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:45:02 No.9792936
    Or technically that could stand for Gentleman9000.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:45:12 No.9792937
    Yes and no.

    Many are still VERY hostile.

    Notice the sagers in threads? I saw the sage function used once every 10 threads...once? At least even a few weeks pre-invite.

    Now it's gotten pretty bad.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/29/10(Tue)20:45:20 No.9792942
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    /r9k/ is no different from how it was pre-invitation.
    It used to be a catch-all, but /r9k/ lost all of its steam when moot made /lit/,/sci/,/int/,/new/, and /adv/. Hell, there's been camwhore threads on here for a long time.

    tl;dr: /r9k/ used to be /lit/,/sci/,/int/,/new/,and /adv/ rolled into one with camwhores.
    >> Solid Ocelot !Lea9G5tmuM 06/29/10(Tue)20:45:52 No.9792947
    It's shit and this board is (now) shit. It's why I don't post anymore. Well, not as much now barring this.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:46:00 No.9792950
    You sure sage a lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:47:21 No.9792965
    Camwhoring wasn't that bad in the old days if i remember correctly.

    Well, except for the one guy or gal that used to do weird shit every so often.

    I mean. I'm not sure if anyone remembers the black guy making signs for people and taking photos of that.

    But actually...

    /sci/, /new/, and /adv/ stole most of what we used to have...we were never bit into literature if memory serves me.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:47:59 No.9792971
    Most people do it just to stand out with 'bluetext'

    But mainly it's to make a statement.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:48:47 No.9792985
    Well, /r9k/ is just /b/ with a repeat filter, what did you guys expect?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:48:49 No.9792986
    Sagers are just fucking everywhere. "I'm not interested in this thread and I want everyone to know it!!!"
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/29/10(Tue)20:49:16 No.9792993
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    All sage does it let me post without bumping the thread.
    It does nothing else. At all.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:51:06 No.9793012

    Do none of you understand that the more you whine about how this board is titled "a gangbang of whining" the more inclined moot is to leave it up for lulz? hes trolling you all and none of you get it. the more you refute it the truer it becomes. Get the fuck over it and it might just go away some time soon.
    >> Cross !.hElllYeSs 06/29/10(Tue)20:51:13 No.9793014
    Obviously there are a lot of people who feel similarly about regaining our gentlemanly glory, so why don't we take back the board? Start interesting posts, ignore the sagebombers and the /b/tards--come on, rowboats, let's do something about this.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:51:29 No.9793019
    I used to just lurk /b/ but the constant porn/gore/stupidity got boring so I hopped from board to board and ended up here, a nicer version of /b/.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/29/10(Tue)20:51:46 No.9793027
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    You have very poor memory then.
    During the first days of the flood of relationshit and moot's dramatic entry via McDonalds, we had a lot of Camwhore threads. A lot more than nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:51:54 No.9793030
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    Been coming here for going on about two years. Moot fucked up this board beyond compare.

    Fuck moot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:51:59 No.9793031
    I would say that most posters on this board don't come across as underage b&'s which is what used to piss me off on /b/, the criticism is better. Makes people not want to post anymore, which is just great
    >> Just Another Cashew Tree !!MUyVFNoKnfn 06/29/10(Tue)20:52:10 No.9793033
    And people here frequently alters the pics to post it again and again, trolling the poor robot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:52:15 No.9793035
    And do you not realize that's exactly what they're trying to accomplish?

    You can pull "LOL I TROLL U" all day.
    >> YotsubaSociety !AeplFc.SzM 06/29/10(Tue)20:53:14 No.9793048
    Now, let me introduce you a bit of truth of how the invitation happened. The invitation was meant to be for /adv/ but one of the posters in the thread that was the prelude to the invitation typed in /r9k/ by mistake. But it was too late, and as they say "the wheels have already been set in motion."

    The invitation and it's effects lasted for a week.

    /b/tards did not get to use their recurrent meme BS, some of them were uninterested, some users were effectively pulled out of /b/ and discovered that there "was more than one board on 4chan", and some users were assimilated. The invitation had a silver lining it flushed out the relationshit for a while into /adv/
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:54:05 No.9793057
    Poor Robot OverIord.
    You bastards.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:55:30 No.9793070
    I like the gangbang of whining. It's where I can come and let off all that built up shit I have brewing about the opposite of sex or people I hate and have proper discussions rather than LOL MEME.
    It might be whining but it makes me happy, I'm just glad it's gone back to how it used to be after the invitation
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:56:05 No.9793075
    So, what songs would you fuck if given the chance?
    I'd fuck any song by Miley Cyrus. I'd hit those sweet tight and virginal notes so hard.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/29/10(Tue)20:56:19 No.9793079
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    >implying content over memegenerator bullshit is bad
    Are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:56:32 No.9793081
    >hes trolling you all and none of you get it

    I do get that, that doesn't make me ok with it.

    Same as when he made sticky posts and when retards answered BECAUSE HE IS THE FUCKING ADMIN AND HE MADE A STICKY POST he then goes all "lol I troll u".

    Moot isn't smart or anything. People give him too much credit.

    I am >>9792773 by the way.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:57:41 No.9793094

    No, but in all seriousness. Our board is a bit boring. We don't do much. At least pre-/adv/ we could watch people bitch about relationship issues, and we could all have a nice nerd thread every so often about something (without dealing with /v/ or /g/, ick)

    Now all we do is camwhore, talk about ideal mates, and set up chess games.

    Oh and think how hot Cyan is....

    But that may just be me.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:58:17 No.9793102
    of course its not what theyre trying to accomplish. the only people complaining about it are pussy little bitches that feel personally insulted because of some inferiority complex and an imaginary 'bond' with moot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)20:58:48 No.9793109
    Did... did they cross over? I want literary camwhores... I want an excuse to post my penis in Ulysses.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/29/10(Tue)20:59:27 No.9793118
    Also, using 'cancerous' to describe content on /r9k/ is /b/ shit.
    Go back there for that.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:00:14 No.9793130
    Well, obviously, but it's still fairly easy to pull the "I WAS JUST TROLLING YOU GUYS, CHILL" card on pretty much anything.

    Fuck, that didn't even make sense.
    >> Just Another Cashew Tree !!MUyVFNoKnfn 06/29/10(Tue)21:00:51 No.9793143
    I don't understand why do people cares so much about the damn board name; as if we should look better than other boards.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:01:26 No.9793154
    My two thoughts:

    1) The board has been normalfagged up. Users no longer react with hostility to femanons who drag attention to their sex.

    2) I used to like the fact that I could read a good thread on /r9k/ at, go to bed, and then get up the next morning and refresh for new posts in it. Now the board moves too fucking fast for that, and topics purge more frequently.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:01:40 No.9793158
    I used to hang out at /b/ maybe once or twice a month, couldn't deal with that shithole every day, but it was amusing at times, then I discovered /r9k/ and now I come to 4chan on an everyday basis. Why here? /r9k/ is pretty much /b/ with less faggotry. It's all about the OC.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:01:55 No.9793163
    Hah. I've been here since someplace around 50,000 posts. What you faggots have managed to turn this board into is, frankly, astounding.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:02:25 No.9793172
    Shut up, I think I used it validly; you were fucking there when the camwhore threads got out of fucking control if I remember right, "cancerous" would be a pretty accurate way to describe it; don't try to give me the "HURRRR HE USED THAT WORD HE MUST BE A /B/TARDDD" thing to undermine my argument.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:02:51 No.9793180
    If anything, I see point 1 as being more prominent these days. I agree with 2 though.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:03:56 No.9793195

    yes i whole heartedly agree that he isnt that smart and gets too much credit. have you seen his TED interview? to be honest its probably one of the least insightful TED interviews ive seen to date. to be fair he isnt a scientist like a lot of people hosting talks, but neither is ze frank - another internet 'celebrity' and he did a great talk.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:05:14 No.9793212
    I preferred it when this board was still starting out, back when they started calling us Gentlemen rather than Robots, when the misogyny was at a minimum as was the relationshit, plus the sticky was still up with the robot and the rules, and it was all still a bit of a novelty.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:05:30 No.9793218
    But i think you're missing the point of the board entirely

    We really tried to move ourselves away from that.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/29/10(Tue)21:05:58 No.9793224
    I've never had that problem with threads moving too quickly. This isn't like /v/ or /b/.
    Hey, fuck you. Who made you the master of what's content and what isnt?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:07:23 No.9793250

    Oh so what you mean is moot can pull whatever dick move he wants to piss us off just cause we're /r9k/ and then call it trolling for lulz?

    yes. fair call. he's a dick. but meh. watcha gonna do about it?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:08:40 No.9793262
    Nope, I really don't think I missed the point. These are my posts:

    I used the word "cancerous" because it's the best word to describe the ever-worsening situation of this board. And in any case, the whole point of this board was to be what /b/ was not; a board for original content.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:08:53 No.9793265
    Remember the 'porn so good you bookmarked it' thread?

    It stayed here for a solid 5 days at least.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:09:07 No.9793269
    BAHAHAHA you people complain about the name of the board, but look at what this thread has dissolved into. a 'gangbang of whining' one might be excused for saying?
    >> YotsubaSociety !AeplFc.SzM 06/29/10(Tue)21:12:49 No.9793328
    There was one thread in 2008 that lasted for days too. It was a thread full of links of interesting sites. One anon in the thread posted a reply that says "This is the thread that never ends" over and over again.

    I still have that thread in the archives.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:14:24 No.9793347
    >Hey, fuck you. Who made you the master of what's content and what isnt?

    Har har har. I never said that, but I did say I was majorly pissed off by the constant whining, camwhoring, etc, as a lot of people are. I described it with a word and you immediately accuse me of chronic /b/tardism, I say that it is not the case and you lash out.

    I guess in a sense, you are right, normality is a majoritary concept after all, and if the current majority is something I consider retarded.. then I might just don't feel like browsing this site anymore. Hey, thanks for the epiphany, good show, have a nice life =).
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:18:35 No.9793398
    I headed here post-invitation.
    At first, it was too slow and meh-ish.
    Then /b/ kept spiralling toward the deepest pit of hell, so I jumped ship and explore /r9k/ more.
    I found it to be far more intellectual and easier to keep up with.
    Every time I accidentally click /b/, I get scared and wonder "OH GOD NOT MY /r9k/ TOO"
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:18:57 No.9793403
    >I used the word "cancerous" because it's the best word to describe the ever-worsening situation of this board

    But that's a /b/ thing. It's a word made by /b/. Lets leave it there.

    Again, it's like most things about /b/ or sometimes 4chan in general. They should stay there.

    I mean, i browse 420chans /crops/

    It's a very different place over there, they talk like what i considered pre-invite /r9k/ to be, respect, all the time.

    But i see some /b/tard weedsmoker coming over

    It hurts me to read stuff like that. IT HURTS. Again. /b/ we leave at /b/.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:20:06 No.9793419
    rofl. (no better words could have actually come to mind)

    That sometimes happens with me and /mu/

    It's somewhat funny and shocking to me.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/29/10(Tue)21:20:45 No.9793431
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    Pic related, its you. Shave your neckbeard and come back to earth with the rest of us.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:20:51 No.9793433
    I like this board a lot. As long as you avoid subjects like women and sex and stuff, you can have a pretty cool swapping of stories or a fairly intelligent discussion without it getting really silly.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:22:19 No.9793463
    i left as soon as moot's little invitation happened. just recently started poking my head in again because i'm bored with the other boards.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:22:46 No.9793473
    I am here because /b/ is, after four years, no longer any kind of entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:24:19 No.9793499
    What? You don't like the 'friday night camwhores' as i deemed them?

    I mean seriously, a solid half the of the threads there are naked chicks with timestamps on friday.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:24:49 No.9793512
    I feel like it's dissolving. With the running out of tripfags (4chanapff, 1, Qes) and women (1), you guys wonder why you're so alone, but you hate people who try to make this place friendlier.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:27:14 No.9793550
    I wanted to like 4chanapff

    But he really brought in everything that was what our banes were

    Attention whoring, camwhoring, etc.

    But really, his skype threads were quite good and effective. The evolution of the hook-up if you will.

    I mean, the one thing i condoned that gave people to people was hook ups.

    Only because it was a through the board vs on it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:27:52 No.9793566
    I like the tripfags. There were a lot more tripfag circlejerk threads before, too.
    Camel is probably going to be targeted next, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:29:10 No.9793593
    I just realised /r9k/ is just one large mafia game.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:29:47 No.9793603
    I liked them too. I talked to a bunch of them frequently, a lot of them were really nice people off of 4chan.

    I hope she isn't. She's a really sweet girl.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:32:07 No.9793622

    I play GW with roland, he's quite a cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:32:13 No.9793623
    This. The people bitching don't know how to skip over stuff they don't like. They fall into the same trap that center-rightists do, that if something offends them, they have the right to tell them to SHUT UP. There's a lot of good stuff to be found on this board.
    >> !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 06/29/10(Tue)21:32:59 No.9793633
    Good tripfags hang around, though. For example, infinity squared. That guy is fucking awesome, and will never be run out of town so long as he visits here by free will.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:33:07 No.9793636
    I remember I used to come here mostly for the political discussions. I always hated the relationshit/advice stuff, and I'm glad most of it is gone now.

    I'm not even sure why I still come to this board now that the news board has been reinstated. I guess it's just out of habit.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:33:55 No.9793649
    You, on the other hand, are an asshole. I still don't want to see you run out, but I really don't like you.

    I don't get the tripfag hate though. We're all people hiding behind computers, so what if they want a name?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:33:58 No.9793653
    turning into /b/ slowly but surly well its becoming more obvious every week
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:34:17 No.9793658
    whelp, it used to have around the same proportion of shitty:good threads, it just moved slower.

    and the even the shitty threads were much more interesting and unique than they are now.

    we didnt have any post ending in... shit like we do now, then. and thats what used to make the board great.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:34:53 No.9793667
    Yeah there's been a definite decrease in camwhoring and relationshit threads.
    >> secret agent SALAMANDER JONES !!aQAzEi4QfEv 06/29/10(Tue)21:35:42 No.9793676
    it's more or less the same as before
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:36:24 No.9793690
    well, i only came here to check it out after my boyfriend said he liked it better than /b/.. and since then, i've pretty much preferred it over /b/. i used to frequent it so much, but it's all about /r9k/ now.
    >> DUNDUN !!S5qksF426tJ 06/29/10(Tue)21:36:25 No.9793691
    Because i wanted to know if there were real robots here. There was sadly no robots. But i found my home on 4chan <3 Been here for 4 or 5 months, so im a /r9k/ newfag but at least i even fucking came here
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:36:37 No.9793696
    Its kind of better. Less relationshit at least.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)21:36:48 No.9793699
    I'm thinking about getting a trip for myself (no name), but there are a lot of things I end up regretting I said so I've decided against it time and time again.

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